Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Fürst Elmar |
2010 |
Ernst Evelyn Susanne |
"Dream" Regional Planning – "Real" Estate Development
2012 |
Dopheide Ralf |
"Energy WITH Spirit" Facing Nowadays Challenges by Generating Sustainbale Energy in Solidary Energy Communities: First Project Insights
2023 |
Knoll Bente |
"Energy WITH Spirit" Facing Nowadays Challenges by Generating Sustainbale Energy in Solidary Energy Communities: First Project Insights
2023 |
Pfaschbacher-Zach Katharina |
"Energy WITH Spirit" Facing Nowadays Challenges by Generating Sustainbale Energy in Solidary Energy Communities: First Project Insights
2023 |
Renkin Agnes |
"Energy WITH Spirit" Facing Nowadays Challenges by Generating Sustainbale Energy in Solidary Energy Communities: First Project Insights
2023 |
Schwab Dieter |
"Pedestrianize Your City" – Elemente und Vorteile einer Fußgängerstrategie sowie eines Fußgängerchecks für Ihre Stadt
2012 |
Strasser Martina |
"Pedestrianize Your City" – Elemente und Vorteile einer Fußgängerstrategie sowie eines Fußgängerchecks für Ihre Stadt
2012 |
Hofstetter Kurt |
"Smart City Wien": Vienna's Stepping Stone into the European Future of Technology and Climate
2011 |
Vogl Alexandra |
"Smart City Wien": Vienna's Stepping Stone into the European Future of Technology and Climate
2011 |
Tillner Silja |
"Spaces-In-Between" – Reweaving the City along its Inner Edges
2012 |
Bornhorst Judith |
"What is planning for?" Die Evaluation von strategischer Stadtentwicklungsplanung am Beispiel Wohnen
2014 |
Samad Dazilah |
'Culture of Legibility' as a Complementary Approach to Site Planning for Southeast Asian Cities: A Case Study of Kuala Lumpur
2009 |
Steckerl Susanne |
„Stadt-Raum-Strategien“: Innovationsfelder für resiliente Stadtentwicklung
2018 |
Barboric Blaz |
“Attractive Danube” – Improving Capacities for Enhancing Territorial Attractiveness of the Danube Region
2017 |
Zivkovic Ljiljana |
“Attractive Danube” – Improving Capacities for Enhancing Territorial Attractiveness of the Danube Region
2017 |
Dong Wei |
“Context” Thinking of Contemporary Urban History Space under the Basis of Enlightenment of Chinese Traditional Cultural Philology – Taking West Expansion Plan of Tianyi Pavilion as an Example
2015 |
Yan Wei |
“Context” Thinking of Contemporary Urban History Space under the Basis of Enlightenment of Chinese Traditional Cultural Philology – Taking West Expansion Plan of Tianyi Pavilion as an Example
2015 |
Kaneda Toshiyuki |
“Sidewalk” as a Realm of Users' Interactions: Simulating Pedestrians' Densities at a Commercial Street in Cairo City
2016 |
Magdy Hussam |
“Sidewalk” as a Realm of Users' Interactions: Simulating Pedestrians' Densities at a Commercial Street in Cairo City
2016 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Shohmitsu Masahiro |
“Sidewalk” as a Realm of Users' Interactions: Simulating Pedestrians' Densities at a Commercial Street in Cairo City
2016 |
Wibig Krzysztof |
“Ugly Truth” about Social Participation on the Example of First Woonerf in Poland
2017 |
Gwechenberger Marcus |
Öffentlich-private Kooperation bei der Stadtentwicklung. Aktuelle Erkenntnisse aus den Metropolregionen Rhein-Main und Rhein-Neckar.
2007 |
Schroth Olaf |
Öffentliche Internetzugangs- und Lernorte als Bestandteil der sozialen Stadtteilentwicklung - Die Rolle der Planer/-innen bei der Gestaltung einer sozial gerechten und für alle zugänglichen Informationsgesellschaft
2002 |
Brocza Ulrike |
Öffentliche Verkehrsmanagement-Strategien und private Mobilitätsservices: Lösungsinseln in Konkurrenz oder Synergien durch Kollaboration?
2016 |
Kollarits Stefan |
Öffentliche Verkehrsmanagement-Strategien und private Mobilitätsservices: Lösungsinseln in Konkurrenz oder Synergien durch Kollaboration?
2016 |
Stergar Michael |
Öffentliche Verwaltung im Web - Chance – nicht Alibi!
1998 |
Gartlehner Johann |
Ökonomische Wettbewerbsfähigkeit durch ökologische Transporte im Schienengüterverkehr
2002 |
Einig Klaus |
Ökonomisierung des raumplanerischen Instrumentariums als Reformansatz - Das Beispiel handelbarer Versiegelungsrechte
1999 |
Lechner Robert |
Ökoplan Weiz - ein Kommunikations- und Planungsinstrument für das kommunale Umweltmanagement
2001 |
Stafler Georg |
Ökoplan Weiz - ein Kommunikations- und Planungsinstrument für das kommunale Umweltmanagement
2001 |
Frantz Hans-Georg |
Ökotopia - Multidimensional Cities need Multidimensional Data
2014 |
Kment Eliette |
ÖRK2001: Das österreichische Raumentwicklungskonzept
2002 |
Gartner Georg |
ÖROK-ATLAS online (Atlas-Informationssystem Austria)
2005 |
Kriz Karel |
ÖROK-ATLAS online (Atlas-Informationssystem Austria)
2005 |
Spanring Christian |
ÖROK-ATLAS online (Atlas-Informationssystem Austria)
2005 |
Krenn Marcus |
Über die Befindlichkeit einer Großstadt unter dem Aspekt des Durchfilmens
2005 |
Krenn Rüdiger |
Über die Befindlichkeit einer Großstadt unter dem Aspekt des Durchfilmens
2005 |
Eicher Harald |
Überörtliche Verkehrsentflechtung in Zentralkärnten – Realitätsdruck versus Machbarkeitsstudien im Rückblick
2010 |
Ruch Alexander |
Überbauungsordnungen durch Kooperation von Staat und Privaten
2007 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Henckel Dietrich |
Überlegungen zu einer Raumzeitpolitik
2003 |
Spiegel Thomas |
Überregionale Mobilitätserhebungen: Organisations- und Finanzierungsformen
1998 |
Benner Joachim |
Übertragung von Geometrie und Semantik aus IFC-Gebäudemodellen in 3D-Stadtmodelle
2004 |
Leinemann Klaus |
Übertragung von Geometrie und Semantik aus IFC-Gebäudemodellen in 3D-Stadtmodelle
2004 |
Ludwig Arnold |
Übertragung von Geometrie und Semantik aus IFC-Gebäudemodellen in 3D-Stadtmodelle
2004 |
Cerreta Maria |
'Green Urban Catalyst': An Ex Post Evaluation of Sustainability Practices
2009 |
Salzano Ilaria |
'Green Urban Catalyst': An Ex Post Evaluation of Sustainability Practices
2009 |
Calzada Igor |
(Un)Plugging Smart Cities with Urban Transformations
2016 |
Lipp Torsten |
(Web) GIS Anwendung in der kommunalen Landschaftsplanung - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
2003 |
Bautz Nadja |
+pol – Multimodale Mobilitätsstationen am Beispiel der Stadt Freiburg im Breisgau
2011 |
Zeile Peter |
+pol – Multimodale Mobilitätsstationen am Beispiel der Stadt Freiburg im Breisgau
2011 |
Berchtold Martin |
1, 2, ... ? Scheibenhardt? - Raumgerüst Region Karlsruhe 2030 Konzepte für eine gestaltende und langfristig haltbare Regionalplanung
2005 |
Durban Christoph |
1, 2, ... ? Scheibenhardt? - Raumgerüst Region Karlsruhe 2030 Konzepte für eine gestaltende und langfristig haltbare Regionalplanung
2005 |
Krass Philipp |
1, 2, ... ? Scheibenhardt? - Raumgerüst Region Karlsruhe 2030 Konzepte für eine gestaltende und langfristig haltbare Regionalplanung
2005 |
Lang Markus |
1, 2, ... ? Scheibenhardt? - Raumgerüst Region Karlsruhe 2030 Konzepte für eine gestaltende und langfristig haltbare Regionalplanung
2005 |
Börner Wolfgang |
2000 Jahre Stadtplanung (Stadtarchäologie und digitale Welt)
2001 |
Gross Robert |
2000 Jahre Stadtplanung (Stadtarchäologie und digitale Welt)
2001 |
Kobermaier Franz |
2000 Jahre Stadtplanung (Stadtarchäologie und digitale Welt)
2001 |
Hocevar Andreas |
3 Jahre GIS in der Raumplanung – ein Werkstattbericht
1999 |
Koblmüller Manfred |
3 Jahre GIS in der Raumplanung – ein Werkstattbericht
1999 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Berger Martin |
3-Plus der Initiierung und Umsetzung smarter Mobilitätslösungen: Die Gunst der Stunde nutzen!
2012 |
Bergmann Ulrich |
3-Plus der Initiierung und Umsetzung smarter Mobilitätslösungen: Die Gunst der Stunde nutzen!
2012 |
Frewein Markus |
3-Plus der Initiierung und Umsetzung smarter Mobilitätslösungen: Die Gunst der Stunde nutzen!
2012 |
Platzer Mario |
3-Plus der Initiierung und Umsetzung smarter Mobilitätslösungen: Die Gunst der Stunde nutzen!
2012 |
Döllner Jürgen |
3D City Model Visualization with Cartography-Oriented Design
2008 |
Jobst Markus |
3D City Model Visualization with Cartography-Oriented Design
2008 |
Borovsky Peter |
3D Multimedia Historic Bratislava
2008 |
Ferko Andrej |
3D Multimedia Historic Bratislava
2008 |
Lacko Jan |
3D Multimedia Historic Bratislava
2008 |
Novotny Matej |
3D Multimedia Historic Bratislava
2008 |
Samuelcik Martin |
3D Multimedia Historic Bratislava
2008 |
Stanek Stanislav |
3D Multimedia Historic Bratislava
2008 |
Kuffer Monika |
3D Noise Modeling for Urban Environmental Planning and Management
2008 |
Kurakula Vinay Kumar |
3D Noise Modeling for Urban Environmental Planning and Management
2008 |
Hofmann Thomas |
3D visualisation of Vienna's subsurface
2004 |
Pfleger Sebastian |
3D visualisation of Vienna's subsurface
2004 |
Gartner Georg |
3D-Kartographie als Voraussetzung für besser verständliche Präsentationen raumbezogener Informationen
2002 |
Heisler Mario |
3D-Kartographie als Voraussetzung für besser verständliche Präsentationen raumbezogener Informationen
2002 |
Jobst Markus |
3D-Kartographie als Voraussetzung für besser verständliche Präsentationen raumbezogener Informationen
2002 |
Hackl Markus |
2007 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Navratil Gerhard |
2007 |
Klocker Thomas |
3D-Simulationsmodelle als innovatives Werkzeug in der Verkehrsplanung
2002 |
Lorber Günther |
3D-Stadtmodell Graz Anforderungen, Ansprüche, Anwendungen
1997 |
Luser Hansjörg |
3D-Stadtmodell Graz Anforderungen, Ansprüche, Anwendungen
1997 |
Poesch Tony |
3D-Stadtmodell-Generierung aus kommunalen Geodaten und benutzerspezifische Echtzeitvisualisierung mit Hilfe von Game-Engine-Techniken
2005 |
Schildwächter Ralph |
3D-Stadtmodell-Generierung aus kommunalen Geodaten und benutzerspezifische Echtzeitvisualisierung mit Hilfe von Game-Engine-Techniken
2005 |
Zeile Peter |
3D-Stadtmodell-Generierung aus kommunalen Geodaten und benutzerspezifische Echtzeitvisualisierung mit Hilfe von Game-Engine-Techniken
2005 |
Steidler Franz |
3D-Stadtmodelle mit dem CyberCity Modeler – Generierung und Echtzeitbegehung
2002 |
Snizek Bernhard | - an interactive, web based 4D public participation tool
2003 |
Fellendorf Martin |
4D-Verkehrsmodelle: Lösungen entwickeln und vermitteln
2003 |
Haupt Thomas |
4D-Verkehrsmodelle: Lösungen entwickeln und vermitteln
2003 |
Lee Sunju |
4thNature – Ambient Assisted Urban Resources. Wie Green Cities nachhaltig befördert werden können
2010 |
Pietsch Jürgen |
4thNature – Ambient Assisted Urban Resources. Wie Green Cities nachhaltig befördert werden können
2010 |
Berchtold Martin |
50.000 – Raumbilder für Mittelstädte aus Open-Data-basierten Analyse- und Entwurfsexperimenten
2019 |
Mereu Anania |
A Back Step before Proposing Smart Interventions. Fitting People Needs with Innovations
2014 |
Farr Eric |
A City Re-mix vs. Re-mixing Cities: Interactive Cities, Zipped Regions and Regional Coalition, the Case of Orange County (OC) as an Exemplar of Regional Coalition Model
2012 |
Piroozfar Poorang |
A City Re-mix vs. Re-mixing Cities: Interactive Cities, Zipped Regions and Regional Coalition, the Case of Orange County (OC) as an Exemplar of Regional Coalition Model
2012 |
Inkinen Tommi |
A city revised: representing or recreating the urban space as a polygon experience
2001 |
Boham Ernest Shamorine |
A Comparative Analysis on the Impact of Culture, Norms and Attitudes on the Adoption of Eco-Friendly Transportation in Mannheim and Tokyo
2024 |
Kaufmann Hans Rüdiger |
A Comparative Analysis on the Impact of Culture, Norms and Attitudes on the Adoption of Eco-Friendly Transportation in Mannheim and Tokyo
2024 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Arnberger Arne |
A comparison of static and dynamic visual research methods for assessing respondents' preferences of social trail use condition as a basis for recreation trail planning in urban areas
2007 |
Reichhart Thomas |
A comparison of static and dynamic visual research methods for assessing respondents' preferences of social trail use condition as a basis for recreation trail planning in urban areas
2007 |
Harnoncourt Max |
A Concept of Geo-Facts for Online Discourse in “Postfactual” Times in the Context of Spatial Planning
2018 |
Navratil Gerhard |
A Concept of Geo-Facts for Online Discourse in “Postfactual” Times in the Context of Spatial Planning
2018 |
Khalilnezhad Seyed Taher |
A Conceptual Framework for the Utilisation of ICT in Participatory Planning
2019 |
Vloebergh Guy |
A Continuous Process with a Strong Vision and Frame can Deal with Transformation and Changes
2011 |
Burdakov Stanislav |
A Core of Robotics Intelligence. A âGreen Buttonâ Idea
2023 |
Burdakov Stanislav |
A Core of Robotics Intelligence. A âGreen Buttonâ Idea
2023 |
Burdakov Stanislav |
A Core of Robotics Intelligence. A âGreen Buttonâ Idea
2023 |
Burdakov Stanislav |
A Core of Robotics Intelligence. A âGreen Buttonâ Idea
2023 |
Elisei Pietro |
A Core of Robotics Intelligence. A âGreen Buttonâ Idea
2023 |
Popovich Tatiana |
A Core of Robotics Intelligence. A âGreen Buttonâ Idea
2023 |
Popovich Vasily |
A Core of Robotics Intelligence. A âGreen Buttonâ Idea
2023 |
Schrenk Manfred |
A Core of Robotics Intelligence. A âGreen Buttonâ Idea
2023 |
Zagvozdkin Artem |
A Core of Robotics Intelligence. A âGreen Buttonâ Idea
2023 |
Pojani Dorina |
A Critical Deconstruction of the Concept of Transit Oriented Development (TOD)
2016 |
Stead Dominic |
A Critical Deconstruction of the Concept of Transit Oriented Development (TOD)
2016 |
Gondo Tendayi |
A Cut Perspective on New Technologies for Improved Municipal Asset Management in Urban Ethiopia
2011 |
Mangels Kirsten |
A Diagnosis Tool for Small and Medium Sized Cities on their Way to an "InnoCité"
2010 |
Schrader-Bölsche Nadine |
A Diagnosis Tool for Small and Medium Sized Cities on their Way to an "InnoCité"
2010 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Dewaelheyns Valerie |
A Different Perspective on Garden Grabbing: Mapping the Adaptive Capacity of Home Food Production
2015 |
Lerouge Frederik |
A Different Perspective on Garden Grabbing: Mapping the Adaptive Capacity of Home Food Production
2015 |
Rogge Elke |
A Different Perspective on Garden Grabbing: Mapping the Adaptive Capacity of Home Food Production
2015 |
Vranken Liesbet |
A Different Perspective on Garden Grabbing: Mapping the Adaptive Capacity of Home Food Production
2015 |
Liu Yecheng |
A Digital System for the Monitoring of Historic and Cultural Districts based upon the Reflections of their Conservation Practice in China
2015 |
Shang Jin |
A Digital System for the Monitoring of Historic and Cultural Districts based upon the Reflections of their Conservation Practice in China
2015 |
Wu Qilin |
A Digital System for the Monitoring of Historic and Cultural Districts based upon the Reflections of their Conservation Practice in China
2015 |
Zhang Gong |
A Digital System for the Monitoring of Historic and Cultural Districts based upon the Reflections of their Conservation Practice in China
2015 |
Elhagla Khaled |
A Framework for an Effective Public Participation Process in the Urban Development of City Centers â the Case of Alexandria, Egypt
2021 |
Okacha Lojaina |
A Framework for an Effective Public Participation Process in the Urban Development of City Centers â the Case of Alexandria, Egypt
2021 |
Saadallah Dina |
A Framework for an Effective Public Participation Process in the Urban Development of City Centers â the Case of Alexandria, Egypt
2021 |
Banerjee Arpita |
A Geo-Spatial Information Model for Rurban Planning
2019 |
Khurana Kusum Lata |
A Geo-Spatial Information Model for Rurban Planning
2019 |
Prasad Mahavir |
A Geo-Spatial Information Model for Rurban Planning
2019 |
Liu Peng |
A Historic Institutionalist Research on the Protection of Plot Pattern in Chinese Historic Cities, taking Nanjing as an Example
2020 |
Kaufmann Hans Rüdiger |
A Mannheim Best Smart City Case: New Measuring System for the Complex Analysis of Spatially Distributed Environmental Data
2022 |
Raedle Matthias |
A Mannheim Best Smart City Case: New Measuring System for the Complex Analysis of Spatially Distributed Environmental Data
2022 |
Uensal-Peter Gamze |
A Mannheim Best Smart City Case: New Measuring System for the Complex Analysis of Spatially Distributed Environmental Data
2022 |
Walch Thomas |
A Mannheim Best Smart City Case: New Measuring System for the Complex Analysis of Spatially Distributed Environmental Data
2022 |
Westphal Danny |
A Mannheim Best Smart City Case: New Measuring System for the Complex Analysis of Spatially Distributed Environmental Data
2022 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Mamdoohi Amirreza |
A Mode Choice Model for the Elderly: Case of Mashhad City, Iran
2017 |
Naqavi Fatemeh |
A Mode Choice Model for the Elderly: Case of Mashhad City, Iran
2017 |
Las Casas Giuseppe |
A model for the assessment of Strategic Policy Documents impact on urban and environmental planning
2007 |
Murgante Beniamino |
A model for the assessment of Strategic Policy Documents impact on urban and environmental planning
2007 |
Czerkauer-Yamu Claudia |
A Multifractal Approach for a Sustainable Planning Strategy from a Regional to an Architectural Scale
2010 |
Prändl-Zika Veronika |
A multifunctional agriculture for China. Sustainability aspects considering the spatial dimension
2006 |
Geib Judith |
A New Adaptation Strategy to Changing Local Climatic Conditions in Urban Areas? The Use of Leaf-Turning Tree Species
2024 |
Henninger Sascha |
A New Adaptation Strategy to Changing Local Climatic Conditions in Urban Areas? The Use of Leaf-Turning Tree Species
2024 |
Bergner Benjamin |
A New Approach in the Visualization of Georeferenced Sensor Data in Spatial Planning
2013 |
Exner Jan-Philipp |
A New Approach in the Visualization of Georeferenced Sensor Data in Spatial Planning
2013 |
Michel Frank |
A New Approach in the Visualization of Georeferenced Sensor Data in Spatial Planning
2013 |
Steffen Daniel |
A New Approach in the Visualization of Georeferenced Sensor Data in Spatial Planning
2013 |
Zeile Peter |
A New Approach in the Visualization of Georeferenced Sensor Data in Spatial Planning
2013 |
Vanista Lazarevic Eva |
A New Tool for Assessment of Contextuality of Architecture
2015 |
Vukmirovic Milena |
A New Tool for Assessment of Contextuality of Architecture
2015 |
Exner Jan-Philipp |
A New Urban Sensing and Monitoring Approach: Tagging the City with the RADAR SENSING App
2012 |
Memmel Martin |
A New Urban Sensing and Monitoring Approach: Tagging the City with the RADAR SENSING App
2012 |
Zeile Peter |
A New Urban Sensing and Monitoring Approach: Tagging the City with the RADAR SENSING App
2012 |
Chen Yifan |
A Pilot Experiment on Affective Multiple Biosensory Mapping for Possible Application to Visual Resource Analysis and Smart Urban Landscape Design
2016 |
Chen Zheng |
A Pilot Experiment on Affective Multiple Biosensory Mapping for Possible Application to Visual Resource Analysis and Smart Urban Landscape Design
2016 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
He Xiaofan |
A Pilot Experiment on Affective Multiple Biosensory Mapping for Possible Application to Visual Resource Analysis and Smart Urban Landscape Design
2016 |
Schulz Sebastian |
A Pilot Experiment on Affective Multiple Biosensory Mapping for Possible Application to Visual Resource Analysis and Smart Urban Landscape Design
2016 |
Jamshidzadeh Ebrahim |
A Place for Living, the Role of Municipalities in Urban Regeneration – a Case Study from Tehran, Iran
2011 |
Yahyapoor Mahdi |
A Place for Living, the Role of Municipalities in Urban Regeneration – a Case Study from Tehran, Iran
2011 |
Kim Hyun Soo |
A Planning Support System as a Tool for Sustainable Urban Planning
2012 |
Kim Yeon Mee |
A Planning Support System as a Tool for Sustainable Urban Planning
2012 |
Chang Hsueh-Sheng |
A Preliminary Study of the Impact of Urban Energy Consumption with Urban Form in Taiwan
2012 |
Chen Chin-Ying |
A Preliminary Study of the Impact of Urban Energy Consumption with Urban Form in Taiwan
2012 |
Franchini Teresa |
A Prospective Approach for Cities in Transformation: Vision of the Leipzig Charter in the Light of the Covid-19 Experience
2021 |
Ryser Judith |
A Prospective Approach for Cities in Transformation: Vision of the Leipzig Charter in the Light of the Covid-19 Experience
2021 |
Jach Artur |
A Shift from 2D Design Paradigm of the 19th Century to 3D/CityGML, BIM, 3D Printing and Some of Smarter Cities in Poland
2016 |
Lach Robert |
A Shift from 2D Design Paradigm of the 19th Century to 3D/CityGML, BIM, 3D Printing and Some of Smarter Cities in Poland
2016 |
Lessaer Jan |
A Shift from 2D Design Paradigm of the 19th Century to 3D/CityGML, BIM, 3D Printing and Some of Smarter Cities in Poland
2016 |
Lessaer Stasislaw |
A Shift from 2D Design Paradigm of the 19th Century to 3D/CityGML, BIM, 3D Printing and Some of Smarter Cities in Poland
2016 |
Nawrocki Krzysztof |
A Shift from 2D Design Paradigm of the 19th Century to 3D/CityGML, BIM, 3D Printing and Some of Smarter Cities in Poland
2016 |
Sobieraj Leszek |
A Shift from 2D Design Paradigm of the 19th Century to 3D/CityGML, BIM, 3D Printing and Some of Smarter Cities in Poland
2016 |
Zbyszewski Boguslaw |
A Shift from 2D Design Paradigm of the 19th Century to 3D/CityGML, BIM, 3D Printing and Some of Smarter Cities in Poland
2016 |
Kaneda Toshiyuki |
A Simulation of Land Use/Cover Change for Urbanization on Chennai Metropolitan Area, India
2014 |
Vijayalakshmi Rajendran |
A Simulation of Land Use/Cover Change for Urbanization on Chennai Metropolitan Area, India
2014 |
Safey Eldeen Heba |
A Smart "Cairo" in the Making: A Strategic Approach towards a Better Quality of Life
2014 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Botticelli Martina |
A Smart Home Network for Proactive Users
2019 |
Dionisi Francesca |
A Smart Home Network for Proactive Users
2019 |
Monteriu Andrea |
A Smart Home Network for Proactive Users
2019 |
Romano Sabrina |
A Smart Home Network for Proactive Users
2019 |
Psenner Angelika |
A Smart Researching and Planning Tool for the Neuralgic Urban Zone: 3D-ZPA (Zusammenhängende Parterre-Aufnahme)
2014 |
Ayad Hany |
A Socio-ecological Approach to Assessing Physical Activities in Public Open Spaces of Alexandria City, Egypt
2018 |
El Mashak Esraa |
A Socio-ecological Approach to Assessing Physical Activities in Public Open Spaces of Alexandria City, Egypt
2018 |
Raslan Rania |
A Socio-ecological Approach to Assessing Physical Activities in Public Open Spaces of Alexandria City, Egypt
2018 |
García-Moruno Lorenzo |
A Spatial Assessment for Re-Mixing Buildings on the Rural Fringe of Spain
2012 |
Hernández-Blanco Julio |
A Spatial Assessment for Re-Mixing Buildings on the Rural Fringe of Spain
2012 |
Jeong Jin Su |
A Spatial Assessment for Re-Mixing Buildings on the Rural Fringe of Spain
2012 |
Munoz H. M. Esteban |
A Spatial Microsimulation Model for the Estimation of Heat Demand in Hamburg
2016 |
Hornis Willemieke |
A Spatial Planning and Design Approach to Smart Cities
2014 |
Kaneda Toshiyuki |
A Study on the Lifestyles and Daily Activities of Informal Settlers in Inner Kabul City
2016 |
Sahab Sofia |
A Study on the Lifestyles and Daily Activities of Informal Settlers in Inner Kabul City
2016 |
Akira Hoyano |
A Study on Thermal Comfortable following the Thermal Environment Migration in Detached Housing Area in Korea
2013 |
Jung Eung-Ho |
A Study on Thermal Comfortable following the Thermal Environment Migration in Detached Housing Area in Korea
2013 |
Kim Dae-Wuk |
A Study on Thermal Comfortable following the Thermal Environment Migration in Detached Housing Area in Korea
2013 |
Ryu Ji-Won |
A Study on Thermal Comfortable following the Thermal Environment Migration in Detached Housing Area in Korea
2013 |
Marconcini Mattia |
A Suite of Novel EO-Based Products in Support of Urban Green Planning
2016 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Metz Annekatrin |
A Suite of Novel EO-Based Products in Support of Urban Green Planning
2016 |
Emberger Guenter |
A System Dynamics Approach to Model Land-Use/Transport Interactions
2008 |
Haller Reinhard |
A System Dynamics Approach to Model Land-Use/Transport Interactions
2008 |
Mayerthaler Anna |
A System Dynamics Approach to Model Land-Use/Transport Interactions
2008 |
Fermi Francesca |
A System Dynamics Model of Mobility Vouchers for Implementing Urban Road Pricing
2008 |
Fiorello Davide |
A System Dynamics Model of Mobility Vouchers for Implementing Urban Road Pricing
2008 |
Martino Angelo |
A System Dynamics Model of Mobility Vouchers for Implementing Urban Road Pricing
2008 |
Dittfurth Jörn |
A Thematic Soil Plan for the City of Munich – Scopes and Limits of Soil Evaluation in Urban Planning Procedures
2007 |
Geitner Clemens |
A Thematic Soil Plan for the City of Munich – Scopes and Limits of Soil Evaluation in Urban Planning Procedures
2007 |
Stötter Johann |
A Thematic Soil Plan for the City of Munich – Scopes and Limits of Soil Evaluation in Urban Planning Procedures
2007 |
Tusch Markus |
A Thematic Soil Plan for the City of Munich – Scopes and Limits of Soil Evaluation in Urban Planning Procedures
2007 |
Gulinck Hubert |
A Toolkit for Resilience Evaluation of Land Use Alternatives in a Multifunctional Peri-Urban Landscape
2015 |
Lerouge Frederik |
A Toolkit for Resilience Evaluation of Land Use Alternatives in a Multifunctional Peri-Urban Landscape
2015 |
Vranken Liesbet |
A Toolkit for Resilience Evaluation of Land Use Alternatives in a Multifunctional Peri-Urban Landscape
2015 |
Beim Michal |
A Vision of Sustainability or Spatial Chaos? – Polish Spatial Planning and Arrangement Policy Dilemmas in Contemporary Theory, Legislation and Practice
2011 |
Modrzewski Bogusz |
A Vision of Sustainability or Spatial Chaos? – Polish Spatial Planning and Arrangement Policy Dilemmas in Contemporary Theory, Legislation and Practice
2011 |
Kaneda Toshiyuki |
A Visionary Study on Urban Neighbourhood Models in Kabul City Based on Actual Surveys
2014 |
Meziani Rim |
A Visionary Study on Urban Neighbourhood Models in Kabul City Based on Actual Surveys
2014 |
Sahab Sofia |
A Visionary Study on Urban Neighbourhood Models in Kabul City Based on Actual Surveys
2014 |
Gothe Kerstin |
Abandoned and Re-Used Churches in Germany
2013 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Netsch Stefan |
Abandoned and Re-Used Churches in Germany
2013 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
About Drugs in the Cities: Is there Something New?
2015 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
About Ecology in the City: an Attempt of Classification of the Political Trends
2021 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
About Historical Centers: Is the Trend Towards Decor Really Irresistible?
2013 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
About the Challenged Notion of "Curve of a City": the Example of the Pilgrimage of Lourdes (France)
2017 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
About the Impact of Information Technologies on the Atmosphere at the Workplace
2011 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
About the importance of organizational design in the telecommunications sector
2001 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
About the Transition to an Eco-Compatible Society: the Example of Urban Spread
2018 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
About the âSoundscapeâ: Are you a Pro or a Con?
2024 |
Bröthaler Johann |
Abschätzung der Auswirkungen der Flächenwidmungsplanung auf den Gemeindehaushalt - Integration von GIS und kommunaler Haushaltssimulation
1997 |
Pönitz Erwin |
Abschätzung der Auswirkungen der Flächenwidmungsplanung auf den Gemeindehaushalt - Integration von GIS und kommunaler Haushaltssimulation
1997 |
Winkelbauer Stefan |
Abschätzung der Auswirkungen der Flächenwidmungsplanung auf den Gemeindehaushalt - Integration von GIS und kommunaler Haushaltssimulation
1997 |
Gruber Rick |
Abschätzung der Auswirkungen von Verkehrssystemänderungen auf die räumliche Entwicklung mittels integrierter Verkehrs- und Raumnutzungsmodelle
1999 |
Zbinden René |
Abschätzung der Auswirkungen von Verkehrssystemänderungen auf die räumliche Entwicklung mittels integrierter Verkehrs- und Raumnutzungsmodelle
1999 |
Schröter Frank |
Abschätzung der Wirkungen von verkehrlichen Maßnahmen zur Reduktion der Umweltwirkungen des Verkehrs mit Hilfe der EDV
1999 |
Ottenburger Sadeeb |
Abstract Smart Space and Concrete Risks
2019 |
Ufer Ulrich |
Abstract Smart Space and Concrete Risks
2019 |
Ahmed Salman |
Acoustic Quality and Health in Urban Environments – The SALVE Project
2019 |
Gruehn Dietwald |
Acoustic Quality and Health in Urban Environments – The SALVE Project
2019 |
Haselhoff Timo |
Acoustic Quality and Health in Urban Environments – The SALVE Project
2019 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Lawrence Bryce |
Acoustic Quality and Health in Urban Environments – The SALVE Project
2019 |
Moebus Susanne |
Acoustic Quality and Health in Urban Environments – The SALVE Project
2019 |
Sutcliffe Robynne |
Acoustic Quality and Health in Urban Environments – The SALVE Project
2019 |
Hamdan Mays |
Activated Brownfield in Baghdad: Contaminated Sites as a Model
2019 |
Hussein Shaimaa |
Activated Brownfield in Baghdad: Contaminated Sites as a Model
2019 |
Anaya Esther |
Active Mobility – the New Health Trend in Smart Cities, or even More?
2017 |
de Nazelle Audrey |
Active Mobility – the New Health Trend in Smart Cities, or even More?
2017 |
Eriksson Ulf |
Active Mobility – the New Health Trend in Smart Cities, or even More?
2017 |
Gaupp-Berghausen Mailin |
Active Mobility – the New Health Trend in Smart Cities, or even More?
2017 |
Gerike Regine |
Active Mobility – the New Health Trend in Smart Cities, or even More?
2017 |
Horvath Ilonka |
Active Mobility – the New Health Trend in Smart Cities, or even More?
2017 |
Iacorossi Francesco |
Active Mobility – the New Health Trend in Smart Cities, or even More?
2017 |
Int Panis Luc |
Active Mobility – the New Health Trend in Smart Cities, or even More?
2017 |
Kahlmeier Sonja |
Active Mobility – the New Health Trend in Smart Cities, or even More?
2017 |
Mueller Natalie |
Active Mobility – the New Health Trend in Smart Cities, or even More?
2017 |
Nieuwenhuijsen Mark |
Active Mobility – the New Health Trend in Smart Cities, or even More?
2017 |
Raser Elisabeth |
Active Mobility – the New Health Trend in Smart Cities, or even More?
2017 |
Rojas Rueda David |
Active Mobility – the New Health Trend in Smart Cities, or even More?
2017 |
Rothballer Carsten |
Active Mobility – the New Health Trend in Smart Cities, or even More?
2017 |
Sanchez Julian |
Active Mobility – the New Health Trend in Smart Cities, or even More?
2017 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Wegener Sandra |
Active Mobility – the New Health Trend in Smart Cities, or even More?
2017 |
Amer Sherif |
Active Mobility as a Response to Physical Inactivity in Cities
2020 |
Arbab Parsa |
Active Mobility as a Response to Physical Inactivity in Cities
2020 |
Martinez Javier |
Active Mobility as a Response to Physical Inactivity in Cities
2020 |
Pfeffer Karin |
Active Mobility as a Response to Physical Inactivity in Cities
2020 |
Ketham Santosh Kumar |
Adaptive Architecture and Urbanism
2020 |
Decewicz Pawel |
Adding Value on Geospatial Data Infrastructure with CommunityViz. Future Growth Scenarios of local communities in suburb of Warsaw, Poland
2009 |
Economou Agisilaos |
Addressing Environmental Problems in the Coastal Urban Area of Attica
2012 |
Bailey Keiron |
Addressing the Arnstein Gap: improving public confidence in transportation planning and design through structured public involvement (SPI)
2006 |
Grossardt Ted |
Addressing the Arnstein Gap: improving public confidence in transportation planning and design through structured public involvement (SPI)
2006 |
Mauric Karel |
Adressgeokodierung bei der Österreichischen Post AG
2004 |
Gret-Regamey Adrienne |
Advanced analysis of spatial multi-functionality to determine regional potentials for renewable energies
2009 |
Wissen Ulrike |
Advanced analysis of spatial multi-functionality to determine regional potentials for renewable energies
2009 |
Dube Buhle |
African Cities in the Post-COVID-19 World: Interrogating the âForgotten Prioritiesâ of the Pandemic in the Informal Sector in Bulawayo Metropolis
2022 |
Gumbo Trynos |
African Cities in the Post-COVID-19 World: Interrogating the âForgotten Prioritiesâ of the Pandemic in the Informal Sector in Bulawayo Metropolis
2022 |
Ghonimi Islam |
Against the Great Divide between Theory and Practice, Gated Communities versus Urban Livability
2010 |
Khairy Mohamed |
Against the Great Divide between Theory and Practice, Gated Communities versus Urban Livability
2010 |
Soliman Mohamed |
Against the Great Divide between Theory and Practice, Gated Communities versus Urban Livability
2010 |
Zamly Hassan |
Against the Great Divide between Theory and Practice, Gated Communities versus Urban Livability
2010 |
Degros Aglaée |
Age-friendly Urban Living Environment and Quality of Public Space
2021 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Habe Nina Alisa |
Age-friendly Urban Living Environment and Quality of Public Space
2021 |
Lichtblau Andreas |
Age-friendly Urban Living Environment and Quality of Public Space
2021 |
Spellerberg Annette |
Ageing Smart â Digital Instruments in a Municipal Context: Data, Analyses and Strategies (not only) for Baby Boomers
2024 |
Loibl Wolfgang |
Agentenbasierte Simulation der suburbanen Siedlungsentwicklung (Flächenverbrauch und Verdichtung) ausgehend von Standortbedingungen und Wohnpräferenzen für den Stadt-Umlandbereich von Wien
2002 |
Tötzer Tanja |
Agentenbasierte Simulation der suburbanen Siedlungsentwicklung (Flächenverbrauch und Verdichtung) ausgehend von Standortbedingungen und Wohnpräferenzen für den Stadt-Umlandbereich von Wien
2002 |
Axmann Axel |
AGEO-MDS: Machbarkeitsstudie eines Geo-Metadatenservers in Österreich
2003 |
Hermann Sylvia |
Agrarlandschaftsplanung mit Hilfe eines GIS-gestützten Landschaftsmodells
1999 |
Wagner Klaus |
Agrarpolitik und integrierte Planung in Regionen des ehemaligen eisernen Vorhanges (Referenzregion Österreich-Ungarn)
2005 |
Di Lorenzo Agostino |
Agro-Cities as a Way to Counteract Urban Poverty
2018 |
Elisei Pietro |
Agro-Cities as a Way to Counteract Urban Poverty
2018 |
Gerundo Roberto |
Agro-Cities as a Way to Counteract Urban Poverty
2018 |
Leopa Sabina |
Agro-Cities as a Way to Counteract Urban Poverty
2018 |
Lopez Renata |
Agro-Cities as a Way to Counteract Urban Poverty
2018 |
Ažman Momirski Lucija |
Air-/Seaport Cities: On Metropolitan Territory of Hub Cities
2022 |
Pansinger Sanela |
Air-/Seaport Cities: On Metropolitan Territory of Hub Cities
2022 |
Allbach Benjamin |
Air-Based Mobile Urban Sensing — Copters as Sensor Carriers in Smart Cities
2016 |
Leiner Patrick |
Air-Based Mobile Urban Sensing — Copters as Sensor Carriers in Smart Cities
2016 |
Härtlein Gerald |
Air-City: Modular Pneumatic and Bionic Architecture for Buildings and Mobile Fairs
2010 |
Herzig Thomas |
Air-City: Modular Pneumatic and Bionic Architecture for Buildings and Mobile Fairs
2010 |
Farkas Andor |
AIRCLIP – Airports and Climate Protection: Best practices and successful strategies
2008 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Nitsch Daniel |
AIRCLIP – Airports and Climate Protection: Best practices and successful strategies
2008 |
Schrenk Manfred |
AIRCLIP – Airports and Climate Protection: Best practices and successful strategies
2008 |
Stein David A. |
AIRCLIP – Airports and Climate Protection: Best practices and successful strategies
2008 |
Wiltschko Gregor |
AIRCLIP – Airports and Climate Protection: Best practices and successful strategies
2008 |
Eizinger Christian |
AIRCLIP - Airports and climate protection: Best practices and future perspectives for reducing CO2 emissions of airports
2009 |
Farkas Paul Andor |
AIRCLIP - Airports and climate protection: Best practices and future perspectives for reducing CO2 emissions of airports
2009 |
Rüsch Stephanie |
AIRCLIP - Airports and climate protection: Best practices and future perspectives for reducing CO2 emissions of airports
2009 |
Schrenk Manfred |
AIRCLIP - Airports and climate protection: Best practices and future perspectives for reducing CO2 emissions of airports
2009 |
Wiltschko Gregor |
AIRCLIP - Airports and climate protection: Best practices and future perspectives for reducing CO2 emissions of airports
2009 |
Abdel-Salam Hassan |
Airflow in Urban Environment: an Approach to Improve Egyptian Buildings Regulations
2023 |
Elbadri Rana |
Airflow in Urban Environment: an Approach to Improve Egyptian Buildings Regulations
2023 |
Fikry Mohamed |
Airflow in Urban Environment: an Approach to Improve Egyptian Buildings Regulations
2023 |
Laistner Axel |
Airports and Sustainability – Potentials, Questions, Ways to the Future
2008 |
Prosperi David |
Airports as Centers of Economic Clusters: Evidence from Selected US Metropolitan Areas
2007 |
Knippenberger Ute |
Airports as initiators of regional visions: Balancing between hierarchical steering and governance? - Flughäfen als Initiatoren regionaler Raumleitbilder: Balance zwischen hoheitlicher Regelung und Governance?
