We have the honour to welcome these outstanding ladies and gentlemen for keynotes at REAL CORP 2025:
- Bruno BUCHBERGER, Professor Emeritus of Computer Mathematics at Johannes Kepler University; Linz, Austria
On the Path to a Conscious Natural Society: Science and Meditation - Trynos GUMBO, Professor of Smart and Sustainable Cities and Regions, Head of School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, University of Johannesburg, Department of Urban and Regional Planning; Johannesburg, South Africa
Challenges and Perspectives of Urban Planning in the Global South - Petra HURTADO, Chief Foresight and Knowledge Officer of the American Planning Association; Chicago, USA
Planning with the Future - Martin MEMMEL, Head of Smart City Living Lab at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI); Kaiserslautern, Germany
Better Transformation through Technical Innovations? The Role of Digitalisation and AI in the Policy Cycle - Uwe TRATTNIG, University of Applied Sciences Joanneum; Graz, Austria
Energy Supply of Small and Medium-sized Cities using the Example of Graz – Current Status and Outlook of Electricity and Heat Supply - Simone BACK PROCHNOW, Architect, urban planner and researcher; Porto Alegre, Brazil
Fourth Nature – How the Planet can be Refurbished - Franz NAHRADA, Futurologist, Author; Bad Radkersburg, AT
What is In Situ Urbanisation? Or Should We Say: What Could it Be?