2008 |
Lang Ottomar |
Aktuelle qualitative und volkswirtschaftliche Probleme zur Erarbeitung interdisziplinärer und nachvollziehbarer digitaler Entscheidungsgrundlagen für die Ressourcen-, Landschafts- und Raumplanung
1996 |
Pojani Dorina |
Albania in Transition: International Assistance for Roads but not Public Transport
2010 |
Braith Johannes |
alBOX: White Label Parcel Lockers as Sustainable Solution for Last Mile Delivery
2021 |
Clovis Seragiotto |
alBOX: White Label Parcel Lockers as Sustainable Solution for Last Mile Delivery
2021 |
Eitler Sandra |
alBOX: White Label Parcel Lockers as Sustainable Solution for Last Mile Delivery
2021 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Hauger Georg |
alBOX: White Label Parcel Lockers as Sustainable Solution for Last Mile Delivery
2021 |
Hohenecker Nina |
alBOX: White Label Parcel Lockers as Sustainable Solution for Last Mile Delivery
2021 |
Prandtstetter Matthias |
alBOX: White Label Parcel Lockers as Sustainable Solution for Last Mile Delivery
2021 |
Schodl Reinhold |
alBOX: White Label Parcel Lockers as Sustainable Solution for Last Mile Delivery
2021 |
Steinbauer Matthias |
alBOX: White Label Parcel Lockers as Sustainable Solution for Last Mile Delivery
2021 |
Lange Sandra |
Alpenquerender Güterverkehr - Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Umwegverkehrs
2007 |
Ruffini Flavio V. |
Alpenquerender Güterverkehr - Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Umwegverkehrs
2007 |
Andexlinger Wolfgang |
Alpine Stadt-Landschaften. Beobachtungen zur Rolle von Freiräumen im Tiroler Inntal aus Sicht des Landscape Urbanism
2013 |
Jauschneg Martina |
Alte Idee, neu gedacht: Grünraumspange Bisamberg – Gerasdorf – Norbert-Scheed-Wald
2018 |
Stockinger Christina |
Alte Idee, neu gedacht: Grünraumspange Bisamberg – Gerasdorf – Norbert-Scheed-Wald
2018 |
Staniscia Stefania |
Alte Terre – Aree agricole di versante, nuovi modelli di sviluppo
2013 |
Gspurning Josef |
Altern im urbanen Umfeld dargestellt an ausgewählten Beispielgebieten von Graz
2016 |
Kügele Julia |
Altern im urbanen Umfeld dargestellt an ausgewählten Beispielgebieten von Graz
2016 |
Jona Laszlo |
Alternate Pedestrian Routes in the Cities
2017 |
Neuschmid Julia |
AmauroMap. Interactive Online City Map for Blind and Visually Impaired People
2010 |
Schrenk Manfred |
AmauroMap. Interactive Online City Map for Blind and Visually Impaired People
2010 |
Wasserburger Wolfgang |
AmauroMap. Interactive Online City Map for Blind and Visually Impaired People
2010 |
Filep Bálint |
An analysis of the Hungarian major cities and their territories and their opportunities of development
2009 |
Rechnitzer János |
An analysis of the Hungarian major cities and their territories and their opportunities of development
2009 |
Rexroth Karsten |
An Approach to Adapt the Paradigm of Integral Planning to Urban Development
2016 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
von Both Petra |
An Approach to Adapt the Paradigm of Integral Planning to Urban Development
2016 |
Arafa Yasmine |
An Approach to Investigate the Relationship between Spatial Configurational Pattern and Heritage Classification: Case study Alexandria City
2024 |
Farghaly Tarek |
An Approach to Investigate the Relationship between Spatial Configurational Pattern and Heritage Classification: Case study Alexandria City
2024 |
Saadallah Dina |
An Approach to Investigate the Relationship between Spatial Configurational Pattern and Heritage Classification: Case study Alexandria City
2024 |
Ndou Comfort |
An Assessment of Urban Decay in Rural Towns: a Case of Building Dilapidation in Thohoyandou Town, South Africa
2023 |
Nyamwanza Shylet |
An Assessment of Urban Decay in Rural Towns: a Case of Building Dilapidation in Thohoyandou Town, South Africa
2023 |
Krösl Katharina |
An Automated Verification Workflow for Planned Lighting Setups using BIM
2018 |
Luksch Christian |
An Automated Verification Workflow for Planned Lighting Setups using BIM
2018 |
Pichler David |
An Automated Verification Workflow for Planned Lighting Setups using BIM
2018 |
Pipp Thomas |
An Automated Verification Workflow for Planned Lighting Setups using BIM
2018 |
Schwärzler Michael |
An Automated Verification Workflow for Planned Lighting Setups using BIM
2018 |
Walch Andreas |
An Automated Verification Workflow for Planned Lighting Setups using BIM
2018 |
Chang Hsueh-Sheng |
An Environmental Resilience based on Approaching Planners Triangle for Integrated Catchment Management
2013 |
Liao Chin Hsien |
An Environmental Resilience based on Approaching Planners Triangle for Integrated Catchment Management
2013 |
Kaneda Toshiyuki |
An Experimental Study of Things-Finding Behaviours in a Shop-Around Situation
2013 |
Nakamura Sho |
An Experimental Study of Things-Finding Behaviours in a Shop-Around Situation
2013 |
Natsume Yoshinori |
An Experimental Study of Things-Finding Behaviours in a Shop-Around Situation
2013 |
Chang Hsueh-Sheng |
An Exploration of Efficiency and Influencing Factors of Low Carbon City
2012 |
Cheng Wei-Han |
An Exploration of Efficiency and Influencing Factors of Low Carbon City
2012 |
Rasouli Sarabi Eshagh |
An Introduction to Major Challenges of Urban Transportation in Metropolises of Iran
2012 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Shaghaghi Shahryar |
An Introduction to Major Challenges of Urban Transportation in Metropolises of Iran
2012 |
Moosavi Mir Saeed |
An Introduction to Socio-spatial Consequences of Urban Poverty in Iran
2012 |
Gumbo Trynos |
An Investigation of Information Communication and Dissemination Needs: Case of Gautrain Operations
2017 |
Musakwa Walter |
An Investigation of Information Communication and Dissemination Needs: Case of Gautrain Operations
2017 |
Rakabe Manyedi |
An Investigation of Information Communication and Dissemination Needs: Case of Gautrain Operations
2017 |
Codato Daniele |
An Open Multi-user Platform in Support of Urban Development: the DATA WebGIS
2018 |
De Marchi Massimo |
An Open Multi-user Platform in Support of Urban Development: the DATA WebGIS
2018 |
Gianoli Federico |
An Open Multi-user Platform in Support of Urban Development: the DATA WebGIS
2018 |
Pappalardo Salvatore |
An Open Multi-user Platform in Support of Urban Development: the DATA WebGIS
2018 |
Pristeri Guglielmo |
An Open Multi-user Platform in Support of Urban Development: the DATA WebGIS
2018 |
Exner Jan-Philipp |
An Open Source WebGIS Solution for a Merging Cross-Border Region | A Best Practise Example Eurodistrict Saarmoselle
2011 |
Kebbedies Guido |
An Open Source WebGIS Solution for a Merging Cross-Border Region | A Best Practise Example Eurodistrict Saarmoselle
2011 |
Lanza Viviana |
An Operational Model for Playful Public Participation
2010 |
Tilio Lucia |
An Operational Model for Playful Public Participation
2010 |
Allbach Benjamin |
An Urban Sensing System as Backbone of Smart Cities
2014 |
Deitchen Eugen |
An Urban Sensing System as Backbone of Smart Cities
2014 |
Henninger Sascha |
An Urban Sensing System as Backbone of Smart Cities
2014 |
Prikoszovits Nicole | – das neue Echtzeit-Verkehrsinfoservice für die Vienna Region
2010 |
Gössel Jörg |
Analyse der Hochwasserkatastrophe vom Sommer 2002 für die Stadtfläche Dresdens auf Basis von GIS und Fernerkundung
2003 |
Meinel Gotthard |
Analyse der Hochwasserkatastrophe vom Sommer 2002 für die Stadtfläche Dresdens auf Basis von GIS und Fernerkundung
2003 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Schumacher Ulrich |
Analyse der Hochwasserkatastrophe vom Sommer 2002 für die Stadtfläche Dresdens auf Basis von GIS und Fernerkundung
2003 |
Hiltgartner Karin |
Analyse von Barrierefreiheit und Nutzungsqualitäten sowie deren Anwendung in Wien
2018 |
Leiner Michael |
Analyse von Barrierefreiheit und Nutzungsqualitäten sowie deren Anwendung in Wien
2018 |
Kaneda Toshiyuki |
Analyses on Stopping-off Points and Destination Selection of Nagoya CBD Visitors by applying Spatial-Temporal Position Data
2022 |
Matsumoto Yoshimasa |
Analyses on Stopping-off Points and Destination Selection of Nagoya CBD Visitors by applying Spatial-Temporal Position Data
2022 |
Ebertshäuser Sebastian |
Analysewerkzeug zur indikatorgestützten Umfeldanalyse – Erkennen, Vergleichen, Ãbertragen
2020 |
Graf Katharina |
Analysewerkzeug zur indikatorgestützten Umfeldanalyse – Erkennen, Vergleichen, Ãbertragen
2020 |
Jouini Saoussen |
Analysewerkzeug zur indikatorgestützten Umfeldanalyse – Erkennen, Vergleichen, Ãbertragen
2020 |
von Both Petra |
Analysewerkzeug zur indikatorgestützten Umfeldanalyse – Erkennen, Vergleichen, Ãbertragen
2020 |
Bürbaumer Magdalena |
Analysing and Evaluating Gender+ Specific Requirements in Urban Space to Support Urban Planning
2020 |
Fink Theresa |
Analysing and Evaluating Gender+ Specific Requirements in Urban Space to Support Urban Planning
2020 |
Gebetsroither-Geringer Ernst |
Analysing and Evaluating Gender+ Specific Requirements in Urban Space to Support Urban Planning
2020 |
Asche Hartmut |
Analysing Potentially Vulnerable Urban Areas with GIS and Virtual 3D City Models
2008 |
Wolff Markus |
Analysing Potentially Vulnerable Urban Areas with GIS and Virtual 3D City Models
2008 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Analysing the Causes and Challenges of Urban Spatial Expansion in Windhoek, Namibia: Towards Sustainable Urban Development Strategy
2022 |
Tjipetekera Cyrlius |
Analysing the Causes and Challenges of Urban Spatial Expansion in Windhoek, Namibia: Towards Sustainable Urban Development Strategy
2022 |
Yankson Eric |
Analysing the Causes and Challenges of Urban Spatial Expansion in Windhoek, Namibia: Towards Sustainable Urban Development Strategy
2022 |
Habe Nina |
Analysis in Selected European Smart City Districts regarding Ageing Population
2020 |
Baumgart Caroline |
Analysis of 2D/3D Urban Density Indices in Context of Land Surface Temperature
2015 |
Berger Christian |
Analysis of 2D/3D Urban Density Indices in Context of Land Surface Temperature
2015 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Gumbo Trynos |
Analysis of Digital Technological Applications in Public Transportation Systems Ticketing and Communications: Reviews of Singapore, Sydney, Cape Town and Lagos Experiences
2024 |
Lawrence Kiara |
Analysis of Digital Technological Applications in Public Transportation Systems Ticketing and Communications: Reviews of Singapore, Sydney, Cape Town and Lagos Experiences
2024 |
Musvoto Godfrey |
Analysis of Digital Technological Applications in Public Transportation Systems Ticketing and Communications: Reviews of Singapore, Sydney, Cape Town and Lagos Experiences
2024 |
Kaneda Toshiyuki |
Analysis of Factors for Pedestriansâ Spatial Distribution in Sakae District of Nagoya Using Mobile Phone Location Data
2022 |
OTA Akira |
Analysis of Factors for Pedestriansâ Spatial Distribution in Sakae District of Nagoya Using Mobile Phone Location Data
2022 |
Zhang Yufan |
Analysis of Factors for Pedestriansâ Spatial Distribution in Sakae District of Nagoya Using Mobile Phone Location Data
2022 |
Panahandeh Abdolrahman |
Analysis of the Fabric of Hawramane Takht Village from Natural and Climatic Point of View
2012 |
Shaghaghi Shahryar |
Analysis of the Fabric of Hawramane Takht Village from Natural and Climatic Point of View
2012 |
Sharafi Sangar |
Analysis of the Fabric of Hawramane Takht Village from Natural and Climatic Point of View
2012 |
Laurini Robert |
Analysis of web sites portals in some Local Authorities
2002 |
De Nocker Leo |
Analysis on Financial Consequences of Spatial Decisions: Framework and Case Studies
2015 |
Dugernier Marten |
Analysis on Financial Consequences of Spatial Decisions: Framework and Case Studies
2015 |
Pennincx Inge |
Analysis on Financial Consequences of Spatial Decisions: Framework and Case Studies
2015 |
Pisman Ann |
Analysis on Financial Consequences of Spatial Decisions: Framework and Case Studies
2015 |
Van Damme Liesbeth |
Analysis on Financial Consequences of Spatial Decisions: Framework and Case Studies
2015 |
Scoppetta Cecilia |
Ancient Smartness of Tomorrow
2014 |
Roider Oliver |
Anforderungen an ein individuelles Verkehrsinformationssystem zur Optimierung der Verkehrsmittel- und Routenwahl von Pendlern
2011 |
Fundneider Thomas |
Anforderungen an und Methodik von 4D-Content Management Systemen
2003 |
Schmidinger Elmar |
Anforderungen an und Methodik von 4D-Content Management Systemen
2003 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Anforderungen an und Methodik von 4D-Content Management Systemen
2003 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Lange Eckart |
Anforderungen an Visualisierungstools zur Partizipation der Öffentlichkeit bei der Bewertung von Landschaftsentwicklung
2003 |
Schmid Willy A. |
Anforderungen an Visualisierungstools zur Partizipation der Öffentlichkeit bei der Bewertung von Landschaftsentwicklung
2003 |
Schroth Olaf |
Anforderungen an Visualisierungstools zur Partizipation der Öffentlichkeit bei der Bewertung von Landschaftsentwicklung
2003 |
Wissen Ulrike |
Anforderungen an Visualisierungstools zur Partizipation der Öffentlichkeit bei der Bewertung von Landschaftsentwicklung
2003 |
Breit Reinhard |
Anforderungen der Raumplanung an die EDV
1997 |
Schlosser Fabian |
Angsträume und Stressempfinden im urbanen Kontext
2018 |
Zeile Peter |
Angsträume und Stressempfinden im urbanen Kontext
2018 |
Damyanovic Doris |
Anknüpfungspunkte für Web-2.0- und AR-Instrumente in Verkehrsplanungs- und Beteiligungsprozessen und ihre Umsetzung
2012 |
Murg Sandra |
Anknüpfungspunkte für Web-2.0- und AR-Instrumente in Verkehrsplanungs- und Beteiligungsprozessen und ihre Umsetzung
2012 |
Reinwald Florian |
Anknüpfungspunkte für Web-2.0- und AR-Instrumente in Verkehrsplanungs- und Beteiligungsprozessen und ihre Umsetzung
2012 |
Vasaros Zsolt |
Antiker Wohnkomfort - moderne Bedürfnisse. Eine progressive Analyse zwischen Architektur des Altertums und zeitgenössischer Raumplanung
2004 |
Mitsche Heribert |
Anwendung der "Landschaftsräumlichen Gliederung Kärnten" im Kärntner Geografischen Informationssystem
2000 |
Wasserburger Wolfgang |
Anwendungsbeispiele des Computereinsatzes in der Landschaftsplanung und UVP
1996 |
Dosenko Sergey |
Application of Aggregated Indices Randomization Method for Prognosing the Consumer Demand on Features of Mobile Navigation Applications
2014 |
Makshanov Andrey |
Application of Aggregated Indices Randomization Method for Prognosing the Consumer Demand on Features of Mobile Navigation Applications
2014 |
Popovich Tatiana |
Application of Aggregated Indices Randomization Method for Prognosing the Consumer Demand on Features of Mobile Navigation Applications
2014 |
Abbasov Ali M. |
Application of fuzzy time series to population forecasting
2003 |
Mamedova M.H. |
Application of fuzzy time series to population forecasting
2003 |
Han Bing |
Application of Gaode OPEN API in the Fire-Fighting Facility Planning Evaluation
2020 |
Wang Jialing |
Application of Gaode OPEN API in the Fire-Fighting Facility Planning Evaluation
2020 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Daneshpour Zohreh A. |
Application of Knowledge Management Framework as a Decision-Support System for Disaster Management in Metropolitan Areas – Tehran as the Case Study
2012 |
Fallahi Alireza |
Application of Knowledge Management Framework as a Decision-Support System for Disaster Management in Metropolitan Areas – Tehran as the Case Study
2012 |
Mahmoodpour Asrin |
Application of Knowledge Management Framework as a Decision-Support System for Disaster Management in Metropolitan Areas – Tehran as the Case Study
2012 |
Abbas Anjum Ghulam |
Application of the Online WhatIf? Planning Support System in Peri-urban Spatial Planning; Case study of Muzaffargarh, Pakistan
2019 |
Hussain Ejaz |
Application of the Online WhatIf? Planning Support System in Peri-urban Spatial Planning; Case study of Muzaffargarh, Pakistan
2019 |
Naeem Malik Asghar |
Application of the Online WhatIf? Planning Support System in Peri-urban Spatial Planning; Case study of Muzaffargarh, Pakistan
2019 |
Pettit Christopher |
Application of the Online WhatIf? Planning Support System in Peri-urban Spatial Planning; Case study of Muzaffargarh, Pakistan
2019 |
Qadeer ul Hussnain Muhammad |
Application of the Online WhatIf? Planning Support System in Peri-urban Spatial Planning; Case study of Muzaffargarh, Pakistan
2019 |
Tahir Ali |
Application of the Online WhatIf? Planning Support System in Peri-urban Spatial Planning; Case study of Muzaffargarh, Pakistan
2019 |
Waheed Abdul |
Application of the Online WhatIf? Planning Support System in Peri-urban Spatial Planning; Case study of Muzaffargarh, Pakistan
2019 |
Wakil Khydija |
Application of the Online WhatIf? Planning Support System in Peri-urban Spatial Planning; Case study of Muzaffargarh, Pakistan
2019 |
Hauger Georg |
Application of the Persona Concept to Convey Socially Sustainable and Responsible Transport System Planning to Children and Juveniles Considering Autonomous Vehicles: Work Report on the Project AM4Kids â Future Workshop
2023 |
Hohensulz Nina |
Application of the Persona Concept to Convey Socially Sustainable and Responsible Transport System Planning to Children and Juveniles Considering Autonomous Vehicles: Work Report on the Project AM4Kids â Future Workshop
2023 |
Knoll Bente |
Application of the Persona Concept to Convey Socially Sustainable and Responsible Transport System Planning to Children and Juveniles Considering Autonomous Vehicles: Work Report on the Project AM4Kids â Future Workshop
2023 |
Renkin Agnes |
Application of the Persona Concept to Convey Socially Sustainable and Responsible Transport System Planning to Children and Juveniles Considering Autonomous Vehicles: Work Report on the Project AM4Kids â Future Workshop
2023 |
Sammer Gabriela |
Application of the Persona Concept to Convey Socially Sustainable and Responsible Transport System Planning to Children and Juveniles Considering Autonomous Vehicles: Work Report on the Project AM4Kids â Future Workshop
2023 |
Schlembach Christopher |
Application of the Persona Concept to Convey Socially Sustainable and Responsible Transport System Planning to Children and Juveniles Considering Autonomous Vehicles: Work Report on the Project AM4Kids â Future Workshop
2023 |
van der Spek Stefan |
Application of Tracking Technologies in Spatial Planning Processes: An Exploration of Possibilities
2007 |
van Schaick Jeroen |
Application of Tracking Technologies in Spatial Planning Processes: An Exploration of Possibilities
2007 |
Raut Papiya Bandyopadhyay |
Application of Web 2.0 Technologies for Integration of Land-use and Transportation System
2017 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Raut Sandeep Kumar |
Application of Web 2.0 Technologies for Integration of Land-use and Transportation System
2017 |
Avdagic Zikrija |
Applications of Fuzzy Logic in Geographic Information Systems for Multiple Criteria Decision Making
2006 |
Karabegovic Almir |
Applications of Fuzzy Logic in Geographic Information Systems for Multiple Criteria Decision Making
2006 |
Ponjavic Mirza |
Applications of Fuzzy Logic in Geographic Information Systems for Multiple Criteria Decision Making
2006 |
Alaa El-din Amr |
Applying 3D Printing as a New Building Technology: Potentials and Challenges in the Egyptian Context
2021 |
El Sayed. Zeyad |
Applying 3D Printing as a New Building Technology: Potentials and Challenges in the Egyptian Context
2021 |
Ibrahim Mohamed |
Applying 3D Printing as a New Building Technology: Potentials and Challenges in the Egyptian Context
2021 |
Zivkovic Ljiljana |
Approach to Spatial Data Infrastructure Development for Spatial Planning in Serbia
2013 |
Stratmann Antonia |
Approaches of Flexible Spatial Planning to Sustainable Cities
2020 |
Hörtner Horst |
ARBEITSTITEL: AEC / Cave-Applications etc.
2003 |
Broschart Daniel |
ARchitecture - Augmented Reality Techniques and Use Cases in Architecture and Urban Planning
2014 |
Zeile Peter |
ARchitecture - Augmented Reality Techniques and Use Cases in Architecture and Urban Planning
2014 |
Gantner Manuela |
Archiv und Wirklichkeiten – Wissensproduktion zwischen Objektivität und Kontextualität
2019 |
Beim Michal |
Are Cities in Poland Ready for Sustainability? Poznan Case Study
2010 |
Modrzewski Bogusz |
Are Cities in Poland Ready for Sustainability? Poznan Case Study
2010 |
Radzimski Adam |
Are Cities in Poland Ready for Sustainability? Poznan Case Study
2010 |
Emberger Günter |
Are European cities becoming similar?
2003 |
Pfaffenbichler Paul |
Are European cities becoming similar?
2003 |
Clerici Anthony |
Are landmarks essential to the city – its development?
2009 |
Mironowicz Izabela |
Are landmarks essential to the city – its development?
2009 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Kropman Niels |
Are the Netherlands Shrinking or Just Changing?
2013 |
Netsch Stefan |
Are the Netherlands Shrinking or Just Changing?
2013 |
Aichorn Klaus |
ARGUS – Assisting Personal Guidance System for People with Visual Impairment
2012 |
Lindemann Matthias |
ARGUS – Assisting Personal Guidance System for People with Visual Impairment
2012 |
Olmedo Soler Antonio |
ARGUS – Assisting Personal Guidance System for People with Visual Impairment
2012 |
Otaegui Oihana |
ARGUS – Assisting Personal Guidance System for People with Visual Impairment
2012 |
Patti Daniela |
ARGUS – Assisting Personal Guidance System for People with Visual Impairment
2012 |
Spiller John |
ARGUS – Assisting Personal Guidance System for People with Visual Impairment
2012 |
Carrasco Eduardo |
ARGUS: a Personalised Guidance System to Improve Autonomy of People with Visual Impairment in the City
2013 |
Dubielzig Markus |
ARGUS: a Personalised Guidance System to Improve Autonomy of People with Visual Impairment in the City
2013 |
Fösleitner Claudia |
ARGUS: a Personalised Guidance System to Improve Autonomy of People with Visual Impairment in the City
2013 |
Krejci Patrick |
ARGUS: a Personalised Guidance System to Improve Autonomy of People with Visual Impairment in the City
2013 |
Loyo Estibaliz |
ARGUS: a Personalised Guidance System to Improve Autonomy of People with Visual Impairment in the City
2013 |
Marcoci Adela |
ARGUS: a Personalised Guidance System to Improve Autonomy of People with Visual Impairment in the City
2013 |
Neuschmid Julia |
ARGUS: a Personalised Guidance System to Improve Autonomy of People with Visual Impairment in the City
2013 |
Olmedo Rafael |
ARGUS: a Personalised Guidance System to Improve Autonomy of People with Visual Impairment in the City
2013 |
Otaegui Oihana |
ARGUS: a Personalised Guidance System to Improve Autonomy of People with Visual Impairment in the City
2013 |
Patti Daniela |
ARGUS: a Personalised Guidance System to Improve Autonomy of People with Visual Impairment in the City
2013 |
Schrenk Manfred |
ARGUS: a Personalised Guidance System to Improve Autonomy of People with Visual Impairment in the City
2013 |
Spiller John |
ARGUS: a Personalised Guidance System to Improve Autonomy of People with Visual Impairment in the City
2013 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Wasserburger Wolfgang W. |
ARGUS: a Personalised Guidance System to Improve Autonomy of People with Visual Impairment in the City
2013 |
Gerhäusser Claudia |
Art Can (Not) Save The World, You Can – Towards a Better Understanding of Art as Collaborative Action within the Process of Urban and Regional Planning
2015 |
Jeschaunig Markus |
Art Can (Not) Save The World, You Can – Towards a Better Understanding of Art as Collaborative Action within the Process of Urban and Regional Planning
2015 |
Oeggl Wolfgang |
Art Can (Not) Save The World, You Can – Towards a Better Understanding of Art as Collaborative Action within the Process of Urban and Regional Planning
2015 |
Berndt Jan Ole |
AScore â Developing a Cockpit for Regional Pandemic Management in Germany with Agent-Based Social Simulation
2021 |
Memmel Martin |
AScore â Developing a Cockpit for Regional Pandemic Management in Germany with Agent-Based Social Simulation
2021 |
Timm Ingo |
AScore â Developing a Cockpit for Regional Pandemic Management in Germany with Agent-Based Social Simulation
2021 |
Hageneder Christiana |
Aspern, die Seestadt Wiens - nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung
2010 |
Hinterkörner Peter |
Aspern, die Seestadt Wiens - nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung
2010 |
Hinterkörner Peter |
Aspern, die Seestadt Wiens: offene Strukturen für eine robuste Stadtentwicklung
2011 |
Hofstetter Kurt |
Aspern, Vienna's Urban Lakeside
2009 |
Nutz Claudia |
Aspern, Vienna's Urban Lakeside
2009 |
Hauger Georg |
assess:it! Verkehrsplanung zwischen "anything goes" und "rien ne va plus"
2003 |
De Mulder Sophie |
Assessing Expanding Space Use versus Infill for Economic Activities
2018 |
Horemans Eline |
Assessing Expanding Space Use versus Infill for Economic Activities
2018 |
Pennincx Inge |
Assessing Expanding Space Use versus Infill for Economic Activities
2018 |
Steenberghen Therese |
Assessing Expanding Space Use versus Infill for Economic Activities
2018 |
Vanneste Dominique |
Assessing Expanding Space Use versus Infill for Economic Activities
2018 |
Vermoesen Koen |
Assessing Expanding Space Use versus Infill for Economic Activities
2018 |
Wesley Gruijthuijsen |
Assessing Expanding Space Use versus Infill for Economic Activities
2018 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Zaman Jan |
Assessing Expanding Space Use versus Infill for Economic Activities
2018 |
Ghorbani Ghashghaee Nejhad Ehsan |
Assessing Impacts of Passive Defense Policies Interventions on Spatial Logic of Tehran Metropolitan Area (TMA)
2013 |
Masoudi Amin |
Assessing Impacts of Passive Defense Policies Interventions on Spatial Logic of Tehran Metropolitan Area (TMA)
2013 |
Nedae Tousi Sahar |
Assessing Impacts of Passive Defense Policies Interventions on Spatial Logic of Tehran Metropolitan Area (TMA)
2013 |
Nedaei Tousi Reza |
Assessing Impacts of Passive Defense Policies Interventions on Spatial Logic of Tehran Metropolitan Area (TMA)
2013 |
Shahab Sina |
Assessing Impacts of Passive Defense Policies Interventions on Spatial Logic of Tehran Metropolitan Area (TMA)
2013 |
Franz Susanne |
Assessing Smart Locations - the MORECO Project
2014 |
Haslauer Eva |
Assessing Smart Locations - the MORECO Project
2014 |
Prinz Thomas |
Assessing Smart Locations - the MORECO Project
2014 |
Reutter Ulrike |
Assessing Smart Locations - the MORECO Project
2014 |
Schnürch Dagmar |
Assessing Smart Locations - the MORECO Project
2014 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Assessing the Efficacy of Spatial Planning and Development System in Improving Living Conditions of the Society
2021 |
Mbinza Zenzile |
Assessing the Efficacy of Spatial Planning and Development System in Improving Living Conditions of the Society
2021 |
Moyo Thembani |
Assessing the Efficacy of Spatial Planning and Development System in Improving Living Conditions of the Society
2021 |
Tabane Isaac Tsholofelo |
Assessing the Efficacy of Spatial Planning and Development System in Improving Living Conditions of the Society
2021 |
Ayad Hany |
Assessing the Impacts of Urban Determinants on Physical Activity Engagement: An Applied Study on Residents of Alexandria City, Egypt
2021 |
Farag Dina |
Assessing the Impacts of Urban Determinants on Physical Activity Engagement: An Applied Study on Residents of Alexandria City, Egypt
2021 |
Saadallah Dina |
Assessing the Impacts of Urban Determinants on Physical Activity Engagement: An Applied Study on Residents of Alexandria City, Egypt
2021 |
Adeel Muhammad |
Assessing the implementation of Rawalpindi's Guided Development Plan through GIS and Remote Sensing
2010 |
Moradi Daryoush |
Assessing the Quality of Life (QOL), its Significance in Urban Planning and the Feasibility of Establishing a Quality of Life Reporting System (QOLRS) in Cities, the Historic City of Esfahan as the Case Example
2010 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Storch Harry |
Assessing the Spatial Dimension of Sustainability in Asian Megacities: An Indicator-Based Approach
2007 |
Chamorro Javier |
Assessing the value of the information provision for enhancing the autonomy of mobility impaired users. Results from Madrid pilot Site Study.
2008 |
de la Hoz Daniel |
Assessing the value of the information provision for enhancing the autonomy of mobility impaired users. Results from Madrid pilot Site Study.
2008 |
Pastor Laura |
Assessing the value of the information provision for enhancing the autonomy of mobility impaired users. Results from Madrid pilot Site Study.
2008 |
Sastre Julián |
Assessing the value of the information provision for enhancing the autonomy of mobility impaired users. Results from Madrid pilot Site Study.
2008 |
Ventoso Lara |
Assessing the value of the information provision for enhancing the autonomy of mobility impaired users. Results from Madrid pilot Site Study.
2008 |
Villalar Juan Luís |
Assessing the value of the information provision for enhancing the autonomy of mobility impaired users. Results from Madrid pilot Site Study.
2008 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Assessing Urban Water Security in the City of Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo: a Quantitative Analysis
2022 |
Kalamba Mwanangana Blaise |
Assessing Urban Water Security in the City of Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo: a Quantitative Analysis
2022 |
Leitner Thomas |
Assessment and Simulation Methods for Green Building
2010 |
Lipp Bernhard |
Assessment and Simulation Methods for Green Building
2010 |
Schiffleitner Andreas |
Assessment and Simulation Methods for Green Building
2010 |
Achammer Christoph |
Assessment of BIM Potentials in Interdisciplinary Planning through Student Experiment and Practical Case Study
2014 |
Filzmoser Michael |
Assessment of BIM Potentials in Interdisciplinary Planning through Student Experiment and Practical Case Study
2014 |
Kovacic Iva |
Assessment of BIM Potentials in Interdisciplinary Planning through Student Experiment and Practical Case Study
2014 |
Oberwinter Lars |
Assessment of BIM Potentials in Interdisciplinary Planning through Student Experiment and Practical Case Study
2014 |
Fukahori Hidetoshi |
Assessment of eco-environment vulnerability in Karst region
2008 |
Gao Weijun |
Assessment of eco-environment vulnerability in Karst region
2008 |
Guan Dongjie |
Assessment of eco-environment vulnerability in Karst region
2008 |
Watari Kazuyuki |
Assessment of eco-environment vulnerability in Karst region
2008 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Bandyopadhyay Sanhita |
Assessment of Environmental Pollution Load of Transit Corridor in India
2017 |
Allaert Georges |
Assessment of Governance Strategies for Climate Adaptation in Flanders/Belgium
2010 |
Leinfelder Hans |
Assessment of Governance Strategies for Climate Adaptation in Flanders/Belgium
2010 |
Verhofstede Bjorn |
Assessment of Governance Strategies for Climate Adaptation in Flanders/Belgium
2010 |
Emmanuel Akintaro |
Assessment of Metropolitan Urban Forms and City Geo-spatial Configurations using Green Infrastructure Framework: The Case Study of Lagos Island, Lagos State, Nigeria
2019 |
John Adesina |
Assessment of Metropolitan Urban Forms and City Geo-spatial Configurations using Green Infrastructure Framework: The Case Study of Lagos Island, Lagos State, Nigeria
2019 |
Michael Timothy |
Assessment of Metropolitan Urban Forms and City Geo-spatial Configurations using Green Infrastructure Framework: The Case Study of Lagos Island, Lagos State, Nigeria
2019 |
Chang Hsueh-Sheng |
Assessment of Residential Electricity Consumption and Renewable Energy Self-Sufficiency â a Case Study of Tainan, Taiwan
2024 |
Shen Yi-Hsuan |
Assessment of Residential Electricity Consumption and Renewable Energy Self-Sufficiency â a Case Study of Tainan, Taiwan
2024 |
Neuhauser Herbert |
Assessment of the Quality of Urban Spaces in the Context of Child-friendly Mobility
2021 |
Stark Juliane |
Assessment of the Quality of Urban Spaces in the Context of Child-friendly Mobility
2021 |
Weber Cornelia |
Assessment of the Quality of Urban Spaces in the Context of Child-friendly Mobility
2021 |
Altomare Francesca |
Attract-SEE – Assessing Territorial Attractiveness in South East Europe. Establishing a Common Territorial Monitoring Framework
2013 |
Barboric Blaz |
Attract-SEE – Assessing Territorial Attractiveness in South East Europe. Establishing a Common Territorial Monitoring Framework
2013 |
Eizinger Christian |
Attract-SEE – Assessing Territorial Attractiveness in South East Europe. Establishing a Common Territorial Monitoring Framework
2013 |
Esposito Gianandrea |
Attract-SEE – Assessing Territorial Attractiveness in South East Europe. Establishing a Common Territorial Monitoring Framework
2013 |
Guaragno Graziella |
Attract-SEE – Assessing Territorial Attractiveness in South East Europe. Establishing a Common Territorial Monitoring Framework
2013 |
Marani Stefano |
Attract-SEE – Assessing Territorial Attractiveness in South East Europe. Establishing a Common Territorial Monitoring Framework
2013 |
Miklavcic Tomaz |
Attract-SEE – Assessing Territorial Attractiveness in South East Europe. Establishing a Common Territorial Monitoring Framework
2013 |
Milic Dorde |
Attract-SEE – Assessing Territorial Attractiveness in South East Europe. Establishing a Common Territorial Monitoring Framework
2013 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Neuschmid Julia |
Attract-SEE – Assessing Territorial Attractiveness in South East Europe. Establishing a Common Territorial Monitoring Framework
2013 |
Selva Alessandro |
Attract-SEE – Assessing Territorial Attractiveness in South East Europe. Establishing a Common Territorial Monitoring Framework
2013 |
Zivkovic Ljiljana |
Attract-SEE – Assessing Territorial Attractiveness in South East Europe. Establishing a Common Territorial Monitoring Framework
2013 |
Barborič Blaž |
Attract-SEE - Assessing Territorial Attractiveness in South East Europe. Towards Monitoring Information System for Territorial Attractiveness
2014 |
Barboric Blaz |
ATTRACTIVE DANUBE Project – Territorial Attractiveness Analysis of the Danube Region
2018 |
Zivkovic Ljiljana |
ATTRACTIVE DANUBE Project – Territorial Attractiveness Analysis of the Danube Region
2018 |
Althoff Sebastian |
Audiovisuelle medienwirksame Dokumentation eines Integrierten Ländlichen Entwicklungskonzeptes
2008 |
Henkes Thorsten |
Audiovisuelle medienwirksame Dokumentation eines Integrierten Ländlichen Entwicklungskonzeptes
2008 |
Kratz Norman |
Audiovisuelle medienwirksame Dokumentation eines Integrierten Ländlichen Entwicklungskonzeptes
2008 |
Landwehr Gregor |
Audiovisuelle medienwirksame Dokumentation eines Integrierten Ländlichen Entwicklungskonzeptes
2008 |
Zeile Peter |
Audiovisuelle medienwirksame Dokumentation eines Integrierten Ländlichen Entwicklungskonzeptes
2008 |
Einig Klaus |
Auf dem Weg zur Aerotropolis? Gewerbliche Verstädterungsmuster und wirtschaftliche Gemeindespezialisierung im Umfeld deutscher Flughäfen
2008 |
Schubert Jan Armin |
Auf dem Weg zur Aerotropolis? Gewerbliche Verstädterungsmuster und wirtschaftliche Gemeindespezialisierung im Umfeld deutscher Flughäfen
2008 |
Augstein Birgit |
Auf dem Weg zur digitalen Stadt — Aufbau der digitalen Planungsinfrastruktur Hamburg
2016 |
Raser Frank |
Auf dem Weg zur digitalen Stadt — Aufbau der digitalen Planungsinfrastruktur Hamburg
2016 |
Mofina Jens |
Auf dem Weg zur intersubjektiven Stadtentwicklung - zur Integration realer und digitaler Städte, virtueller Welten und planerischer Möglichkeiten
2002 |
Kulus Daniel |
Aufbau einer partizipativen Planungscommunity am Beispiel von Nexthamburg
2012 |
Patwardhan Rajiv |
Aufbau einer partizipativen Planungscommunity am Beispiel von Nexthamburg
2012 |
Poplin Alenka |
Aufbau einer partizipativen Planungscommunity am Beispiel von Nexthamburg
2012 |
Heck Thomas |
Aufbau eines Informationssystems für die ökologisch orientierte Planung im Maßstabsbereich 1: 200 000
2000 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Heinl Thomas |
Aufbau eines Informationssystems für die ökologisch orientierte Planung im Maßstabsbereich 1: 200 000
2000 |
Krause Kai Uwe |
Aufbau eines Planungsservers für die Metropolregion Hamburg
2003 |
Wegner Harald |
Aufbau und Anwendung eines GIS-gestützten Kompensationsflächenkatasters
2001 |
Müller Hartmut |
Aufbau und effektive Nutzung der Geodateninfrastruktur in kommunalen Verwaltungen
2005 |
Frauscher Gerlinde |
Augenbewegungen als objektivierbare Architekturwahrnehmung
2003 |
Hutzler Florian |
Augenbewegungen als objektivierbare Architekturwahrnehmung
2003 |
Keul Alexander G. |
Augenbewegungen als objektivierbare Architekturwahrnehmung
2003 |
Kronbichler Martin |
Augenbewegungen als objektivierbare Architekturwahrnehmung
2003 |
Lang Veronika |
Augmented Reality Apps for Real Estate
2013 |
Sittler Peter |
Augmented Reality Apps for Real Estate
2013 |
Broschart Daniel |
Augmented Reality as a Communication Tool in Urban Design Processes
2013 |
Streich Bernd |
Augmented Reality as a Communication Tool in Urban Design Processes
2013 |
Zeile Peter |
Augmented Reality as a Communication Tool in Urban Design Processes
2013 |
Höhl Wolfgang |
Augmented Reality für die Architekturvisualisierung mit DART und 3D Studio MAX
2007 |
Broschart Daniel |
Augmented Reality im öffentlichen Raum
2015 |
Höhl Wolfgang |
Augmented Reality im öffentlichen Raum
2015 |
Doll Isabelle |
Augmented Reality in der Stadt: Neue Potenziale durch die Entwicklung einer Lichtmarker-Technologie
2017 |
Rexroth Karsten |
Augmented Reality in der Stadt: Neue Potenziale durch die Entwicklung einer Lichtmarker-Technologie
2017 |
von Both Petra |
Augmented Reality in der Stadt: Neue Potenziale durch die Entwicklung einer Lichtmarker-Technologie
2017 |
Wietzel Ingo |
Augmented Reality und immersive Szenarien in der Stadtplanung
2007 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Raabe Susanne |
Augmented-Reality als Erweiterungs-Tool des partizipativen Austausches in Planungsprozessen zum Ziel einer integrativen städtebaulichen Entwicklung
2015 |
Rockmann Lisa |
Augmented-Reality als Erweiterungs-Tool des partizipativen Austausches in Planungsprozessen zum Ziel einer integrativen städtebaulichen Entwicklung
2015 |
Dapp Klaus |
Ausgestaltungskriterien und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten eines Kommunalen Geographischen Informationssystems (KGIS) für eine umsetzungsorientierte Landnutzungsplanung
1999 |
Bogner Daniel |
Ausweisung von landwirtschaftlichen Eignungsflächen und Problembereichen im urbanen Raum mit GI-Systemen – oder: Schnittstellenprobleme in der Planungspraxis.
2000 |
Dabernig Margret |
Ausweisung von landwirtschaftlichen Eignungsflächen und Problembereichen im urbanen Raum mit GI-Systemen – oder: Schnittstellenprobleme in der Planungspraxis.
2000 |
Pätzold Ricarda |
Ausweitung der Kommerzzone. Entmischung in Szenequartieren als Ergebnis immobilienwirtschaftlicher (Einzel-)Rationalität
2011 |
Saller Raymond |
Auswirkungen der Kommunikations- und Informationstechniken auf die Stadtregionen
2002 |
Schechtner Katja |
Auswirkungen der Verkehrstelelmatik auf den Regional und Stadtraum
2002 |
Weigt Dietmar |
Auswirkungen von Flughäfen auf den Immobilienmarkt – Erkenntnisse einer Kaufpreisanalyse -
2007 |
Steiner Thomas |
Autobahnen im Ballungsraum von morgen: Die Kunst der Vernetzung
2011 |
Hauger Georg |
Automated Mobility and Inclusion as Educational Topics for Children and Juveniles and as Tasks and Responsibilities of Mobility Planning: Work-Report on the Project AM4Kids
2022 |
Hohenecker Nina |
Automated Mobility and Inclusion as Educational Topics for Children and Juveniles and as Tasks and Responsibilities of Mobility Planning: Work-Report on the Project AM4Kids
2022 |
Knoll Bente |
Automated Mobility and Inclusion as Educational Topics for Children and Juveniles and as Tasks and Responsibilities of Mobility Planning: Work-Report on the Project AM4Kids
2022 |
Sammer Gabriela |
Automated Mobility and Inclusion as Educational Topics for Children and Juveniles and as Tasks and Responsibilities of Mobility Planning: Work-Report on the Project AM4Kids
2022 |
Schiesser Beatrix |
Automated Mobility and Inclusion as Educational Topics for Children and Juveniles and as Tasks and Responsibilities of Mobility Planning: Work-Report on the Project AM4Kids
2022 |
Schlembach Christopher |
Automated Mobility and Inclusion as Educational Topics for Children and Juveniles and as Tasks and Responsibilities of Mobility Planning: Work-Report on the Project AM4Kids
2022 |
Krämer Michel |
Automated Urban Management Processes: Integrating a Graphical Editor for Modular Domain-Specific Languages into a 3D GIS
2014 |
Stein Andreas |
Automated Urban Management Processes: Integrating a Graphical Editor for Modular Domain-Specific Languages into a 3D GIS
2014 |
Milionis Sotirios |
Automatic vehicle location systems
2004 |
Dianin Alberto |
Automation of Rural Collective Transport: Conceptualising three Alternative Use Cases based on Underexplored Rural Transport Specificities
2022 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Gidam Michael |
Automation of Rural Collective Transport: Conceptualising three Alternative Use Cases based on Underexplored Rural Transport Specificities
2022 |
Hauger Georg |
Automation of Rural Collective Transport: Conceptualising three Alternative Use Cases based on Underexplored Rural Transport Specificities
2022 |
Ravazzoli Elisa |
Automation of Rural Collective Transport: Conceptualising three Alternative Use Cases based on Underexplored Rural Transport Specificities
2022 |
Dörr Heinz |
Automatisiert Bewegen durch Stadt und Land – gesellschaftliche Implikationen der Implementierung von ITS-Technologien in das Verkehrsgeschehen des zukünftigen Mobilitätssystems
2019 |
Marsch Viktoria |
Automatisiert Bewegen durch Stadt und Land – gesellschaftliche Implikationen der Implementierung von ITS-Technologien in das Verkehrsgeschehen des zukünftigen Mobilitätssystems
2019 |
Romstorfer Andreas |
Automatisiert Bewegen durch Stadt und Land – gesellschaftliche Implikationen der Implementierung von ITS-Technologien in das Verkehrsgeschehen des zukünftigen Mobilitätssystems
2019 |
Becker Annette |
Automatisierte Detektion von Angsträumen und ihre Auswirkungen auf die nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung
2018 |
Kelm Thorsten |
Automatisierte Detektion von Angsträumen und ihre Auswirkungen auf die nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung
2018 |
Klein Ulrike |
Automatisierte Detektion von Angsträumen und ihre Auswirkungen auf die nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung
2018 |
Geiger Andreas |
Automatisierte Generierung eines 3D-Baumkatasters am Beispiel des KIT Campus Nord
2020 |
Hurst Jonas |
Automatisierte Generierung eines 3D-Baumkatasters am Beispiel des KIT Campus Nord
2020 |
Rindsfüser Guido |
Automatisierte Typisierung von Verkehrsnetzen für die Verkehrsplanung aus Geobasisdaten
1998 |
Stendel Dirk |
Autostereoscopic Visualization of Landscape - a Research Project. (Autostereoskopisch visualisieren mit Linsenrastern)
2009 |
Bender Steffen |
Awareness about the Relevance of Cascading Effects in Urban Critical Infrastructure Networks under Climate Change â a Participatory Impact Matrix Approach
2022 |
Groth Markus |
Awareness about the Relevance of Cascading Effects in Urban Critical Infrastructure Networks under Climate Change â a Participatory Impact Matrix Approach
2022 |
Seipold Peer |
Awareness about the Relevance of Cascading Effects in Urban Critical Infrastructure Networks under Climate Change â a Participatory Impact Matrix Approach
2022 |
Viktor Elisabeth |
Awareness about the Relevance of Cascading Effects in Urban Critical Infrastructure Networks under Climate Change â a Participatory Impact Matrix Approach
2022 |
Ahmad Taha Mayas |
Balancing Heritage Preservation and Regeneration in Riyadh: Objectives and Considerations
2024 |
Letsoko Vuyiswa |
Barriers and Opportunities of Community Participation in Informal Settlement Upgrading Projects: A Case Study of Slovo Park, South Africa
2021 |
Maganadisa Kedibone |
Barriers and Opportunities of Community Participation in Informal Settlement Upgrading Projects: A Case Study of Slovo Park, South Africa
2021 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Pretorius Ockert |
Barriers and Opportunities of Community Participation in Informal Settlement Upgrading Projects: A Case Study of Slovo Park, South Africa
2021 |
Gräf Alexander |
Basisdaten für die städtebauliche Planung: UrbanIS - Konzept eines Informationssystems
2002 |
Rinsche Susanne |
Basisdaten für die städtebauliche Planung: UrbanIS - Konzept eines Informationssystems
2002 |
Streich Bernd |
Basisdaten für die städtebauliche Planung: UrbanIS - Konzept eines Informationssystems
2002 |
Böhm Sandra |
Bau auf! Kreislaufgerechte Architektur in der Lehre
2019 |
Hebel Dirk E. |
Bau auf! Kreislaufgerechte Architektur in der Lehre
2019 |
Memmel Martin |
Baukultur Rheinland-Pfalz im Kontext von Geoweb und Web 2.0 mit MACE
2010 |
Zeile Peter |
Baukultur Rheinland-Pfalz im Kontext von Geoweb und Web 2.0 mit MACE
2010 |
Treusch Andreas |
Baukulturelle Entwicklung in der Arbeitswelt anhand des Beispieles Air Cargo Center und Handling Center West
2008 |
Otte Frank |
Bauleitplanung im Internet – Darstellung GIS-basierter Planungen und die Möglichkeit der Kommunikation im Verfahrensablauf
1999 |
Walter Klaus |
Bauleitplanung im Internet – Darstellung GIS-basierter Planungen und die Möglichkeit der Kommunikation im Verfahrensablauf
1999 |
Otte Frank |
Bauleitplanung im Internet - Neue Wege der Kommunikation?
2001 |
Dumfarth Erich |
Bebauungsplanung per Mausklick
1999 |
Gaisecker Thomas |
Bebauungsplanung per Mausklick
1999 |
Paul Michael |
Bebauungsplanung per Mausklick
1999 |
Schwap Alexander |
Bebauungsplanung per Mausklick
1999 |
Lamprechter Astrid |
Bedarfsgerechte Förderkriterien für Frauen und Männer - ein Projekt des Landes Salzburg im Rahmen von GenderAlp! Raumentwicklung für Frauen und Männer
2006 |
Gkavra Roxani |
Bedarfsverkehr im ländlichen Raum zur Sicherung der letzten Meile, Analyse erfolgreicher Fallbeispiele aus dem Bundesland Salzburg
2024 |
Husner Gregor |
Bedarfsverkehr im ländlichen Raum zur Sicherung der letzten Meile, Analyse erfolgreicher Fallbeispiele aus dem Bundesland Salzburg
2024 |
Klementschitz Roman |
Bedarfsverkehr im ländlichen Raum zur Sicherung der letzten Meile, Analyse erfolgreicher Fallbeispiele aus dem Bundesland Salzburg
2024 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Susilo Yusak |
Bedarfsverkehr im ländlichen Raum zur Sicherung der letzten Meile, Analyse erfolgreicher Fallbeispiele aus dem Bundesland Salzburg
2024 |
Woloschtschuk Igor |
Bedarfsverkehr im ländlichen Raum zur Sicherung der letzten Meile, Analyse erfolgreicher Fallbeispiele aus dem Bundesland Salzburg
2024 |
Burla Pradeep |
Behaviour Analysis of Interdependent Critical Infrastructure Components upon Failure
2016 |
Lindner Christine |
Behaviour Analysis of Interdependent Critical Infrastructure Components upon Failure
2016 |
Vallée Dirk |
Behaviour Analysis of Interdependent Critical Infrastructure Components upon Failure
2016 |
Batiajew Valerie |
Behaviour Change towards Sustainable Mobility triggered by Nudging Initiatives
2020 |
Klementschitz Roman |
Behaviour Change towards Sustainable Mobility triggered by Nudging Initiatives
2020 |
Roider Oliver |
Behaviour Change towards Sustainable Mobility triggered by Nudging Initiatives
2020 |
De Maeyer Jonas |
Behavioural Studies in Spatial Planning
2021 |
De Mulder Sophie |
Behavioural Studies in Spatial Planning
2021 |
Leroy Sophie |
Behavioural Studies in Spatial Planning
2021 |
Pennincx Inge |
Behavioural Studies in Spatial Planning
2021 |
Braumann Alfried |
Beiträge innovationsorientierter Unternehmensförderung zur Umsetzung des Smart-City-Konzepts am Beispiel Wien
2014 |
Weiss Dominic |
Beiträge innovationsorientierter Unternehmensförderung zur Umsetzung des Smart-City-Konzepts am Beispiel Wien
2014 |
Laconte Pierre |
Belgiumâs Private Innovation Hubs
2022 |
Djukic Aleksandra |
Belgrade: Smart Solutions for the Climate Change Challenges?
2016 |
Maric Jelena |
Belgrade: Smart Solutions for the Climate Change Challenges?
2016 |
Stupar Aleksandra |
Belgrade: Smart Solutions for the Climate Change Challenges?
2016 |
Blöchliger Hansjörg |
Benchmarking regionaler Innovationsdaten: Der Nutzen für die regionale Planung
2004 |
Jobst Markus |
Benutzerschnittstellen in der multimedialem 3D-Kartographie - eine Gegenüberstellung
2004 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Pratama Arszandi |
BERiDE – Collaborative And Participatory Platform for Jakarta Smart City
2019 |
Tarigan Raja |
BERiDE – Collaborative And Participatory Platform for Jakarta Smart City
2019 |
Arnberger Arne |
Besuchererfassungstechnologien als Beitrag für eine nachhaltige Erholungsgebiets- und Stadtentwicklung
2006 |
Brandenburg Christiane |
Besuchererfassungstechnologien als Beitrag für eine nachhaltige Erholungsgebiets- und Stadtentwicklung
2006 |
Muhar Andreas |
Besuchererfassungstechnologien als Beitrag für eine nachhaltige Erholungsgebiets- und Stadtentwicklung
2006 |
Schäfer Yvonne |
Beteiligungsprozesse und digitale Medien. Wikis, Weblogs & Co als neue Formen des Dialogs in der räumlichen Planung?
2007 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
Between the Translating City and the Immediate City
2007 |
Bayro-Kaiser Fabio |
Between Urban Transformation and Everyday Practices – Participation and Co-Production in the City of Tarija, Bolivia
2020 |
Kaule Giselher |
Bewertung von Umweltwirkungen durch den Verkehr
1997 |
Roedel Petra |
Bewertung von Umweltwirkungen durch den Verkehr
1997 |
Scheuerer Walter |
Bewertung von Umweltwirkungen durch den Verkehr
1997 |
Stauch Carola |
Bewertung von Umweltwirkungen durch den Verkehr
1997 |
Lorens Piotr |
Beyond Mobility: Issues in Shaping the Transit Spaces
2022 |
Schroth Olaf |
Beyond usability - User-centred design of tools that support the communication of planning scenarios
2008 |
Mahdavi Ardeshir |
Beyond visualization - the challenge of developing semantically rich, multi-dimensional building models
2003 |
Suter Georg |
Beyond visualization - the challenge of developing semantically rich, multi-dimensional building models
2003 |
Milakovic Mira |
BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO: The Reinvented Magic of Urban Shopping?
2012 |
Stupar Aleksandra |
BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO: The Reinvented Magic of Urban Shopping?
2012 |
Ebrahimnia Vahide |
Big Data and Knowledge-based Urban System in Tehran
2018 |
Mahmoudpour Asrin |
Big Data and Knowledge-based Urban System in Tehran
2018 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Adejumo Olatunji |
Bikability in Metropolitan Lagos: A Conceptualization of Eco Friendly Transportation Alternative
2010 |
Gumbo Trynos |
BIM and Carbon Emissions Nexus: A Way Forward for Reducing Carbon Emissions in the South African Construction Industry
2024 |
Mahachi Jeffrey |
BIM and Carbon Emissions Nexus: A Way Forward for Reducing Carbon Emissions in the South African Construction Industry
2024 |
Mashinini Peter China |
BIM and Carbon Emissions Nexus: A Way Forward for Reducing Carbon Emissions in the South African Construction Industry
2024 |
El-Sayad Zeyad |
Biophilic Design Approach: Towards Better User's Urban Open Spaces Experience and Improve the Lingering Factor in the University Campus â Case study Faculty of Engineering Campus, Alexandria University, Egypt
2022 |
Gamaleldin Sagda |
Biophilic Design Approach: Towards Better User's Urban Open Spaces Experience and Improve the Lingering Factor in the University Campus â Case study Faculty of Engineering Campus, Alexandria University, Egypt
2022 |
Ibrahim Mohamed |
Biophilic Design Approach: Towards Better User's Urban Open Spaces Experience and Improve the Lingering Factor in the University Campus â Case study Faculty of Engineering Campus, Alexandria University, Egypt
2022 |
Bae So-Yeon |
Biotope Mapping in Korea. History of biotope mapping and consideration of a new method
2009 |
Kim Hyun-Soo |
Biotope Mapping in Korea. History of biotope mapping and consideration of a new method
2009 |
Kim Yeon Mee |
Biotope Mapping in Korea. History of biotope mapping and consideration of a new method
2009 |
Moon Soo Young |
Biotope Mapping in Korea. History of biotope mapping and consideration of a new method
2009 |
Bartnik Dorothea |
Blue City Mannheim - innovative Konzepte für Konversionsflächen in Mannheim
2014 |
Kuhn Alexander |
Blue City Mannheim - innovative Konzepte für Konversionsflächen in Mannheim
2014 |
Rhiem Walter |
Blue City Mannheim - innovative Konzepte für Konversionsflächen in Mannheim
2014 |
Dickhaut Wolfgang |
BlueGreenStreets â Adapting Urban Streets for Climate Change
2023 |
Eckart Jochen |
BlueGreenStreets â Adapting Urban Streets for Climate Change
2023 |
Richter Michael |
BlueGreenStreets â Adapting Urban Streets for Climate Change
2023 |
Dressel Rosi |
Boca Raton: Bringing New Age Air Transport to Comfortable Isolation
2008 |
Junkala Joan |
Boca Raton: Bringing New Age Air Transport to Comfortable Isolation
2008 |
Steiner Hannah |
Boca Raton: Bringing New Age Air Transport to Comfortable Isolation
2008 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Welsh Mark G. |
Boca Raton: Bringing New Age Air Transport to Comfortable Isolation
2008 |
Zierhut Helmut |
2005 |
Gomes Marcelo |
Boundaries, Packing & Diversity – Spatial Scaling Laws in Squatter Settlements
2001 |
Sobreira Fabiano |
Boundaries, Packing & Diversity – Spatial Scaling Laws in Squatter Settlements
2001 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Branding so Good: from Jeppestown to Maboneng Precinct
2019 |
Letlape Bonolo |
Branding so Good: from Jeppestown to Maboneng Precinct
2019 |
Basedow Sebastian |
Braucht Bürgerbeteiligung in der Planung GIS-Funktionalitäten?
2001 |
Pundt Hardy |
Braucht Bürgerbeteiligung in der Planung GIS-Funktionalitäten?
2001 |
Zajac Agnieszka |
Braving a New Life in the Old Dockyards – Towards an Integrated Approach
2015 |
Blaschke Thomas |
Bridging GIS-based landscape analysis/modelling and 3D-simulation. Is this already 4D?
2003 |
Tiede Dirk |
Bridging GIS-based landscape analysis/modelling and 3D-simulation. Is this already 4D?
2003 |
Endl Andreas |
Bridging Policy Streams of Minerals and Land Use Planning: a Conceptualisation and Comparative Analysis of Instruments for Policy Integration in 11 European Member States
2020 |
Gottenhuber Sara Louise |
Bridging Policy Streams of Minerals and Land Use Planning: a Conceptualisation and Comparative Analysis of Instruments for Policy Integration in 11 European Member States
2020 |
Gugerell Katharina |
Bridging Policy Streams of Minerals and Land Use Planning: a Conceptualisation and Comparative Analysis of Instruments for Policy Integration in 11 European Member States
2020 |
Aichmaier Heimo |
Bridging the Gap in E-Mobility: from Supranational Goals to Local Legal Barriers to New Market Opportunities
2015 |
Ludwig Bertram |
Bridging the Gap in E-Mobility: from Supranational Goals to Local Legal Barriers to New Market Opportunities
2015 |
Cho Yunjung |
Bridging the Physical and the Virtual: Creating a Social Network via Media-Enhanced Street Furniture
2010 |
Kim Sung Ah |
Bridging the Physical and the Virtual: Creating a Social Network via Media-Enhanced Street Furniture
2010 |
Auci Sabrina |
Bright Cities and City Information Modeling
2019 |
Mundula Luigi |
Bright Cities and City Information Modeling
2019 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Quaquero Emanuela |
Bright Cities and City Information Modeling
2019 |
Hernantes Josune |
Bringing Research on City Resilience to Relevant Stakeholders â Combining Co-creation and Standardization in the ARCH project
2021 |
Jaca Carmen |
Bringing Research on City Resilience to Relevant Stakeholders â Combining Co-creation and Standardization in the ARCH project
2021 |
Latinos Vasileios |
Bringing Research on City Resilience to Relevant Stakeholders â Combining Co-creation and Standardization in the ARCH project
2021 |
Lindner Rene |
Bringing Research on City Resilience to Relevant Stakeholders â Combining Co-creation and Standardization in the ARCH project
2021 |
Lückerath Daniel |
Bringing Research on City Resilience to Relevant Stakeholders â Combining Co-creation and Standardization in the ARCH project
2021 |
Peinhardt Katherine |
Bringing Research on City Resilience to Relevant Stakeholders â Combining Co-creation and Standardization in the ARCH project
2021 |
Djuric Angela |
Brownfield Regeneration in Sarajevo â Sustainable Growth Towards a Polycentric City
2023 |
Höftberger Katharina |
Brownfield Regeneration in Sarajevo â Sustainable Growth Towards a Polycentric City
2023 |
Klumpner Hubert |
Brownfield Regeneration in Sarajevo â Sustainable Growth Towards a Polycentric City
2023 |
Krebs Roland |
Brownfield Regeneration in Sarajevo â Sustainable Growth Towards a Polycentric City
2023 |
Matic Klara |
Brownfield Regeneration in Sarajevo â Sustainable Growth Towards a Polycentric City
2023 |
Pavlovic Andrea |
Brownfield Regeneration in Sarajevo â Sustainable Growth Towards a Polycentric City
2023 |
Walczak Michael |
Brownfield Regeneration in Sarajevo â Sustainable Growth Towards a Polycentric City
2023 |
Barvika Sarmite |
Brownfields Information Brocker
2016 |
Charvat Karel |
Brownfields Information Brocker
2016 |
Mildorf Tomas |
Brownfields Information Brocker
2016 |
Barinka Karel |
BROWNTRRANS – Focusing Brownfield Knowhow Transfer
2013 |
Bergatt Jackson Jirina |
BROWNTRRANS – Focusing Brownfield Knowhow Transfer
2013 |
Prostejovska Zita |
BROWNTRRANS – Focusing Brownfield Knowhow Transfer
2013 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Vojvodíkova Barbara |
BROWNTRRANS – Focusing Brownfield Knowhow Transfer
2013 |
Amini Minoo S. |
Buffalo-Niagara Green Map System: Retracing Olmsted Park Systems Using GIS
2002 |
Hamedinger Alexander |
Building "Places" in "Space": theoretical and empirical remarks about the thesis of "disembedding"
2003 |
Manic Bozidar |
Building a Common Platform: Integrative and Territorial Approach to Planning Cultural Heritage within the Framework of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2021-2035
2020 |
Nikovic Ana |
Building a Common Platform: Integrative and Territorial Approach to Planning Cultural Heritage within the Framework of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2021-2035
2020 |
Günther Felix |
Building According to Climate Change
2023 |
Rollandi Annalisa |
Building According to Climate Change
2023 |
Senegacnik Joze |
Building Common Infrastructure for Dissemination of Real Estate Data in Slovenia
2006 |
Raut Papiya |
Building Inclusive Smart Sustainable Cities through Virtual Environment
2015 |
Raut Sandeep |
Building Inclusive Smart Sustainable Cities through Virtual Environment
2015 |
Cernic Barbara |
Building Land Register â an Important Step towards Effective Space Management
2023 |
Fitzke Jens |
Building SDIS with free software – the DEEGREE project
2004 |
Greve Klaus |
Building SDIS with free software – the DEEGREE project
2004 |
Müller Markus |
Building SDIS with free software – the DEEGREE project
2004 |
Poth Andreas |
Building SDIS with free software – the DEEGREE project
2004 |
Vodyaho Alexander |
Building Smart Applications for Smart Cities - IGIS-based Architectural Framework
2014 |
Zhukova Nataly |
Building Smart Applications for Smart Cities - IGIS-based Architectural Framework
2014 |
Anterola Jeremy |
Building the Case for Nature-Based Solutions: Enablers and Barriers in Data-Driven Solutions for Climate Adaptive Developments
2020 |
Borg Kane |
Building the Case for Nature-Based Solutions: Enablers and Barriers in Data-Driven Solutions for Climate Adaptive Developments
2020 |
Brückmann Stefan |
Building the Case for Nature-Based Solutions: Enablers and Barriers in Data-Driven Solutions for Climate Adaptive Developments
2020 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Hermansdorfer Mariusz |
Building the Case for Nature-Based Solutions: Enablers and Barriers in Data-Driven Solutions for Climate Adaptive Developments
2020 |
Stein Ulf |
Building the Case for Nature-Based Solutions: Enablers and Barriers in Data-Driven Solutions for Climate Adaptive Developments
2020 |
Djukanovic Zoran |
Building the ICT fundament for local e-government in Serbia - municipality of Loznica example
2004 |
Lalovic Ksenija |
Building the ICT fundament for local E-Government in Serbia - Municipality of Loznica example
2004 |
Zivkovic Jelena |
Building the ICT fundament for local E-Government in Serbia - Municipality of Loznica example
2004 |
Bergatt Jackson Jiřina |
Building up Land Use Management Skills
2012 |
Benedikt Josef |
Bus Stop 3.0 – Bus Stop for the Future – Multifunctional Centers for Regional Development
2010 |
Egger Tanja |
Bus Stop 3.0 – Bus Stop for the Future – Multifunctional Centers for Regional Development
2010 |
Eizinger Christian |
Bus Stop 3.0 – Bus Stop for the Future – Multifunctional Centers for Regional Development
2010 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Bus Stop 3.0 – Bus Stop for the Future – Multifunctional Centers for Regional Development
2010 |
Benedikt Josef |
BusStop 3.0: Bus Stops as Multifunctional Centers of Innovative Urban Development
2009 |
Beyer Clemens |
BusStop 3.0: Bus Stops as Multifunctional Centers of Innovative Urban Development
2009 |
Delle Karth Gert |
BusStop 3.0: Bus Stops as Multifunctional Centers of Innovative Urban Development
2009 |
Farkas Paul Andor |
BusStop 3.0: Bus Stops as Multifunctional Centers of Innovative Urban Development
2009 |
Schrenk Manfred |
BusStop 3.0: Bus Stops as Multifunctional Centers of Innovative Urban Development
2009 |
Henninger Sascha |
Bäume im Bild: Wie ein transdisziplinärer Ansatz und KI zur Verbesserung der Datenqualität eines städtischen digitalen Baumkatasters beitragen können
2023 |
Henninger Sascha |
Bäume im Bild: Wie ein transdisziplinärer Ansatz und KI zur Verbesserung der Datenqualität eines städtischen digitalen Baumkatasters beitragen können
2023 |
Hoff Lena |
Bäume im Bild: Wie ein transdisziplinärer Ansatz und KI zur Verbesserung der Datenqualität eines städtischen digitalen Baumkatasters beitragen können
2023 |
Mayer Julia |
Bäume im Bild: Wie ein transdisziplinärer Ansatz und KI zur Verbesserung der Datenqualität eines städtischen digitalen Baumkatasters beitragen können
2023 |
Memmel Martin |
Bäume im Bild: Wie ein transdisziplinärer Ansatz und KI zur Verbesserung der Datenqualität eines städtischen digitalen Baumkatasters beitragen können
2023 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Oberegger Werner |
C&N GeoLine GPS-System - aktuelle GPS-Anwendungen a la carte
2001 |
Pflüger Frank |
CAD - noch längst keine Selbstverständlichkeit
1998 |
Schatz Gernot |
CAD und GIS-Einsatz in Planungsbüros und Gemeinden: Konflikte - Chancen - Abhängigkeiten - eine Annäherung
1996 |
Fogliaroni Paolo |
Cadastral Feedback on Spatial Planning
2013 |
Navratil Gerhard |
Cadastral Feedback on Spatial Planning
2013 |
Muhammad Mian Nawaz |
Cadastral Management System with utilities and facilities. A Case study of Model Town Lahore
2009 |
Rusev Zdravko |
CAGI - Czech Association for Geoinformation.
2001 |
Potulski Hanna |
Campus Development of the IDEA League Universities
2020 |
Adenle Yusuf |
Campus Sustainability Appraisal in Nigeria: Setting up Sustainable Attributes for Higher Educational Institutions
2020 |
Chan Edwin |
Campus Sustainability Appraisal in Nigeria: Setting up Sustainable Attributes for Higher Educational Institutions
2020 |
Chau Chi-kwan |
Campus Sustainability Appraisal in Nigeria: Setting up Sustainable Attributes for Higher Educational Institutions
2020 |
Sun Yi |
Campus Sustainability Appraisal in Nigeria: Setting up Sustainable Attributes for Higher Educational Institutions
2020 |
Giaretta Federico |
Can an Economic Activities Inventory Fill the Knowledge Gap about the Economic Sector in a Policy Making Process?
2017 |
Zaman Jan |
Can an Economic Activities Inventory Fill the Knowledge Gap about the Economic Sector in a Policy Making Process?
2017 |
Gavrilidis Athanasios Alexandru |
Can Church Gardens Represent a Valuable Recreation Alternative in Cities?
2021 |
Gradinaru Simona Raluca |
Can Church Gardens Represent a Valuable Recreation Alternative in Cities?
2021 |
Ioja Ioan Cristian |
Can Church Gardens Represent a Valuable Recreation Alternative in Cities?
2021 |
Onose Diana Andreea |
Can Church Gardens Represent a Valuable Recreation Alternative in Cities?
2021 |
Popa Ana-Maria |
Can Church Gardens Represent a Valuable Recreation Alternative in Cities?
2021 |
Slave Andreea Raluca |
Can Church Gardens Represent a Valuable Recreation Alternative in Cities?
2021 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Friedrich Robin |
Can Gamification be Used for Spatial Energy Data Collection?
2021 |
Gebetsroither-Geringer Ernst |
Can Gamification be Used for Spatial Energy Data Collection?
2021 |
Geyer Roman |
Can Gamification be Used for Spatial Energy Data Collection?
2021 |
Graf Angelika |
Can Gamification be Used for Spatial Energy Data Collection?
2021 |
Göls Marko |
Can Gamification be Used for Spatial Energy Data Collection?
2021 |
Meissner Ernst |
Can Gamification be Used for Spatial Energy Data Collection?
2021 |
Pfeiffer Alexander |
Can Gamification be Used for Spatial Energy Data Collection?
2021 |
Schmidt Ralf-Roman |
Can Gamification be Used for Spatial Energy Data Collection?
2021 |
Stollnberger Romana |
Can Gamification be Used for Spatial Energy Data Collection?
2021 |
Wernbacher Thomas |
Can Gamification be Used for Spatial Energy Data Collection?
2021 |
Worster Jakob |
Can Gamification be Used for Spatial Energy Data Collection?
2021 |
Dimelli Despina |
Can Greek Cities be Smart?
2015 |
Ryser Judith |
Can planning mediate between sustainable communities and digital divide?
2004 |
Maruna Marija |
Can Planning Solutions be Evaluated without Insight into the Process of their Creation?
2015 |
Cannas Ignazio |
Can the Integration of the Environmental Dimension Make a Metropolitan Context Smart? An Argument about Planning in the Recently Established Metropolitan City of Cagliari and the Natura 2000 Network
2016 |
Ruggeri Daniela |
Can the Integration of the Environmental Dimension Make a Metropolitan Context Smart? An Argument about Planning in the Recently Established Metropolitan City of Cagliari and the Natura 2000 Network
2016 |
Khan Asif |
Can Universities Facilitate Cities to Function Better?
2012 |
Mohammadzadeh Mohsen |
Can Universities Facilitate Cities to Function Better?
2012 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
Can we capture the imaginary dimension of cities?
2009 |
Fischer Karl Friedhelm |
Canberra – Cultural Controversies and Urban Change in a Capital City Region
2020 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Weirick James |
Canberra – Cultural Controversies and Urban Change in a Capital City Region
2020 |
Fian Tabea |
Capturing Customer-Centred Functions of Local eCommerce Platforms
2021 |
Florack Arnd |
Capturing Customer-Centred Functions of Local eCommerce Platforms
2021 |
Hauger Georg |
Capturing Customer-Centred Functions of Local eCommerce Platforms
2021 |
Lamotte Isabel |
Capturing Customer-Centred Functions of Local eCommerce Platforms
2021 |
Söllner Martin |
Capturing Customer-Centred Functions of Local eCommerce Platforms
2021 |
Guhathakurta Subhrajit |
Carbon Footprints aufgrund individuellem Verkehrsverhalten von unterschiedlichen Haushalten
2011 |
Hagen Hans |
Carbon Footprints aufgrund individuellem Verkehrsverhalten von unterschiedlichen Haushalten
2011 |
Petsch Sebastian |
Carbon Footprints aufgrund individuellem Verkehrsverhalten von unterschiedlichen Haushalten
2011 |
Litzenberger Martin |
CARBOTRAF – A Decision Support System for Reducing CO2 and Black Carbon Emissions by Adaptive Traffic Management
2012 |
Marcinek Marie S. |
CARBOTRAF – A Decision Support System for Reducing CO2 and Black Carbon Emissions by Adaptive Traffic Management
2012 |
Paukerl Alfred |
CARBOTRAF – A Decision Support System for Reducing CO2 and Black Carbon Emissions by Adaptive Traffic Management
2012 |
Ponweiser Wolfgang |
CARBOTRAF – A Decision Support System for Reducing CO2 and Black Carbon Emissions by Adaptive Traffic Management
2012 |
Schramm Michael |
CARBOTRAF – A Decision Support System for Reducing CO2 and Black Carbon Emissions by Adaptive Traffic Management
2012 |
Kollarits Stefan |
Carstic waters as strategic ressource. Management and planning tools – an international comparison
2001 |
Kühnl Marlene |
Categorizing Urban Structural Types using an Object-Based Local Climate Zone Classification Scheme in MedellÃn, Colombia
2021 |
Sapena Marta |
Categorizing Urban Structural Types using an Object-Based Local Climate Zone Classification Scheme in MedellÃn, Colombia
2021 |
Taubenböck Hannes |
Categorizing Urban Structural Types using an Object-Based Local Climate Zone Classification Scheme in MedellÃn, Colombia
2021 |
Barboric Blaz |
CE-Spaces4All: Improving Accessibility of Tourism for Persons with Disabilities in Central Europe
2024 |
Beyer Clemens |
CE-Spaces4All: Improving Accessibility of Tourism for Persons with Disabilities in Central Europe
2024 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Fischer Tatjana |
CE-Spaces4All: Improving Accessibility of Tourism for Persons with Disabilities in Central Europe
2024 |
Schrenk Manfred |
CE-Spaces4All: Improving Accessibility of Tourism for Persons with Disabilities in Central Europe
2024 |
Bayr Caroline |
Cellular Automata (CA) Approach for Medium Sized Cities
2013 |
Koboltschnig Rose-Gerd |
Cellular Automata (CA) Approach for Medium Sized Cities
2013 |
Steurer Miriam |
Cellular Automata (CA) Approach for Medium Sized Cities
2013 |
Kassl-Hamza Christine |
Central European Park for Innovative Technologies - CEPIT
2007 |
Schrenk Manfred |
2005 |
von Wirth Timo |
2005 |
Beyer Clemens |
CentropeMAP – Cross-Border Data at a Glance
2018 |
Schrenk Manfred |
CentropeMAP – Cross-Border Data at a Glance
2018 |
Beyer Clemens |
CentropeMAP – Cross-Border Geoportal with Interactive Cross-Border Statistics Database
2015 |
Schrenk Manfred |
CentropeMAP – Cross-Border Geoportal with Interactive Cross-Border Statistics Database
2015 |
Beyer Clemens |
CentropeMAP – interaktive grenzüberschreitende Datenanalyse
2017 |
Schrenk Manfred |
CentropeMAP – interaktive grenzüberschreitende Datenanalyse
2017 |
Beyer Clemens |
CentropeMAP – interaktive Zeitreihendarstellung statistischer Daten
2020 |
Schrenk Manfred |
CentropeMAP – interaktive Zeitreihendarstellung statistischer Daten
2020 |
Beyer Clemens |
CentropeMAP – Working with Cross-Border Statistical Data
2019 |
Schrenk Manfred |
CentropeMAP – Working with Cross-Border Statistical Data
2019 |
Pozarek Walter |
CentropeMAP - 4 Staaten, 4 Sprachen, 4 Bezugssysteme, eine Region mit grenzüberschreitender Informationsinfrastruktur
2006 |
Schrenk Manfred |
CentropeMAP - 4 Staaten, 4 Sprachen, 4 Bezugssysteme, eine Region mit grenzüberschreitender Informationsinfrastruktur
2006 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
von Wirth Timo |
CentropeMAP - 4 Staaten, 4 Sprachen, 4 Bezugssysteme, eine Region mit grenzüberschreitender Informationsinfrastruktur
2006 |
Beyer Clemens |
CentropeMAP - Information Infrastructure for a dynamic cross-border region in the heart of Europe
2009 |
Pozarek Walter |
CentropeMAP - Information Infrastructure for a dynamic cross-border region in the heart of Europe
2009 |
Schrenk Manfred |
CentropeMAP - Information Infrastructure for a dynamic cross-border region in the heart of Europe
2009 |
Beyer Clemens |
CentropeMAP and CentropeSTATISTICS – Cross-Border Geodata Infrastructure with User-Defined Thematic Maps
2010 |
Pozarek Walter |
CentropeMAP and CentropeSTATISTICS – Cross-Border Geodata Infrastructure with User-Defined Thematic Maps
2010 |
Schrenk Manfred |
CentropeMAP and CentropeSTATISTICS – Cross-Border Geodata Infrastructure with User-Defined Thematic Maps
2010 |
Beyer Clemens |
CentropeSTATISTICS – Interactive Creation of Maps and Charts
2013 |
Pozarek Walter |
CentropeSTATISTICS – Interactive Creation of Maps and Charts
2013 |
Schrenk Manfred |
CentropeSTATISTICS – Interactive Creation of Maps and Charts
2013 |
Beyer Clemens |
CentropeSTATISTICS – interaktive grenzüberschreitende Geo-Statistik
2011 |
Pozarek Walter |
CentropeSTATISTICS – interaktive grenzüberschreitende Geo-Statistik
2011 |
Schrenk Manfred |
CentropeSTATISTICS – interaktive grenzüberschreitende Geo-Statistik
2011 |
Beyer Clemens |
CentropeSTATISTICS – Working Interactively with Cross-Border Statistic Data
2012 |
Pozarek Walter |
CentropeSTATISTICS – Working Interactively with Cross-Border Statistic Data
2012 |
Schrenk Manfred |
CentropeSTATISTICS – Working Interactively with Cross-Border Statistic Data
2012 |
Beyer Clemens |
CentropeSTATISTICS - a Tool for Cross-Border Data Presentation
2014 |
Schrenk Manfred |
CentropeSTATISTICS - a Tool for Cross-Border Data Presentation
2014 |
Ströbinger Norbert |
CentropeSTATISTICS - a Tool for Cross-Border Data Presentation
2014 |
Behmel Andreas |
CG Mixed Reality Architectural Workspace
2013 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Gründler Josef |
CG Mixed Reality Architectural Workspace
2013 |
Höhl Wolfgang |
CG Mixed Reality Architectural Workspace
2013 |
Kienzl Thomas |
CG Mixed Reality Architectural Workspace
2013 |
Sandtner Heimo |
CG Mixed Reality Architectural Workspace
2013 |
Bajracharya Bhishna |
Challenges and Opportunities to Develop a Smart City: A Case Study of Gold Coast, Australia
2014 |
Cattell David |
Challenges and Opportunities to Develop a Smart City: A Case Study of Gold Coast, Australia
2014 |
Khanjanasthiti Isara |
Challenges and Opportunities to Develop a Smart City: A Case Study of Gold Coast, Australia
2014 |
Flamm Lena |
Challenges for Implementing Blue-Green Measures in the Transformation of Peri-Urban Streets
2023 |
Hilgert Carola |
Challenges for Implementing Blue-Green Measures in the Transformation of Peri-Urban Streets
2023 |
Hilgert Carola |
Challenges for Implementing Blue-Green Measures in the Transformation of Peri-Urban Streets
2023 |
Schwab Eva |
Challenges for Implementing Blue-Green Measures in the Transformation of Peri-Urban Streets
2023 |
Stefan Mario |
Challenges for Implementing Blue-Green Measures in the Transformation of Peri-Urban Streets
2023 |
Altwegg Jürg |
Challenges in Integrating Ecosystem Services in Sustainable Land Management
2011 |
Gret-Regamey Adrienne |
Challenges in Integrating Ecosystem Services in Sustainable Land Management
2011 |
Fischer Tatjana |
Chance auf Vorbereitung eines geordneten Übergangs oder Herausforderung eines anlassbezogenen Krisenmanagements? Zur Stellung der Raumplanung in der Diskussion um post-fossile städtische Zukünfte
2011 |
Skala Franz |
Chance auf Vorbereitung eines geordneten Übergangs oder Herausforderung eines anlassbezogenen Krisenmanagements? Zur Stellung der Raumplanung in der Diskussion um post-fossile städtische Zukünfte
2011 |
Stöglehner Gernot |
Chance auf Vorbereitung eines geordneten Übergangs oder Herausforderung eines anlassbezogenen Krisenmanagements? Zur Stellung der Raumplanung in der Diskussion um post-fossile städtische Zukünfte
2011 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Chancen und Gefahren für die Raumplanung durch "Neue Informations-Technologien"
1998 |
Ruff Ariane |
Chancen und Grenzen des energetischen Stadt- und Landschaftsumbaus – wieviel Steuerung ist nötig und möglich?
2015 |
Heineking Ingrid |
Chancengleichheit beim Zugang zu Mobilität
2010 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Stiewe Mechtild |
Chancengleichheit und Gender Mainstreaming im regionalen Diskurs – Beteiligung und Kooperation in regionalen Planungsprozessen
2015 |
Gasser Juliane |
Change Communication als Instrument für erfolgreiches Anrainermanagement im Rahmen von nachhaltigen Betriebsansiedlungen am Beispiel Oberösterreich
2021 |
Jarzombek Harald |
Change Communication als Instrument für erfolgreiches Anrainermanagement im Rahmen von nachhaltigen Betriebsansiedlungen am Beispiel Oberösterreich
2021 |
Ganster Winfried |
Change Detection im städtischen Umfeld von Graz/Österreich mit sehr hoch auflösenden UltraCam-Daten
2017 |
Mollatz Michael |
Change Detection im städtischen Umfeld von Graz/Österreich mit sehr hoch auflösenden UltraCam-Daten
2017 |
Pfeiler Florian |
Change Detection im städtischen Umfeld von Graz/Österreich mit sehr hoch auflösenden UltraCam-Daten
2017 |
Salentinig Andreas |
Change Detection im städtischen Umfeld von Graz/Österreich mit sehr hoch auflösenden UltraCam-Daten
2017 |
Sulzer Wolfgang |
Change Detection im städtischen Umfeld von Graz/Österreich mit sehr hoch auflösenden UltraCam-Daten
2017 |
Allison Lesley |
Changes in Access in Local and Global facilities due to the Development of Transport Information Systems
2003 |
Schechtner Katja |
Changes in Access in Local and Global facilities due to the Development of Transport Information Systems
2003 |
Zajicek Jürgen |
Changes in Access in Local and Global facilities due to the Development of Transport Information Systems
2003 |
Ryser Judith |
Changing Cities – Changing Minds
2015 |
Brezina Tadej |
Changing Structures Induce Changing Behaviour: Streetscape Revitalisation and Human Mobility
2017 |
Emberger Günter |
Changing Structures Induce Changing Behaviour: Streetscape Revitalisation and Human Mobility
2017 |
Dimelli Despina |
Changing Sub-Urban Land Uses to Urban
2012 |
Scoppetta Cecilia |
Checking Smartness "On the Ground": Historically Rooted Dilemmas, Future Challenges and Visions for a Smarter Metropolitan Area of Rome
2014 |
Fernandez Andrea |
Chongqing at Crossroads: How Urban Planning and Infrastructure can Support Sustainable Industries.
2010 |
Lam Debra |
Chongqing at Crossroads: How Urban Planning and Infrastructure can Support Sustainable Industries.
2010 |
Ekelund Nils |
Chronicles of Peri-Urban Expansion in Small Rural Towns: a Comprehensive Study of Makhado Biabaâs Built-Up Areas from 1995 to 2022
2024 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Chronicles of Peri-Urban Expansion in Small Rural Towns: a Comprehensive Study of Makhado Biabaâs Built-Up Areas from 1995 to 2022
2024 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Ingwani Emmaculate |
Chronicles of Peri-Urban Expansion in Small Rural Towns: a Comprehensive Study of Makhado Biabaâs Built-Up Areas from 1995 to 2022
2024 |
Nthangeni Ngudo Winny |
Chronicles of Peri-Urban Expansion in Small Rural Towns: a Comprehensive Study of Makhado Biabaâs Built-Up Areas from 1995 to 2022
2024 |
Netsch Stefan |
Church Buildings as a Driver in the Real Estate Development of Cities
2019 |
Haase Matthias |
Circular Economy Principles and Planetary Boundaries
2024 |
Meslec Mihaela |
Circular Economy Principles and Planetary Boundaries
2024 |
Bergatt Jackson Jirina |
Circular Flow Land Use Management
2011 |
Ferber Uwe |
Circular Flow Land Use Management
2011 |
Starzewska-Sikorska Anna |
Circular Flow Land Use Management
2011 |
Huber Felix |
Cities and Climate Change: A Simulation Model for the Ruhr Area 2050
2011 |
Spiekermann Klaus |
Cities and Climate Change: A Simulation Model for the Ruhr Area 2050
2011 |
Wegener Michael |
Cities and Climate Change: A Simulation Model for the Ruhr Area 2050
2011 |
Aron Rébecca |
CitInES Project - Tool for the Sustainable Energy Action Plan for Cities
2014 |
Bénévent Clémence |
CitInES Project - Tool for the Sustainable Energy Action Plan for Cities
2014 |
Burioli Sofia |
CitInES Project - Tool for the Sustainable Energy Action Plan for Cities
2014 |
Morigi Silvia |
CitInES Project - Tool for the Sustainable Energy Action Plan for Cities
2014 |
Pardo Garcia Nicolas |
CitInES Project - Tool for the Sustainable Energy Action Plan for Cities
2014 |
Psenner Angelika |
City Afoot â What the State-of-the-Art Walkable City Looks Like
2021 |
Tobisch Susanne |
City Afoot â What the State-of-the-Art Walkable City Looks Like
2021 |
Fathy Tarik A. |
City and information technology: theoretical challenge
2004 |
Milakovic Mira |
City Building and Urban Failure: Why Urban Development in Serbia Does Not Achieve Planned Results
2013 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Samardzic Nikola |
City Building and Urban Failure: Why Urban Development in Serbia Does Not Achieve Planned Results
2013 |
Vukmirovic Milena |
City Building and Urban Failure: Why Urban Development in Serbia Does Not Achieve Planned Results
2013 |
Popovich Vasily |
City Computer Architecture. Corporate Information Systems Approach
2011 |
Schrenk Manfred |
City Computer Architecture. Corporate Information Systems Approach
2011 |
Shalamaiko Yaroslav |
City Computer Architecture. Corporate Information Systems Approach
2011 |
Smirnova Oxana |
City Computer Architecture. Corporate Information Systems Approach
2011 |
Zhukova Nataly |
City Computer Architecture. Corporate Information Systems Approach
2011 |
Mironowicz Izabela |
City Discovered or Invented? A Dialogue between Geographer and Architect
2011 |
Prosperi David |
City Discovered or Invented? A Dialogue between Geographer and Architect
2011 |
Karner Konrad |
City documentation: creation and visualization of high resolution panoramic image mosaics
2004 |
Klaus Andreas |
City documentation: creation and visualization of high resolution panoramic image mosaics
2004 |
Schröcker Gerald |
City documentation: creation and visualization of high resolution panoramic image mosaics
2004 |
Sormann Mario |
City documentation: creation and visualization of high resolution panoramic image mosaics
2004 |
Stokmane Ilze |
City Environment: Regional Development Dimension. Baltic Case
2010 |
Ilieva Lucia |
City for All: Livable Peripheral Neighbourhoods in Ruse (Bulgaria) through Advanced Mobility Measures
2020 |
Barvika Sarmite |
City in Transition: How to Plan Riga in the 21st Century
2015 |
Berzins Egons |
City in Transition: How to Plan Riga in the 21st Century
2015 |
Treija Sandra |
City in Transition: How to Plan Riga in the 21st Century
2015 |
Peek Gert-Joost |
City in Transition: Urban Open Innovation Environments as a Radical Innovation
2014 |
Troxler Peter |
City in Transition: Urban Open Innovation Environments as a Radical Innovation
2014 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Broschart Daniel |
City Information Modelling — Potenziale für eine intelligente Stadtplanung
2016 |
Müller Mara |
City Information Modelling — Potenziale für eine intelligente Stadtplanung
2016 |
Zeile Peter |
City Information Modelling — Potenziale für eine intelligente Stadtplanung
2016 |
Hawxwell Tom |
City Lab Lisbon — Development of a Smart Roadmap for the City of the Future
2016 |
Padilla Marielisa |
City Lab Lisbon — Development of a Smart Roadmap for the City of the Future
2016 |
Wendt Willi |
City Lab Lisbon — Development of a Smart Roadmap for the City of the Future
2016 |
Balermpas Athanasios |
City of Corfu: the transformation of the physiognomy of a capital city to a provisional one through testimonies from literature
2007 |
Fahmi Wael Salah |
City of Pixels. Experimental Imaging of postmodern other urban spaces
2005 |
Dübner Sven |
City of the Future Constance: „Future City“ – Quality instead of Square Meter
2018 |
Esper Lukas |
City of the Future Constance: „Future City“ – Quality instead of Square Meter
2018 |
Stroh Felix |
City of the Future Constance: „Future City“ – Quality instead of Square Meter
2018 |
Dübner Sven |
City of the Future Ludwigsburg: Co-Creation in Urban Development Processes
2018 |
Fanderl Nora |
City of the Future Ludwigsburg: Co-Creation in Urban Development Processes
2018 |
Heydkamp Constanze |
City of the Future Ludwigsburg: Co-Creation in Urban Development Processes
2018 |
Ryser Judith |
City OF Things or City FOR People?
2019 |
Antonov Alexander |
City on the Edge of Moscow Agglomeration: a Chance for Sustainable Development
2012 |
Shagova Anna |
City on the Edge of Moscow Agglomeration: a Chance for Sustainable Development
2012 |
Wankiewicz Heidrun |
City Region of Short Distance for ALL? Planning the 'Everyday' for a Diversity and Mixity of Users in Functional Areas
2012 |
Cozzutto Lapo |
City Works: A New Model for Management of Public Land
2013 |
Baganz Daniela |
CITYFOOD â Upscaled Urban Aquaponics and the Food-Water-Energy Nexus
2021 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Baganz Elias |
CITYFOOD â Upscaled Urban Aquaponics and the Food-Water-Energy Nexus
2021 |
Baganz Gösta |
CITYFOOD â Upscaled Urban Aquaponics and the Food-Water-Energy Nexus
2021 |
Doerberg Alexandra |
CITYFOOD â Upscaled Urban Aquaponics and the Food-Water-Energy Nexus
2021 |
Goddek Simon |
CITYFOOD â Upscaled Urban Aquaponics and the Food-Water-Energy Nexus
2021 |
Keesman Karel |
CITYFOOD â Upscaled Urban Aquaponics and the Food-Water-Energy Nexus
2021 |
Kloas Werner |
CITYFOOD â Upscaled Urban Aquaponics and the Food-Water-Energy Nexus
2021 |
Körner Oliver |
CITYFOOD â Upscaled Urban Aquaponics and the Food-Water-Energy Nexus
2021 |
Lohrberg Frank |
CITYFOOD â Upscaled Urban Aquaponics and the Food-Water-Energy Nexus
2021 |
Monsees Hendrik |
CITYFOOD â Upscaled Urban Aquaponics and the Food-Water-Energy Nexus
2021 |
Nehls Thomas |
CITYFOOD â Upscaled Urban Aquaponics and the Food-Water-Energy Nexus
2021 |
Schrenk Manfred |
CITYFOOD â Upscaled Urban Aquaponics and the Food-Water-Energy Nexus
2021 |
Ziscan Zorina |
CITYFOOD â Upscaled Urban Aquaponics and the Food-Water-Energy Nexus
2021 |
Devetakovic Radojevic Mirjana |
Civic networks of the SREM district – overcoming or indicating the digital divide?
2004 |
Downes Nigel |
Climate Change and the Resilience of Megacities in South-East-Asia. Creating Risk-Based Climate Change Information for Ho Chi Minh City's Settlements
2009 |
Moon Kiduk |
Climate Change and the Resilience of Megacities in South-East-Asia. Creating Risk-Based Climate Change Information for Ho Chi Minh City's Settlements
2009 |
Storch Harry |
Climate Change and the Resilience of Megacities in South-East-Asia. Creating Risk-Based Climate Change Information for Ho Chi Minh City's Settlements
2009 |
Letsoko Vuyiswa |
Climate Change Impacts on Food (In)Security: a Case Study of Enyezane, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa
2024 |
Mazibuko Bonakele |
Climate Change Impacts on Food (In)Security: a Case Study of Enyezane, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa
2024 |
Esch Thomas |
Climate Change in Cities – Can Remote Sensing Help to Optimise Mitigation Strategies?
2012 |
Heldens Wieke |
Climate Change in Cities – Can Remote Sensing Help to Optimise Mitigation Strategies?
2012 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Taubenböck Hannes |
Climate Change in Cities – Can Remote Sensing Help to Optimise Mitigation Strategies?
2012 |
Maes Tom |
Climate Change Mitigation and the Role of Industrial Parks
2011 |
Moentjens Karel |
Climate Change Mitigation and the Role of Industrial Parks
2011 |
Van Eetvelde Greet |
Climate Change Mitigation and the Role of Industrial Parks
2011 |
Galyano Filipp |
Climate Data Analysis on IGIS
2013 |
Popovich Vasily V. |
Climate Data Analysis on IGIS
2013 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Climate Data Analysis on IGIS
2013 |
Zhukova Natalia |
Climate Data Analysis on IGIS
2013 |
Adel Amira |
Climate Havens of Egypt: Facing Extreme Weather Events
2023 |
Bakr Ali |
Climate Havens of Egypt: Facing Extreme Weather Events
2023 |
Salah Nesma |
Climate Havens of Egypt: Facing Extreme Weather Events
2023 |
Erman Michael |
Climate Neutral City Districts - the Smartest Form of a City's Districts?
2014 |
Dumke Hartmut |
Climate Proofing Spatial Planning Policies in Austria â Case Studies and Findings
2021 |
Hirschler Petra |
Climate Proofing Spatial Planning Policies in Austria â Case Studies and Findings
2021 |
Kalhorn Anna |
Climate Proofing Spatial Planning Policies in Austria â Case Studies and Findings
2021 |
Shams Daniel |
Climate Proofing Spatial Planning Policies in Austria â Case Studies and Findings
2021 |
Rau Stefan |
Climate Resilient Sponge Cities â Concepts and Tools to Integrate Green-Blue and Grey Systems
2024 |
Pfanner Bianca |
Climate Twins for Future â Equivalent Urban Climate as Starting Point towards more Climate-Adapted Cities
2022 |
Franchini Teresa |
Climate Urgency and Cities: Action and Reaction, Evidence and Reluctance
2020 |
Ryser Judith |
Climate Urgency and Cities: Action and Reaction, Evidence and Reluctance
2020 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Sobanova Petra | Online Analytical Platform Needs
2018 |
Szeligova Natalie | Online Analytical Platform Needs
2018 |
Ticha Iva | Online Analytical Platform Needs
2018 |
Vojvodikova Barbara | Online Analytical Platform Needs
2018 |
Pröbstl Ulrike |
Cloudy prospects in winter sport - how competitive are the Austrian winter sport destinations under conditions of climate change?
2006 |
Unbehaun Wiebke |
Cloudy prospects in winter sport - how competitive are the Austrian winter sport destinations under conditions of climate change?
2006 |
Faboye Samson |
Co-Creating Development in Mining Towns: the Nexus between Social Labour Plans and Integrated Development Plans for Urban Development Planning in Rustenburg, South Africa
2023 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Co-Creating Development in Mining Towns: the Nexus between Social Labour Plans and Integrated Development Plans for Urban Development Planning in Rustenburg, South Africa
2023 |
Sebola-Samanyanga Jackson |
Co-Creating Development in Mining Towns: the Nexus between Social Labour Plans and Integrated Development Plans for Urban Development Planning in Rustenburg, South Africa
2023 |
Lovric Marina |
Co-Creating Inclusive Public Spaces: Engaging Underrepresented and Marginalised Communities in the Planning Process
2023 |
Franta Lukas |
Co-Creation and Sustainable Urban Planning: How to Co-Create Sustainable Mobility Solutions at the Neighbourhood Level? Experiences from the Horizon 2020 Project âSunriseâ
2020 |
Haufe Nadine |
Co-Creation and Sustainable Urban Planning: How to Co-Create Sustainable Mobility Solutions at the Neighbourhood Level? Experiences from the Horizon 2020 Project âSunriseâ
2020 |
Dübner Sven |
Co-Creation for Smart City Solutions – a Peer-to-Peer Process
2017 |
Wendt Willi |
Co-Creation for Smart City Solutions – a Peer-to-Peer Process
2017 |
Tusnovics Dustin A. |
Cognitive Cities: interdisciplinary approach reconsidering the process of (re)inventing urban habitat
2007 |
Bergatt Jackson Jirina |
Cohering of the Spatial and Strategic Planning in the Czech Republic
2010 |
Furundzic Danilo |
Collaboration in the Brownfield Regeneration Process – Legally Binding or Informal Approach?
2013 |
Peric Ana |
Collaboration in the Brownfield Regeneration Process – Legally Binding or Informal Approach?
2013 |
Harz Jonas |
Collection of Revealed Preference Mobility data of City Tourists â a Two-part Survey Design
2022 |
Sommer Carsten |
Collection of Revealed Preference Mobility data of City Tourists â a Two-part Survey Design
2022 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Furundzic Danilo S. |
Communal Companies Merging as Smart Approach: Kikinda Town in Serbia Case Study
2016 |
Jaksic-Kiurski Dijana |
Communal Companies Merging as Smart Approach: Kikinda Town in Serbia Case Study
2016 |
Petrović Ivana |
Communal Companies Merging as Smart Approach: Kikinda Town in Serbia Case Study
2016 |
Bailey Keiron |
Community design of a light-rail transit oriented development using casewise visual evaluation (CAVE)
2004 |
Grossardt Ted |
Community design of a light-rail transit oriented development using casewise visual evaluation (CAVE)
2004 |
Danahy John |
Community Initiated Public Participation: Altering the Urban Design Decision Making Process with Real-Time Immersive Visualization
2006 |
Lindquist Mark |
Community Initiated Public Participation: Altering the Urban Design Decision Making Process with Real-Time Immersive Visualization
2006 |
Elhagla Khaled |
Community-Based Ecotourism Principles as a Framework for Community Development in Protected Areas
2023 |
Fathi Amira A. |
Community-Based Ecotourism Principles as a Framework for Community Development in Protected Areas
2023 |
Radwan Yasmine |
Community-Based Ecotourism Principles as a Framework for Community Development in Protected Areas
2023 |
Angelini Alessandra |
CommunityHub: Potenzialanalyse für die gemeinschaftliche Nutzung innerstädtischer Logistikflächen
2017 |
Braith Johannes |
CommunityHub: Potenzialanalyse für die gemeinschaftliche Nutzung innerstädtischer Logistikflächen
2017 |
Breinbauer Andreas |
CommunityHub: Potenzialanalyse für die gemeinschaftliche Nutzung innerstädtischer Logistikflächen
2017 |
Eitler Sandra |
CommunityHub: Potenzialanalyse für die gemeinschaftliche Nutzung innerstädtischer Logistikflächen
2017 |
Ennser Bernhard |
CommunityHub: Potenzialanalyse für die gemeinschaftliche Nutzung innerstädtischer Logistikflächen
2017 |
Hauger Georg |
CommunityHub: Potenzialanalyse für die gemeinschaftliche Nutzung innerstädtischer Logistikflächen
2017 |
Schodl Reinhold |
CommunityHub: Potenzialanalyse für die gemeinschaftliche Nutzung innerstädtischer Logistikflächen
2017 |
Bansal Neha |
Compact Development as Land Use Planning Tool for Urban Disaster Management
2012 |
Gairola Ajay |
Compact Development as Land Use Planning Tool for Urban Disaster Management
2012 |
Mukherjee Mahua |
Compact Development as Land Use Planning Tool for Urban Disaster Management
2012 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Seller Hannes |
Comparing Automated Methods for Identifying Areas of Critical Heat Demand in Urban Space
2016 |
Alvarez Alan |
Comparing Metropolitan Governance in Germany and the US: a Social Network Analysis
2012 |
Masser Alexander |
Comparing Metropolitan Governance in Germany and the US: a Social Network Analysis
2012 |
Mitsova Diana |
Comparing Metropolitan Governance in Germany and the US: a Social Network Analysis
2012 |
Prosperi David |
Comparing Metropolitan Governance in Germany and the US: a Social Network Analysis
2012 |
Töllner Martin |
Comparision of legal basis and informal planning methods between France and Germany
2002 |
Nacht Thomas |
Comparison of a Direct Line System and a Renewable Energy Community on the Basis of a Pilot Plant in Thannhausen
2022 |
Pratter Robert |
Comparison of a Direct Line System and a Renewable Energy Community on the Basis of a Pilot Plant in Thannhausen
2022 |
Gao Ziwei |
Comparison of the Evolution Process of City Examination and Evaluation in China and Britain and its Enlightenment to China
2023 |
Li Xiaochen |
Comparison of the Evolution Process of City Examination and Evaluation in China and Britain and its Enlightenment to China
2023 |
Xu Xiaohan |
Comparison of the Evolution Process of City Examination and Evaluation in China and Britain and its Enlightenment to China
2023 |
Yang Yuting |
Comparison of the Evolution Process of City Examination and Evaluation in China and Britain and its Enlightenment to China
2023 |
Noack Konstanze |
Competence and Performance
2009 |
Kaufmann Hans Rüdiger |
Competences of Smart City Planners: the Alpha and Omega
2021 |
Khan Panni Mohammad Fateh Ali |
Competences of Smart City Planners: the Alpha and Omega
2021 |
Sanchez Bengoa Dolores |
Competences of Smart City Planners: the Alpha and Omega
2021 |
Tirrel Henning |
Competences of Smart City Planners: the Alpha and Omega
2021 |
Zaman Jan |
Competition between Cities and Regions in Europe - Can Smart Spatial Planning Interact with Gravitational Site Location Models for External Investment?
2014 |
Nagy Dávid |
Competitiveness Factors of Higher Education Institutions, with Particular Respect to Hungarian Cities
2013 |
Tamándl Laszlo |
Competitiveness Factors of Higher Education Institutions, with Particular Respect to Hungarian Cities
2013 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Frank Andrew |
Complexity vs. security in the Austrian land register
2005 |
Navratil Gerhard |
Complexity vs. security in the Austrian land register
2005 |
Twaroch Florian |
Complexity vs. security in the Austrian land register
2005 |
Camarda Domenico |
Complexity, Governance and the Smart City
2019 |
Bretschneider Betül |
Comprehensive Urban Renewal: More than Building Regeneration: a Case Study in Vienna
2010 |
Al-Hagla Khaled |
Computational-based Generative Design Exploration Multi-Agent System as an Approach
2023 |
El-Maghraby Israa |
Computational-based Generative Design Exploration Multi-Agent System as an Approach
2023 |
Jahin Heba |
Computational-based Generative Design Exploration Multi-Agent System as an Approach
2023 |
Fonfara Tessa |
Computergestützte 3D-Visualisierung der Landschaftsbildveränderungen am Beispiel Neubau Kraftwerk Ruppoldingen
1997 |
Völlm Patrick |
Computergestützte 3D-Visualisierung der Landschaftsbildveränderungen am Beispiel Neubau Kraftwerk Ruppoldingen
1997 |
Dorau Ursula |
Computergestützte 3D-Visualisierung in der Landschaftsplanung Ein Vergleich der Anwendbarkeit unterschiedlicher Visualisierungssoftware im mittleren Maßstabsbereich
1998 |
Hill Alexandra |
Computergestützte 4D-Landschaftsvisualisierung
2003 |
Lehmkühler Stefan |
Computergestützte 4D-Landschaftsvisualisierung
2003 |
Lindner Christian |
Computergestützte 4D-Landschaftsvisualisierung
2003 |
Gruehn Dietwald |
Computergestützte Erfolgskontrollen in der Raum- und Umweltplanung
2000 |
Ecker Klaus |
Computergestützte Methoden zur Einbeziehung von geschichtlichen Entwicklungsprozessen in die aktuelle Landschaftsplanung
1998 |
Winiwartner Verena |
Computergestützte Methoden zur Einbeziehung von geschichtlichen Entwicklungsprozessen in die aktuelle Landschaftsplanung
1998 |
Kuhlmann Christian |
Computergestützte Planung im Planungsprozess
1999 |
Beissmann Helmut |
Computergestützte Raumplanung am Beispiel des Computeratlas von Klosterneuburg
1999 |
Wonka Erich |
Computergestützte Raumplanung am Beispiel des Computeratlas von Klosterneuburg
1999 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Fünkner Rainer |
Computergestützte Visualisierungstechniken zur Vermittlung fachlicher Inhalte in der Landschaftsplanung
1999 |
Kim Dae-Wuk |
Computerunterstützung für die Bürgerbeteiligung im Planungsprozess
2002 |
Dochev Ivan |
Computing Residential Heat Demand in Urban Space using QGIS. A Case Study for Shumen, Bulgaria
2016 |
Growe Anna |
Concentration of knowledge-based professions in the German city system
2009 |
Szczech Ewelina |
Concept of "Smart City" and its Practice in Poland. Case Study of Łódź City
2014 |
Raut Papiya |
Concept of appropriate Economic Environmental Modelling for Sustainable Development
2009 |
Raut Sandeep |
Concept of appropriate Economic Environmental Modelling for Sustainable Development
2009 |
Labus Agnieszka |
Concepts Of Urban Renewal in an Aging Society in the XXI century – Case Studies in Polish Cities
2012 |
Benna Thouraya |
Conceptual approach for measuring the quality of processes of intermodal infrastructure in the domain of hinterland terminals
2008 |
Gronalt Manfred |
Conceptual approach for measuring the quality of processes of intermodal infrastructure in the domain of hinterland terminals
2008 |
Posset Martin |
Conceptual approach for measuring the quality of processes of intermodal infrastructure in the domain of hinterland terminals
2008 |
Muldagaliyeva Karlygash |
Conceptual Approaches on the Development of the Territory of the Republic Kazakhstan
2012 |
Mussabayev Turlybek |
Conceptual Approaches on the Development of the Territory of the Republic Kazakhstan
2012 |
Pallagst Karina |
Conceptualising Smart Cities in the Japanese Planning Culture
2024 |
Pauly Jonas |
Conceptualising Smart Cities in the Japanese Planning Culture
2024 |
Stumpf Marian |
Conceptualising Smart Cities in the Japanese Planning Culture
2024 |
Voigt Andreas |
Configuration of the Urban Space as Virtual Experience
2001 |
Olajide Oluwafemi |
Confronting the Lagos Informal Land Use: Issues and Challenges
2010 |
Lantschner Ingo |
Congo:Deux. Ein kongolesisch-österreichisches Gemeinschaftsprojekt setzt auf OpenSource-Software in der Schulbildung
2004 |
Tenday Luaba Frank |
Congo:Deux. Ein kongolesisch-österreichisches Gemeinschaftsprojekt setzt auf OpenSource-Software in der Schulbildung
2004 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Bauer Sebastian |
Connected E-Mobility, IoT and its Emerging Requirements for Planning and Infrastructures
2020 |
Exner Jan-Philipp |
Connected E-Mobility, IoT and its Emerging Requirements for Planning and Infrastructures
2020 |
Ludwig Jeffrey |
Connected E-Mobility, IoT and its Emerging Requirements for Planning and Infrastructures
2020 |
Novikova Kateryna |
Connected E-Mobility, IoT and its Emerging Requirements for Planning and Infrastructures
2020 |
Werth Dirk |
Connected E-Mobility, IoT and its Emerging Requirements for Planning and Infrastructures
2020 |
Michel Frank |
Considering the Impact of Future Climate Change on the Resilience of a City – Surface Run-Off due to Heavy Storm Events in the City of Wuppertal
2012 |
Sander Stefan |
Considering the Impact of Future Climate Change on the Resilience of a City – Surface Run-Off due to Heavy Storm Events in the City of Wuppertal
2012 |
Schlobinski Sascha |
Considering the Impact of Future Climate Change on the Resilience of a City – Surface Run-Off due to Heavy Storm Events in the City of Wuppertal
2012 |
Steffen Daniel |
Considering the Impact of Future Climate Change on the Resilience of a City – Surface Run-Off due to Heavy Storm Events in the City of Wuppertal
2012 |
Cha Jae-Gyu |
Constructing a Green Network to Alleviate the Urban Heat-Island Phenomenon: Focusing on Daegu Metropolitan City in Korea
2007 |
Jung Eung-Ho |
Constructing a Green Network to Alleviate the Urban Heat-Island Phenomenon: Focusing on Daegu Metropolitan City in Korea
2007 |
Kim Dae-Wuk |
Constructing a Green Network to Alleviate the Urban Heat-Island Phenomenon: Focusing on Daegu Metropolitan City in Korea
2007 |
Ryu Ji-Won |
Constructing a Green Network to Alleviate the Urban Heat-Island Phenomenon: Focusing on Daegu Metropolitan City in Korea
2007 |
Ali F. Bakr |
Construction Automation: Post-Pandemic Integrated Robotized Construction Sites
2021 |
Amira A. Fathi |
Construction Automation: Post-Pandemic Integrated Robotized Construction Sites
2021 |
Nessrina Hazem |
Construction Automation: Post-Pandemic Integrated Robotized Construction Sites
2021 |
Baharudin Hairizal |
Construction supply chain management and coordinated design drawings: an outlook of the construction industry and sustainable urban planning
2004 |
Jaafar Samsuddin |
Construction supply chain management and coordinated design drawings: an outlook of the construction industry and sustainable urban planning
2004 |
Khuzzan Al-Habshi Sharifah Mazlina Syed |
Construction supply chain management and coordinated design drawings: an outlook of the construction industry and sustainable urban planning
2004 |
Nachok Syahriah |
Construction supply chain management and coordinated design drawings: an outlook of the construction industry and sustainable urban planning
2004 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Nurković Rahman |
Contemporary Spatial and Hierarchic Characteristics of Urban System of Bosnia and Herzegovina
2011 |
Alpatargias Panagiotis |
Contemporary technology - environmental protection - sustainable development
2004 |
Stock Katja |
Contemporary tools of urban development - orientated on equity?
2010 |
Tummers Lidewij |
Contemporary tools of urban development - orientated on equity?
2010 |
Friese Karl-Ingo |
Content Management Systeme in der Landschaftsplanung
2003 |
Hachmann Roland |
Content Management Systeme in der Landschaftsplanung
2003 |
Wolter Franz-Erich |
Content Management Systeme in der Landschaftsplanung
2003 |
Elhagla Khalid |
Context Driven Model to Optimise Recreational Open Spaces in Residential Neighbourhoods
2022 |
Elmously Abdel Fattah |
Context Driven Model to Optimise Recreational Open Spaces in Residential Neighbourhoods
2022 |
Youssef Yasmina |
Context Driven Model to Optimise Recreational Open Spaces in Residential Neighbourhoods
2022 |
Ries Robert |
Context-based Environmental Assessment through Regional Modeling
2003 |
Suter Georg |
Context-based Environmental Assessment through Regional Modeling
2003 |
Ponzikakis Elissavet |
Contribution of local artifacts in assessing spatial experiences. What you keep, what you throw
2005 |
Doczekal Christian |
Cool Down Güssing: Sustainable Cooling Concepts for Existing Buildings using the Example of the Municipality of Güssing
2023 |
Pratter Robert |
Cool Down Güssing: Sustainable Cooling Concepts for Existing Buildings using the Example of the Municipality of Güssing
2023 |
Prem Georg |
Cool Down Güssing: Sustainable Cooling Concepts for Existing Buildings using the Example of the Municipality of Güssing
2023 |
Barta Ulrike |
Cooperation between AAL-related Research and Caregiving for Seniors in the Municipality of Schwechat
2012 |
Hlauschek Walter |
Cooperation between AAL-related Research and Caregiving for Seniors in the Municipality of Schwechat
2012 |
Meissl Helene |
Cooperation between AAL-related Research and Caregiving for Seniors in the Municipality of Schwechat
2012 |
Panek Paul |
Cooperation between AAL-related Research and Caregiving for Seniors in the Municipality of Schwechat
2012 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Werner Katharina |
Cooperation between AAL-related Research and Caregiving for Seniors in the Municipality of Schwechat
2012 |
Scholz Johannes |
Coping with Dynamic, Unstructured Data Sets – NoSQL a Buzzword or a Savior?
2011 |
Häberlin Udo |
Corona: Die Rolle der Stadtplanung für die Krisenbewältigung am Beispiel Wien
2020 |
Mückstein Gerlinde |
Corona: Die Rolle der Stadtplanung für die Krisenbewältigung am Beispiel Wien
2020 |
Peters Nils |
Corona: Die Rolle der Stadtplanung für die Krisenbewältigung am Beispiel Wien
2020 |
Stratil-Sauer Gregor |
Corona: Die Rolle der Stadtplanung für die Krisenbewältigung am Beispiel Wien
2020 |
Suitner Johannes |
Corona: Die Rolle der Stadtplanung für die Krisenbewältigung am Beispiel Wien
2020 |
Troger Tobias |
Corona: Die Rolle der Stadtplanung für die Krisenbewältigung am Beispiel Wien
2020 |
Wasserburger Maria |
Corona: Die Rolle der Stadtplanung für die Krisenbewältigung am Beispiel Wien
2020 |
Schrenk Manfred |
CORP 2006 Preface
2006 |
Agugiaro Giorgio |
Coupling of CityGML-based Semantic City Models with Energy Simulation Tools: some Experiences
2015 |
Hauer Stefan |
Coupling of CityGML-based Semantic City Models with Energy Simulation Tools: some Experiences
2015 |
Nadler Florian |
Coupling of CityGML-based Semantic City Models with Energy Simulation Tools: some Experiences
2015 |
Kisar Koramaz Elif |
Coworking Spaces and Urban Quality of Life in Istanbul
2019 |
Ozturk Eda |
Coworking Spaces and Urban Quality of Life in Istanbul
2019 |
Etaati Kouros |
CPTED a considerable aspect in urban planning
2009 |
Iranmanesh Nasim |
CPTED a considerable aspect in urban planning
2009 |
Grimm-Pretner Dagmar |
Creating Added Value in Working Landscapes – The Development of the Atlanta BeltLine
2011 |
Gstach Doris |
Creating Added Value in Working Landscapes – The Development of the Atlanta BeltLine
2011 |
Beetz Jakob |
Creating Architecture for the Web, Making Data navigatable: Towards the 3D Internet
2003 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Wendler Hendrik |
Creating Architecture for the Web, Making Data navigatable: Towards the 3D Internet
2003 |
BuÃwald Petra |
Creating Future-Proof Spaces for Megacities by an Impact-Oriented Participative Approach â Case Study Experiences from India
2022 |
Spinadel Laura Patricia |
Creating Future-Proof Spaces for Megacities by an Impact-Oriented Participative Approach â Case Study Experiences from India
2022 |
Cani Anselmo |
Creating Resilient Public Spaces â a Global Perspective on the Conditions for Integrated Urban Development
2023 |
Cani Anselmo |
Creating Resilient Public Spaces â a Global Perspective on the Conditions for Integrated Urban Development
2023 |
Cani Anselmo |
Creating Resilient Public Spaces â a Global Perspective on the Conditions for Integrated Urban Development
2023 |
Cani Anselmo |
Creating Resilient Public Spaces â a Global Perspective on the Conditions for Integrated Urban Development
2023 |
De Lancer Salas Victoria |
Creating Resilient Public Spaces â a Global Perspective on the Conditions for Integrated Urban Development
2023 |
Höftberger Katharina |
Creating Resilient Public Spaces â a Global Perspective on the Conditions for Integrated Urban Development
2023 |
Krebs Roland |
Creating Resilient Public Spaces â a Global Perspective on the Conditions for Integrated Urban Development
2023 |
König Theresa |
Creating Resilient Public Spaces â a Global Perspective on the Conditions for Integrated Urban Development
2023 |
Mayr Stefan |
Creating Resilient Public Spaces â a Global Perspective on the Conditions for Integrated Urban Development
2023 |
Rezwan Sheikh Muhammad |
Creating Resilient Public Spaces â a Global Perspective on the Conditions for Integrated Urban Development
2023 |
Buchholz Henrik |
Creation and management of object-based digital terrain models
2007 |
Döllner Jürgen |
Creation and management of object-based digital terrain models
2007 |
Kleinschmit Birgit |
Creation and management of object-based digital terrain models
2007 |
Ross Lutz |
Creation and management of object-based digital terrain models
2007 |
Cabello María |
Creation of Value-Added Services based on Harmonized Land Use and Land Cover Datasets: Project HLANDATA
2011 |
Goni Isabel |
Creation of Value-Added Services based on Harmonized Land Use and Land Cover Datasets: Project HLANDATA
2011 |
Sola Delia |
Creation of Value-Added Services based on Harmonized Land Use and Land Cover Datasets: Project HLANDATA
2011 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Simeunčević Radulović Sanja |
Creative Capital for Smart Solutions: Toward a Liveable City
2016 |
Stupar Aleksandra |
Creative Capital for Smart Solutions: Toward a Liveable City
2016 |
Fundneider Thomas |
Creativity and Innovation in a Mid-Urban Size Learning Infrastructure – Designing Spaces for Thriving Innovation Communities
2013 |
Peschl Markus F. |
Creativity and Innovation in a Mid-Urban Size Learning Infrastructure – Designing Spaces for Thriving Innovation Communities
2013 |
Exner Jan-Philipp |
Crime Mapping for Urban Planning – a Useful Tool for New Planning Times?
2013 |
Wendt Willi |
Crime Mapping for Urban Planning – a Useful Tool for New Planning Times?
2013 |
Etaati Kouros |
Crime prevention through environmental design in residential developments in Tehran
2010 |
Iranmanesh Nasim |
Crime prevention through environmental design in residential developments in Tehran
2010 |
Elisei Pietro |
CRISALIDE – Concept of Corporative Information System for Governance and Management of Digital City
2019 |
Popovich Vasily |
CRISALIDE – Concept of Corporative Information System for Governance and Management of Digital City
2019 |
Schrenk Manfred |
CRISALIDE – Concept of Corporative Information System for Governance and Management of Digital City
2019 |
Batunova Elena |
CRISALIDE decision support system for urban development: from idea to implementation. Rostov-on-Don, Russia
2021 |
Draghia Miruna |
CRISALIDE decision support system for urban development: from idea to implementation. Rostov-on-Don, Russia
2021 |
Elisei Pietro |
CRISALIDE decision support system for urban development: from idea to implementation. Rostov-on-Don, Russia
2021 |
Khiteva Elena |
CRISALIDE decision support system for urban development: from idea to implementation. Rostov-on-Don, Russia
2021 |
Meita Vasile |
CRISALIDE decision support system for urban development: from idea to implementation. Rostov-on-Don, Russia
2021 |
Popescu Oana-Catalina |
CRISALIDE decision support system for urban development: from idea to implementation. Rostov-on-Don, Russia
2021 |
Popovich Vasily V. |
CRISALIDE decision support system for urban development: from idea to implementation. Rostov-on-Don, Russia
2021 |
Schrenk Manfred |
CRISALIDE decision support system for urban development: from idea to implementation. Rostov-on-Don, Russia
2021 |
Smirnova Oksana |
CRISALIDE decision support system for urban development: from idea to implementation. Rostov-on-Don, Russia
2021 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Tache Antonio-Valentin |
CRISALIDE decision support system for urban development: from idea to implementation. Rostov-on-Don, Russia
2021 |
Thrukhachev Sergey |
CRISALIDE decision support system for urban development: from idea to implementation. Rostov-on-Don, Russia
2021 |
Batunova Elena |
CRISALIDE: Searching for Smart Solutions in Urban Development beyond the Political Slogans. A Case of Rostov-on-Don, Southern Russia
2019 |
Trukhachev Sergey |
CRISALIDE: Searching for Smart Solutions in Urban Development beyond the Political Slogans. A Case of Rostov-on-Don, Southern Russia
2019 |
Wesener Andreas |
Crisis and Green Urban Development: Urban Agriculture and Post-Earthquake Urban Resilience in Christchurch, New Zealand
2023 |
Sandmann Stefan |
CROSS - SIS, cross border spatial information system
2007 |
Kaja Pogacar |
Cross border Region Graz-Maribor: Challenges and Potentials of the Integration Processes
2009 |
Sitar Metka |
Cross border Region Graz-Maribor: Challenges and Potentials of the Integration Processes
2009 |
Lechthaler Mirjanka |
Cross Media - gerechte Kartengraphik in einem AIS
2006 |
Kammer Julia |
Cross-Border Transport Modelling in the Region of Aachen
2013 |
Louen Conny |
Cross-Border Transport Modelling in the Region of Aachen
2013 |
Exner Jan-Philipp |
Cross-Border WebGIS Database CURe MODERN
2015 |
Kebbedies Guido |
Cross-Border WebGIS Database CURe MODERN
2015 |
Noll Rüdiger |
Cross-Border WebGIS Database CURe MODERN
2015 |
Wundsam Timo |
Cross-Border WebGIS Database CURe MODERN
2015 |
Berger Martin |
Crowd Delivery als neues Lieferkonzept zur Stärkung des „Lokalen Marktplatzes“
2016 |
Breitfuss Gert |
Crowd Delivery als neues Lieferkonzept zur Stärkung des „Lokalen Marktplatzes“
2016 |
Dörrzapf Linda |
Crowd Delivery als neues Lieferkonzept zur Stärkung des „Lokalen Marktplatzes“
2016 |
Remele Elias |
Crowd Delivery als neues Lieferkonzept zur Stärkung des „Lokalen Marktplatzes“
2016 |
Dane Gamze |
Crowd Flow Analysis for Measuring the Impact of Urban Transformation Actions in Cityâs Heritage Areas
2020 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Draghia Miruna |
Crowd Flow Analysis for Measuring the Impact of Urban Transformation Actions in Cityâs Heritage Areas
2020 |
Elisei Pietro |
Crowd Flow Analysis for Measuring the Impact of Urban Transformation Actions in Cityâs Heritage Areas
2020 |
Onesciuc Natalia |
Crowd Flow Analysis for Measuring the Impact of Urban Transformation Actions in Cityâs Heritage Areas
2020 |
Engelniederhammer Anna |
Crowding Density in Urban Environment and its Effects on Emotional Responding of Pedestrians: Using Wearable Device Technology with Sensors Capturing Proximity as well as Psychophysiological Emotion Responses while Walking in the Street
2018 |
Papastefanou Georgios |
Crowding Density in Urban Environment and its Effects on Emotional Responding of Pedestrians: Using Wearable Device Technology with Sensors Capturing Proximity as well as Psychophysiological Emotion Responses while Walking in the Street
2018 |
Xiang Luyao |
Crowding Density in Urban Environment and its Effects on Emotional Responding of Pedestrians: Using Wearable Device Technology with Sensors Capturing Proximity as well as Psychophysiological Emotion Responses while Walking in the Street
2018 |
Noll Rüdiger |
Crowdmapping – kollaborative Erfassung und Visualisierung räumlicher Daten anhand der Plattform OpenCrowdMaps
2015 |
Zeile Peter |
Crowdmapping – kollaborative Erfassung und Visualisierung räumlicher Daten anhand der Plattform OpenCrowdMaps
2015 |
Gkoutzios Vassilios |
Crucial Parameters for PPP Successful Planning and Implementation
2007 |
Kanakoudis Vassilios |
Crucial Parameters for PPP Successful Planning and Implementation
2007 |
Papotis Athanasios |
Crucial Parameters for PPP Successful Planning and Implementation
2007 |
Sanopoulos Angelos |
Crucial Parameters for PPP Successful Planning and Implementation
2007 |
Mayer Julia |
Cruising in KL: Lokalisierung und Quantifizierung von Parksuchverkehr mittels Floating Car Data
2024 |
Zaki Hossam |
Cruising in KL: Lokalisierung und Quantifizierung von Parksuchverkehr mittels Floating Car Data
2024 |
Helforoush Mohammad-Reza |
CTF - City of Tehran in Future
2003 |
Shafigh Massoud |
CTF - City of Tehran in Future
2003 |
Kipar Andreas |
CultNature – neue urbane Landschaften als Strategie ökologisch und ökonomisch nachhaltiger Stadtentwicklung
2011 |
Lehner Franz |
CultNature – neue urbane Landschaften als Strategie ökologisch und ökonomisch nachhaltiger Stadtentwicklung
2011 |
Noll Hans-Peter |
CultNature – neue urbane Landschaften als Strategie ökologisch und ökonomisch nachhaltiger Stadtentwicklung
2011 |
Sahin Suleyman Nurullah Adahi |
Cultural Backgrounds Effects on Travel Mode Choice of International Communities in Vienna
2022 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Shibayama Takeru |
Cultural Backgrounds Effects on Travel Mode Choice of International Communities in Vienna
2022 |
Ãzden Abdulkadir |
Cultural Backgrounds Effects on Travel Mode Choice of International Communities in Vienna
2022 |
Bailey Keiron |
Culture, Justice and the Arnstein Gap: The Impact of Structured Public Involvement on U.S Transportation Infrastructure Planning and Design
2007 |
Grossardt Ted |
Culture, Justice and the Arnstein Gap: The Impact of Structured Public Involvement on U.S Transportation Infrastructure Planning and Design
2007 |
Exner Jan-Philipp |
CURe MODERN – Monitoring of Infrastructures in Cross-Border Regions
2013 |
Fabisch Martin |
CURe MODERN – Monitoring of Infrastructures in Cross-Border Regions
2013 |
Jung Christopher |
CURe MODERN – Monitoring of Infrastructures in Cross-Border Regions
2013 |
Wundsam Timo |
CURe MODERN – Monitoring of Infrastructures in Cross-Border Regions
2013 |
Bardauskiene Dalia |
Current Trends and Management of Urban Development in Lithuania
2011 |
Pakalnis Mindaugas |
Current Trends and Management of Urban Development in Lithuania
2011 |
Palmetshofer Gerda |
Cybercity - Stadt der Zukunft ? Skizzen & Aphorismen
1997 |
Schneebauer Christa |
Cybercity - Stadt der Zukunft ? Skizzen & Aphorismen
1997 |
Beck Michael |
Cybercity modeler, generation, updating and continuation of 3D city models with on-line editing – visualization with Terrainview 2.0
2004 |
Beck Michael |
Cybercity modeler: Automatic texturing of 3D city models terrainview-web: 3D WEB-VRGIS
2005 |
Steidler Franz |
Cybercity modeler: Automatic texturing of 3D city models terrainview-web: 3D WEB-VRGIS
2005 |
Steidler Franz |
Cybercity modeler: Automatic texturing of 3D city models terrainview-web: 3D WEB-VRGIS
2004 |
Dallhammer Erich |
Cyberraumplanung: Boom steht noch aus.
2000 |
Ghete Mihai |
Cycle4Value: a Token-based Incentive System to Promote Cycling
2021 |
Hofer Dietmar |
Cycle4Value: a Token-based Incentive System to Promote Cycling
2021 |
Pfeiffer Alexander |
Cycle4Value: a Token-based Incentive System to Promote Cycling
2021 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Platzer Mario |
Cycle4Value: a Token-based Incentive System to Promote Cycling
2021 |
Seewald Alexander |
Cycle4Value: a Token-based Incentive System to Promote Cycling
2021 |
Wernbacher Thomas |
Cycle4Value: a Token-based Incentive System to Promote Cycling
2021 |
Hayes Andrea |
Cypress Creek: In Search of its "Territorial Capital"
2008 |
Jakob Anton |
Cypress Creek: In Search of its "Territorial Capital"
2008 |
Mitterer Katharina |
Cypress Creek: In Search of its "Territorial Capital"
2008 |
Pheterson Mark |
Cypress Creek: In Search of its "Territorial Capital"
2008 |
Floeting Holger |
Darf's ein bisschen mehr sein? Clusterstrategien und kommunale Wirtschaftsförderung
2008 |
Hocevar Andreas |
Darstellung von Zeitreihen räumlicher Daten mittels Webmapping
2004 |
Riedl Leopold |
Darstellung von Zeitreihen räumlicher Daten mittels Webmapping
2004 |
Lunak Daniela |
Darstellung von Zeitreihen räumlicher Daten mittels Webmapping#
2004 |
Leindecker Herbert C. |
Das örtliche Entwicklungskonzept in Oberösterreich – Die Problematik der Schnittstelle zwischen örtlicher und überörtlicher Raumplanung und eine Studentenarbeit mit Folgen.
1999 |
Dorffner Lionel |
Das 3D Modell von Wien - Erzeugung und Fortführung auf Basis der Wiener Mehrzweckkarte
2003 |
Zöchling Andreas |
Das 3D Modell von Wien - Erzeugung und Fortführung auf Basis der Wiener Mehrzweckkarte
2003 |
Ernst Julius |
Das BEV als Informationsquelle für die Raumplanung – großmaßstäbige Geodaten.
2000 |
Jüptner Bernhard |
Das BEV als Informationsquelle für die Raumplanung – kleinmaßstäbige Geodaten.
2000 |
Jekel Thomas |
Das Business-Improvement-District-Modell als Integrationsrahmen für Public-Private-Partnership und Bürgerbeteiligung in der Stadtentwicklung?
2007 |
Kloyber Elisabeth |
Das Business-Improvement-District-Modell als Integrationsrahmen für Public-Private-Partnership und Bürgerbeteiligung in der Stadtentwicklung?
2007 |
Forkert Gerald |
Das digitale Stadtmodell als Dokument des urbanen Raumes
2003 |
Holzer Johannes |
Das digitale Stadtmodell als Dokument des urbanen Raumes
2003 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Benner Joachim |
Das GDI-DE Modellprojekt XPlanung - Erste Erfahrungen mit der Umsetzung des XPlanGML-Standards
2007 |
Krause Kai-Uwe |
Das GDI-DE Modellprojekt XPlanung - Erste Erfahrungen mit der Umsetzung des XPlanGML-Standards
2007 |
Bender Oliver |
Das Geographische Alpeninformationssystem GALPIS als zentrales Instrument von RAUMALP. Konzept und Operationalisierung.
2003 |
Pindur Peter |
Das Geographische Alpeninformationssystem GALPIS als zentrales Instrument von RAUMALP. Konzept und Operationalisierung.
2003 |
Kucharowits Franz |
Das Innovationsprogramm der Stadt Schwechat: Von der Verkehrsdrehscheibe zur Wissensdrehscheibe
2009 |
Merten Manfred |
Das Innovationsprogramm der Stadt Schwechat: Von der Verkehrsdrehscheibe zur Wissensdrehscheibe
2009 |
Paugger Helmut |
Das Innovationsprogramm der Stadt Schwechat: Von der Verkehrsdrehscheibe zur Wissensdrehscheibe
2009 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Das Innovationsprogramm der Stadt Schwechat: Von der Verkehrsdrehscheibe zur Wissensdrehscheibe
2009 |
Engelbrecht Bernhard |
Das Internet als virtueller Planschrank und virtuelle Kanzlei in der Örtlichen Raumplanung
1997 |
Pönitz Erwin |
Das Internet als virtueller Planschrank und virtuelle Kanzlei in der Örtlichen Raumplanung
1997 |
Steiner Marianne |
Das Klimaschutzprogramm der Stadt Wien - ein Beitrag zu mehr Lebensqualität in Wien
2010 |
Berkowitsch Claudia |
Das Konzept der quattromodalen Knoten
2016 |
Eitler Sandra |
Das Konzept der quattromodalen Knoten
2016 |
Hauger Georg |
Das Konzept der quattromodalen Knoten
2016 |
Markvica Karin |
Das Konzept der quattromodalen Knoten
2016 |
Pfoser Sarah |
Das Konzept der quattromodalen Knoten
2016 |
Prandtstetter Matthias |
Das Konzept der quattromodalen Knoten
2016 |
Putz Lisa-Maria |
Das Konzept der quattromodalen Knoten
2016 |
Schauer Oliver |
Das Konzept der quattromodalen Knoten
2016 |
Schodl Reinhold |
Das Konzept der quattromodalen Knoten
2016 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Wanjek Monika |
Das Konzept der quattromodalen Knoten
2016 |
Grotheer Swantje |
Das Konzept der Regiopole als Entwicklungsstrategie kleinerer GroÃstädte im (inter-)nationalen Standortwettbewerb
2020 |
Mangels Kirsten |
Das Konzept der Regiopole als Entwicklungsstrategie kleinerer GroÃstädte im (inter-)nationalen Standortwettbewerb
2020 |
Weber Tobias |
Das Konzept der Regiopole als Entwicklungsstrategie kleinerer GroÃstädte im (inter-)nationalen Standortwettbewerb
2020 |
Gstir Nikolaus |
Das Modell der Gefahrenzonenplanung in der Raumentwicklung - real oder irreal?
2005 |
Schmid Franz |
Das Modell der Gefahrenzonenplanung in der Raumentwicklung - real oder irreal?
2005 |
Kobermaier Franz |
Das neue Schutzzonenmodell für Wien
1998 |
Kreppenhofer Andrea |
Das neue Schutzzonenmodell für Wien
1998 |
Matousek Josef |
Das neue Schutzzonenmodell für Wien
1998 |
Riedl Andreas |
Das Potential rasterbasierter Virtual Reality-Systeme zur Landschaftsvisualisierung.
2003 |
Schratt Alexander |
Das Potential rasterbasierter Virtual Reality-Systeme zur Landschaftsvisualisierung.
2003 |
Rösch Norbert |
2000 |
Bühler Inga |
Das Projekt "Intelligent unterstützte Bauleitplanung" – Ablaufunterstützung für die kommunale Bauleitplanung
1997 |
Pews Gerhard |
Das Projekt "Intelligent unterstützte Bauleitplanung" – Ablaufunterstützung für die kommunale Bauleitplanung
1997 |
Schmidt Thomas |
Das Projekt "Intelligent unterstützte Bauleitplanung" – Ablaufunterstützung für die kommunale Bauleitplanung
1997 |
Haselberger Rainer |
Das Projekt VEMA - Stand Jänner 2005
2005 |
Fiby Johann |
Das Stadtmodell MOBIDYN Ein systemdynamisches, verhaltensgesteuertes Simulationsmodell der Raum-, Mobilitäts- und Verkehrsentwicklung in Stadtregionen
1997 |
Korab Robert |
Das Stadtmodell MOBIDYN Ein systemdynamisches, verhaltensgesteuertes Simulationsmodell der Raum-, Mobilitäts- und Verkehrsentwicklung in Stadtregionen
1997 |
Haselberger Rainer |
Das Systemkonzept zum Verkehrsdatenverbund Wien im Rahmen des Wiener Verkehrsmanagements
2004 |
Niedertscheider Hannes |
Das Tiroler Raumordnungs-Informationssystem als Datenservicestelle im verwaltungsbezogenen Planungsprozeß
1997 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Riedl Manfred |
Das Tiroler Raumordnungs-Informationssystem als Datenservicestelle im verwaltungsbezogenen Planungsprozeß
1997 |
Gerstberger Susanne |
Das UrbanLab:Arrecife als architekturwissenschaftlicher Beitrag zur Erforschung transformativer Prozesse im urbanen Kontext
2019 |
Holzapfel Paul |
Das Verkehrsmodell Wien
2004 |
Riedel Roman |
Das Verkehrsmodell Wien
2004 |
Haselberger Rainer |
Das Wiener Umweltinformationssystem - WUIS, ein integratives Informationssystem für Umweltmanagement und -planung
1996 |
Müller Rainer |
Das Wissen Wiens - innovative urbane Technologien und Strategien als Garant der Wiener Lebensqualität
2010 |
Vogl Alexandra |
Das Wissen Wiens - innovative urbane Technologien und Strategien als Garant der Wiener Lebensqualität
2010 |
Kuriashkin Victor |
Data Analysis Methods for Urban Planning – Problem-Oriented Stakeholders Maps Building
2013 |
Zhukova Natalia |
Data Analysis Methods for Urban Planning – Problem-Oriented Stakeholders Maps Building
2013 |
Thinius Andreas |
Data and Algorithm – the Fast Lane for Carless Mobility
2020 |
Danek Ladislav |
Data for Spatial Planning – a Comparison of Three Cities
2011 |
Karimipour Farid |
Data for Spatial Planning – a Comparison of Three Cities
2011 |
Navratil Gerhard |
Data for Spatial Planning – a Comparison of Three Cities
2011 |
Scholz Johannes |
Data for Spatial Planning – a Comparison of Three Cities
2011 |
Navratil Gerhard |
Data Quality for Spatial Planning – An Ontological View
2006 |
Pankin Andrey |
Data Representation Dynamic Model for Distributed Urban IGIS
2013 |
Zhukova Natalia |
Data Representation Dynamic Model for Distributed Urban IGIS
2013 |
Smirnova Oksana |
Data Science Technologies for Vibrant Cities
2015 |
Vodyaho Alexander |
Data Science Technologies for Vibrant Cities
2015 |
Zhukova Nataly |
Data Science Technologies for Vibrant Cities
2015 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Fogliaroni Paolo |
Data-based Collaboration on a Grand Scale
2015 |
Mayr Markus |
Data-based Collaboration on a Grand Scale
2015 |
Knoll Bente |
Daten, Informationen und Wissen zu Alltagswegen - eine Voraussetzung für Smart Cities?!
2014 |
Fritzsche Andreas |
Datenbankorientierte WWW-Applikation zur Abfrage statistischer Gemeindeinformationen Bayerns - Kostengünstige Datenbankimplementierung raumbezogener Daten mit einem nutzerfreundlichen WWW-Frontend
1999 |
Hahn Gabor |
Datenbankorientierte WWW-Applikation zur Abfrage statistischer Gemeindeinformationen Bayerns - Kostengünstige Datenbankimplementierung raumbezogener Daten mit einem nutzerfreundlichen WWW-Frontend
1999 |
Spiegel Thomas |
Datenfriedhof - Datenhighway? Was geschieht mit den Daten der Bundesverkehrswegeplanung?
1997 |
Schubert Hanns H. |
Datengrundlagen und Datenverfügbarkeit für Raumplanung in Österreich
1997 |
Hagen H. |
Datenmanagementsystem für die Stadtplanung
2005 |
Münchhofen M. |
Datenmanagementsystem für die Stadtplanung
2005 |
Michel F. |
Datenmanagementsystem für die Stadtplanung
2005 |
Ruby M. |
Datenmanagementsystem für die Stadtplanung
2005 |
Scheler I. |
Datenmanagementsystem für die Stadtplanung
2005 |
Steinebach Gerhard |
Datenmanagementsystem für die Stadtplanung
2005 |
Wadle M. |
Datenmanagementsystem für die Stadtplanung
2005 |
Hartmann Gerhard |
Datenplattform für Smarter Together
2017 |
Herry Max |
Datenqualität im Verkehrswesen
1997 |
Weck Sabine |
Dealing with Peripheralisation in Urban Development – the Case of Pirmasens
2011 |
Friedrich Jan |
Deciphering and Modelling Spatiotemporal Patterns and Processes across Scales – Migratory Flows and their Implications under a Healthy City Scenario in the Ruhr Area, Germany
2020 |
Lengyel Janka |
Deciphering and Modelling Spatiotemporal Patterns and Processes across Scales – Migratory Flows and their Implications under a Healthy City Scenario in the Ruhr Area, Germany
2020 |
Batunova Elena |
Decision Support System Design as a Method to Enhance Public Participation in Urban Development: The CRISALIDE Project, Rostov-on-Don
2020 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Draghia Miruna |
Decision Support System Design as a Method to Enhance Public Participation in Urban Development: The CRISALIDE Project, Rostov-on-Don
2020 |
Elisei Pietro |
Decision Support System Design as a Method to Enhance Public Participation in Urban Development: The CRISALIDE Project, Rostov-on-Don
2020 |
Khiteva Elena |
Decision Support System Design as a Method to Enhance Public Participation in Urban Development: The CRISALIDE Project, Rostov-on-Don
2020 |
Meita Vasile |
Decision Support System Design as a Method to Enhance Public Participation in Urban Development: The CRISALIDE Project, Rostov-on-Don
2020 |
Popovich Vasily V. |
Decision Support System Design as a Method to Enhance Public Participation in Urban Development: The CRISALIDE Project, Rostov-on-Don
2020 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Decision Support System Design as a Method to Enhance Public Participation in Urban Development: The CRISALIDE Project, Rostov-on-Don
2020 |
Smirnova Oksana |
Decision Support System Design as a Method to Enhance Public Participation in Urban Development: The CRISALIDE Project, Rostov-on-Don
2020 |
Thrukhachev Sergey |
Decision Support System Design as a Method to Enhance Public Participation in Urban Development: The CRISALIDE Project, Rostov-on-Don
2020 |
Celio Enrico |
Decision Support Systems and Tools as Collaborative Web Platform for Sustainable Development of Landscapes
2013 |
Gret-Regamey Adrienne |
Decision Support Systems and Tools as Collaborative Web Platform for Sustainable Development of Landscapes
2013 |
Klein Thomas M. |
Decision Support Systems and Tools as Collaborative Web Platform for Sustainable Development of Landscapes
2013 |
Wissen Hayek Ulrike |
Decision Support Systems and Tools as Collaborative Web Platform for Sustainable Development of Landscapes
2013 |
Evers Mariele |
Decision Support Systems for Integrated River Basin Management - requirements for a comprehensive approach
2007 |
Patorniti Nicholas |
Decoding Cities to Model (Assess and Redesign) them as Complex Urban Systems
2019 |
Stevens Nicholas |
Decoding Cities to Model (Assess and Redesign) them as Complex Urban Systems
2019 |
Haug Nina |
Decoding Stress â ein interdisziplinärer Analyseansatz zur Identifikation Stress auslösender Faktoren für den urbanen Rad- und FuÃverkehr
2024 |
Neppl Markus |
Decoding Stress â ein interdisziplinärer Analyseansatz zur Identifikation Stress auslösender Faktoren für den urbanen Rad- und FuÃverkehr
2024 |
Zeile Peter |
Decoding Stress â ein interdisziplinärer Analyseansatz zur Identifikation Stress auslösender Faktoren für den urbanen Rad- und FuÃverkehr
2024 |
Haug Nina |
Decoding Stress â ein interdisziplinärer Stressforschungsansatz zur Förderung qualitätsvoller öffentlicher Stadträume für den Rad- und FuÃverkehr
2023 |
Haug Nina |
Decoding Stress â ein interdisziplinärer Stressforschungsansatz zur Förderung qualitätsvoller öffentlicher Stadträume für den Rad- und FuÃverkehr
2023 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Neppl Markus |
Decoding Stress â ein interdisziplinärer Stressforschungsansatz zur Förderung qualitätsvoller öffentlicher Stadträume für den Rad- und FuÃverkehr
2023 |
Zeile Peter |
Decoding Stress â ein interdisziplinärer Stressforschungsansatz zur Förderung qualitätsvoller öffentlicher Stadträume für den Rad- und FuÃverkehr
2023 |
Hamers David |
Deconstructing Economic, Ecologic and Social Urban Discourses for Innovation Policies
2016 |
Wolfram Marc |
Deconstructing Smart Cities: An Intertextual Reading of Concepts and Practices for Integrated Urban and ICT Development
2012 |
De Mulder Sophie |
Defining Economic Typologies based on an Economic Activities Database
2018 |
Giaretta Federico |
Defining Economic Typologies based on an Economic Activities Database
2018 |
Pennincx Inge |
Defining Economic Typologies based on an Economic Activities Database
2018 |
Zaman Jan |
Defining Economic Typologies based on an Economic Activities Database
2018 |
Auci Sabrina |
Defining Smart Cities: a Relative and Dynamic Approach
2016 |
Mundula Luigi |
Defining Smart Cities: a Relative and Dynamic Approach
2016 |
Vignani Donatella |
Defining Smart Cities: a Relative and Dynamic Approach
2016 |
Jain Bijendra K. |
Delhi – Towards A Green City
2009 |
Bandyopadhyay Papiya |
Delhi Towards Carbon Neutrality through Sustainable Mobility
2010 |
Bandyopadhyay Piyali |
Delhi Towards Carbon Neutrality through Sustainable Mobility
2010 |
Bandyopadhyay Sanhita |
Delhi Towards Carbon Neutrality through Sustainable Mobility
2010 |
M. Saadallah Dina |
Delineating and Assessing Urban Green Infrastructure in Cities: Application of the Patch Matrix Model in Alexandria, Egypt
2022 |
M.Abdel-Gawad Esraa |
Delineating and Assessing Urban Green Infrastructure in Cities: Application of the Patch Matrix Model in Alexandria, Egypt
2022 |
M.Ayad Hany |
Delineating and Assessing Urban Green Infrastructure in Cities: Application of the Patch Matrix Model in Alexandria, Egypt
2022 |
Bartik Herbert |
Demographic challenges for urban mobility and public space
2009 |
Siegrun Herzog |
Demographic challenges for urban mobility and public space
2009 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Töllner Martin |
Demographischer Wandel – ein Thema für die Immobilienbewertung?
2011 |
Reinhardt Gerd |
Demographischer Wandel in Leinefelde: Management eines Schrumpfungsprozesses
2011 |
Sträb Hermann |
Demographischer Wandel in Leinefelde: Management eines Schrumpfungsprozesses
2011 |
Altenburg Marc |
Den städtischen Wandel begleiten – Stadtentwicklungsförderung als europäische sowie regionale Aufgabe und Verantwortung
2011 |
Gerhardt Jens |
Den städtischen Wandel begleiten – Stadtentwicklungsförderung als europäische sowie regionale Aufgabe und Verantwortung
2011 |
Netsch Stefan |
Densification of the Existing Urban Pattern: the Case Salzburg
2021 |
De Marinis Cecilia |
Density Exercises in Projects of Oriol Bohigas. Density as a Tool for Suburbs Regeneration
2013 |
Scoppetta Caterina |
Deprived Neighbourhoods in Neo-Liberal Times – the Role of Public Funding in Education
2013 |
Scoppetta Cecilia |
Deprived Neighbourhoods in Neo-Liberal Times – the Role of Public Funding in Education
2013 |
Job Hubert |
Der ökonomische Wert der Kulturandschaft. Die Anwendung der Kontingenten Bewertung auf szenariohafte Landschaftsbild-Simulationen
2003 |
Aubrecht Christoph |
Der Übergang von Bodenbedeckung über urbane Struktur zu urbaner Funktion - ein integrativer Ansatz von Fernerkundung und GIS
2007 |
Steinnocher Klaus |
Der Übergang von Bodenbedeckung über urbane Struktur zu urbaner Funktion - ein integrativer Ansatz von Fernerkundung und GIS
2007 |
Fürst Elmar |
Der Beitrag regionaler Verkehrspolitik zur Realisierung der Vision lebenswerter, gesunder und prosperierender Städte für alle: Beispielfall Burgenland
2010 |
Matz Verena |
Der Beitrag regionaler Verkehrspolitik zur Realisierung der Vision lebenswerter, gesunder und prosperierender Städte für alle: Beispielfall Burgenland
2010 |
Diersch Sina |
Der Beitrag temporärer StraÃenexperimente zur kollaborativen Planung lebenswerter urbaner QuartiersstraÃen
2023 |
März Steven |
Der Beitrag temporärer StraÃenexperimente zur kollaborativen Planung lebenswerter urbaner QuartiersstraÃen
2023 |
Verheyen Lynn |
Der Beitrag temporärer StraÃenexperimente zur kollaborativen Planung lebenswerter urbaner QuartiersstraÃen
2023 |
Eitzinger Anton |
Der digitale Salzburger Raumordnungskataster auf Basis des SAGIS
1997 |
Philipp Karin |
Der digitale Salzburger Raumordnungskataster auf Basis des SAGIS
1997 |
Dumke Hartmut |
Der Einfluß der Telematik auf überörtliche Raumnutzung und - planung
1999 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Burg Antje |
Der Einfluß des Internets auf die Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung in der Bauleitplanung am Beispiel Deutschlands, Großbritanniens und Schwedens
1999 |
Spiegel Thomas |
Der Einsatz und die Entwicklung computergestützter Planungsmethoden im Rahmen des österreichischen Bundesverkehrswegeplanes
1996 |
Forkert Gerald |
Der Einsatz von Laserscanning und Photogrammetrie zur Dokumentation des urbanen Straßenraumes
2004 |
Masser Alexander |
Der Einsatz von Social Media im Stadtmarketing
2014 |
Seimetz Hans-Jürgen |
Der Einsatz von Social Media im Stadtmarketing
2014 |
Zeile Peter |
Der Einsatz von Social Media im Stadtmarketing
2014 |
Engelbrecht Bernhard |
Der Flächenwidmumgsplan auf digitaler Basis – Beispiel einer autonomen GIS-Realisierung auf CD-ROM für Gemeinden
2000 |
Pönitz Erwin |
Der Flächenwidmumgsplan auf digitaler Basis – Beispiel einer autonomen GIS-Realisierung auf CD-ROM für Gemeinden
2000 |
Baltes Hannah |
Der Low-Carbon-Index: Ein Instrument zur Beurteilung der Energieeffizienz städtebaulicher Planungen
2010 |
Schmidt Alexander |
Der Low-Carbon-Index: Ein Instrument zur Beurteilung der Energieeffizienz städtebaulicher Planungen
2010 |
Derouet Maximilian |
Der Mensch als Sensor im Kontext der digitalen und sensorgestützten Präventionsassistenz – Grundlagen und Anwendungsszenarien für das Bauhandwerk
2019 |
Exner Jan-Philipp |
Der Mensch als Sensor im Kontext der digitalen und sensorgestützten Präventionsassistenz – Grundlagen und Anwendungsszenarien für das Bauhandwerk
2019 |
Werth Dirk |
Der Mensch als Sensor im Kontext der digitalen und sensorgestützten Präventionsassistenz – Grundlagen und Anwendungsszenarien für das Bauhandwerk
2019 |
Besser Thomas |
Der multimediale Flächennutzungsplan für die Stadt Mainz
2001 |
Schildwächter Ralph |
Der multimediale Flächennutzungsplan für die Stadt Mainz
2001 |
Nahrada Franz J. |
Der MUNICIPIA Ansatz zur Akteurskommunikation
1998 |
Bruntsch Stefan |
Der persönliche Reisebegleiter am Smartphone – Reiseinformation und Orientierung immer und überall
2006 |
Löcker Birgit |
Der persönliche Reisebegleiter am Smartphone – Reiseinformation und Orientierung immer und überall
2006 |
Rehrl Karl |
Der persönliche Reisebegleiter am Smartphone – Reiseinformation und Orientierung immer und überall
2006 |
Althoff Sebastian |
Der Pfalzfinder – mobiler Service im regionalen Tourismus
2012 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Kratz Norman |
Der Pfalzfinder – mobiler Service im regionalen Tourismus
2012 |
Landwehr Gregor |
Der Pfalzfinder – mobiler Service im regionalen Tourismus
2012 |
Grünbichler Claudia |
Der Prozeß der Veränderung beginnt. Hier & Jetzt. Ein Stadtentwicklungsprojekt des Magistrats Salzburg mit multimedialer Vermittlung.
1999 |
Benedikt Josef |
Der Punkt als Netzwerk. Anmerkungen zu raumstrukturellen Bewertungsmethoden
2009 |
Dapp Klaus |
Der Umgang mit räumlichen Informationen in der politischen Diskussion - Erfahrungen aus dem hessischen Landtag.
2005 |
Mamunlu Hale |
Der Umgang mit Risiken für Wassereinzugsgebiete, eine neue Herausforderung für die Raumplanung in Istanbul
2011 |
Mandl Bettina |
Der Weg zum Smart Citizen – soziotechnologische Anforderungen an die Stadt der Zukunft
2012 |
Schaner Petra |
Der Weg zum Smart Citizen – soziotechnologische Anforderungen an die Stadt der Zukunft
2012 |
Hummer Evelyn |
DESENT: Smart Decision Support System for Urban Energy and Transportation
2018 |
Kolb-Stögerer Isabella |
DESENT: Smart Decision Support System for Urban Energy and Transportation
2018 |
Nacht Thomas |
DESENT: Smart Decision Support System for Urban Energy and Transportation
2018 |
Yang Dujuan |
DESENT: Smart Decision Support System for Urban Energy and Transportation
2018 |
Gondo Tendayi |
Design Considerations and Sustainable Low Cost Housing Provision for the Urban Poor in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
2010 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Design Considerations and Sustainable Low Cost Housing Provision for the Urban Poor in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
2010 |
Ingwani Emmaculate |
Design Considerations and Sustainable Low Cost Housing Provision for the Urban Poor in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
2010 |
Bodum Lars |
Design of a 3D virtual geographic interface for access to geoinformation in real time
2004 |
Abdel-Aziz Amany |
Design Studio Environment: Using Biophilic Patterns for Creative Performance
2023 |
Al-Hagla Khalid |
Design Studio Environment: Using Biophilic Patterns for Creative Performance
2023 |
El-cherif Ingi |
Design Studio Environment: Using Biophilic Patterns for Creative Performance
2023 |
Nassar Dina |
Design Studio Environment: Using Biophilic Patterns for Creative Performance
2023 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Densham Paul |
Designing a web-based public participatory decision support system: the problem of wind farms location
2004 |
Simao Ana |
Designing a web-based public participatory decision support system: the problem of wind farms location
2004 |
Franchini Teresa |
Designing Inclusive Cities from the Elderly Perspective
2022 |
Ryser Judith |
Designing Inclusive Cities from the Elderly Perspective
2022 |
Farghaly Tarek |
Designing Learning Environments in Response to Pandemics: a Comparative Analysis for COVID-19 Best Practises Schools Interventions
2023 |
Hasan Asmaa |
Designing Learning Environments in Response to Pandemics: a Comparative Analysis for COVID-19 Best Practises Schools Interventions
2023 |
Hasan Asmaa |
Designing Learning Environments in Response to Pandemics: a Comparative Analysis for COVID-19 Best Practises Schools Interventions
2023 |
Mikhaeil Merna |
Designing Learning Environments in Response to Pandemics: a Comparative Analysis for COVID-19 Best Practises Schools Interventions
2023 |
Ayad Hany |
Designing Non-Depressive Urban Built Environment: Case Study of Damietta City, Egypt
2019 |
Maria Mona |
Designing Non-Depressive Urban Built Environment: Case Study of Damietta City, Egypt
2019 |
Raslan Rania |
Designing Non-Depressive Urban Built Environment: Case Study of Damietta City, Egypt
2019 |
Tobar Salwa |
Designing Non-Depressive Urban Built Environment: Case Study of Damietta City, Egypt
2019 |
Padilla Marielisa |
Designing Waste Management Systems in the City of The Future
2021 |
Sheoran Rohit |
Designing Waste Management Systems in the City of The Future
2021 |
Swamigowda Kavyashree |
Designing Waste Management Systems in the City of The Future
2021 |
Höhl Wolfgang |
Designing with the Sun – Integrative Workflow and Solar Simulation with AutoCAD, 3D Studio MAX and EcoTect
2011 |
Ferschin Peter |
Desktop-VR als Planungsinstrument
1998 |
Argiolas Michele |
Deteminants of the Value of Houses: a Case Study Concerning the City of Cagliari, Italy
2014 |
Lai Sabrina |
Deteminants of the Value of Houses: a Case Study Concerning the City of Cagliari, Italy
2014 |
Zoppi Corrado |
Deteminants of the Value of Houses: a Case Study Concerning the City of Cagliari, Italy
2014 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Ashrafi Seyedeh R. |
Determinants of Transport Mode Choice in the Austrian Province of Vorarlberg
2017 |
Neumann Hans-Martin |
Determinants of Transport Mode Choice in the Austrian Province of Vorarlberg
2017 |
Schneider Dirk |
Deutschland verändert sich – LOCAL2011 – das amtliche Gebietsraster
2011 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Developing a Technological Innovations Framework for Energy Security: a Case of City Power, Johannesburg
2024 |
Mchunu Nkosingizwile Mazwi |
Developing a Technological Innovations Framework for Energy Security: a Case of City Power, Johannesburg
2024 |
Onatu George |
Developing a Technological Innovations Framework for Energy Security: a Case of City Power, Johannesburg
2024 |
Krek Poplin Alenka |
Developing a Typology of Public Participation 2.0 Users: an Example of
2010 |
Petrin Julian |
Developing a Typology of Public Participation 2.0 Users: an Example of
2010 |
Weninger Beate |
Developing a Typology of Public Participation 2.0 Users: an Example of
2010 |
Yan Wanglin |
Developing and Implementing the Design-led Nexus Approach for Sustainable Urbanisation
2021 |
Abdul-Salam Hassan |
Developing Cultural Heritage Plan in Response to Future Challenges: Case of Lamu-Town World Heritage Site, Kenya
2021 |
Bakr Ali |
Developing Cultural Heritage Plan in Response to Future Challenges: Case of Lamu-Town World Heritage Site, Kenya
2021 |
Mohamed Maryam |
Developing Cultural Heritage Plan in Response to Future Challenges: Case of Lamu-Town World Heritage Site, Kenya
2021 |
Galloway Will |
Developing Design Baseline to Reduce Urban Environmental Load in Food-Energy-Water Demand
2021 |
Nakayama Shun |
Developing Design Baseline to Reduce Urban Environmental Load in Food-Energy-Water Demand
2021 |
Yan Wanglin |
Developing Design Baseline to Reduce Urban Environmental Load in Food-Energy-Water Demand
2021 |
Andre Konrad |
Developing Effective Measures for Reduction of the Urban Heat Island based on Urban Climate Model Simulations and Stakeholder Cooperation
2017 |
Bird David Neil |
Developing Effective Measures for Reduction of the Urban Heat Island based on Urban Climate Model Simulations and Stakeholder Cooperation
2017 |
Kaltenegger Ingrid |
Developing Effective Measures for Reduction of the Urban Heat Island based on Urban Climate Model Simulations and Stakeholder Cooperation
2017 |
Lettmayer Gudrun |
Developing Effective Measures for Reduction of the Urban Heat Island based on Urban Climate Model Simulations and Stakeholder Cooperation
2017 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Schwaiger Hannes |
Developing Effective Measures for Reduction of the Urban Heat Island based on Urban Climate Model Simulations and Stakeholder Cooperation
2017 |
Zuvela-Aloise Maja |
Developing Effective Measures for Reduction of the Urban Heat Island based on Urban Climate Model Simulations and Stakeholder Cooperation
2017 |
Djukanovic Zoran |
Developing ICT tools for public participation in public spaces improvement process - public art & public space (PAPS). Belgrade pilot project results
2004 |
Lalovic Ksenija |
Developing ICT tools for public participation in public spaces improvement process - public art & public space (PAPS). Belgrade pilot project results
2004 |
Zivkovic Jelena |
Developing ICT tools for public participation in public spaces improvement process - public art & public space (PAPS). Belgrade pilot project results
2004 |
Bandyopadhyay Piyali |
Developing Interface of Information Systems for Preparation of Climate Change Responsive City Plan
2015 |
Hu Miao |
Developing Public Rental Housing on Rural Collective Constructing Land in Shanghai Suburbs – a Case of Cao'an Village in Jiading Industrial District
2020 |
Kovacic Iva |
Developing strategies for sustainable planning – building performance evaluation on "dynamical building" model
2007 |
Cha Jae-Gyu |
Development and Application of Urban Micro-Climate Management System for Creating Low-Carbon and Green City
2012 |
Jung Eung-Ho |
Development and Application of Urban Micro-Climate Management System for Creating Low-Carbon and Green City
2012 |
Kim Daewuk |
Development and Application of Urban Micro-Climate Management System for Creating Low-Carbon and Green City
2012 |
Ryu Jiwon |
Development and Application of Urban Micro-Climate Management System for Creating Low-Carbon and Green City
2012 |
Yun Jeong Sik |
Development and Application of Urban Micro-Climate Management System for Creating Low-Carbon and Green City
2012 |
Economou Agisilaos |
Development and Environmental Protection in the Coastal Urban Area of the Municipality of Glyfada (Greece)
2010 |
Karnutsch Markus |
Development of a Communication Tool to Frame a Vision for Changing Neighbourhoods
2017 |
Netsch Stefan |
Development of a Communication Tool to Frame a Vision for Changing Neighbourhoods
2017 |
Reiter Thomas |
Development of a Communication Tool to Frame a Vision for Changing Neighbourhoods
2017 |
Gnam Lukas |
Development of an Energy Transition Cycle in the City of Eisenstadt
2024 |
Novakovits Philipp |
Development of an Energy Transition Cycle in the City of Eisenstadt
2024 |
Pratter Robert |
Development of an Energy Transition Cycle in the City of Eisenstadt
2024 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Tschirk Werner |
Development of an Energy Transition Cycle in the City of Eisenstadt
2024 |
Conti Giuseppe |
Development of an Open Framework to Provide Intelligent Multi-Modal Mobility Services
2011 |
De Amicis Raffaele |
Development of an Open Framework to Provide Intelligent Multi-Modal Mobility Services
2011 |
Girardi Gabrio |
Development of an Open Framework to Provide Intelligent Multi-Modal Mobility Services
2011 |
Magliocchetti Daniele |
Development of an Open Framework to Provide Intelligent Multi-Modal Mobility Services
2011 |
Taglioni Diego |
Development of an Open Framework to Provide Intelligent Multi-Modal Mobility Services
2011 |
Lalovic Ksenija |
Development of GIS in urban planning agencies in Serbia - experiences of town planning institute of Belgrade
2004 |
Sreckovic Marijana |
Development of Managed Real Estate – International Case Studies on Principles and Success Factors
2012 |
Wiegand Dietmar |
Development of Managed Real Estate – International Case Studies on Principles and Success Factors
2012 |
Lalovic Ksenija |
Development of Municipal Territorial Information System as an Instrument of Planning Approach Transition Toward Integrated Sustainable Development – Case of Serbia
2010 |
Mrdjenovic Tatjana |
Development of Municipal Territorial Information System as an Instrument of Planning Approach Transition Toward Integrated Sustainable Development – Case of Serbia
2010 |
Iatrellis Omiros |
DevOps Competences for Smart City Administrators
2020 |
Kameas Achilles |
DevOps Competences for Smart City Administrators
2020 |
Kaufmann Hans Rüdiger |
DevOps Competences for Smart City Administrators
2020 |
Kokkinaki Angeliki |
DevOps Competences for Smart City Administrators
2020 |
Sanchez Bengoa Dolores |
DevOps Competences for Smart City Administrators
2020 |
Sandbrink Christoph |
DevOps Competences for Smart City Administrators
2020 |
Valentini Altheo |
DevOps Competences for Smart City Administrators
2020 |
Anders Stephan |
DGNB-Zertifizierungssystem: Neubau gemischte Stadtquartiere
2012 |
Abu Ghanimeh Ali |
Diagnose Digital Skills Gap between Professional and Academic Sectors in Architecture Discipline â Jordan Case Study
2023 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Banisalman Anwaar |
Diagnose Digital Skills Gap between Professional and Academic Sectors in Architecture Discipline â Jordan Case Study
2023 |
Fathi Amira |
Diagnose Digital Skills Gap between Professional and Academic Sectors in Architecture Discipline â Jordan Case Study
2023 |
Marouf Ibrahim |
Diagnose Digital Skills Gap between Professional and Academic Sectors in Architecture Discipline â Jordan Case Study
2023 |
Faller Arnold |
Diagrammatische und hybride Entwurfsmethoden in Architektur und Raumplanung
2003 |
Hess Armin |
Diagrammatische und hybride Entwurfsmethoden in Architektur und Raumplanung
2003 |
Köhler Bettina |
Diagrammatische und hybride Entwurfsmethoden in Architektur und Raumplanung
2003 |
Maier Karel |
Dichtung of Standards and Wahrheit of GIS data for spatial planning: cross-border case
2005 |
Vorel Jakub |
Dichtung of Standards and Wahrheit of GIS data for spatial planning: cross-border case
2005 |
Ehmayer Cornelia |
Die Aktivierende Stadtdiagnose – Vorstellung einer stadtpsychologischen Methode zur Förderung nachhaltiger Stadtentwicklungsprozesse
2010 |
Schmidt Michael |
Die Alpen als Europäische Planungsregion. Zusammenarbeit im Bereich Verkehrsdaten
2002 |
Spiegel Thomas |
Die Alpen als Europäische Planungsregion. Zusammenarbeit im Bereich Verkehrsdaten
2002 |
Töllner Martin |
Die Arbeit mit Unschärfen im städtebaulichen Entwurfsprozeß.
2000 |
Buchmüller Lydia |
Die Auswirkungen der neuen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien auf die StadtPlanung
1998 |
Meth Dagmar |
Die Bedeutung des öffentlichen Verkehrs für Frauen in ländlichen Regionen
2006 |
Reichrath Martin |
Die Beleuchtung des urbanen Stadtraumes – Verwendung von 3D- Stadtmodellen als Grundlage zu fotorealistischen Simulationsmethoden im städtebaulichen Planungskontext
2007 |
Zeile Peter |
Die Beleuchtung des urbanen Stadtraumes – Verwendung von 3D- Stadtmodellen als Grundlage zu fotorealistischen Simulationsmethoden im städtebaulichen Planungskontext
2007 |
Hauger Georg |
Die Berücksichtigung des Landschaftsbildes bei raumrelevanten Planungen
2004 |
Emberger Günter |
Die Bewertung der Nachhaltigkeit innovativer städtebaulicher Maßnahmen mit dem Simulationsmodell MARS
2004 |
Pfaffenbichler Paul |
Die Bewertung der Nachhaltigkeit innovativer städtebaulicher Maßnahmen mit dem Simulationsmodell MARS
2004 |
Lin Chang-Yu |
Die computergestützte Kommunikation zwischen Planungsabteilungen auf der Basis objektorientierter Analyse
2007 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Berger Martin |
Die Crowd-Community als Lieferant auf der letzten Meile?
2017 |
Dörrzapf Linda |
Die Crowd-Community als Lieferant auf der letzten Meile?
2017 |
Mitteregger Mathias |
Die Crowd-Community als Lieferant auf der letzten Meile?
2017 |
Kleiber Georg |
Die digitale Stadt
1998 |
Mayerhofer Rainer |
Die digitale Stadt
1998 |
Voigt Andreas |
Die digitale Stadt
1998 |
Walchhofer Hans Peter |
Die digitale Stadt
1998 |
Wittine Herbert |
Die digitale Stadt
1998 |
Baldauf Marvin |
Die Diskrepanz zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit: Wie gestalten wir intelligente Städte und Regionen der Zukunft kompetenzorientiert durch vernetztes Arbeiten?
2024 |
Schachtner Christian |
Die Diskrepanz zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit: Wie gestalten wir intelligente Städte und Regionen der Zukunft kompetenzorientiert durch vernetztes Arbeiten?
2024 |
Henninger Sascha |
Die dunkle Nacht erhebt sich â âSternenparksâ als informelles und kommunales Steuerungselement für Natur- und Freiraumschutz
2023 |
Henninger Sascha |
Die dunkle Nacht erhebt sich â âSternenparksâ als informelles und kommunales Steuerungselement für Natur- und Freiraumschutz
2023 |
Schäfer Marcel |
Die dunkle Nacht erhebt sich â âSternenparksâ als informelles und kommunales Steuerungselement für Natur- und Freiraumschutz
2023 |
Koenig Reinhard |
Die Dynamik der Stadt: Ansatz für ein agentenbasiertes Mikrosimulationsmodell
2007 |
Franck Georg |
Die Dynamik räumlicher Prozesse
2003 |
Wegener Michael |
Die Dynamik räumlicher Prozesse
2003 |
Riedl Andreas |
Die Eignung dreidimensionaler Displaytechnologien zur Visualisierung von Geo-Multimedia-Inhalten
2005 |
Schratt Alexander |
Die Eignung dreidimensionaler Displaytechnologien zur Visualisierung von Geo-Multimedia-Inhalten
2005 |
Machata Klaus |
Die Elektronische Unfallsteckkarte des Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit
2000 |
Emberger Günter |
Die Entwicklung eines integrierten dynamischen Siedlungsentwicklungs- und Verkehrsmodells für asiatische Städte
2005 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Ibesich Nikolaus |
Die Entwicklung eines integrierten dynamischen Siedlungsentwicklungs- und Verkehrsmodells für asiatische Städte
2005 |
Pfaffenbichler Paul |
Die Entwicklung eines integrierten dynamischen Siedlungsentwicklungs- und Verkehrsmodells für asiatische Städte
2005 |
Deussner Reinhold |
Die Erreichbarkeitsmodelle Öffentlicher und Individualverkehr
1996 |
Ledit Lev |
Die Erweiterung des öffentlichen Raumes in virtuelle Welten
2004 |
Deussner Reinhold |
Die FahrplanKarte Ein neues Medium im öffentlichen Regionalverkehr
1997 |
Bröthaler Johann |
Die Gemeindebonität im kommunalen Planungskontext - ein Planer sieht rot!
2000 |
Kopal Kerstin |
Die gesunde Stadt im Kontext der Mobilitätswende â Einflüsse der gebauten Umwelt auf ein nachhaltiges und bewegungsförderndes Verhalten
2022 |
Wittowsky Dirk |
Die gesunde Stadt im Kontext der Mobilitätswende â Einflüsse der gebauten Umwelt auf ein nachhaltiges und bewegungsförderndes Verhalten
2022 |
Nahrada Franz |
Die globale Stadt und das globale Dorf (Dörfer) Ungelöste Aufgabenbereiche bei der Verknüpfung von städtischer und ländlicher Telematik
1999 |
Wonka Erich |
Die Großzählungsdaten auf der Basis von Gebäudekoordinaten als Datenquelle für die örtliche Raumplanung
1997 |
Zepf Elmar |
Die Informationsgesellschaft verlangt neue Raumstrukturen - "Jerusalem oder Babylon?"
1999 |
Otte Frank |
Die Integration von Investoren in Planungsprozesse - oder das Ende der Bürgerbeteiligungen?
2002 |
Kastberger Erwin |
Die Internetpräsentation zum Bundesverkehrswegeplan
1999 |
Kollarits Stefan |
Die Internetpräsentation zum Bundesverkehrswegeplan
1999 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Die Internetpräsentation zum Bundesverkehrswegeplan
1999 |
Spiegel Thomas |
Die Internetpräsentation zum Bundesverkehrswegeplan
1999 |
Rosenbüchler Silke |
Die Landschaft der Zukunft Visionen von Schreibenden aus Österreich
1998 |
Blechl Heinz |
Die Landschaftsräumliche Gliederung Kärnten
2000 |
Piechl Robert |
Die Landschaftsräumliche Gliederung Kärnten
2000 |
Westhauser Christoph |
Die nö. Breitbandinitiative - Niederösterreichs Weg in die Informationsgesellschaft
2004 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Schütze Peter |
Die neue Art der Präsentation im WWW für Architekten und Bauträger
2000 |
Grießer Harald |
Die neue Planwirtschaft? Staatliche Interventionsmöglichkeiten am Beispiel der Regionalplanung Steiermark oder: Gebundene Hände - das ist das Ende.
2003 |
Redik Michael |
Die neue Planwirtschaft? Staatliche Interventionsmöglichkeiten am Beispiel der Regionalplanung Steiermark oder: Gebundene Hände - das ist das Ende.
2003 |
Beckel Lothar |
Die neuen 1m-Satellitendaten
1999 |
Mansberger Gerald |
Die neuen 1m-Satellitendaten
1999 |
Engelke Dirk |
Die neuen Medien als Werkzeug zurErstellung raumbezogener Übersichten –Erkundung von Möglichkeiten der räumlichen Entwicklung jenseits von GIS
1999 |
Hauswirth Rainer |
Die Nutzung der Wiener Lebensqualitätsforschung als Instrument einer an den Bedürfnissen der Bevölkerung orientierten Stadtentwicklung
2010 |
Griepentrog Anne |
Die Nutzung sicherer verteilter Visualisierungsverfahren in der Raumplanung
1999 |
Nossek Silvia |
Die Offene Stadt. Bürgerbeteiligung braucht Bürgerinformation. Nutzung neuer Technologien an der Schnittstelle zwischen Verwaltung und Bürgern
1997 |
Fornefeld Martin |
Die Online-Leitungsauskunft eTrasse: spartenübergreifend - systemübergreifend - effizient
2006 |
Czerkauer Claudia |
Die Organisation der architektonischen und dynamischen Stadt. Ansatz für eine hierarchische Konfiguration von Raum.
2007 |
Körnig-Pich Rebecca |
Die Potenziale aktueller WebGIS- und Web-2.0-Entwicklungen als Planungsinstrumente – der Planer als Eichhörnchen?!
2010 |
Kebbedies Guido |
Die Potenziale aktueller WebGIS- und Web-2.0-Entwicklungen als Planungsinstrumente – der Planer als Eichhörnchen?!
2010 |
Zeile Peter |
Die Potenziale aktueller WebGIS- und Web-2.0-Entwicklungen als Planungsinstrumente – der Planer als Eichhörnchen?!
2010 |
Pfaffenbichler Paul |
Die Prognose der Auswirkungen der EU-Erweiterung auf die Verkehrsnachfrage in der Region Wien – Bratislava – Brünn - Györ
2002 |
Stein David |
Die Prognose der Auswirkungen der EU-Erweiterung auf die Verkehrsnachfrage in der Region Wien – Bratislava – Brünn - Györ
2002 |
Kaltenbach Markus |
Die räumliche Dimension residenzieller Multilokalität, ein prädestiniertes thematisches Bindeglied zwischen Forschung und Lehre
2019 |
Bohle Anne Katrin |
Die Regionalen in Nordrhein-Westfalen: Impulse für den Strukturwandel. Beispielhafte Erneuerungsstrategie der Regionale 2010 im Rheinland
2010 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Die Rolle der Informationstechnologie in der und für die Raumplanung Versuch einer systematischen Darstellung
1999 |
Musil Robert |
Die Rolle der Post-Suburbia im Globalisierungsprozess: mehr als ein untergeordneter Ergänzungsraum der Kernstadt?
2006 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Grabner Martin |
Die smarte Vision auf den Boden bringen
2016 |
Konrad Oliver |
Die smarte Vision auf den Boden bringen
2016 |
Rainer Ernst |
Die smarte Vision auf den Boden bringen
2016 |
Otte Frank |
Die Umsetzung internetbasierter Planungs- und Präsentationsmethoden in Klein- und Mittelstädten
2003 |
Grimm-Pretner Dagmar |
Die urbane Landschaft als Handlungsfeld in der postsozialistischen Stadtentwicklung in Sofia
2007 |
Rode Philipp |
Die urbane Landschaft als Handlungsfeld in der postsozialistischen Stadtentwicklung in Sofia
2007 |
Siegler Arne |
Die Verschmelzung von realer und virtueller Umgebung in der City 3.0
2009 |
Wietzel Ingo |
Die Verschmelzung von realer und virtueller Umgebung in der City 3.0
2009 |
Hodzic-Srndic Natasa |
Die vielfältigen Vorzüge aktiver Mobilität auf Mensch und Umwelt (und wie wir sie erreichen)
2020 |
Raunig Kathrin |
Die vielfältigen Vorzüge aktiver Mobilität auf Mensch und Umwelt (und wie wir sie erreichen)
2020 |
Brändli Martin |
Die virtuelle Datenbank: Technolgie zur Unterstützung in der Regionalplanung
2004 |
Höppner Corina |
Die virtuelle Datenbank: Technolgie zur Unterstützung in der Regionalplanung
2004 |
Jobst Markus |
Die Visualsierung mehrdimesionaler Daten mit multimedialen kartographischen Methoden in archäologischen Anwendungen
2003 |
Benedikt Josef |
Die Wirklichkeit der Raumplanung. Werkzeuge für ein neues Raumverständnis
2002 |
Kratochwil Susanne |
Die Wirklichkeit der Raumplanung. Werkzeuge für ein neues Raumverständnis
2002 |
Mirkes Jeff |
Die Zukunft liegt im ländlichen Raum!
2019 |
Neppl Markus |
Die Zukunft liegt im ländlichen Raum!
2019 |
Zeile Peter |
Die Zukunft liegt im ländlichen Raum!
2019 |
Heinen Torstem |
Dienste-basierte Aufbereitung von Geländemodellen für die 3D-Geovisualisierung
2004 |
May Martin |
Dienste-basierte Aufbereitung von Geländemodellen für die 3D-Geovisualisierung
2004 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Haqbeen Jawad |
Different or Alike? Motivation to Participate and Social Influence in Online Discussions by Age and Gender
2021 |
Sahab Sofia |
Different or Alike? Motivation to Participate and Social Influence in Online Discussions by Age and Gender
2021 |
Takayuki Ito |
Different or Alike? Motivation to Participate and Social Influence in Online Discussions by Age and Gender
2021 |
Garcia Arregui Anibal |
Digging into the Smartness: A Short Technopolitical (Pre)History of Vienna's Urban Lakeside
2014 |
Muminov Iskandar |
Digital atlas of lands and human impact on the environment by the example of Nuratau
2004 |
Zakriov Shukrat Sh. |
Digital atlas of lands and human impact on the environment by the example of Nuratau
2004 |
Kriselj Mihael |
Digital Broadcasting in Slovenia - Implementation of spectrum planning policy on regional scale.
2002 |
Narzt Wolfgang |
Digital Graffiti – a Comprehensive Location-based Travel Information System
2011 |
Wasserburger Wolfgang W. |
Digital Graffiti – a Comprehensive Location-based Travel Information System
2011 |
Merten Manfred |
Digital Guidance and Information System in Schwechat, Austria
2009 |
Elisei Pietro |
Digital Human â Introduction
2024 |
Griaznykh Ivan |
Digital Human â Introduction
2024 |
Popovich Tatiana |
Digital Human â Introduction
2024 |
Popovich Vasily |
Digital Human â Introduction
2024 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Digital Human â Introduction
2024 |
Hitaka Keiichiro |
Digital Platform for Collaborative Urban Landscape Design using Google Earth
2007 |
Saito Kei |
Digital Platform for Collaborative Urban Landscape Design using Google Earth
2007 |
Shinozaki Michihiko |
Digital Platform for Collaborative Urban Landscape Design using Google Earth
2007 |
Al-hagla Khaled |
Digital Public Art in Historical Urban Open Spaces: The Impact of New Technologies
2022 |
Hasan Asmaa |
Digital Public Art in Historical Urban Open Spaces: The Impact of New Technologies
2022 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Saleh Asmaa |
Digital Public Art in Historical Urban Open Spaces: The Impact of New Technologies
2022 |
Elisei Pietro |
Digital Space of a Human: From Philosophy to Computer Science
2024 |
Griaznykh Ivan |
Digital Space of a Human: From Philosophy to Computer Science
2024 |
Popovich Tatiana |
Digital Space of a Human: From Philosophy to Computer Science
2024 |
Popovich Vasily |
Digital Space of a Human: From Philosophy to Computer Science
2024 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Digital Space of a Human: From Philosophy to Computer Science
2024 |
Vircavs Inguss |
Digital transport model EMME/2 as tool in transport planning in Riga city
2005 |
Rainzinger Monika |
Digitale 3D-Stadtmodelle für Planung und Präsentation
1996 |
Klotz Arnold |
Digitale Flächenwidmung der Stadt Wien - Strategien und Formen der Umsetzung
2000 |
Marth Mario |
Digitale Flächenwidmung der Stadt Wien - Strategien und Formen der Umsetzung
2000 |
Greiner Michael |
Digitale Landschaftsvisualisierung am Beispiel eines Gesteinsabbaus
2003 |
Jakob Andrea |
2000 |
Holzer Johannes |
Digitale Stadtmodelle als Plattform für intuitive Planung und Information
2002 |
Karner Konrad |
Digitale Stadtmodelle als Plattform für intuitive Planung und Information
2002 |
Lorber Günther |
Digitale Stadtmodelle als Plattform für intuitive Planung und Information
2002 |
Rosmann Heinz |
Digitale Stadtmodelle als Plattform für intuitive Planung und Information
2002 |
Hakim-Meibodi Kambysia Karl |
Digitales Entwerfen - Kreativitätstechniken und assoziative Ideenfindung. Strategien zum intuitiven Gestalten mit Rechnern in Lehre und Forschung
1999 |
Haug Nina |
Digitales Entwerfen von Stadt – vom Geodesign zur Echtzeitplanung
2020 |
Neppl Markus |
Digitales Entwerfen von Stadt – vom Geodesign zur Echtzeitplanung
2020 |
Zeile Peter |
Digitales Entwerfen von Stadt – vom Geodesign zur Echtzeitplanung
2020 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Gügel Frederik |
Digitales Parken der Zukunft â Planungen zu einem Reallabor auf dem Campus der Universität der Bundeswehr München
2023 |
Holzmair Markus |
Digitales Parken der Zukunft â Planungen zu einem Reallabor auf dem Campus der Universität der Bundeswehr München
2023 |
Wiemers Tobias |
Digitales Parken der Zukunft â Planungen zu einem Reallabor auf dem Campus der Universität der Bundeswehr München
2023 |
Azaz Lotfy |
Dilemma of Vibrant City and Endless Urban Growth. Lessons from Alexandria, Egypt
2015 |
Achleitner Elke |
Dimensionen eines digitalen Stadtmodelles am Beispiel Linz
2003 |
Schmidinger Elmar |
Dimensionen eines digitalen Stadtmodelles am Beispiel Linz
2003 |
Voigt Andreas |
Dimensionen eines digitalen Stadtmodelles am Beispiel Linz
2003 |
Dyraga Aneta |
Directions of Transformations of Postindustrial Greenery in the Silesian Agglomeration
2011 |
Davidson Lola |
Discomfort of the Present, Relief of the Future
2013 |
Rubbo Viviana |
Discomfort of the Present, Relief of the Future
2013 |
Sudarskis Michel |
Discomfort of the Present, Relief of the Future
2013 |
Haider W. |
Discrete-Choice-Experiment unter Verwendung von 3D-Visualisierungen: Ein Ansatz zur Analyse von Präferenzstrukturen privater Bauherren hinsichtlich Themen der zukunftsfähigen Siedlungsplanung
2005 |
Pröbstl U. |
Discrete-Choice-Experiment unter Verwendung von 3D-Visualisierungen: Ein Ansatz zur Analyse von Präferenzstrukturen privater Bauherren hinsichtlich Themen der zukunftsfähigen Siedlungsplanung
2005 |
Rid Wolfgang |
Discrete-Choice-Experiment unter Verwendung von 3D-Visualisierungen: Ein Ansatz zur Analyse von Präferenzstrukturen privater Bauherren hinsichtlich Themen der zukunftsfähigen Siedlungsplanung
2005 |
Hierzegger Heiner |
Diskussionsforum Raumplanungspraxis
2002 |
Kanonier Arthur |
Diskussionsforum Raumplanungspraxis
2002 |
Voigt Andreas |
Diskussionsforum Raumplanungspraxis
2002 |
Zehetner Franz |
Diskussionsforum Raumplanungspraxis
2002 |
Lehmkühler Stefan |
Distributed GIS / Netzbasierte GIS-Anwendungen
1997 |
Krawinkler Robert |
District Cooling - Chancen und Herausforderungen für die zukünftige Regional- und Immobilienentwicklung
2007 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Penthor Adolf |
District Cooling - Chancen und Herausforderungen für die zukünftige Regional- und Immobilienentwicklung
2007 |
Simader Günter R. |
District Cooling - Chancen und Herausforderungen für die zukünftige Regional- und Immobilienentwicklung
2007 |
Cvetinovic Marija |
Do Blurred Institutional Organisation and Inconsistent Policy Agendas Hinder Urban Development of Post-Socialist Neighbourhoods in Serbia? MAS-ANT Method of Analysis
2015 |
Gret-Regamey Adrienne |
Do New Urban Densities Provide Urban Landscape Identity? A Concept for Operationalizing Qualitative Factors Combining Sophisticated Visualization Workflows
2012 |
Klein Thomas |
Do New Urban Densities Provide Urban Landscape Identity? A Concept for Operationalizing Qualitative Factors Combining Sophisticated Visualization Workflows
2012 |
Melsom James |
Do New Urban Densities Provide Urban Landscape Identity? A Concept for Operationalizing Qualitative Factors Combining Sophisticated Visualization Workflows
2012 |
Neuenschwander Noemi |
Do New Urban Densities Provide Urban Landscape Identity? A Concept for Operationalizing Qualitative Factors Combining Sophisticated Visualization Workflows
2012 |
Wissen Hayek Ulrike |
Do New Urban Densities Provide Urban Landscape Identity? A Concept for Operationalizing Qualitative Factors Combining Sophisticated Visualization Workflows
2012 |
Batunova Elena |
Do we Need Urban Shrinkage to Become Smarter Planners? The Masterplan for Novoshakhtinsk
2020 |
Khiteva Elena |
Do we Need Urban Shrinkage to Become Smarter Planners? The Masterplan for Novoshakhtinsk
2020 |
Thrukhachev Sergey |
Do we Need Urban Shrinkage to Become Smarter Planners? The Masterplan for Novoshakhtinsk
2020 |
Portnov Boris A. |
Does City Smartness Improve Urban Environment and Reduce Income Disparity? Evidence from an Empirical Analysis of Major Cities Worldwide
2024 |
Meinel Gotthard |
Does the growth of urban settlements follow a certain pattern? – Answers given by long-term monitoring of European city regions
2004 |
Winkler Michael |
Does the growth of urban settlements follow a certain pattern? – Answers given by long-term monitoring of European city regions
2004 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Dokumentation Eisenstraße – eine Region ist auf Schatzsuche. Internetportal & Dokumentation bringen den Kulturpark Eisenstraße-Ötscherland zum Blühen
2004 |
Thonhofer Heidemarie |
Dokumentation Eisenstraße – eine Region ist auf Schatzsuche. Internetportal & Dokumentation bringen den Kulturpark Eisenstraße-Ötscherland zum Blühen
2004 |
Mirkes Jeff |
Dorf Neu Denken. Ein Konzept zur räumlichen Strukturierung von Dörfern im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung für wachsende Regionen in Mitteleuropa
2018 |
Neppl Markus |
Dorf Neu Denken. Ein Konzept zur räumlichen Strukturierung von Dörfern im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung für wachsende Regionen in Mitteleuropa
2018 |
Zeile Peter |
Dorf Neu Denken. Ein Konzept zur räumlichen Strukturierung von Dörfern im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung für wachsende Regionen in Mitteleuropa
2018 |
Ebert Thomas |
DORIS - Digitales Oberösterreichisches Raum-Informations-System - im World Wide Web
1997 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Pfleger Kurt |
DORIS - Digitales Oberösterreichisches Raum-Informations-System - im World Wide Web
1997 |
Koppers Lothar |
Dreidimensionale Landschaftsmodellierung und Visualisierung
1998 |
Reinhardt Wolfgang |
Dreidimensionale Landschaftsmodellierung und Visualisierung
1998 |
Bergatt Jackson Jirina |
Drive Towards Circular Land Use Management
2013 |
Ferber Uwe |
Drive Towards Circular Land Use Management
2013 |
Preuss Thomas |
Drive Towards Circular Land Use Management
2013 |
Starzewska-Sikorska Anna |
Drive Towards Circular Land Use Management
2013 |
Verbücheln Maic |
Drive Towards Circular Land Use Management
2013 |
Divigalpitiya Prasanna |
Driving Factors of Urban Expansion in Peri-Urban Areas of Greater Cairo Region
2018 |
Muhammad Muhammad Salem Said |
Driving Factors of Urban Expansion in Peri-Urban Areas of Greater Cairo Region
2018 |
Tsurusaki Naoki |
Driving Factors of Urban Expansion in Peri-Urban Areas of Greater Cairo Region
2018 |
Willems Peter |
DSI, the Exchange Platform for Digital Spatial Information
2015 |
Stepper Henning |
Durchmischung verstehen – neue Einsatzfelder von 3D-Stadtmodellen zur Visualisierung und Simulation urbaner Prozesse
2012 |
Wietzel Ingo |
Durchmischung verstehen – neue Einsatzfelder von 3D-Stadtmodellen zur Visualisierung und Simulation urbaner Prozesse
2012 |
Hassan Ahmed |
Dynamic Expansion and Urbanization of Greater Cairo Metropolis, Egypt
2011 |
Lintl Mathias |
Dynamische Systemmodelle und Bürgerbeteiligung
2003 |
Wasserburger Wolfgang W. |
Dynamische Tourenoptimierung durch verkehrstelematische Daten
2006 |
Steinebach Gerhard |
Dynamisierung von Plan- und Beteiligungsverfahren durch moderne Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme (IUK-Systeme) – am Beispiel des Portals
2005 |
Allin Simone |
Dynamisierung von Plan- und Beteiligungsverfahren durch moderne Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme (IUK-Systeme) am Beispiel des Portals
2005 |
Rusev Zdravko |
E - government, E - management and the ways of planning and development of the European Cities (Theory of Digital city - II. part)
2003 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Pietsch Jürgen |
e-CityRegions. The transdisziplinary platform for analysing, planning & management of information societies City Regions
2001 |
Habbel Franz-Reinhard |
e-Government als Wachstumstreiber - Neue Infrastrukturen für Bürger und Wirtschaft in den Städten und Regionen
2003 |
Kollarits Stefan |
E-Government in der Straßenverwaltung. Behördenintegration schafft hochwertige Daten und Planungsgrundlagen im Verkehrsbereich
2004 |
Mandl-Mair Irmgard |
E-Government in der Straßenverwaltung. Behördenintegration schafft hochwertige Daten und Planungsgrundlagen im Verkehrsbereich
2004 |
Gmünder Markus |
E-Learning in der Aus- und Weiterbildung von Planern/-innen
2002 |
Gröhbiel Urs |
E-Learning in der Aus- und Weiterbildung von Planern/-innen
2002 |
Breier Matthias |
E-Participation – a Collaborative Approach
2017 |
Fazekas Stefan |
E-Participation – a Collaborative Approach
2017 |
Leeb Christian |
E-Participation – a Collaborative Approach
2017 |
Oertmann Jessica |
E-Participation – a Collaborative Approach
2017 |
Streißlberger Konstantin |
E-Participation – a Collaborative Approach
2017 |
Irnberger Roland |
E-Procurement bei den ÖBB @-AVA - die Internet-Vergabeplattform
2005 |
Dickhaut Wolfgang |
e-Quartier Hamburg – Möglichkeiten von Elektromobilität als fester Bestandteil von Wohnquartieren
2017 |
Fink Johanna |
e-Quartier Hamburg – Möglichkeiten von Elektromobilität als fester Bestandteil von Wohnquartieren
2017 |
Kulus Daniel |
e-Quartier Hamburg – Möglichkeiten von Elektromobilität als fester Bestandteil von Wohnquartieren
2017 |
Prill Thomas |
e-Quartier Hamburg – Möglichkeiten von Elektromobilität als fester Bestandteil von Wohnquartieren
2017 |
Aleksa Michael |
E-Scooter as Environmentally Friendly Last Mile Option? Insights on Spatial and Infrastructural Implications for Urban Areas based on the Example of Vienna
2020 |
Markvica Karin |
E-Scooter as Environmentally Friendly Last Mile Option? Insights on Spatial and Infrastructural Implications for Urban Areas based on the Example of Vienna
2020 |
Schwieger Klemens |
E-Scooter as Environmentally Friendly Last Mile Option? Insights on Spatial and Infrastructural Implications for Urban Areas based on the Example of Vienna
2020 |
Clasen Malte |
Earth, Landscape, Biotope, Plant. Interactive Visualization with Biosphere3D
2007 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Paar Philip |
Earth, Landscape, Biotope, Plant. Interactive Visualization with Biosphere3D
2007 |
Poesch Tony |
Echtzeitplanung | Real-Time-Simulation in der Planung
2006 |
Schildwächter Ralph |
Echtzeitplanung | Real-Time-Simulation in der Planung
2006 |
Zeile Peter |
Echtzeitplanung | Real-Time-Simulation in der Planung
2006 |
Schildwächter Ralph |
Echtzeitvisualisierung in städtebaulichen Entscheidungsprozessen
2008 |
Zeile Peter |
Echtzeitvisualisierung in städtebaulichen Entscheidungsprozessen
2008 |
Adejumo Tunji |
Eco Sensitive Beach Design: Conceptualization of Community Recreational Sandy Beach Development
2011 |
Okedele Olaniyi |
Eco Sensitive Beach Design: Conceptualization of Community Recreational Sandy Beach Development
2011 |
Pröbstl Ulrike |
Ecological improvement and sustainable development in skiing resorts by adapting the EU-Eco-Audit
2006 |
Popovich Tatiana |
Ecological Monitoring Network for the Gulf of Finland
2017 |
Smirnova Oksana |
Ecological Monitoring Network for the Gulf of Finland
2017 |
Gozalov Sulhaddin |
Ecological Problems of Motor Transport of Azerbaijan
2012 |
Piriyev Yagub |
Ecological Problems of Motor Transport of Azerbaijan
2012 |
Enichlmair Christina |
Economic transformation and urban planning in Vienna: Emergence of the service sector and its implications for urban regeneration
2005 |
Kranabether Matthias |
Economic transformation and urban planning in Vienna: Emergence of the service sector and its implications for urban regeneration
2005 |
Stein David |
Economic transformation and urban planning in Vienna: Emergence of the service sector and its implications for urban regeneration
2005 |
Leone Federica |
Ecosystem Services as External Drivers in the Strategic Environmental Assessment of Management Plans of the Sites of the Natura 2000 Network
2016 |
Zoppi Corrado |
Ecosystem Services as External Drivers in the Strategic Environmental Assessment of Management Plans of the Sites of the Natura 2000 Network
2016 |
Schröter Frank |
EDV als Hilfsmittel für die Wiedernutzung von Altstandorten
1999 |
Dollinger Franz |
EDV als Werkzeug zur Öffentlichkeitsarbeit in der Salzburger Landesplanung und im SAGIS
1997 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Philipp Karin |
EDV als Werkzeug zur Öffentlichkeitsarbeit in der Salzburger Landesplanung und im SAGIS
1997 |
Bröthaler Johann |
EDV-gestützte Analyse und Simulation kommunaler Haushalte
1996 |
Domhardt Hans-Jörg |
EDV-gestützte Freiraumplanung im Landkreis Osnabrück - Entwicklung und Anwendung einer Methodik zur Ausweisung von Vorranggebieten für Freiraumfunktionen
1999 |
Herry Max |
EDV-Software - Ein hilfreiches Instrument für die Verkehrsplanung?
1996 |
Belickas J. |
EEarth: Bridging the divided national geo-databases via multilingual web application
2005 |
Cannell B. |
EEarth: Bridging the divided national geo-databases via multilingual web application
2005 |
Capova D. |
EEarth: Bridging the divided national geo-databases via multilingual web application
2005 |
EEarth: Bridging the divided national geo-databases via multilingual web application
2005 |
Jellema J. |
EEarth: Bridging the divided national geo-databases via multilingual web application
2005 |
Mardal T. |
EEarth: Bridging the divided national geo-databases via multilingual web application
2005 |
Passmore J. |
EEarth: Bridging the divided national geo-databases via multilingual web application
2005 |
Preuss H. |
EEarth: Bridging the divided national geo-databases via multilingual web application
2005 |
Rapsevicius V. |
EEarth: Bridging the divided national geo-databases via multilingual web application
2005 |
Tchistiakov A. |
EEarth: Bridging the divided national geo-databases via multilingual web application
2005 |
Hössinger Reinhard |
Effective Usage of Short-Term Parking Zones by Offering Real-Time Information on the Utilisation of Parking Lots
2013 |
Uhlmann Tina |
Effective Usage of Short-Term Parking Zones by Offering Real-Time Information on the Utilisation of Parking Lots
2013 |
Wiedhalm Peter |
Effective Usage of Short-Term Parking Zones by Offering Real-Time Information on the Utilisation of Parking Lots
2013 |
Letsoko Vuyiswa |
Effectiveness of In Situ Upgrading in Improving the Quality of Life of Beneficiaries Living in Informal Settlements in South Africa
2021 |
Maganadisa Kedibone Precious |
Effectiveness of In Situ Upgrading in Improving the Quality of Life of Beneficiaries Living in Informal Settlements in South Africa
2021 |
Pretorius Ockert |
Effectiveness of In Situ Upgrading in Improving the Quality of Life of Beneficiaries Living in Informal Settlements in South Africa
2021 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Leihs Dietrich |
Effects Comparison of Tools to Control the Traffic Demand as an Instrument of Urban Environmental and Climate Policy
2012 |
Böhnen Carina |
Effects of Central or Decentralized Charging Stations for Electric Buses on Route Planning and Travel Time in Public Transport – A Case Study of Aachen, Germany
2017 |
Louen Conny |
Effects of Central or Decentralized Charging Stations for Electric Buses on Route Planning and Travel Time in Public Transport – A Case Study of Aachen, Germany
2017 |
Enisan Gbenga |
Effects of Global Economy on Spatial Structure of Ikeja, Lagos
2011 |
Oduwaye Leke |
Effects of Global Economy on Spatial Structure of Ikeja, Lagos
2011 |
Bishi Hakeem |
Effects of Information Technology Facilities on the Urban Environment: A Comparative Study of Lagos Island and Victoria Island, Lagos
2011 |
Olajide Oluwafemi |
Effects of Information Technology Facilities on the Urban Environment: A Comparative Study of Lagos Island and Victoria Island, Lagos
2011 |
Fritzsche Andreas |
Effiziente Datenrecherche und –pflege durch eine Datenbank-Internetkopplung am Beispiel des Projektes OWINET in Oberfranken
1998 |
Forkert Gerald |
Effiziente Erzeugung von 3D-Stadtmodellen aus vorhandenen Vermessungsdaten
2004 |
Holzer Johannes |
Effiziente Erzeugung von 3D-Stadtmodellen aus vorhandenen Vermessungsdaten
2004 |
Höferl Karl-Michael |
Ein Bodenabtragsmodell von Raumplanern für Raumplaner
2000 |
Scherz Martina |
Ein Bodenabtragsmodell von Raumplanern für Raumplaner
2000 |
Wankiewicz Heidrun |
Ein Jahr "GenderALP! Raumentwicklung für Frauen und Männer" – ein Werkstattbericht
2006 |
Rösch Norbert |
Ein Modell zur Abbildung topologischer Beziehungen in GIS
1999 |
Giffinger Rudolf |
Ein neuer Ansatz zur Abgrenzung von Stadtregionen: methodische Grundlagen und Perspektiven zur Anwendung
2006 |
Kalasek Robert |
Ein neuer Ansatz zur Abgrenzung von Stadtregionen: methodische Grundlagen und Perspektiven zur Anwendung
2006 |
Wonka Erich |
Ein neuer Ansatz zur Abgrenzung von Stadtregionen: methodische Grundlagen und Perspektiven zur Anwendung
2006 |
Klementschitz Roman |
Ein standardisiertes Evaluierungsmodell für innerstädtische Verkehrsprojekte als Basis für eine Neuordnung der österreichischen Finanzierungslandschaft
2011 |
Lang Stefan |
Ein standortgewichteter Durchgrünungsgrad zur Bewertung der Wohnqualität in Salzburg
2005 |
Schöpfer Elisabeth |
Ein standortgewichteter Durchgrünungsgrad zur Bewertung der Wohnqualität in Salzburg
2005 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Emberger Günter |
Ein strategisches Flächennutzungs-/Verkehrsmodell als Werkzeug raumrelevanter Planungen
2001 |
Pfaffenbichler Paul C. |
Ein strategisches Flächennutzungs-/Verkehrsmodell als Werkzeug raumrelevanter Planungen
2001 |
Emberger Günter |
Ein strategisches Verkehrsmodell von Europa (EURO9)
2000 |
Pfaffenbichler Paul |
Ein strategisches Verkehrsmodell von Europa (EURO9)
2000 |
Broschart Daniel |
Ein Ultraleichtflugzeug, Luftbilder, KI-Algorithmen und Geofach- und Geosachdaten â wie in Landsberg am Lech durch den Einsatz neuer Technologien ein digitaler Zwilling für die Stadt-, Klimaanpassungs- und Mobilitätsplanung aufgebaut wird
2024 |
Fischer Marina |
Ein Ultraleichtflugzeug, Luftbilder, KI-Algorithmen und Geofach- und Geosachdaten â wie in Landsberg am Lech durch den Einsatz neuer Technologien ein digitaler Zwilling für die Stadt-, Klimaanpassungs- und Mobilitätsplanung aufgebaut wird
2024 |
Jubanski Juilson |
Ein Ultraleichtflugzeug, Luftbilder, KI-Algorithmen und Geofach- und Geosachdaten â wie in Landsberg am Lech durch den Einsatz neuer Technologien ein digitaler Zwilling für die Stadt-, Klimaanpassungs- und Mobilitätsplanung aufgebaut wird
2024 |
Siegert Florian |
Ein Ultraleichtflugzeug, Luftbilder, KI-Algorithmen und Geofach- und Geosachdaten â wie in Landsberg am Lech durch den Einsatz neuer Technologien ein digitaler Zwilling für die Stadt-, Klimaanpassungs- und Mobilitätsplanung aufgebaut wird
2024 |
Brauner Johannes |
Einbindung einer Wissensbasis in GIS
2005 |
May Martin |
Einbindung einer Wissensbasis in GIS
2005 |
Poesch Tony |
Eine Stadt wird dreidimensional: 3D-Stadtmodell Bamberg
2004 |
Schildwächter Ralph |
Eine Stadt wird dreidimensional: 3D-Stadtmodell Bamberg
2004 |
Zeile Peter |
Eine Stadt wird dreidimensional: 3D-Stadtmodell Bamberg
2004 |
Kleedorfer Jutta |
Einfach-Mehrfach – ein partizipativ angelegtes Erfolgsmodell der Stadt Wien
2010 |
Gruber Günter |
Einführung von Kapazitätsgrenzen als Kriterium der urbanen Versorgungsqualität
2022 |
Schmitt Johanna |
Einführung von Kapazitätsgrenzen als Kriterium der urbanen Versorgungsqualität
2022 |
Wieland Thomas |
Einkaufsstättenwahl, Einzelhandelscluster und räumliche Versorgungsdisparitäten – Modellierung von Marktgebieten im Einzelhandel unter Berücksichtigung von Agglomerationseffekten
2013 |
Schwap Alexander |
Einsatz entscheidungsunterstützender Methoden in der Regionalplanung
1996 |
Haustein Nicole |
Einsatz geographischer Informationssysteme für die strategische Umweltprüfung in der Hochwasseraktionsplanung
2006 |
Lechthaler Mirjanka |
Einsatz von Entscheidungsunterstützungsysstemen für die Verkehrssicherheit
2008 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Todor Razvan |
Einsatz von Entscheidungsunterstützungsysstemen für die Verkehrssicherheit
2008 |
Griepentrog Anne |
Einsatz von Virtual Reality in der Regionalplanung
1998 |
Sieck Jürgen |
Einsatz von Virtual Reality in der Regionalplanung
1998 |
Witte Andreas |
Einsatz von wissensbasierten Systemen und Fuzzy Sets bei Umweltverträglichkeitsuntersuchungen in der Verkehrsplanung.
1998 |
Lenhart Michael |
Einsatzfelder der Informationstechnologie in der Regionalplanung
2000 |
Schreiber Thomas |
Einsatzfelder der Informationstechnologie in der Regionalplanung
2000 |
Hagspiel Edgar |
Einsatzmöglichkeiten des World Wide Web im Planungsprozeß
1998 |
Kropf Heimo E. |
Einsatzmöglichkeiten des World Wide Web im Planungsprozeß
1998 |
Schlosser Friederike |
Einsatzmöglichkeiten des World Wide Web im Planungsprozeß
1998 |
Hössinger Reinhard |
Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Grenzen GPS-gestützter Parkraumbewirtschaftung
2011 |
Lebitsch Johanna |
Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Grenzen GPS-gestützter Parkraumbewirtschaftung
2011 |
Raser Elisabeth |
Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Grenzen GPS-gestützter Parkraumbewirtschaftung
2011 |
Kollosche Ingo |
Elektromobilität als technologischer Treiber der Stadtentwicklung
2011 |
Schwedes Oliver |
Elektromobilität als technologischer Treiber der Stadtentwicklung
2011 |
Benner Joachim |
Elektronische Planzeichenverordnung - Modellierung, Datenaustausch und Visualisierung von Bauleitplänen mit OGC-Standards
2005 |
Krause Kai-Uwe |
Elektronische Planzeichenverordnung - Modellierung, Datenaustausch und Visualisierung von Bauleitplänen mit OGC-Standards
2005 |
Müller Markus |
Elektronische Planzeichenverordnung - Modellierung, Datenaustausch und Visualisierung von Bauleitplänen mit OGC-Standards
2005 |
Guth Dennis |
Emergence of Suburban Employment Centres in German Metropolitan Regions: Impacts on Commuter Traffic, 1987-2007
2010 |
Achaerandio Jose |
Emergency Management Pilot in BRISEIDE
2011 |
Cabello María |
Emergency Management Pilot in BRISEIDE
2011 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Annegg Thomas |
Emissionskataster Hausbrand für die Stadtgemeinde Klosterneuburg auf der Basis von Planquadraten
2001 |
Wonka Erich |
Emissionskataster Hausbrand für die Stadtgemeinde Klosterneuburg auf der Basis von Planquadraten
2001 |
Groß Dennis |
EmoCycling – Analyse von Radwegen mittels Humansensorik für Kommunen
2015 |
Holderle Christoph |
EmoCycling – Analyse von Radwegen mittels Humansensorik für Kommunen
2015 |
Wilhelm Johann |
EmoCycling – Analyse von Radwegen mittels Humansensorik für Kommunen
2015 |
Minster Clotilde |
EmoCycling – individuelles Sicherheitsempfinden von Radfahrenden in Karlsruhe
2019 |
Rockenbach Ida |
EmoCycling – individuelles Sicherheitsempfinden von Radfahrenden in Karlsruhe
2019 |
Zeile Peter |
EmoCycling – individuelles Sicherheitsempfinden von Radfahrenden in Karlsruhe
2019 |
Bergner Benjamin |
EmoCycling - Analysen von Radwegen mittels Humansensorik und Wearable Computing
2014 |
Groß Dennis |
EmoCycling - Analysen von Radwegen mittels Humansensorik und Wearable Computing
2014 |
Höffken Stefan |
EmoCycling - Analysen von Radwegen mittels Humansensorik und Wearable Computing
2014 |
Wilhelm Johann |
EmoCycling - Analysen von Radwegen mittels Humansensorik und Wearable Computing
2014 |
Zeile Peter |
EmoCycling - Analysen von Radwegen mittels Humansensorik und Wearable Computing
2014 |
Groß Dennis J. |
EmoCyclingConcept — Smart and Safe Mobility — Workshop
2016 |
Zeile Peter |
EmoCyclingConcept — Smart and Safe Mobility — Workshop
2016 |
Bengel Steffen |
Emotion Sensing für (E-)Fahrradsicherheit und Mobilitätskomfort â das BMDV-Projekt ESSEM
2022 |
Haug Nina |
Emotion Sensing für (E-)Fahrradsicherheit und Mobilitätskomfort â das BMDV-Projekt ESSEM
2022 |
Klein Peter |
Emotion Sensing für (E-)Fahrradsicherheit und Mobilitätskomfort â das BMDV-Projekt ESSEM
2022 |
Moser Martin |
Emotion Sensing für (E-)Fahrradsicherheit und Mobilitätskomfort â das BMDV-Projekt ESSEM
2022 |
Motzer Nicolaj |
Emotion Sensing für (E-)Fahrradsicherheit und Mobilitätskomfort â das BMDV-Projekt ESSEM
2022 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Otte Frank |
Emotion Sensing für (E-)Fahrradsicherheit und Mobilitätskomfort â das BMDV-Projekt ESSEM
2022 |
Rath Tom |
Emotion Sensing für (E-)Fahrradsicherheit und Mobilitätskomfort â das BMDV-Projekt ESSEM
2022 |
Resch Bernd |
Emotion Sensing für (E-)Fahrradsicherheit und Mobilitätskomfort â das BMDV-Projekt ESSEM
2022 |
Schmidt-Hamburger Céline |
Emotion Sensing für (E-)Fahrradsicherheit und Mobilitätskomfort â das BMDV-Projekt ESSEM
2022 |
Zeile Peter |
Emotion Sensing für (E-)Fahrradsicherheit und Mobilitätskomfort â das BMDV-Projekt ESSEM
2022 |
Bergner Benjamin Sebastian |
Emotional Barrier GIS – A new Approach to Integrate Barrier-Free Planning in Urban Planning Processes
2011 |
Papastefanou Georgios |
Emotional Barrier GIS – A new Approach to Integrate Barrier-Free Planning in Urban Planning Processes
2011 |
Rech Werner |
Emotional Barrier GIS – A new Approach to Integrate Barrier-Free Planning in Urban Planning Processes
2011 |
Streich Bernd |
Emotional Barrier GIS – A new Approach to Integrate Barrier-Free Planning in Urban Planning Processes
2011 |
Zeile Peter |
Emotional Barrier GIS – A new Approach to Integrate Barrier-Free Planning in Urban Planning Processes
2011 |
Rottenbacher Christine |
Emotional Co-Respondence likns
2005 |
Gartner Georg |
Emotional Mapping for Migrants – Using Cartography for Integration Efforts
2011 |
Ortag Felix |
Emotional Mapping for Migrants – Using Cartography for Integration Efforts
2011 |
Haug Nina |
Emotionen im Radverkehr messen, vergleichen und verstehen: Evaluation verschiedener Erhebungsansätze in der Stadt Osnabrück
2024 |
Schmidt-Hamburger Celine |
Emotionen im Radverkehr messen, vergleichen und verstehen: Evaluation verschiedener Erhebungsansätze in der Stadt Osnabrück
2024 |
Zeile Peter |
Emotionen im Radverkehr messen, vergleichen und verstehen: Evaluation verschiedener Erhebungsansätze in der Stadt Osnabrück
2024 |
Broschart Daniel |
EmoVision – Potenziale von EmoMapping in der räumlichen Planung
2015 |
Wilhelm Johann |
EmoVision – Potenziale von EmoMapping in der räumlichen Planung
2015 |
Kaufmann Hans Rüdiger |
Employee Behaviour as a Possible Corporate System Vulnerability when Implementing Digitalisation in Smart Cities
2024 |
Sehlmeyer Lara |
Employee Behaviour as a Possible Corporate System Vulnerability when Implementing Digitalisation in Smart Cities
2024 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Christopher Gary |
Empowering Ageing: Navigating the Future of Digital Healthcare for Older Adults â a Rapid Review of Perspectives and Challenges
2024 |
Nixdorf Phillip |
Empowering Ageing: Navigating the Future of Digital Healthcare for Older Adults â a Rapid Review of Perspectives and Challenges
2024 |
Schulz Sophia |
Empowering Ageing: Navigating the Future of Digital Healthcare for Older Adults â a Rapid Review of Perspectives and Challenges
2024 |
Singh-Mehta Amina |
Empowering Ageing: Navigating the Future of Digital Healthcare for Older Adults â a Rapid Review of Perspectives and Challenges
2024 |
Tales Andrea |
Empowering Ageing: Navigating the Future of Digital Healthcare for Older Adults â a Rapid Review of Perspectives and Challenges
2024 |
Chondrogianni Dimitra |
Enabling Sustainable Freight Air Transport in the Adriatic Region through Development of ICT Platform
2022 |
Saranti Panagiota Georgia |
Enabling Sustainable Freight Air Transport in the Adriatic Region through Development of ICT Platform
2022 |
Stephanedes Yorgos |
Enabling Sustainable Freight Air Transport in the Adriatic Region through Development of ICT Platform
2022 |
Henninger Sascha |
Endangerments on Schools
2013 |
Everding Dagmar |
Energetische Potenziale und klimatische Grenzen der Nachverdichtung städtischer Quartiere am Beispiel der Region FrankfurtRheinMain
2017 |
Magoni Marcello |
Energia e paesaggio al tempo dei cambiamenti climatici
2013 |
Stevovic Svetlana |
Energy efficiency and solar renewable energy through minimalism
2009 |
Vasilski Dragana |
Energy efficiency and solar renewable energy through minimalism
2009 |
Ahmed Nawal |
Energy Efficient Buildings in Smart Cities: Biomimicry Approach
2019 |
Bakr Ali |
Energy Efficient Buildings in Smart Cities: Biomimicry Approach
2019 |
Hassan Asmaa |
Energy Efficient Buildings in Smart Cities: Biomimicry Approach
2019 |
Haase Matthias |
Energy Issues in Building and District Assessment Schemes and Benchmarking Systems
2021 |
Dubbeling Martin |
Energy Transition and Sustainable Spatial Development in the Northern Netherlands
2011 |
Meijer Michael |
Energy Transition and Sustainable Spatial Development in the Northern Netherlands
2011 |
Höffken Stefan |
Engaging the Mobile Citizens – How Mobile Devices Offer new Ways of Civil Engagement
2011 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Streich Bernd |
Engaging the Mobile Citizens – How Mobile Devices Offer new Ways of Civil Engagement
2011 |
De Mulder Sophie |
Enhanced Economic Typology for Spatial Economic Policy
2019 |
Giaretta Federico |
Enhanced Economic Typology for Spatial Economic Policy
2019 |
Pennincx Inge |
Enhanced Economic Typology for Spatial Economic Policy
2019 |
Zaman Jan |
Enhanced Economic Typology for Spatial Economic Policy
2019 |
Carabias Vicente |
Enhancing Citizen Participation through Serious Games in Virtual Reality
2019 |
Fleury Nicholas Whitney |
Enhancing Citizen Participation through Serious Games in Virtual Reality
2019 |
Harte Aislinn E. |
Enhancing Citizen Participation through Serious Games in Virtual Reality
2019 |
Ramram Adam |
Enhancing Citizen Participation through Serious Games in Virtual Reality
2019 |
West Mirjam |
Enhancing Citizen Participation through Serious Games in Virtual Reality
2019 |
Yildirim Onur |
Enhancing Citizen Participation through Serious Games in Virtual Reality
2019 |
Mitrović Biserka |
Enhancing Competitiveness of Serbian Medium-Sized Cities in Global Urban Networks
2011 |
Simeunčević Sanja |
Enhancing Competitiveness of Serbian Medium-Sized Cities in Global Urban Networks
2011 |
Ayad Hany |
Enhancing Identity through Streetscape Composition
2021 |
Farghaly Tarek |
Enhancing Identity through Streetscape Composition
2021 |
Fouda Sondos |
Enhancing Identity through Streetscape Composition
2021 |
Bulckaen Jeroen |
Enhancing Stakeholder Participation in Urban Mobility Planning: the NISTO Evaluation Framework
2015 |
Keseru Imre |
Enhancing Stakeholder Participation in Urban Mobility Planning: the NISTO Evaluation Framework
2015 |
Macharis Cathy |
Enhancing Stakeholder Participation in Urban Mobility Planning: the NISTO Evaluation Framework
2015 |
Werner Franz |
Enhancing the Social Inclusion of Seniors by Using Tablets as a Main Gateway to the World Wide Web
2012 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Werner Katharina |
Enhancing the Social Inclusion of Seniors by Using Tablets as a Main Gateway to the World Wide Web
2012 |
Domingo Tshiamo |
Enhancing Transit-Oriented Development Networks in South African Cities: Pathways for Sustainable Mobility and Access in the City of Johannesburg
2022 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Enhancing Transit-Oriented Development Networks in South African Cities: Pathways for Sustainable Mobility and Access in the City of Johannesburg
2022 |
Amini Elham |
Enriching Public Spaces in Iran – Challenges and Opportunities
2012 |
Iranmanesh Nasim |
Enriching Public Spaces in Iran – Challenges and Opportunities
2012 |
Dochev Ivan |
Enriching the 3D City Model for the Simulation of Urban Heat Demand
2016 |
Munoz H. M. Esteban |
Enriching the 3D City Model for the Simulation of Urban Heat Demand
2016 |
Peters Irene |
Enriching the 3D City Model for the Simulation of Urban Heat Demand
2016 |
Seller Hannes |
Enriching the 3D City Model for the Simulation of Urban Heat Demand
2016 |
Börner Wolfgang |
Enter the Past - Heading for the Future
2002 |
Evjen Tor Ã
smund |
Enterprise BIM: A Holistic Approach to the Future of Smart Buildings
2020 |
Hosseini Raviz Seyed Reza |
Enterprise BIM: A Holistic Approach to the Future of Smart Buildings
2020 |
Petersen Sobah Abbas |
Enterprise BIM: A Holistic Approach to the Future of Smart Buildings
2020 |
Breit Reinhard |
Entprofessionalisierung der Planung?
2003 |
Bogner Daniel |
Entscheidungsgrundlagen in der Regionalentwicklung durch Ökosystemmodellierung mit Raster-GIS
1999 |
Kanonier Arthur |
Entterritorialisierte Flächenwidmungsplanung – Abschied vom "wichtigsten Instrument" der örtlichen Raumplanung?
2002 |
Kiehle Christian |
Entwicklung einer Geodateninfrastruktur zur Ableitung von Geoinformationen aus distributiven Datenbeständen
2006 |
Bäumer Thomas |
Entwicklung eines elektrischen Carsharing-Angebots für den ländlichen Raum
2022 |
Müller Patrick |
Entwicklung eines elektrischen Carsharing-Angebots für den ländlichen Raum
2022 |
Silberer Jan |
Entwicklung eines elektrischen Carsharing-Angebots für den ländlichen Raum
2022 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Henning Matthias |
Entwicklung eines Planungs- und Entscheidungsunterstützungssystems als Baustein für Smart Regions
2019 |
Pietsch Matthias |
Entwicklung eines Planungs- und Entscheidungsunterstützungssystems als Baustein für Smart Regions
2019 |
Schlaugat Jana |
Entwicklung eines Planungs- und Entscheidungsunterstützungssystems als Baustein für Smart Regions
2019 |
Angelini Alessandra |
Entwicklung eines verkehrsbezogenen und bewusstseinsbildenden Multimodalitätstools für ländliche Räume
2018 |
Hauger Georg |
Entwicklung eines verkehrsbezogenen und bewusstseinsbildenden Multimodalitätstools für ländliche Räume
2018 |
Neumann Alexander |
Entwicklung eines verkehrsbezogenen und bewusstseinsbildenden Multimodalitätstools für ländliche Räume
2018 |
Döllner Jürgen |
Entwicklung von Flächeninformationssystemen auf Basis virtueller 3D-Stadtmodelle
2008 |
Kegel Anselm |
Entwicklung von Flächeninformationssystemen auf Basis virtueller 3D-Stadtmodelle
2008 |
Kleinschmit Birgit |
Entwicklung von Flächeninformationssystemen auf Basis virtueller 3D-Stadtmodelle
2008 |
Ross Lutz |
Entwicklung von Flächeninformationssystemen auf Basis virtueller 3D-Stadtmodelle
2008 |
Katzlberger Gernot |
Entwicklungs-/Modellierumgebungen für Web-basierte Geo-Virtual Reality Applikationen - eine Gegenüberstellung
2002 |
Riedl Andreas |
Entwicklungs-/Modellierumgebungen für Web-basierte Geo-Virtual Reality Applikationen - eine Gegenüberstellung
2002 |
Tomberger Harald |
Entwicklungs-/Modellierumgebungen für Web-basierte Geo-Virtual Reality Applikationen - eine Gegenüberstellung
2002 |
Liebmann Heike |
Entwicklungsdynamiken und Handlungsoptionen von Städten im Strukturwandel
2009 |
Banse Juliane |
Entwicklungsperspektiven für die Lebensqualitäten Wohnen und Freiraumnutzung in den Städten Dresden und Bonn
2007 |
Roch Isolde |
Entwicklungsperspektiven für die Lebensqualitäten Wohnen und Freiraumnutzung in den Städten Dresden und Bonn
2007 |
Bandyopadhyay Sanhita |
Environment and Social Audit for Smart City Planning Perspective in India
2016 |
Dutta Bikram Kumar |
Environment and Social Audit for Smart City Planning Perspective in India
2016 |
El Edeisy Mohamed |
Environmental Analysis of the Residential Sector in Cairo
2020 |
Lawanson Taibat |
Environmental Challenges of Peri-Urban Settlements in the Lagos Megacity
2012 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Salako Okanla Idris |
Environmental Challenges of Peri-Urban Settlements in the Lagos Megacity
2012 |
Yadua Omoayena |
Environmental Challenges of Peri-Urban Settlements in the Lagos Megacity
2012 |
Bandyopadhyay Piyali |
Environmental Impact Assessment, a tool for Sustainable City Management
2009 |
Bandyopadhyay Sanhita |
Environmental Impact Assessment, a tool for Sustainable City Management
2009 |
Bandyopadhyay Raut Papiya |
Environmental Impact Assessment, a tool for Sustainable City Management
2009 |
Ahrberg Robert |
Environmental Justice in Berlin: GIS-Based Method Determining an Aggregated Index for Urban Planning
2010 |
Erdenetsogt Battugs |
Environmental Justice in Berlin: GIS-Based Method Determining an Aggregated Index for Urban Planning
2010 |
Geißler Gesa |
Environmental Justice in Berlin: GIS-Based Method Determining an Aggregated Index for Urban Planning
2010 |
Heimann Yvonne |
Environmental Justice in Berlin: GIS-Based Method Determining an Aggregated Index for Urban Planning
2010 |
Heinsch Lisa |
Environmental Justice in Berlin: GIS-Based Method Determining an Aggregated Index for Urban Planning
2010 |
Hensel Laura |
Environmental Justice in Berlin: GIS-Based Method Determining an Aggregated Index for Urban Planning
2010 |
Herff Thomas |
Environmental Justice in Berlin: GIS-Based Method Determining an Aggregated Index for Urban Planning
2010 |
Janke Josephine |
Environmental Justice in Berlin: GIS-Based Method Determining an Aggregated Index for Urban Planning
2010 |
Kaufmann Philipp |
Environmental Justice in Berlin: GIS-Based Method Determining an Aggregated Index for Urban Planning
2010 |
Kleinschmit Birgit |
Environmental Justice in Berlin: GIS-Based Method Determining an Aggregated Index for Urban Planning
2010 |
Kothe Miriam |
Environmental Justice in Berlin: GIS-Based Method Determining an Aggregated Index for Urban Planning
2010 |
Leutloff Hendrikje |
Environmental Justice in Berlin: GIS-Based Method Determining an Aggregated Index for Urban Planning
2010 |
Manzke Anja |
Environmental Justice in Berlin: GIS-Based Method Determining an Aggregated Index for Urban Planning
2010 |
Rehhausen Anke |
Environmental Justice in Berlin: GIS-Based Method Determining an Aggregated Index for Urban Planning
2010 |
Schramm Sebastian |
Environmental Justice in Berlin: GIS-Based Method Determining an Aggregated Index for Urban Planning
2010 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Töpper Stefanie |
Environmental Justice in Berlin: GIS-Based Method Determining an Aggregated Index for Urban Planning
2010 |
Unger Sebastian |
Environmental Justice in Berlin: GIS-Based Method Determining an Aggregated Index for Urban Planning
2010 |
Wisniewski Bartlomiej |
Environmental Justice in Berlin: GIS-Based Method Determining an Aggregated Index for Urban Planning
2010 |
Decker Bernd |
Environmental management information system - a tool for urban planning in developing countries
2004 |
Cossu Mara |
Environmental Monitoring and Planning: Joining Forces for Facing Changes
2013 |
Laniado Eliot |
Environmental Monitoring and Planning: Joining Forces for Facing Changes
2013 |
Vaghi Silvia |
Environmental Monitoring and Planning: Joining Forces for Facing Changes
2013 |
Gueye Ndeye Fatou Diop |
Environmental Planning and Management Process (EPM): Experience of Dakar, Senegal
2001 |
Perjo Liisa |
Envisioning Sustainable Lifestyles in Stockholm's Urban Development
2016 |
Schmitt Peter |
Envisioning Sustainable Lifestyles in Stockholm's Urban Development
2016 |
Smas Lukas |
Envisioning Sustainable Lifestyles in Stockholm's Urban Development
2016 |
Tunström Moa |
Envisioning Sustainable Lifestyles in Stockholm's Urban Development
2016 |
Lemper Maria |
EO-based Smart City Decision Support Services for Integrated Urban Governance: the DECUMANUS Project
2016 |
Ludlow David |
EO-based Smart City Decision Support Services for Integrated Urban Governance: the DECUMANUS Project
2016 |
Malcorps Philippe |
EO-based Smart City Decision Support Services for Integrated Urban Governance: the DECUMANUS Project
2016 |
Marconcini Mattia |
EO-based Smart City Decision Support Services for Integrated Urban Governance: the DECUMANUS Project
2016 |
Metz Annekatrin |
EO-based Smart City Decision Support Services for Integrated Urban Governance: the DECUMANUS Project
2016 |
Hoffmann Christian |
EO-PLAN-GIS : Operational earth observation involving user communities on national and European level
2003 |
Steinnocher Klaus |
EO-PLAN-GIS : Operational earth observation involving user communities on national and European level
2003 |
Weichselbaum Jürgen |
EO-PLAN-GIS : Operational earth observation involving user communities on national and European level
2003 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Weigl Franz-Stefan |
EO-PLAN-GIS : Operational earth observation involving user communities on national and European level
2003 |
Schnepf Doris |
Eparticipation in Narva, Estonia, towards sustainable urban development
2005 |
Strasser Sophie |
Eparticipation in Narva, Estonia, towards sustainable urban development
2005 |
Görg Bernhard |
Eröffnungsrede zur CORP2001
2001 |
Schicker Rudolf |
Eröffnungsreferat: Informationstechnologie als Standortfaktor: Wiens Investitionen in die Zukunft Mitteleuropas
2002 |
Kropf Heimo |
ERA-NET transport - paving the way for joint European transport research
2005 |
Seibt Claus |
ERA-NET transport - paving the way for joint European transport research
2005 |
Dech Stefan |
Erdbeobachtung und Raumentwicklung?
2011 |
Esch Thomas |
Erdbeobachtung und Raumentwicklung?
2011 |
Geiss Christian |
Erdbeobachtung und Raumentwicklung?
2011 |
Heldens Wieke |
Erdbeobachtung und Raumentwicklung?
2011 |
Taubenböck Hannes |
Erdbeobachtung und Raumentwicklung?
2011 |
Wurm Michael |
Erdbeobachtung und Raumentwicklung?
2011 |
Dorau Uschi |
Erfahrungen aus RAPIS - Raum- und Projektinformationssystem für die Vienna Region:
2003 |
Sanopoulos Angelos |
Erfahrungen aus RAPIS - Raum- und Projektinformationssystem für die Vienna Region:
2003 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Erfahrungen aus RAPIS - Raum- und Projektinformationssystem für die Vienna Region:
2003 |
Dollinger Franz |
Erfassung von Siedlungsräumen mit Hilfe von statistischen Rasterdaten am Beispiel Salzburgs
2006 |
Prinz Thomas |
Erfassung von Siedlungsräumen mit Hilfe von statistischen Rasterdaten am Beispiel Salzburgs
2006 |
Wonka Erich |
Erfassung von Siedlungsräumen mit Hilfe von statistischen Rasterdaten am Beispiel Salzburgs
2006 |
Riedl Manfred |
Erfolg durch Kooperation: tiris - der Tiroler Weg zur Kommunikation über Raumordnung und räumliche Entwicklung
2001 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Märker Oliver |
Erfolgsfaktoren der ePartizipation - Ansätze zur Entwicklung einer Methodologie der ePartizipation für eine nachhaltige Stadt- und Regionalplanung
2003 |
Roeder Stefanie |
Erfolgsfaktoren der ePartizipation - Ansätze zur Entwicklung einer Methodologie der ePartizipation für eine nachhaltige Stadt- und Regionalplanung
2003 |
Rottbeck Ulrich |
Erfolgsfaktoren der ePartizipation - Ansätze zur Entwicklung einer Methodologie der ePartizipation für eine nachhaltige Stadt- und Regionalplanung
2003 |
Schneidewind Uwe |
Erfolgsfaktoren der ePartizipation - Ansätze zur Entwicklung einer Methodologie der ePartizipation für eine nachhaltige Stadt- und Regionalplanung
2003 |
Voss Angi |
Erfolgsfaktoren der ePartizipation - Ansätze zur Entwicklung einer Methodologie der ePartizipation für eine nachhaltige Stadt- und Regionalplanung
2003 |
Mangels Kirsten |
Erfolgsfaktoren für eine innovative Positionierung von Städten und Regionen
2009 |
Lindner Alexandra |
Erfolgsfaktoren und Hemmnisse zur Realisierung urbaner Produktion in Reallaboren
2019 |
Meyer Kerstin |
Erfolgsfaktoren und Hemmnisse zur Realisierung urbaner Produktion in Reallaboren
2019 |
Schonlau Marcel |
Erfolgsfaktoren und Hemmnisse zur Realisierung urbaner Produktion in Reallaboren
2019 |
Hinterberger Gabriela |
Erfolgskriterien bei Einführung und Aufbau Kommunaler Geographischer Informationssysteme
1999 |
Lampl Rainer |
Ermittlung der Potenziale für die Ausweisung eines Biosphärenreservates im Naturpark Schwarzwald Mitte/Nord mit geographischen Informationssystemen
2004 |
Pröbstl Ulrike |
Ermittlung der Potenziale für die Ausweisung eines Biosphärenreservates im Naturpark Schwarzwald Mitte/Nord mit geographischen Informationssystemen
2004 |
Rahe Doreen |
Ermittlung von Energiekennzahlen für Gebäudetypen und Stadtstrukturtypen in Ho Chi Minh City
2010 |
Scharte Katrin |
Ermittlung von Energiekennzahlen für Gebäudetypen und Stadtstrukturtypen in Ho Chi Minh City
2010 |
Thinh Nguyen Xuan |
Ermittlung von Energiekennzahlen für Gebäudetypen und Stadtstrukturtypen in Ho Chi Minh City
2010 |
Dumke Hartmut |
ERP hoch 3: Energieraumplanung entlang von ÖV-Achsen
2016 |
Eder Michael |
ERP hoch 3: Energieraumplanung entlang von ÖV-Achsen
2016 |
Fischbäck Johannes |
ERP hoch 3: Energieraumplanung entlang von ÖV-Achsen
2016 |
Hirschler Petra |
ERP hoch 3: Energieraumplanung entlang von ÖV-Achsen
2016 |
Kronberger-Nabielek Pia |
ERP hoch 3: Energieraumplanung entlang von ÖV-Achsen
2016 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Maier Stephan |
ERP hoch 3: Energieraumplanung entlang von ÖV-Achsen
2016 |
Malderle Michael |
ERP hoch 3: Energieraumplanung entlang von ÖV-Achsen
2016 |
Narodoslawsky Michael |
ERP hoch 3: Energieraumplanung entlang von ÖV-Achsen
2016 |
Rainer Ernst |
ERP hoch 3: Energieraumplanung entlang von ÖV-Achsen
2016 |
Scheuvens Rudolf |
ERP hoch 3: Energieraumplanung entlang von ÖV-Achsen
2016 |
Schnitzer Hans |
ERP hoch 3: Energieraumplanung entlang von ÖV-Achsen
2016 |
Weninger Kurt |
ERP hoch 3: Energieraumplanung entlang von ÖV-Achsen
2016 |
Zancanella Johann |
ERP hoch 3: Energieraumplanung entlang von ÖV-Achsen
2016 |
Zech Sibylla |
ERP hoch 3: Energieraumplanung entlang von ÖV-Achsen
2016 |
Schwarze Björn |
Erreichbarkeit mit dem ÖPNV - Eine GIS-gestuetzte Methode zur Bewertung von Maßnahmen der OEPNV-Planung
2003 |
Hemetsberger Markus |
Erreichbarkeits-Raster-Raumanalyse - Funktion und Anwendungsbereiche
2008 |
Ortner Simon |
Erreichbarkeits-Raster-Raumanalyse - Funktion und Anwendungsbereiche
2008 |
Mansberger Gerald |
Erste Erfahrungen mit 1-Meter Satellitendaten von IKONOS
2000 |
Buseinus Katharina |
Erweiterte typologische Betrachtung als Werkzeug zur Integration von Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten in Stadtplanungsprozesse
2020 |
Rode Alexandra |
Erweiterte typologische Betrachtung als Werkzeug zur Integration von Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten in Stadtplanungsprozesse
2020 |
Staehle Stefan |
Erweiterte typologische Betrachtung als Werkzeug zur Integration von Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten in Stadtplanungsprozesse
2020 |
Zitta Jörn |
Erweiterte typologische Betrachtung als Werkzeug zur Integration von Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten in Stadtplanungsprozesse
2020 |
Brandenburg Christiane |
Escaping the Summer Heat – Revival Potential and Challenge of Near-Metropolitan Tourism Areas
2017 |
Czachs Christina |
Escaping the Summer Heat – Revival Potential and Challenge of Near-Metropolitan Tourism Areas
2017 |
Fanninger Carina |
Escaping the Summer Heat – Revival Potential and Challenge of Near-Metropolitan Tourism Areas
2017 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Jiricka-Pürrer Alexandra |
Escaping the Summer Heat – Revival Potential and Challenge of Near-Metropolitan Tourism Areas
2017 |
Juschten Maria |
Escaping the Summer Heat – Revival Potential and Challenge of Near-Metropolitan Tourism Areas
2017 |
Offenzeller Martina |
Escaping the Summer Heat – Revival Potential and Challenge of Near-Metropolitan Tourism Areas
2017 |
Prutsch Andrea |
Escaping the Summer Heat – Revival Potential and Challenge of Near-Metropolitan Tourism Areas
2017 |
Rosenberg-Taufer Barbara |
Escaping the Summer Heat – Revival Potential and Challenge of Near-Metropolitan Tourism Areas
2017 |
Unbehaun Wiebke |
Escaping the Summer Heat – Revival Potential and Challenge of Near-Metropolitan Tourism Areas
2017 |
Weber Fabian |
Escaping the Summer Heat – Revival Potential and Challenge of Near-Metropolitan Tourism Areas
2017 |
Paugger Helmut | – Schwechat's Information Society Programme for Building the Future
2006 |
Arbter Roland |
ESPON: European Spatial Planning Observation Network
2002 |
Fabisch Martin |
ESPRESSO – systEmic Standardisation apPRoach to Empower Smart citieS and cOmmunities
2019 |
Henninger Sascha |
ESPRESSO – systEmic Standardisation apPRoach to Empower Smart citieS and cOmmunities
2019 |
Cervantes Valery |
ESPRIT – a Public Car System
2018 |
Mounce Richard |
ESPRIT – a Public Car System
2018 |
Rendall William |
ESPRIT – a Public Car System
2018 |
Stüssi Robert |
ESPRIT – a Public Car System
2018 |
Hainoun Ali |
Establishing an Integrated Monitoring Concept for the Vienna Lighthouse Project Smarter Together
2019 |
Neumann Hans-Martin |
Establishing an Integrated Monitoring Concept for the Vienna Lighthouse Project Smarter Together
2019 |
Schneeberger Nadine |
Establishing an Integrated Monitoring Concept for the Vienna Lighthouse Project Smarter Together
2019 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Establishing the State of Spatial Integratedness of Innovative Public Transport Systems in Gauteng, South Africa
2019 |
Mbatha Siphiwe |
Establishing the State of Spatial Integratedness of Innovative Public Transport Systems in Gauteng, South Africa
2019 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Arentze Theo |
Estimating the HARA Land Use Model for Housing Planning based on Hedonic Price Analysis
2020 |
Li Jianfei |
Estimating the HARA Land Use Model for Housing Planning based on Hedonic Price Analysis
2020 |
Ossokina Ioulia |
Estimating the HARA Land Use Model for Housing Planning based on Hedonic Price Analysis
2020 |
Yuzer Mehmet Ali |
Estimations of urban land use by fractal and cellular automata method
2004 |
Pancewicz Lukasz |
EURO 2012 in Poland as a Catalyst for Change and Testing Ground for New Urban Management Tools
2010 |
Rembeza Magdalena |
EURO 2012 in Poland as a Catalyst for Change and Testing Ground for New Urban Management Tools
2010 |
Jaskolla Franz |
Europäische Planungsinitiativen im Umfeld von GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security)
2002 |
Buchroithner Manfred F. |
Europäische Siedlungsstrukturvergleiche auf Basis von CORINE LandCover – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
2007 |
Meinel Gotthard |
Europäische Siedlungsstrukturvergleiche auf Basis von CORINE LandCover – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
2007 |
Schubert Ines |
Europäische Siedlungsstrukturvergleiche auf Basis von CORINE LandCover – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
2007 |
Siedentop Stefan |
Europäische Siedlungsstrukturvergleiche auf Basis von CORINE LandCover – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
2007 |
Schindegger Friedrich |
Europas Planung muss entwickelt werden
2002 |
Ballner Mathias |
European Academic Smart Cities Network - Renewable Urban Energy Systems, Sustainable Mobility and ICT Technology Nexus for Smart Cities Studies
2014 |
Bululukova Darya |
European Academic Smart Cities Network - Renewable Urban Energy Systems, Sustainable Mobility and ICT Technology Nexus for Smart Cities Studies
2014 |
Wahl Harald |
European Academic Smart Cities Network - Renewable Urban Energy Systems, Sustainable Mobility and ICT Technology Nexus for Smart Cities Studies
2014 |
Kim Y. |
European Node of the urban application center for KOMPSAT-1/2 derives products
2005 |
Kressler F. |
European Node of the urban application center for KOMPSAT-1/2 derives products
2005 |
Maas H. |
European Node of the urban application center for KOMPSAT-1/2 derives products
2005 |
Meissl S. |
European Node of the urban application center for KOMPSAT-1/2 derives products
2005 |
Moll B. |
European Node of the urban application center for KOMPSAT-1/2 derives products
2005 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Schiller C. |
European Node of the urban application center for KOMPSAT-1/2 derives products
2005 |
Triebnig G. |
European Node of the urban application center for KOMPSAT-1/2 derives products
2005 |
Pittioni Manfred |
European perspectives of banking business
2002 |
Fava Nadia |
European Reference Indicators for Public Facilities and Services
2010 |
Marsal Maria Luisa |
European Reference Indicators for Public Facilities and Services
2010 |
Banko Gebhard |
European Spatial indicators – temporal development and quality aspects
2006 |
Köstl Mario |
European Spatial indicators – temporal development and quality aspects
2006 |
Petrini-Monteferri Frederic |
European Spatial indicators – temporal development and quality aspects
2006 |
Steinnocher Klaus |
European Spatial indicators – temporal development and quality aspects
2006 |
Bryx Marek |
European Standards for Vocational Training in Urban Regeneration
2014 |
Chuchra Krzysztof |
European Standards for Vocational Training in Urban Regeneration
2014 |
Neuschmid Julia |
European Standards for Vocational Training in Urban Regeneration
2014 |
Drkosova Marcela |
Europoint - Railway Junction Redevelopment - A Chance for Brno
2008 |
Machalova Iva |
Europoint - Railway Junction Redevelopment - A Chance for Brno
2008 |
Eldeeb Ahmed Salah |
Evaluate the Socio-Economic Impact of the International Coastal Road (ICR) on Burg Elburullus City
2023 |
Elkady Ahmed |
Evaluate the Socio-Economic Impact of the International Coastal Road (ICR) on Burg Elburullus City
2023 |
Elsayad Zeyad T. |
Evaluate the Socio-Economic Impact of the International Coastal Road (ICR) on Burg Elburullus City
2023 |
Fikry Mohamed A. |
Evaluate the Socio-Economic Impact of the International Coastal Road (ICR) on Burg Elburullus City
2023 |
Ostermann Frank |
Evaluating Sustainable Appropriation of Urban Public Parks
2007 |
Timpf Sabine |
Evaluating Sustainable Appropriation of Urban Public Parks
2007 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Gumbo Trynos |
Evaluating the Impact of Innovative Public Transport Systems: a Case of South Africa
2020 |
Ingwani Emaculate |
Evaluating the Impact of Innovative Public Transport Systems: a Case of South Africa
2020 |
Moyo Thembani |
Evaluating the Impact of Innovative Public Transport Systems: a Case of South Africa
2020 |
Musakwa Walter |
Evaluating the Impact of Innovative Public Transport Systems: a Case of South Africa
2020 |
Chandran Aswinth G |
Evaluating the Impact of Urbanisation on Climate Change: A Case of Kochi City, Kerala State, India
2024 |
Chundeli Faiz Ahmed |
Evaluating the Impact of Urbanisation on Climate Change: A Case of Kochi City, Kerala State, India
2024 |
Joshi Taruni |
Evaluating the Impact of Urbanisation on Climate Change: A Case of Kochi City, Kerala State, India
2024 |
Ramamurthy Adinarayanane |
Evaluating the Impact of Urbanisation on Climate Change: A Case of Kochi City, Kerala State, India
2024 |
Kaufmann Hans Rüdiger |
Evaluating the Potential of Vertical Farming Business Models for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security in Cameroon
2024 |
Vikih Edith Vefemsi |
Evaluating the Potential of Vertical Farming Business Models for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security in Cameroon
2024 |
Cui Mingji |
Evaluation of COVID-19 Related Measures using Ordered Logistic Regression Analysis based on a Survey of Tourism-Related Offices in the Nishimikawa Region, Aichi Prefecture
2022 |
Shibusawa Hiroyuki |
Evaluation of COVID-19 Related Measures using Ordered Logistic Regression Analysis based on a Survey of Tourism-Related Offices in the Nishimikawa Region, Aichi Prefecture
2022 |
Hahn Claudia |
Evaluation of High-Resolution Simulation of the Urban Heat Island in Vienna, Austria
2023 |
Hahn Claudia |
Evaluation of High-Resolution Simulation of the Urban Heat Island in Vienna, Austria
2023 |
Hollosi Brigitta |
Evaluation of High-Resolution Simulation of the Urban Heat Island in Vienna, Austria
2023 |
Oswald Sandro |
Evaluation of High-Resolution Simulation of the Urban Heat Island in Vienna, Austria
2023 |
Zuvela-Aloise Maja |
Evaluation of High-Resolution Simulation of the Urban Heat Island in Vienna, Austria
2023 |
Pondelicek Michael |
Evaluation of Sustainable Regional Land Use
2009 |
Silhankova Vladimira |
Evaluation of Sustainable Regional Land Use
2009 |
Amiri Fard Farhad |
Evaluation of the Current Municipal Slaughterhouse of Babolsar and Locate an Appropriate Site via Fuzzy Logic in GIS for the Future One
2012 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Mohammad Zahrae Sadjad |
Evaluation of the Current Municipal Slaughterhouse of Babolsar and Locate an Appropriate Site via Fuzzy Logic in GIS for the Future One
2012 |
Lange Eckart |
Evaluation of visual attributes in urban parks using conjoint analysis
2004 |
Mambretti Isabella |
Evaluation of visual attributes in urban parks using conjoint analysis
2004 |
Schmid Willy |
Evaluation of visual attributes in urban parks using conjoint analysis
2004 |
Al-Hader Mahmoud |
Evaluation Performance Comparison of Surveying and Mapping Systems for Updating the City Geospatial Progress
2012 |
Jonas Andrea |
Evaluation von Regionalplänen – ein theoriebasierter Ansatz zur Analyse von Instrumenten zur Steuerung der Siedlungsentwicklung
2010 |
Klaus Einig |
Evaluation von Regionalplänen – ein theoriebasierter Ansatz zur Analyse von Instrumenten zur Steuerung der Siedlungsentwicklung
2010 |
Zaspel Brigitte |
Evaluation von Regionalplänen – ein theoriebasierter Ansatz zur Analyse von Instrumenten zur Steuerung der Siedlungsentwicklung
2010 |
Dopheide Ralf |
EVAPO+ Transpiring Green Walls â a Demonstration on How to Maximise the Evapotranspiration Effect to Cool Down our Microclimate
2023 |
Fleischmann Michael |
EVAPO+ Transpiring Green Walls â a Demonstration on How to Maximise the Evapotranspiration Effect to Cool Down our Microclimate
2023 |
Hiller Andreas |
EVAPO+ Transpiring Green Walls â a Demonstration on How to Maximise the Evapotranspiration Effect to Cool Down our Microclimate
2023 |
Knasmillner Elisabeth |
EVAPO+ Transpiring Green Walls â a Demonstration on How to Maximise the Evapotranspiration Effect to Cool Down our Microclimate
2023 |
Knoll Bente |
EVAPO+ Transpiring Green Walls â a Demonstration on How to Maximise the Evapotranspiration Effect to Cool Down our Microclimate
2023 |
Renkin Agnes |
EVAPO+ Transpiring Green Walls â a Demonstration on How to Maximise the Evapotranspiration Effect to Cool Down our Microclimate
2023 |
Mebes Priska |
Event based simulations: enabling improved development planning and partnerships
2007 |
Pichler Veronika |
Event based simulations: enabling improved development planning and partnerships
2007 |
Wiegand Dietmar |
Event based simulations: enabling improved development planning and partnerships
2007 |
Rivero Carlos Alberto Milián |
Evironmental Management Information System (EMIS) in Localising Agenda 21 in Bayamo City, Cuba
2003 |
Boelens Luuk |
Evolution of Mobility Governance in Flanders – Opening up for Bottom-up Initiatives or Suffering from Lock-in?
2015 |
Lauwers Dirk |
Evolution of Mobility Governance in Flanders – Opening up for Bottom-up Initiatives or Suffering from Lock-in?
2015 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Van Brussel Suzanne |
Evolution of Mobility Governance in Flanders – Opening up for Bottom-up Initiatives or Suffering from Lock-in?
2015 |
Elezkurtaj Tomor |
Evolutionary Algorithms in Urban Planning
2001 |
Franck Georg |
Evolutionary Algorithms in Urban Planning
2001 |
Casanova Aida |
Evolutionary Processes, Morphology and Typology of Historical Architecture as a Line of Research: a Tool for Conservation
2011 |
de la O Torres Rodrigo |
Evolutionary Processes, Morphology and Typology of Historical Architecture as a Line of Research: a Tool for Conservation
2011 |
Ordonez Contreras Mercedes |
Evolutionary Processes, Morphology and Typology of Historical Architecture as a Line of Research: a Tool for Conservation
2011 |
Yanez Tun Julian |
Evolutionary Processes, Morphology and Typology of Historical Architecture as a Line of Research: a Tool for Conservation
2011 |
Zavala Centeno Brillante |
Evolutionary Processes, Morphology and Typology of Historical Architecture as a Line of Research: a Tool for Conservation
2011 |
Muxel Helmut |
EVU als GIS-Dienstleister für Gemeinden
1998 |
Christ Marleen |
Examination of Sustainable Human Resource Management on Employee Performance Indicators
2024 |
Tirrel Henning |
Examination of Sustainable Human Resource Management on Employee Performance Indicators
2024 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Examining the Applicability of Location Based Services to Determine the Movement Patterns of Commuters between Sandton and Park Station in Johannesburg City
2017 |
Moswane Mangakane Retsebile |
Examining the Applicability of Location Based Services to Determine the Movement Patterns of Commuters between Sandton and Park Station in Johannesburg City
2017 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Examining the Effectiveness of City of Johannesburg's Policy and Legislative Frameworks in Inform Development and Operation of Integrated Public Transport Systems
2019 |
Risimati Brightnes |
Examining the Effectiveness of City of Johannesburg's Policy and Legislative Frameworks in Inform Development and Operation of Integrated Public Transport Systems
2019 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Examining the Role of Public Transport Interchange Hubs in Supportive Public Transport Integration in City of Johannesburg
2018 |
Risimati Brightnes |
Examining the Role of Public Transport Interchange Hubs in Supportive Public Transport Integration in City of Johannesburg
2018 |
Ryser Judith |
Expanding Cities – Diminishing Space: Will Cities Remain Liveable, Accessible, Human-Oriented Places: for Whom and How?
2018 |
Foulkes María Dora |
Expansion of the City of Resistencia. Its Metropolitan Process
2011 |
Pérez Regina |
Expansion of the City of Resistencia. Its Metropolitan Process
2011 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Valdés Paula |
Expansion of the City of Resistencia. Its Metropolitan Process
2011 |
Knopf Philipp |
Experience from Data Collection with Drones for GIS and Land Survey
2017 |
Monetti David |
Experience from Data Collection with Drones for GIS and Land Survey
2017 |
Unger Lukas |
Experience from Data Collection with Drones for GIS and Land Survey
2017 |
Bender Simon |
Experiences and Future of Using VR in the Construction Sector
2020 |
Exner Jan-Philipp |
Experiences and Future of Using VR in the Construction Sector
2020 |
Makhkamova Alina |
Experiences and Future of Using VR in the Construction Sector
2020 |
Pietschmann Martin |
Experiences and Future of Using VR in the Construction Sector
2020 |
Rugel Daniel |
Experiences and Future of Using VR in the Construction Sector
2020 |
Schmidt Mareike |
Experiences and Future of Using VR in the Construction Sector
2020 |
Spilski Jan |
Experiences and Future of Using VR in the Construction Sector
2020 |
Werth Dirk |
Experiences and Future of Using VR in the Construction Sector
2020 |
Fröhlich Peter |
Experiences from a Living Lab Trialling a Mobile Participation Platform
2016 |
Thiel Sarah-Kristin |
Experiences from a Living Lab Trialling a Mobile Participation Platform
2016 |
Bley Jens |
Experimental Governance for Sustainable Cities and Climate Action â Case Study ANN (A New Normal) RADAR Hamburg
2022 |
Hartkopf Kay |
Experimental Governance for Sustainable Cities and Climate Action â Case Study ANN (A New Normal) RADAR Hamburg
2022 |
Knieling Jörg |
Experimental Governance for Sustainable Cities and Climate Action â Case Study ANN (A New Normal) RADAR Hamburg
2022 |
Wildhack Anna |
Experimental Governance for Sustainable Cities and Climate Action â Case Study ANN (A New Normal) RADAR Hamburg
2022 |
Höhl Wolfgang |
Experimentelle 3D-Visualisierung mit Cinema 4D
2008 |
Kintisch Max |
Experimenting New Forms of Urban Governance in Vienna
2016 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Schremmer Christof |
Experimenting New Forms of Urban Governance in Vienna
2016 |
Tordy Joanne |
Experimenting New Forms of Urban Governance in Vienna
2016 |
Maikämper Moritz |
Exploration and Imagination of City Futures in Science Fiction
2015 |
Pätsch Carolin |
Exploration and Imagination of City Futures in Science Fiction
2015 |
Chang Hsueh-Sheng |
Exploration Spatial Analysis of Factors Influencing Farmland Conversion in Tainan, Taiwan
2011 |
Hsu Yung-Chen |
Exploration Spatial Analysis of Factors Influencing Farmland Conversion in Tainan, Taiwan
2011 |
Heuegger Mirko |
Explorative Mobilitätsanalyse
1998 |
Kollarits Stefan |
Explorative Mobilitätsanalyse
1998 |
Uschnigg Michael |
Explorative Mobilitätsanalyse
1998 |
Chang Hsueh-Sheng |
Explore the Effect of Urban Flood with the Integration of Spatial Analysis Technique
2012 |
Liao Chin-Hsien |
Explore the Effect of Urban Flood with the Integration of Spatial Analysis Technique
2012 |
Chang Hsueh-Sheng |
Explore the spatial equity of urban public facility allocation based on sustainable development viewpoint
2009 |
Liao Chin-Hsien |
Explore the spatial equity of urban public facility allocation based on sustainable development viewpoint
2009 |
Tsou Ko-Wan |
Explore the spatial equity of urban public facility allocation based on sustainable development viewpoint
2009 |
Chang Hsueh-Sheng |
Explore Urban Flood Vulnerability based on Spatial Pattern in Taiwan Ecological City Viewpoint
2011 |
Liao Chin Hsien |
Explore Urban Flood Vulnerability based on Spatial Pattern in Taiwan Ecological City Viewpoint
2011 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Exploring 4IR Technologies as a Solution to Improve the Traffic Flow on the Roads: a Case of the City of Johannesburg
2021 |
Mbatha Siphiwe |
Exploring 4IR Technologies as a Solution to Improve the Traffic Flow on the Roads: a Case of the City of Johannesburg
2021 |
Moyo Thembani |
Exploring 4IR Technologies as a Solution to Improve the Traffic Flow on the Roads: a Case of the City of Johannesburg
2021 |
Oniya Ouwayeni |
Exploring 4IR Technologies as a Solution to Improve the Traffic Flow on the Roads: a Case of the City of Johannesburg
2021 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Danquah Joseph Agyei |
Exploring Barrier-Free as a Catalyst to Smart Cities Initiatives in Sub Saharan Africa
2019 |
Duah Daniel |
Exploring Barrier-Free as a Catalyst to Smart Cities Initiatives in Sub Saharan Africa
2019 |
Marful Alexander Boakye |
Exploring Barrier-Free as a Catalyst to Smart Cities Initiatives in Sub Saharan Africa
2019 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Exploring Community Resilience Strategies in the Face of Escalating Heat Waves: a Comprehensive Study of Giyani, South Africa
2024 |
Rikhotso Sharon |
Exploring Community Resilience Strategies in the Face of Escalating Heat Waves: a Comprehensive Study of Giyani, South Africa
2024 |
Hirogaki Mitsunori |
Exploring Consumer Adoption of Electric Vehicles in Japan: an Empirical Study
2024 |
Asche Hartmut |
Exploring Crime Hotspots: Geospatial Analysis and 3D Mapping
2009 |
Wolff Markus |
Exploring Crime Hotspots: Geospatial Analysis and 3D Mapping
2009 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Exploring ESG Practises and Livelihoods Promotion Nexus in Mining Host Communities: Lessons from Aggeneys, Pella and Pofadder Mining Host Communities
2024 |
Moyo Innocent |
Exploring ESG Practises and Livelihoods Promotion Nexus in Mining Host Communities: Lessons from Aggeneys, Pella and Pofadder Mining Host Communities
2024 |
Tshifularo Khwathelani Violet |
Exploring ESG Practises and Livelihoods Promotion Nexus in Mining Host Communities: Lessons from Aggeneys, Pella and Pofadder Mining Host Communities
2024 |
Camarda Domenico |
Exploring Generative AI in Planning: A Scenario-Building Simulation for the Master Plan of Bari, Italy
2024 |
Patano Mauro |
Exploring Generative AI in Planning: A Scenario-Building Simulation for the Master Plan of Bari, Italy
2024 |
Cao Yixin |
Exploring Nature-Based Solutions for Urban River Restoration: Insights from China's Sponge City Programme
2023 |
Wantzen Karl Matthias |
Exploring Nature-Based Solutions for Urban River Restoration: Insights from China's Sponge City Programme
2023 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Exploring Neighbourliness and Social Cohesion in Two Residential Gated Developments in Johannesburg, South Africa
2022 |
Letsoko Vuyiswa |
Exploring Neighbourliness and Social Cohesion in Two Residential Gated Developments in Johannesburg, South Africa
2022 |
Naidoo Kammila |
Exploring Neighbourliness and Social Cohesion in Two Residential Gated Developments in Johannesburg, South Africa
2022 |
Khan Zaheer |
Exploring Population Distribution and Motion Dynamics through Mobile Phone Device Data in Selected Cities - Lessons Learned from the UrbanAPI Project
2014 |
Loibl Wolfgang |
Exploring Population Distribution and Motion Dynamics through Mobile Phone Device Data in Selected Cities - Lessons Learned from the UrbanAPI Project
2014 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Ludlow David |
Exploring Population Distribution and Motion Dynamics through Mobile Phone Device Data in Selected Cities - Lessons Learned from the UrbanAPI Project
2014 |
Peters-Anders Jan |
Exploring Population Distribution and Motion Dynamics through Mobile Phone Device Data in Selected Cities - Lessons Learned from the UrbanAPI Project
2014 |
Züger Johann |
Exploring Population Distribution and Motion Dynamics through Mobile Phone Device Data in Selected Cities - Lessons Learned from the UrbanAPI Project
2014 |
Arnberger Arne |
Exploring spatial behaviour of visitors in peri-urban recreational areas - multi-attribute analysis of individual route profiles
2006 |
Muhar Andreas |
Exploring spatial behaviour of visitors in peri-urban recreational areas - multi-attribute analysis of individual route profiles
2006 |
Taczanowska Karolina |
Exploring spatial behaviour of visitors in peri-urban recreational areas - multi-attribute analysis of individual route profiles
2006 |
Mühlpfordt Martin |
Exploring the Alpine SUMP with the PUMAS ASC: An Online Community of Practice for Combining Planning and Learning in Urban Mobility Planning
2015 |
Mella Giuseppe |
Exploring the Alpine SUMP with the PUMAS ASC: An Online Community of Practice for Combining Planning and Learning in Urban Mobility Planning
2015 |
Pentucci Pier Paolo |
Exploring the Alpine SUMP with the PUMAS ASC: An Online Community of Practice for Combining Planning and Learning in Urban Mobility Planning
2015 |
Schümmer Till |
Exploring the Alpine SUMP with the PUMAS ASC: An Online Community of Practice for Combining Planning and Learning in Urban Mobility Planning
2015 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Exploring the Applicability of Location Based Services to Delineate the State Public Transport Routes Integratedness within the City of Johannesburg
2018 |
Risimati Brightnes |
Exploring the Applicability of Location Based Services to Delineate the State Public Transport Routes Integratedness within the City of Johannesburg
2018 |
Howlader Dipanjan |
Exploring the Applicability of Sustainable Development Goals in Fringe Areas of Fast Growing Metropolises
2020 |
Sarkar Basudatta |
Exploring the Applicability of Sustainable Development Goals in Fringe Areas of Fast Growing Metropolises
2020 |
Pillay Nischolan |
Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities of Farm School Infrastructure in Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa
2022 |
Chen Tzu-Ling |
Exploring the Feasibility of Intergenerational Co-Living based upon the Perspective of Inclusive City
2022 |
Zhang Yong-en |
Exploring the Feasibility of Intergenerational Co-Living based upon the Perspective of Inclusive City
2022 |
Ram Sewa |
Exploring the Network Accessibility in the Airport Regions of India: Case Study of Bagdogra Airport, West Bengal
2022 |
Sharma Shalvi |
Exploring the Network Accessibility in the Airport Regions of India: Case Study of Bagdogra Airport, West Bengal
2022 |
Daneshpour Zohreh A. |
Exploring the people's perception of urban public parks in Tehran
2009 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Mahmoodpour Asrin |
Exploring the people's perception of urban public parks in Tehran
2009 |
Gina Phuthumile |
Exploring the Role of Digitalisation and Technology Uptake in the Construction Industry: Lessons from Johannesburg, South Africa
2022 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Exploring the Role of Digitalisation and Technology Uptake in the Construction Industry: Lessons from Johannesburg, South Africa
2022 |
Pillay Nischolan |
Exploring the Role of Digitalisation and Technology Uptake in the Construction Industry: Lessons from Johannesburg, South Africa
2022 |
Chen Tzu-Ling |
Exploring the Spatial Impact of MRT Gentrification by Different Processes: Taipei City MRT Station as an Example
2022 |
Su Li Shan |
Exploring the Spatial Impact of MRT Gentrification by Different Processes: Taipei City MRT Station as an Example
2022 |
Chen Tzu-Ling |
Exploring the Susceptibility of Gentrification in Taipei City, Taiwan
2022 |
Maksimov Andrey |
Externalities and Local Government Policy as Braking Factors of the Development of Water Supply Systems in the Russian Towns
2014 |
Senegacnik Joze |
Extracting And Maintaining Geo-Referenced Data During The Application Processing
2006 |
Berger Martin |
Fühl die Stadt — Methoden zur Erfassung subjektiver Wahrnehmung
2016 |
Dörrzapf Linda |
Fühl die Stadt — Methoden zur Erfassung subjektiver Wahrnehmung
2016 |
Dorner Fabian |
Fühl die Stadt — Methoden zur Erfassung subjektiver Wahrnehmung
2016 |
Dumke Hartmut |
Fühl die Stadt — Methoden zur Erfassung subjektiver Wahrnehmung
2016 |
Leichtfried Stefan |
Fühl die Stadt — Methoden zur Erfassung subjektiver Wahrnehmung
2016 |
Reinhart Lisa |
Fühl die Stadt — Methoden zur Erfassung subjektiver Wahrnehmung
2016 |
Watzinger Gloria |
Fühl die Stadt — Methoden zur Erfassung subjektiver Wahrnehmung
2016 |
Stippich Matthias |
Fablabing the Cherrycake – über die Baukultur des ländlichen Raumes im digitalen Zeitalter
2019 |
Abdel-Salam Hassan |
Facades Solar Screens Impact on Daylighting Performance in Buildings
2023 |
Elcharkawi Mohamed |
Facades Solar Screens Impact on Daylighting Performance in Buildings
2023 |
Fikry Mohamed |
Facades Solar Screens Impact on Daylighting Performance in Buildings
2023 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Castello Lineu |
Face to Face with Fantasy: The City of Utopian Places
2010 |
Heins Marcel |
Fachgebietsübergreifendes Informationsmanagement durch Objektartenkataloge zur Qualitätssicherung und Optimierung von gemeinsamen Geschäftsprozessen in der Landschaftsplanung und im Straßenwesen
2008 |
Pietsch Matthias |
Fachgebietsübergreifendes Informationsmanagement durch Objektartenkataloge zur Qualitätssicherung und Optimierung von gemeinsamen Geschäftsprozessen in der Landschaftsplanung und im Straßenwesen
2008 |
Chimento Cyrus |
Facilitating Transit Oriented Development in the Purple Line Corridor: The Plans and Regulations Information Tool
2021 |
Finio Nicholas |
Facilitating Transit Oriented Development in the Purple Line Corridor: The Plans and Regulations Information Tool
2021 |
Hopkins Lewis |
Facilitating Transit Oriented Development in the Purple Line Corridor: The Plans and Regulations Information Tool
2021 |
Knaap Gerrit |
Facilitating Transit Oriented Development in the Purple Line Corridor: The Plans and Regulations Information Tool
2021 |
Kaneda Toshiyuki |
Factor Analysis for Land Value Index in Urban Areas Using Agent Analysis Indicator
2022 |
Kobayashi Junya |
Factor Analysis for Land Value Index in Urban Areas Using Agent Analysis Indicator
2022 |
Ota Akira |
Factor Analysis for Land Value Index in Urban Areas Using Agent Analysis Indicator
2022 |
Lai Sabrina |
Factors Affecting Land-Taking Processes in Italy at the Regional Scale: Empirical Findings from Sardinia
2015 |
Zoppi Corrado |
Factors Affecting Land-Taking Processes in Italy at the Regional Scale: Empirical Findings from Sardinia
2015 |
Filho Mauro Barros |
Favelas via satellite. Spatial analysis of slums
2005 |
Sobreira Fabiano |
Favelas via satellite. Spatial analysis of slums
2005 |
Fialová Bohdana |
Feedback for Urban Planning and Solutions
2012 |
Pesek David |
Feedback for Urban Planning and Solutions
2012 |
Spacková Eva |
Feedback for Urban Planning and Solutions
2012 |
Arasteh Samaneh |
Feeling Safe in Urban Estates: Learning from Riverwood, Sydney
2020 |
Bauer Christian |
Fernerkundungsgestütze Wärmeverlustdetektion von Dachflächen als Beitrag zur Energieeffizienzsteigerung von Stadträumen — Ergebnisse einer Fallstudie in Graz/Österreich
2016 |
Ganster Winfried |
Fernerkundungsgestütze Wärmeverlustdetektion von Dachflächen als Beitrag zur Energieeffizienzsteigerung von Stadträumen — Ergebnisse einer Fallstudie in Graz/Österreich
2016 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Kern Katharina |
Fernerkundungsgestütze Wärmeverlustdetektion von Dachflächen als Beitrag zur Energieeffizienzsteigerung von Stadträumen — Ergebnisse einer Fallstudie in Graz/Österreich
2016 |
Lazar Reinhold |
Fernerkundungsgestütze Wärmeverlustdetektion von Dachflächen als Beitrag zur Energieeffizienzsteigerung von Stadträumen — Ergebnisse einer Fallstudie in Graz/Österreich
2016 |
Mudri Martin |
Fernerkundungsgestütze Wärmeverlustdetektion von Dachflächen als Beitrag zur Energieeffizienzsteigerung von Stadträumen — Ergebnisse einer Fallstudie in Graz/Österreich
2016 |
Sulzer Wolfgang |
Fernerkundungsgestütze Wärmeverlustdetektion von Dachflächen als Beitrag zur Energieeffizienzsteigerung von Stadträumen — Ergebnisse einer Fallstudie in Graz/Österreich
2016 |
Antonov Alexander |
FIFA World Cup 2018 – the Planning Challenge for Russian Cities
2013 |
Badmaeva Tatiana |
FIFA World Cup 2018 – the Planning Challenge for Russian Cities
2013 |
Djukic Aleksandra |
Fill in the Blanks: Challenging the Modernism, Satisfying the Users' Needs?
2012 |
Stupar Aleksandra |
Fill in the Blanks: Challenging the Modernism, Satisfying the Users' Needs?
2012 |
Balletto Ginevra |
Finding a Midpoint between Civil and Military Use. The Case of Villaputzu (Sardinia, Italy)
2020 |
Borruso Giuseppe |
Finding a Midpoint between Civil and Military Use. The Case of Villaputzu (Sardinia, Italy)
2020 |
Milesi Alessandra |
Finding a Midpoint between Civil and Military Use. The Case of Villaputzu (Sardinia, Italy)
2020 |
Fanaei Kamyar |
Finding new Patterns to Design Sustainable Cities by use of Traditional Urban Patterns
2009 |
Mahmoudi Anahita |
Finding new Patterns to Design Sustainable Cities by use of Traditional Urban Patterns
2009 |
Butzhammer Anna |
Finding Suitable Measures for Mobility Behaviour Change
2021 |
Lahnsteiner Dagmar |
Finding Suitable Measures for Mobility Behaviour Change
2021 |
Prinz Thomas |
Finding Suitable Measures for Mobility Behaviour Change
2021 |
Schmitt Johanna |
Finding Suitable Measures for Mobility Behaviour Change
2021 |
Odendaal Nancy |
Finding the "institutional space" for democratic e-governance. Information and community technology (ICT) and area-based management (ABM) in Durban, South Africa
2004 |
Steiner Marianne |
Fit für den Klimawandel: Wie passt sich Wien an?
2017 |
Brandl Anja |
Flächenmanagement unter Schrumpfungsbedingungen in der Region Halle-Leipzig
2009 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Strauß Christian |
Flächenmanagement unter Schrumpfungsbedingungen in der Region Halle-Leipzig
2009 |
Warner Barbara |
Flächenmanagement unter Schrumpfungsbedingungen in der Region Halle-Leipzig
2009 |
Hennersdorf Jörg |
Flächennutzung und –bedeckung – Grundinformationen für die Planung – zum Stand der europäischen Nomenklaturdebatte
2002 |
Meinel Gotthard |
Flächennutzung und –bedeckung – Grundinformationen für die Planung – zum Stand der europäischen Nomenklaturdebatte
2002 |
Remesch Peter |
Flächenwidmungs- und Bebauungspläne im Internet
2003 |
Kulawik Robert |
Flex-I-Geo-Web – ein dienstebasierter Softwarebaukasten als Planungswerkzeug für die Stadtentwicklung
2011 |
Brugner Paul |
Flexible Bike Parking: New Ways of Thinking Bicycle Racks
2021 |
Bürbaumer Magdalena |
Flexible Bike Parking: New Ways of Thinking Bicycle Racks
2021 |
Gürtl Karlheinz |
Flexible Bike Parking: New Ways of Thinking Bicycle Racks
2021 |
Stawecka Gosia |
Flexible Bike Parking: New Ways of Thinking Bicycle Racks
2021 |
Wöss Christoph |
Flexible Bike Parking: New Ways of Thinking Bicycle Racks
2021 |
Zeitelhofer Christian |
Flexible Bike Parking: New Ways of Thinking Bicycle Racks
2021 |
Cerda Assumpta |
Flexible, Digital and Integrated: Public Transport of the Future in Suburban and Rural Areas
2020 |
Ludwig Bertram |
Flexible, Digital and Integrated: Public Transport of the Future in Suburban and Rural Areas
2020 |
Augustin Andreas |
FlexiCount: eine flexible Personenzählmatte für den mobilen Indoor- und Outdoor-Einsatz
2010 |
Horauer Martin |
FlexiCount: eine flexible Personenzählmatte für den mobilen Indoor- und Outdoor-Einsatz
2010 |
Novak Gregor |
FlexiCount: eine flexible Personenzählmatte für den mobilen Indoor- und Outdoor-Einsatz
2010 |
Ray Markus |
FlexiCount: eine flexible Personenzählmatte für den mobilen Indoor- und Outdoor-Einsatz
2010 |
Malakhova Anna |
Floating Architecture and Structures — an Answer to the Global Changes
2016 |
Stopp Horst |
Floating Architecture and Structures — an Answer to the Global Changes
2016 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Strangfeld Peter |
Floating Architecture and Structures — an Answer to the Global Changes
2016 |
Otte Frank |
Flughafenstadt-Messestadt-Kongressstadt-Bahnmagistrale- Eine Stadt als Knotenpunkt des Wissenstransfers
2008 |
Diersch Sina |
Flächenkonflikte urbaner Mobilität – mit Flexibilisierung zu mehr Raumpotenzial?
2020 |
Stratmann Antonia |
Flächenkonflikte urbaner Mobilität – mit Flexibilisierung zu mehr Raumpotenzial?
2020 |
Ribbeck-Lampel Juliane |
Folgen des Corona-Lockdowns in Innenstädten und die kreativen Ideen von Einzelhandel, Gastronomie und Dienstleistung
2020 |
Weidner Silke |
Folgen des Corona-Lockdowns in Innenstädten und die kreativen Ideen von Einzelhandel, Gastronomie und Dienstleistung
2020 |
Franck Georg |
Folgt der Raumordnung die Zeitordnung? Zur technischen Relativierung von Raum und Zeit
1997 |
Fernandez Trinidad |
Following the Smartness: Leipzig as a Follower City in a Horizon 2020 Smart Cities and Communities Lighthouse Project
2020 |
Lopes Azevedo Andreia |
Following the Smartness: Leipzig as a Follower City in a Horizon 2020 Smart Cities and Communities Lighthouse Project
2020 |
Stöffler Sonja |
Following the Smartness: Leipzig as a Follower City in a Horizon 2020 Smart Cities and Communities Lighthouse Project
2020 |
Mironowicz Izabela |
Foresighted Planning, Dynamic Plan – the Role of New Tools in Spatial Transformation
2011 |
Mlek-Galewska Magdalena |
Foresighted Planning, Dynamic Plan – the Role of New Tools in Spatial Transformation
2011 |
Schulze-Wolf Tilmann |
Formal eParticipation In Germany: Emerging From A Local Planning Tool To A Federal eParticipation-System
2007 |
Johingk Sylvia A. |
Formale Beteiligungsverfahren im WEB
2000 |
Cardinali Marcel |
Forschung, Bildung und Transfer in der Kreativwirtschaft von Klein- und Mittelstädten
2020 |
Hall Oliver |
Forschung, Bildung und Transfer in der Kreativwirtschaft von Klein- und Mittelstädten
2020 |
Vogel-Lahner Theresia |
Forschungsschwerpunkte nachhaltig wirtschaften: Ziele und strategische Ausrichtung 2006
2006 |
Rauch Friedrich |
Fortschreibung des Liniennetzes der Innsbrucker Verkehrsbetriebe (IVB)
1999 |
Dörrzapf Linda |
Fostering Gender-sensitive Mobility: Recommendations in the Context of Carsharing
2024 |
Gruber Sonja |
Fostering Gender-sensitive Mobility: Recommendations in the Context of Carsharing
2024 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Marovic Ornella |
Fostering Gender-sensitive Mobility: Recommendations in the Context of Carsharing
2024 |
Mokhele Masilonyane |
Foundation for a Theoretical Framework on the Location of Manufacturing Firms in the Vicinity of Airports
2024 |
Back Prochnow Simone |
Fourth Nature: Regenerating Cosmicity
2024 |
Ginzel Beate |
Früherkennung, Entscheidung und Kontrolle zur Steuerung und Kommunikation im Urban Management
2007 |
Strauß Christian |
Früherkennung, Entscheidung und Kontrolle zur Steuerung und Kommunikation im Urban Management
2007 |
Weidner Silke |
Früherkennung, Entscheidung und Kontrolle zur Steuerung und Kommunikation im Urban Management
2007 |
Adams Till |
Free software: The open (GIS) source solution for local governments. A case study: Perspectives, experience and possibilities for the city of Frankfurt (Oder)
2004 |
Garand Michel |
Free software: The open (GIS) source solution for local governments. A case study: Perspectives, experience and possibilities for the city of Frankfurt (Oder)
2004 |
Fritzsche Andreas |
Free-Software Lösung zur medienübergreifenden Präsentation von Raum- und Umweltinformationen mit WebMapping und XML - realisiert im Digitalen REgional Atlas München DREAM
2001 |
Spring Markus |
Free-Software Lösung zur medienübergreifenden Präsentation von Raum- und Umweltinformationen mit WebMapping und XML - realisiert im Digitalen REgional Atlas München DREAM
2001 |
Beim Michal |
Freiburg's way to Sustainability: the Role of Integrated Urban and Transport Planning
2010 |
Haag Martin |
Freiburg's way to Sustainability: the Role of Integrated Urban and Transport Planning
2010 |
Karwowski Nicolas |
French Connections – Examining the Residential Clustering and Dispersion of Francophones in the Toronto Area
2020 |
Rinner Claus |
French Connections – Examining the Residential Clustering and Dispersion of Francophones in the Toronto Area
2020 |
Weninger Andrea |
From 5 to 10 %. The Challenge to Double Vienna's Modal Share of Cycling
2012 |
Hiltgartner Karin |
From Festivalisation of Public Space to the Right to Public Space: Deconstructing Social Infrastructure as a Conceptual Framework for the Town Hall Square in Vienna
2019 |
Krisch Astrid |
From Festivalisation of Public Space to the Right to Public Space: Deconstructing Social Infrastructure as a Conceptual Framework for the Town Hall Square in Vienna
2019 |
Loris Isabelle |
From Migration to Urban Sprawl in Flanders (Belgium)
2017 |
Pisman Ann |
From Migration to Urban Sprawl in Flanders (Belgium)
2017 |
Brzoska Elisabeth |
From Pixels to Planning: Large-scale Mapping of Urban Morphology and Population Distribution with the World Settlement Footprint 3D
2023 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Brzoska Elisabeth |
From Pixels to Planning: Large-scale Mapping of Urban Morphology and Population Distribution with the World Settlement Footprint 3D
2023 |
Brzoska Elisabeth |
From Pixels to Planning: Large-scale Mapping of Urban Morphology and Population Distribution with the World Settlement Footprint 3D
2023 |
Brzoska Elisabeth |
From Pixels to Planning: Large-scale Mapping of Urban Morphology and Population Distribution with the World Settlement Footprint 3D
2023 |
Esch Thomas |
From Pixels to Planning: Large-scale Mapping of Urban Morphology and Population Distribution with the World Settlement Footprint 3D
2023 |
Marconcini Mattia |
From Pixels to Planning: Large-scale Mapping of Urban Morphology and Population Distribution with the World Settlement Footprint 3D
2023 |
Palacios Lopez Daniela |
From Pixels to Planning: Large-scale Mapping of Urban Morphology and Population Distribution with the World Settlement Footprint 3D
2023 |
Zeidler Julian |
From Pixels to Planning: Large-scale Mapping of Urban Morphology and Population Distribution with the World Settlement Footprint 3D
2023 |
Damyanovic Doris |
From Plan to Augmented Reality – Workflow for Successful Implementation of AR Solutions in Planning and Participation Processes
2013 |
Reinwald Florian |
From Plan to Augmented Reality – Workflow for Successful Implementation of AR Solutions in Planning and Participation Processes
2013 |
Schober Christian |
From Plan to Augmented Reality – Workflow for Successful Implementation of AR Solutions in Planning and Participation Processes
2013 |
Stieninger Hurtado Petra |
From Sustainable Cities to Sustainable People – Making Behaviour Change towards Sustainability a Priority in Urban Planning Processes
2018 |
de Castro Joao Bernardo |
From the kilowatts to the bites - different patterns of inner city regeneration policies using the Information Communication Technologies implementation programs
2003 |
Physentzides Kostas |
From the vertical city to the virtual city: the rise of the cyber city
2005 |
Coors Volker |
From Urban Design to Energy Simulation – a Data Conversion Process Bridging the Gap Between Two Domains
2020 |
Fink Theresa |
From Urban Design to Energy Simulation – a Data Conversion Process Bridging the Gap Between Two Domains
2020 |
Gebetsroither-Geringer Ernst |
From Urban Design to Energy Simulation – a Data Conversion Process Bridging the Gap Between Two Domains
2020 |
Padsala Rushikesh |
From Urban Design to Energy Simulation – a Data Conversion Process Bridging the Gap Between Two Domains
2020 |
Peters-Anders Jan |
From Urban Design to Energy Simulation – a Data Conversion Process Bridging the Gap Between Two Domains
2020 |
Hartmann Christian |
From Urban Foresight to Urban Futures? Potentials and Limitations of Forward Looking Activities for Integrated Urban Developement
2011 |
Abdo Mai |
FTN â Frequent Transit Network: Transit Strategies towards Achieving Transit-Oriented Development in Alexandria City, Egypt
2023 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Ayad Hany |
FTN â Frequent Transit Network: Transit Strategies towards Achieving Transit-Oriented Development in Alexandria City, Egypt
2023 |
Shebl Rowan |
FTN â Frequent Transit Network: Transit Strategies towards Achieving Transit-Oriented Development in Alexandria City, Egypt
2023 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Functional Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technology in Urban Planning Practice: A PRISMA Systematic Review
2023 |
Mdaopa Bernard Eric |
Functional Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technology in Urban Planning Practice: A PRISMA Systematic Review
2023 |
Moyo Thembani |
Functional Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technology in Urban Planning Practice: A PRISMA Systematic Review
2023 |
Musonda Innocent |
Functional Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technology in Urban Planning Practice: A PRISMA Systematic Review
2023 |
Kumar Vivek |
Functional Integration of Rural Communities with Propulsive Urban Growth Centre in their Vicinity through Nature Base Solutions
2024 |
Raut Papiya Bandyopadhyay |
Functional Integration of Rural Communities with Propulsive Urban Growth Centre in their Vicinity through Nature Base Solutions
2024 |
Raut Sandeep Kumar |
Functional Integration of Rural Communities with Propulsive Urban Growth Centre in their Vicinity through Nature Base Solutions
2024 |
Drobne Samo |
Functional Regions Defined by Urban Centres of (Inter)National Importance – the Case of Slovenia
2010 |
Konjar Miha |
Functional Regions Defined by Urban Centres of (Inter)National Importance – the Case of Slovenia
2010 |
Lisec Anka |
Functional Regions Defined by Urban Centres of (Inter)National Importance – the Case of Slovenia
2010 |
Zavodnik Lamovsek Alma |
Functional Regions Defined by Urban Centres of (Inter)National Importance – the Case of Slovenia
2010 |
Izarov Aleksandr |
Future Generation Cities: Open-Ended and Human Friendly
2019 |
Dörr Heinz |
Future Landscape - Expertenumfrage am Internet
2003 |
Fiby Monika |
Future Landscape - Expertenumfrage am Internet
2003 |
Pohl-Iser Evi |
Future Landscape - Expertenumfrage am Internet
2003 |
Dörr Heinz |
Future landscape(s) - Möglichkeitsräume zwischen Polarisierung und Balance#
2004 |
Arleth Mette |
Future Tools for Area Administration and Public Participation
2005 |
Deussner Reinhold |
GABIS – Gemeindestraßenanalyse und -bewertung im GIS. Demonstration der Machbarkeit einer GIS-basierten Bewertung der Gemeindestraßen in den fünf Testgemeinden Hollenegg, Schwanberg, Semriach, Stanz im Mürztal und Wagna
2004 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Poplin Alenka |
Games in Urban Planning - a Comparative Study
2014 |
Reinart Bärbel |
Games in Urban Planning - a Comparative Study
2014 |
Krek Alenka |
Games in Urban Planning: the Power of a Playful Public Participation
2008 |
Berchtold Martin |
Gamification in der Regionalplanung: ein Ansatz zur Aktivierung formeller Planungsstrategien
2022 |
Fastner Lena |
Gamification in der Regionalplanung: ein Ansatz zur Aktivierung formeller Planungsstrategien
2022 |
Stiewing Marvin |
Gamification in der Regionalplanung: ein Ansatz zur Aktivierung formeller Planungsstrategien
2022 |
Weber Tobias |
Gamification in der Regionalplanung: ein Ansatz zur Aktivierung formeller Planungsstrategien
2022 |
Höhl Wolfgang |
gaming properties ? - Individuelle Planungskompetenz und subjektive Zentralitäten
2002 |
Bellarosa Sara |
Garden in Motion - an Experience of Citizens Involvement in Public Space Regeneration
2014 |
Graziadei Antonio |
Garden in Motion - an Experience of Citizens Involvement in Public Space Regeneration
2014 |
Lorusso Sara |
Garden in Motion - an Experience of Citizens Involvement in Public Space Regeneration
2014 |
Murgante Beniamino |
Garden in Motion - an Experience of Citizens Involvement in Public Space Regeneration
2014 |
Passannante Pasquale |
Garden in Motion - an Experience of Citizens Involvement in Public Space Regeneration
2014 |
Sassano Gerardo |
Garden in Motion - an Experience of Citizens Involvement in Public Space Regeneration
2014 |
Scaringi Francesco |
Garden in Motion - an Experience of Citizens Involvement in Public Space Regeneration
2014 |
Scioscia Michele |
Garden in Motion - an Experience of Citizens Involvement in Public Space Regeneration
2014 |
Al-Haddad Baha'uddin |
Gaza City: Virtual space and the control of physical space
2001 |
Mahrouq Abdulrahman |
Gaza City: Virtual space and the control of physical space
2001 |
Greiner Michael |
GEARViewer: A State of the Art Real-Time Geospatial Visualization Framework
2011 |
Hesina Gerd |
GEARViewer: A State of the Art Real-Time Geospatial Visualization Framework
2011 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Mantler Stephan |
GEARViewer: A State of the Art Real-Time Geospatial Visualization Framework
2011 |
Purgathofer Werner |
GEARViewer: A State of the Art Real-Time Geospatial Visualization Framework
2011 |
Hecht Robert |
Gebäudebasierte, vollautomatische Erhebung und Analyse der Siedlungsstruktur – Grundlage für ein Monitoring und die Bewertung der Siedlungsentwicklung
2007 |
Herold Hendrik |
Gebäudebasierte, vollautomatische Erhebung und Analyse der Siedlungsstruktur – Grundlage für ein Monitoring und die Bewertung der Siedlungsentwicklung
2007 |
Meinel Gotthard |
Gebäudebasierte, vollautomatische Erhebung und Analyse der Siedlungsstruktur – Grundlage für ein Monitoring und die Bewertung der Siedlungsentwicklung
2007 |
Itzlinger Christine |
Gender ALP! Qualitätssicherung in der Raumplanung: Methoden und Umsetzung von Bedarfs- und geschlechtergerechter Planung im Alpenraum
2004 |
Itzlinger Christine |
Gender ALP! Qualitätssicherung in der Raumplanung: Methoden und Umsetzung von Bedarfs- und geschlechtergerechter Planung im Alpenraum
2004 |
Rotschopf Romana |
Gender ALP! Qualitätssicherung in der Raumplanung: Methoden und Umsetzung von Bedarfs- und geschlechtergerechter Planung im Alpenraum
2004 |
Itzlinger Christiane |
Gender Mainstreaming und Standortentwicklung
2006 |
Fessler Flora |
Gender-Sensitive Use and Development of (Digital) Participation and Analysis Tools for Equal Access to Open Spaces
2023 |
Gebetsroither-Geringer Ernst |
Gender-Sensitive Use and Development of (Digital) Participation and Analysis Tools for Equal Access to Open Spaces
2023 |
Reinwald Florian |
Gender-Sensitive Use and Development of (Digital) Participation and Analysis Tools for Equal Access to Open Spaces
2023 |
Dörrzapf Linda |
Gendersensibles Carsharing â Nutzungsbarrieren und MaÃnahmen
2023 |
Gruber Sonja |
Gendersensibles Carsharing â Nutzungsbarrieren und MaÃnahmen
2023 |
Marovic Ornella |
Gendersensibles Carsharing â Nutzungsbarrieren und MaÃnahmen
2023 |
Sodl-Niederecker Vanessa |
Gendersensibles Carsharing â Nutzungsbarrieren und MaÃnahmen
2023 |
Lo Tauro Agata |
General information system for religious Italians' cultural resources
2005 |
Dorffner Lionel |
Generalisierung von Mehrzweckkarte und 3D-Modell der Stadt Wien
2005 |
Weiss Patrick |
Generalisierung von Mehrzweckkarte und 3D-Modell der Stadt Wien
2005 |
Steidler Franz |
Generation and vizualisation of 3D-city and facility models using CyberCity Modeler - New functions and projects -
2003 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Wang Xinhua |
Generation and vizualisation of 3D-city and facility models using CyberCity Modeler - New functions and projects -
2003 |
Mizban Parinaz |
Gentrification and Improvement Policy
2015 |
Yekani Fard Seyed Ahmad Reza |
Gentrification and Improvement Policy
2015 |
Jüptner Bernhard |
Geo-Daten-Infrastruktur im BEV
2001 |
Gissing Reinhard |
Geo-Daten-Politik in Österreich
2003 |
Badut Mircea |
Geo-informatics in fighting crime and in strengthening public security
2007 |
Badut Mircea |
Geo-informatics in the electrical energy sustainable development
2006 |
Jilka Brigitte |
Geo-Multimedia: A Tool for Public Relations. Presentation of activities of Vienna Urban Planning
2001 |
Knop Michaela |
Geobasisdaten in Deutschland – Verfügbarkeit und Qualitätsaspekte des ATKIS-Basis-DLM und der DTK25(-V)
2008 |
Meinel Gotthard |
Geobasisdaten in Deutschland – Verfügbarkeit und Qualitätsaspekte des ATKIS-Basis-DLM und der DTK25(-V)
2008 |
Drexler Theodor |
Geodaten für Navigation und Planung: genau, aktuell, international
2002 |
Rinner Claus |
Geodaten in WWW-gestützten Mediationsverfahren
1997 |
Jüptner Bernhard |
Geodatenpolitik in Österreich
2002 |
Matatko Anja |
GeoFinanzen: Unterstützung kommunaler Entscheidungsprozesse durch kartographische Präsentation von Finanzdaten
2010 |
Riedl Manfred |
Geografische Dienste im TIRIS - Verändern Internet-Dienste die Raumplanung?
1999 |
Avdagic Zikrija |
Geographic Information System and Genetic Algorithm Application for Multicriterial Land Valorisation in Spatial Planning
2006 |
Karabegovic Almir |
Geographic Information System and Genetic Algorithm Application for Multicriterial Land Valorisation in Spatial Planning
2006 |
Ponjavic Mirza |
Geographic Information System and Genetic Algorithm Application for Multicriterial Land Valorisation in Spatial Planning
2006 |
Dutta Bikram Kumar |
Geographic Information System for Land Acquisition Process: A Social Need for Road Infrastructure Development in India
2013 |
Golubovic-Matic Darinka |
Geographic Information Systems in the Internet: Sustainable solution for the information society
2006 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Gruijthuijsen Wesley |
Geographic Proximity between Older Adults and Adult Children in Flanders (Belgium)
2022 |
Nweke Chidi |
Geographic Proximity between Older Adults and Adult Children in Flanders (Belgium)
2022 |
Vanneste Dominique |
Geographic Proximity between Older Adults and Adult Children in Flanders (Belgium)
2022 |
Nurkovic Rahman |
Geographic Views on Regional Planning and Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina
2012 |
Gruijthuijsen Wesley |
Geographies of Ageing in Flanders (Belgium)
2020 |
Vanneste Dominique |
Geographies of Ageing in Flanders (Belgium)
2020 |
Riedl Manfred |
Geographische Informationssysteme als Instrumente zur Unterstützung des Planungsprozeßes und zur Sicherung einer nachhaltigen Maßnahmenumsetzung in der Raumordnung am Beispiel des Tiroler Raumordnungs-Informationssystemes TIRIS
1996 |
Kelnhofer Fritz |
GeoInfo Austria – interaktives multimediales kartographisches Informationssystem von Österreich
2000 |
Pammer Andreas |
GeoInfo Austria – interaktives multimediales kartographisches Informationssystem von Österreich
2000 |
Schimon Gerhard |
GeoInfo Austria – interaktives multimediales kartographisches Informationssystem von Österreich
2000 |
Kaptein Alexander |
Geoinformationsprodukte für die Raumplanung - Synergien aus öffentlichen und kommerziellen Datensätzen
2002 |
Oberegger Werner |
GeoLine / ArcGPS - "GPS for Everyone"
2000 |
Kocyla Jacek |
Geological Data Infrastructure for Spatial Planning in Poland
2009 |
Hennig Sabine |
Geomedia Skills – a Required Prerequisite for Public Participation in Urban Planning?
2013 |
Vogler Robert |
Geomedia Skills – a Required Prerequisite for Public Participation in Urban Planning?
2013 |
Cartwright William |
GeoMultimedia and Multimedia Cartography
2001 |
Gartner Georg |
GeoMultimedia and Multimedia Cartography
2001 |
Riedl Andreas |
GeoMultimedia and Multimedia Cartography
2001 |
Asche Hartmut |
Geosimulation of Urban Housing Market Conditions: A Preliminary Investigation
2012 |
Schernthanner Harald |
Geosimulation of Urban Housing Market Conditions: A Preliminary Investigation
2012 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Gau Christian |
Geostatistische Simulationsverfahren als werkzeug der Quantifizierung der Unsicherheit geologischer Untergrundmodelle für die Stadtplanung
2005 |
Harnoncourt Max |
GEOTALK: eine Raum-Zeit-Kommunikationsplattform
2004 |
Navratil Gerhard |
GEOTALK: eine Raum-Zeit-Kommunikationsplattform
2004 |
Lantschner Ingo |
Gesammelte Berichte von Ingo an CCCameroon – ein sehr persönlicher Tätigkeitsbericht
2001 |
Krause Juliane |
Geschlechterverhältnisse und Mobilität – welchen Beitrag leisten Mobilitätserhebungen?
2012 |
Stiewe Mechtild |
Geschlechterverhältnisse und Mobilität – welchen Beitrag leisten Mobilitätserhebungen?
2012 |
Voigt Andreas |
Gestaltung des Stadtvolumens - Planen im Zeitalter der Kommunikation
1996 |
Everding Dagmar |
Gestaltung einer Energie-Kultur-Landschaft in Stadt und Land
2015 |
Isola Federica |
Gestione delle risorse ambientali e pianificazione del territorio: le linee guida per la Valutazione ambientale strategica come strumento sistemico nei processi di pianificazione e programmazione
2013 |
Pira Cheti |
Gestione delle risorse ambientali e pianificazione del territorio: le linee guida per la Valutazione ambientale strategica come strumento sistemico nei processi di pianificazione e programmazione
2013 |
Esper Lukas |
Gesunde Kommune – Chancen für eine nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung durch Sport und Bewegung
2012 |
Steinebach Gerhard |
Gesunde Kommune – Chancen für eine nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung durch Sport und Bewegung
2012 |
Stepper Henning |
Gesunde Kommune – Chancen für eine nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung durch Sport und Bewegung
2012 |
Uhlig Cordula |
Gesunde Kommune – Chancen für eine nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung durch Sport und Bewegung
2012 |
Grotheer Swantje |
Gesundheitsförderung in der Regionalentwicklung zur Schaffung gesunder Lebensverhältnisse
2022 |
Mangels Kirsten |
Gesundheitsförderung in der Regionalentwicklung zur Schaffung gesunder Lebensverhältnisse
2022 |
Weber Tobias |
Gesundheitsförderung in der Regionalentwicklung zur Schaffung gesunder Lebensverhältnisse
2022 |
Gasper Marc |
Gewerbeflächeninformationssysteme mit open-source-Technologie
2003 |
Schildwächter Ralph |
Gewerbeflächeninformationssysteme mit open-source-Technologie
2003 |
Domhardt Hans-Jörg |
Gewerbeflächenpotentialmodell Saarland - EDV-gestützte Anwendung einer Methode zur Flächenermittlung und -bewertung
1999 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Hilligardt Jan |
Gewerbeflächenpotentialmodell Saarland - EDV-gestützte Anwendung einer Methode zur Flächenermittlung und -bewertung
1999 |
Zajac Agnieszka |
Ghent – Innovative Strategic Urban Development: New Transitions in the City and along the Old Dockyards
2019 |
Matthys Mario |
Ghent 3D, in 4th Dimension, Startup for a Holistic Multi-D City Model, using Augmented Virtuality
2015 |
Kautz Siegfried |
GIS - die "Apparatemedizin" der Raumordnung?
1997 |
Zivkovic Ljiljana |
GIS Application for Improving Housing Conditions in Substandard Roma Settlements in Serbia
2016 |
Aibinu Aderemi |
GIS Application in urban planning and urban management: Utilising GIS in Kigali urban planning and city management
2001 |
Kyariga Alphonce T. |
GIS as a decision making support tool for urban planning and management: A Practical case of Tanzania
2001 |
Bandyopadhyay Piyali |
GIS As A Tool For Sustainable Development Of Model Green City In India
2006 |
Bandyopadhyay Sanhita |
GIS As A Tool For Sustainable Development Of Model Green City In India
2006 |
Bandyopadhyay Piyali |
GIS for Urban Environmental Management Plan: Making it through the Crisis
2012 |
Emrich Hans |
GIS in der Gemeinde Vollgas bei angezogener Handbremse oder "Alles wird ganz anders bleiben"
1998 |
Emrich Hans |
GIS in der Stadtplanung Wien: Bestandsaufnahme, Analyse und Information
1997 |
Magagna Barbara |
GIS in der Stadtplanung Wien: Bestandsaufnahme, Analyse und Information
1997 |
Marth Mario |
GIS in der Stadtplanung Wien: Bestandsaufnahme, Analyse und Information
1997 |
Badut Mircea |
GIS in fighting the effects of the frequent floods over the Romanian counties
2005 |
Ospina Milton |
GIS supports planning and the public participation process with planning support systems
2004 |
Ctyroký Jirí |
GIS supports urban planning in Prague
2004 |
Irová Jana |
GIS supports urban planning in Prague
2004 |
Dumfarth Erich |
GIS und Entscheidungsunterstützende Systeme in der Analyse von Standortpotenzialen im Bundesland Salzburg
2001 |
Schönegger Claudia |
GIS und Entscheidungsunterstützende Systeme in der Analyse von Standortpotenzialen im Bundesland Salzburg
2001 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Einig Klaus |
GIS-Analysen mit Geodaten von Regionalplänen und ihre Bedeutung für die Politikberatung
2011 |
Bernt Diether |
GIS-Anwendung im Rahmen der Gesamtuntersuchung Salzach (GUS)
1996 |
Bauernfeind Sandra |
GIS-Anwendung in der Wiener Planungspraxis im Vergleich zur universitären Ausbildung
1997 |
Mayer Eva Kristina |
GIS-Anwendung in der Wiener Planungspraxis im Vergleich zur universitären Ausbildung
1997 |
Peham Harald |
GIS-Anwendung in der Wiener Planungspraxis im Vergleich zur universitären Ausbildung
1997 |
Gret-Regamey Adrienne |
GIS-based 3D Urban Modelling Framework Integrating Constraints and Benefits of Ecosystems for Participatory Optimization of Urban Green Space Patterns
2011 |
Neuenschwander Noemi |
GIS-based 3D Urban Modelling Framework Integrating Constraints and Benefits of Ecosystems for Participatory Optimization of Urban Green Space Patterns
2011 |
Wissen Hayek Ulrike |
GIS-based 3D Urban Modelling Framework Integrating Constraints and Benefits of Ecosystems for Participatory Optimization of Urban Green Space Patterns
2011 |
Breetzke Ken |
GIS-based evaluation of public facility provision to achieve improved governance and equitable service delivery
2009 |
Green Cheri |
GIS-based evaluation of public facility provision to achieve improved governance and equitable service delivery
2009 |
Mans Gerbrand |
GIS-based evaluation of public facility provision to achieve improved governance and equitable service delivery
2009 |
Deng Yingwen |
GIS-based Identification of Densification Types
2022 |
Gadocha Sabine |
GIS-based Identification of Densification Types
2022 |
Prinz Thomas |
GIS-based Identification of Densification Types
2022 |
Spitzer Wolfgang |
GIS-based Identification of Densification Types
2022 |
Picher Ana |
GIS-based Spatial Decision Support System for Landscape Planning. New System of an analysis for decision making
2006 |
Romero-Calcerrada Raul |
GIS-based Spatial Decision Support System for Landscape Planning. New System of an analysis for decision making
2006 |
Flacke Johannes |
GIS-basierte Informationsinstrumente zur Unterstützung einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung der Flächennutzung in Siedlungs- und Verdichtungsräumen
2004 |
Grillmayer Roland |
GIS-basierte Modellierung wildökologischer Vernetzungspotentiale für die raumplanerische Absicherung noch bestehender Genfluss-Korridore
2007 |
Köhler Clemens |
GIS-basierte Modellierung wildökologischer Vernetzungspotentiale für die raumplanerische Absicherung noch bestehender Genfluss-Korridore
2007 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Proschek Micheael |
GIS-basierte Modellierung wildökologischer Vernetzungspotentiale für die raumplanerische Absicherung noch bestehender Genfluss-Korridore
2007 |
Birngruber Heide |
GIS-Bearbeitung der Plan- und Datengrundlagen in der Örtlichen Raumplanung unter Einbeziehung der Landschaftsplanung
1998 |
Lueger Gerhard |
GIS-Bearbeitung der Plan- und Datengrundlagen in der Örtlichen Raumplanung unter Einbeziehung der Landschaftsplanung
1998 |
Barbato Davide |
GIS-BIM Interoperability for Regeneration of Transurban Areas
2018 |
De Marchi Massimo |
GIS-BIM Interoperability for Regeneration of Transurban Areas
2018 |
Pristeri Guglielmo |
GIS-BIM Interoperability for Regeneration of Transurban Areas
2018 |
Schumacher Ulrich |
GIS-Einsatz für den vorbeugenden Hochwasserschutz: eine Fallstudie aus der Region Oberes Elbtal
2001 |
Busch W. |
GIS-Einsatz im Rahmen eines Monitorings bergbaubedingter Umwelteinwirkungen
2004 |
Gorczyk J. |
GIS-Einsatz im Rahmen eines Monitorings bergbaubedingter Umwelteinwirkungen
2004 |
Mauersberger F. |
GIS-Einsatz im Rahmen eines Monitorings bergbaubedingter Umwelteinwirkungen
2004 |
Nickel S. |
GIS-Einsatz im Rahmen eines Monitorings bergbaubedingter Umwelteinwirkungen
2004 |
Roosman R. |
GIS-Einsatz im Rahmen eines Monitorings bergbaubedingter Umwelteinwirkungen
2004 |
Vosen P. |
GIS-Einsatz im Rahmen eines Monitorings bergbaubedingter Umwelteinwirkungen
2004 |
Riedler Walter |
GIS-Einsatz in der Salzburger Regionalplanungspraxis
1997 |
Tschannen Martin |
GIS-Einsatz in einer kantonalen Verwaltung: Raumplanungsdaten im Aargauischen Geographischen Informationssystem (AGIS)
1998 |
Holzer Anton |
GIS-Einsatz in einer Stadtverwaltung am Beispiel der Stadtgemeinde Hallein
1996 |
Hill Alexandra |
GIS-gestützte Analyse von Berggebieten in Europa
2004 |
Lindner Christian |
GIS-gestützte Analyse von Berggebieten in Europa
2004 |
Schürmann Carsten |
GIS-gestützte Analyse von Berggebieten in Europa
2004 |
Schwarz Andreas |
2000 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Wankiewicz Heidrun |
2000 |
Beyer Clemens |
GIS-gestützte Optimierung von Haltestellenstandorten im städtischen Nahverkehr
2005 |
Brückler Manuela |
GIS-gestützte Verkehrslärmanalysen für Raumplanungszwecke
1996 |
Klärle Martina |
GIS-gestütztes Flächenmanagement, eine Weiterentwicklung der kommunalen Flächennutzungsplanung
1998 |
Hofer Thomas |
GIS-Steiermark: Bisherige Anwendungen in der überörtlichen Raumplanung und neue Möglichkeiten durch Intranet/Internet-Technologie
1998 |
Mörth Oswald |
GIS-Steiermark: Bisherige Anwendungen in der überörtlichen Raumplanung und neue Möglichkeiten durch Intranet/Internet-Technologie
1998 |
Chloupek Alexander |
Global -Cyber- City und Global Village Durch Neue Medien zu neuen Raumstrukturen
1997 |
Mohamad Hassani Hossein |
Global Competition needs Smart Solutions, Urban Design Elements on City Branding
2014 |
Junussova Madina |
Global Market Needs New Cities or Development of Border Trade Ports of Kazakhstan
2007 |
Eigner Christian |
Globalität und Raumbewußtsein
2003 |
Nahrada Franz J. |
Globalität und Raumbewußtsein
2003 |
Oduwaye Leke |
Globalization and Urban Land Use Planning: the Case of Lagos, Nigeria
2013 |
Dangschat Jens S. |
Glocalisation unter raumtheoretischer Sicht
2003 |
Ausserer Karin |
GoGreen, der Einfluss von Begrünung auf eine aktive Mobilität
2017 |
Kirchner Mira |
GoGreen, der Einfluss von Begrünung auf eine aktive Mobilität
2017 |
Höffken Stefan |
Google Earth, Geotagging, GPS und neue Möglichkeiten für die Stadtplanung
2008 |
Papastefanou Georgios |
Google Earth, Geotagging, GPS und neue Möglichkeiten für die Stadtplanung
2008 |
Zeile Peter |
Google Earth, Geotagging, GPS und neue Möglichkeiten für die Stadtplanung
2008 |
Al-Harigi Talal |
Googlization Factors of Saudi Eastern Province Virtual Cities
2010 |
AlJaralah Ahmed |
Googlization Factors of Saudi Eastern Province Virtual Cities
2010 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Löwis Sabine v. |
Governance between Stability and Change – the Case of the Metropolitan Region Hamburg (MRH)
2011 |
Patti Daniela |
Governance in the Metropolitan Region: The Vienna-Bratislava Case
2013 |
Franchini Teresa |
Government, governance, mediation, participation and planning. About the interface between planning service provision and citizens. The tale of two capital cities: Madrid and London
2009 |
Ryser Judith |
Government, governance, mediation, participation and planning. About the interface between planning service provision and citizens. The tale of two capital cities: Madrid and London
2009 |
Oberegger Werner |
GPS-Einsatz für Planungsaufgaben - Aktuelle Entwicklungen
2002 |
Rutow Rainer |
GRÜN. RAUM. STRUKTUR: Ein Layer-System zur Untersuchung der Komplementarität von Bebauungs- und Grünsystemen im Innenbereich der Stadt Aachen
1999 |
Heins Marcel |
Grüne Stadtentwicklung der Zukunft: Visionen zur Beteiligung an der städtischen Grünflächenplanung mit Unterstützung von Augmented-Reality-Technologien
2015 |
Raabe Susanne |
Grüne Stadtentwicklung der Zukunft: Visionen zur Beteiligung an der städtischen Grünflächenplanung mit Unterstützung von Augmented-Reality-Technologien
2015 |
Rockmann Lisa |
Grüne Stadtentwicklung der Zukunft: Visionen zur Beteiligung an der städtischen Grünflächenplanung mit Unterstützung von Augmented-Reality-Technologien
2015 |
Kellner Klaus |
Grünrauminventar im städtischen Bereich Methodik und Anwendung der flächendeckenden Erfassung Wiener Grünräume
2001 |
Klar Johann |
Grünrauminventar im städtischen Bereich Methodik und Anwendung der flächendeckenden Erfassung Wiener Grünräume
2001 |
Pillmann Werner |
Grünrauminventar im städtischen Bereich Methodik und Anwendung der flächendeckenden Erfassung Wiener Grünräume
2001 |
Pillmann Werner |
Grünraumsicherung für Wien - BiotopMonitoring als Instrument der Stadtentwicklung
2007 |
Wieshofer Isabel |
Grünraumsicherung für Wien - BiotopMonitoring als Instrument der Stadtentwicklung
2007 |
Gspurning Josef |
Graffiti in Graz – spatiotemporale Ansätze zur Analyse eines sozio-kulturellen Phänomens
2013 |
Luser Hansjörg |
Graz West/Urban2 - Planungsprozeß
2002 |
Kleboth Andreas |
Graz-Reininghaus – ein resilienter Stadtteil
2010 |
Mitoula Roido |
Greek bio-climatic design and the sustainable development
2004 |
Siakavellas Michalis |
Greek bio-climatic design and the sustainable development
2004 |
Stefanou Joseph |
Greek bio-climatic design and the sustainable development
2004 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Gumbo Trynos |
Green Buildings as an Accelerator in Climate Change Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement
2023 |
Mukwevho Ofhani |
Green Buildings as an Accelerator in Climate Change Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement
2023 |
Musakwa Walter |
Green Buildings as an Accelerator in Climate Change Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement
2023 |
Stampfl Bernd |
Green Buildings for Sustainable Cities
2010 |
Smetschka Barbara |
Green Facades â How they Matter for Working Environments, Public Spaces and the Livability of a City
2022 |
Heins Marcel |
Green Spaces 3.0 - CAD-Fachapplikationen als wissensbasierte Werkzeuge für die Landschaftsarchitektur am Beispiel der Bepflanzungsplanung
2009 |
Kircher Wolfram |
Green Spaces 3.0 - CAD-Fachapplikationen als wissensbasierte Werkzeuge für die Landschaftsarchitektur am Beispiel der Bepflanzungsplanung
2009 |
Kretzler E. |
Green Spaces 3.0 - CAD-Fachapplikationen als wissensbasierte Werkzeuge für die Landschaftsarchitektur am Beispiel der Bepflanzungsplanung
2009 |
Schultze Christian |
Green Spaces 3.0 - CAD-Fachapplikationen als wissensbasierte Werkzeuge für die Landschaftsarchitektur am Beispiel der Bepflanzungsplanung
2009 |
Heins Marcel |
Green Spaces 3.0 - Qualitätsmanagement für die nachhaltige Sicherung der Funktionsfähigkeit von Grünflächen in urbanen Räumen
2009 |
Pietsch Matthias |
Green Spaces 3.0 - Qualitätsmanagement für die nachhaltige Sicherung der Funktionsfähigkeit von Grünflächen in urbanen Räumen
2009 |
Heins Marcel |
Green Spaces 3.0 - Wissensmanagement zur Planung, Bereitstellung und Bewirtschaftung urbaner Vegetation durch Kommunikations- und Informationstechnologien
2009 |
Kircher Wolfram |
Green Spaces 3.0 - Wissensmanagement zur Planung, Bereitstellung und Bewirtschaftung urbaner Vegetation durch Kommunikations- und Informationstechnologien
2009 |
Eldardiry Dalia |
Greenery in Cities and Controlling the Reasons of Urban Heat Islands – a Sustainable Approach for the Spaces of the Future in Controlling Urban Heat Islands
2020 |
Elghonaimy Islam |
Greenery in Cities and Controlling the Reasons of Urban Heat Islands – a Sustainable Approach for the Spaces of the Future in Controlling Urban Heat Islands
2020 |
Bae Ye Eun |
GreenTwin: Developing a Digital Twin for Sustainable Cooperative Mobility and Logistics in Rural Areas
2024 |
Berndt Jan-Ole |
GreenTwin: Developing a Digital Twin for Sustainable Cooperative Mobility and Logistics in Rural Areas
2024 |
Brinkmann Joachim |
GreenTwin: Developing a Digital Twin for Sustainable Cooperative Mobility and Logistics in Rural Areas
2024 |
Dartmann Guido |
GreenTwin: Developing a Digital Twin for Sustainable Cooperative Mobility and Logistics in Rural Areas
2024 |
Hucht Andreas |
GreenTwin: Developing a Digital Twin for Sustainable Cooperative Mobility and Logistics in Rural Areas
2024 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Janzso Annegret |
GreenTwin: Developing a Digital Twin for Sustainable Cooperative Mobility and Logistics in Rural Areas
2024 |
Kopp Sam |
GreenTwin: Developing a Digital Twin for Sustainable Cooperative Mobility and Logistics in Rural Areas
2024 |
Kravets Anna |
GreenTwin: Developing a Digital Twin for Sustainable Cooperative Mobility and Logistics in Rural Areas
2024 |
Lidynia Chantal |
GreenTwin: Developing a Digital Twin for Sustainable Cooperative Mobility and Logistics in Rural Areas
2024 |
Lotz Vivian |
GreenTwin: Developing a Digital Twin for Sustainable Cooperative Mobility and Logistics in Rural Areas
2024 |
Morgen Marlies |
GreenTwin: Developing a Digital Twin for Sustainable Cooperative Mobility and Logistics in Rural Areas
2024 |
Philipsen Ralf |
GreenTwin: Developing a Digital Twin for Sustainable Cooperative Mobility and Logistics in Rural Areas
2024 |
Rodermund Stephanie C. |
GreenTwin: Developing a Digital Twin for Sustainable Cooperative Mobility and Logistics in Rural Areas
2024 |
Schewerda Alexander |
GreenTwin: Developing a Digital Twin for Sustainable Cooperative Mobility and Logistics in Rural Areas
2024 |
Schneider Jens |
GreenTwin: Developing a Digital Twin for Sustainable Cooperative Mobility and Logistics in Rural Areas
2024 |
te Heesen Henrik |
GreenTwin: Developing a Digital Twin for Sustainable Cooperative Mobility and Logistics in Rural Areas
2024 |
Timm Ingo J. |
GreenTwin: Developing a Digital Twin for Sustainable Cooperative Mobility and Logistics in Rural Areas
2024 |
Ueding Kristof |
GreenTwin: Developing a Digital Twin for Sustainable Cooperative Mobility and Logistics in Rural Areas
2024 |
Ziefle Martina |
GreenTwin: Developing a Digital Twin for Sustainable Cooperative Mobility and Logistics in Rural Areas
2024 |
Hein Sebastian |
Grenzen überschreiten: Konzept einer GIS basierten Wohnungsmarktbeobachtung
2007 |
Vater Andreas |
Grenzen überschreiten: Konzept einer GIS basierten Wohnungsmarktbeobachtung
2007 |
Winiwartner Verena |
Grenzen der interdisziplinären Verständigung und ihre Überschreitung. Sind neue Medien eine Lösung?
1999 |
Haeusler Axel |
GRETAS – dynamische Simulation immobilienökonomischer Raum- und Standortpotenziale
2011 |
Bradova Eliska |
Grid analyses in Prague urban planning
2007 |
Ctyroký Jiri |
Grid analyses in Prague urban planning
2007 |
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Paper Title |
Year |
Dallhammer Erich |
Großprojekte – UFOS für die kommunale Planung?
2007 |
Bailey Keiron |
Grounding Justice in Public Meeting Practice
2007 |
Grossardt Ted |
Grounding Justice in Public Meeting Practice
2007 |
Laurini Robert |
Groupware and Public Participation for Urban Planning
2001 |
Dutta Bikram Kumar |
Growth of Population Pressure Resulting Migration: Its Issues and Perspectives for India
2017 |
Malle Christian |
Grundlagendatenerfassung mittels digitaler Photogrammetrie
1998 |
Kubin Petra |
Gründerzeitliche Innenhöfe als Ressource zur Verbesserung des Mikroklimas
2021 |
Berger Martin |
Grätzlrad Wien: Nutzerinnen- und Nutzerstruktur und Nutzungsverhalten in host-basiertem Lastenrad-Sharing
2020 |
Dorner Fabian |
Grätzlrad Wien: Nutzerinnen- und Nutzerstruktur und Nutzungsverhalten in host-basiertem Lastenrad-Sharing
2020 |
Dörrzapf Linda |
Grätzlrad Wien: Nutzerinnen- und Nutzerstruktur und Nutzungsverhalten in host-basiertem Lastenrad-Sharing
2020 |
Wieland Thomas |
GröÃere Discounter, kleinere Verbrauchermärkte und Onlineshops: Welche Rolle spielen die aktuellen Trends im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel für die Nahversorgung im ländlichen Raum?
2020 |
Eckert Ronald |
Guidelines and Rating Systems as Tools to Foster Climate Change Adaptation of Ho Chi Minh City's Urban Infrastructure
2011 |
Jäger Hanna |
Gähnende Leere oder beliebter Park?
2021 |
Engelke Dirk |
Höher, schneller, weiter – Großinfrastrukturen als Stimulus der Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung?
2011 |
Jung Wolfgang |
Höher, schneller, weiter – Großinfrastrukturen als Stimulus der Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung?
2011 |
Ries Robert |
Habitat patterns and their environmental implications: A computational inquiry
2003 |
Bolte Anna-Maria |
Harnessing Crowdsourcing Data for Comprehensive Green Window View Analysis
2023 |
Kötter Theo |
Harnessing Crowdsourcing Data for Comprehensive Green Window View Analysis
2023 |
Moghadas Mahsa |
Harnessing Crowdsourcing Data for Comprehensive Green Window View Analysis
2023 |
Treusch Andreas |
Hauptgebäude einer Kulturhauptstadt - Ars Electronica Center, Linz 09
2009 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Moebus Susanne |
Healthy City? An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Urban Health Impacts
2010 |
Schmidt Alexander |
Healthy City? An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Urban Health Impacts
2010 |
Tran Minh-Chau |
Healthy City? An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Urban Health Impacts
2010 |
Aesche Jens |
Heidelberg Hbf – BIM-Pilot: Weiterentwicklung Empfangsgebäude im städtischen Kontext
2019 |
Böhning Stephan |
Heidelberg Hbf – BIM-Pilot: Weiterentwicklung Empfangsgebäude im städtischen Kontext
2019 |
Prifti Julian |
Heidelberg Hbf – BIM-Pilot: Weiterentwicklung Empfangsgebäude im städtischen Kontext
2019 |
Jobst Markus |
Heimatforschung und neue Medien.
2001 |
Dörr Heinz |
Herausforderungen der städtischen Szenerien an die Automatisierung von Fahrzeugbewegungen – wo sollen welche Anwendungen aktiviert werden?
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Singh Rana P. B. |
Heritagescapes, Urban Planning Strategies: Studies from India
2010 |
Füssl Elisabeth |
Heute die Jugend, morgen die ganze Welt – nachhaltige Fortbewegung langfristig fördern
2013 |
Oberlader Manuel |
Heute die Jugend, morgen die ganze Welt – nachhaltige Fortbewegung langfristig fördern
2013 |
Risser Alexander |
Heute die Jugend, morgen die ganze Welt – nachhaltige Fortbewegung langfristig fördern
2013 |
Risser Ralf |
Heute die Jugend, morgen die ganze Welt – nachhaltige Fortbewegung langfristig fördern
2013 |
Seisser Odilo |
Heute die Jugend, morgen die ganze Welt – nachhaltige Fortbewegung langfristig fördern
2013 |
Ardekani Abdolhossein |
High Building Density around Subway Stations, Policies and Solutions
2012 |
Dumreicher Heidi |
High tech and high touch in Chinese settlements - communication and sustainability in the EU project success
2004 |
Kolb Bettina |
High tech and high touch in Chinese settlements - communication and sustainability in the EU project success
2004 |
Esch Thomas |
High-Resolution Global Monitoring of Urban Settlements
2013 |
Felbier Andreas |
High-Resolution Global Monitoring of Urban Settlements
2013 |
Heldens Wieke |
High-Resolution Global Monitoring of Urban Settlements
2013 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Marconcini Mattia |
High-Resolution Global Monitoring of Urban Settlements
2013 |
Fiby Hans |
Hiking Trip Selection Based On Reachability By Public Transport
2016 |
Navratil Gerhard |
Hiking Trip Selection Based On Reachability By Public Transport
2016 |
Wagner Stefan |
Hiking Trip Selection Based On Reachability By Public Transport
2016 |
Mereu Anania |
Historic Centers and Urban Quality: a Study Concerning Perceived Needs and Expectations
2015 |
Zoppi Corrado |
Historic Centers and Urban Quality: a Study Concerning Perceived Needs and Expectations
2015 |
Bushmakova Yuliya |
Historical Buildings Integration Into a Modern Industrial Urban Environment of Perm
2013 |
Kuznetsova Anastasia |
Historical Buildings Integration Into a Modern Industrial Urban Environment of Perm
2013 |
Neuschmid Julia |
HLANDATA – Harmonisation of Land Use and Land Cover Data Across Europe: Project Results
2013 |
Schrenk Manfred |
HLANDATA – Harmonisation of Land Use and Land Cover Data Across Europe: Project Results
2013 |
Wasserburger Wolfgang W. |
HLANDATA – Harmonisation of Land Use and Land Cover Data Across Europe: Project Results
2013 |
Knötig Günther |
Hochauflösende Satellitenbilddaten in der Raumplanung Konzepte und Anwendungen
1999 |
Steinnocher Klaus |
Hochauflösende Satellitenbilddaten in der Raumplanung Konzepte und Anwendungen
1999 |
Hennersdorf Jörg |
Hochauflösende Satellitenbildmosaike in der Planungspraxis - Potentiale und Grenzen am Beispiel eines sachsenweiten IRS-1C-Mosaiks
2000 |
Meinel Gotthard |
Hochauflösende Satellitenbildmosaike in der Planungspraxis - Potentiale und Grenzen am Beispiel eines sachsenweiten IRS-1C-Mosaiks
2000 |
Meinel Gotthard |
Hochauflösendes Monitoring der Flächennutzungsentwicklung in Städten und Regionen mit dem IÃR-Monitor
2023 |
Dapp Klaus |
Hochwasser ist grenzenlos – transnationales Informationsmanagement für den Hochwasserschutz
2001 |
Schüller Reinhard |
Homeshopping und Direktmarketing via Internet oder Alternative Distributionswege im Handel
1997 |
Allex Brigitte |
Hot Town, Summer in the City – Entwicklung von hitzerelevanten Anpassungsstrategien im Städtetourismus
2013 |
Brandenburg Christiane |
Hot Town, Summer in the City – Entwicklung von hitzerelevanten Anpassungsstrategien im Städtetourismus
2013 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Czachs Christina |
Hot Town, Summer in the City – Entwicklung von hitzerelevanten Anpassungsstrategien im Städtetourismus
2013 |
Gerersdorfer Thomas |
Hot Town, Summer in the City – Entwicklung von hitzerelevanten Anpassungsstrategien im Städtetourismus
2013 |
Liebl Ursula |
Hot Town, Summer in the City – Entwicklung von hitzerelevanten Anpassungsstrategien im Städtetourismus
2013 |
Izaola Borja |
HOUPLA - Holistic Urban Planning in the Bizkaia Technology Park
2009 |
Revilla Igone |
HOUPLA - Holistic Urban Planning in the Bizkaia Technology Park
2009 |
Gondo Tendayi |
Housing Informality in Expanding Ethiopian Cities: Moving beyond the 'New Normal' Syndrome
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Svircic Gotovac Andelina |
Housing Quality and Lost (Public) Space in Croatia
2013 |
Zlatar Jelena |
Housing Quality and Lost (Public) Space in Croatia
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Brenner-FlieÃer Michael |
How can Climate Learning be Initiated? Piloting Unconventional Interventions in Neighbourhoods
2023 |
Kofler Viktoria |
How can Climate Learning be Initiated? Piloting Unconventional Interventions in Neighbourhoods
2023 |
Seebauer Sebastian |
How can Climate Learning be Initiated? Piloting Unconventional Interventions in Neighbourhoods
2023 |
Winkler Claudia |
How can Climate Learning be Initiated? Piloting Unconventional Interventions in Neighbourhoods
2023 |
Mualam Nir |
How COVID Affects Decision Making in Planning? The Use of ICT in Planning Boardsâ Hearings
2021 |
Bejarano Martin |
How do They Ride? Analysis of Cycling Biomechanics (âMODELO-Radâ Project)
2024 |
Eckart Jochen |
How do They Ride? Analysis of Cycling Biomechanics (âMODELO-Radâ Project)
2024 |
Kosumi Skender |
How Do We Live
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Reutter Ulrike |
How is Mobility Behaviour Affected by a Migrant Background?
2012 |
Suhl Kerstin |
How is Mobility Behaviour Affected by a Migrant Background?
2012 |
Welsch Janina |
How is Mobility Behaviour Affected by a Migrant Background?
2012 |
Holstein Age Niels |
How the INTERREG IVc Project "GRaBS" can Change European Cities
2011 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Schwaberger Christine |
How the INTERREG IVc Project "GRaBS" can Change European Cities
2011 |
Hodzic-Srndic Natasa |
How the SHAREPLACE Pilot Regions Deal with the Corona Crisis
2020 |
Kressler Florian |
How the SHAREPLACE Pilot Regions Deal with the Corona Crisis
2020 |
Mosshammer Lina |
How the SHAREPLACE Pilot Regions Deal with the Corona Crisis
2020 |
Drewe Paul |
How to assess urban competitiveness in the ICT age
2006 |
De Mulder Sophie |
How to Attract the Right Economic Activities in a Certain Spatial Environment?
2020 |
Pennincx Inge |
How to Attract the Right Economic Activities in a Certain Spatial Environment?
2020 |
Zaman Jan |
How to Attract the Right Economic Activities in a Certain Spatial Environment?
2020 |
Al-Muhanna Al-Johara |
How to become a Sustainable Smart City: the case of Al Quassim Eco-Neighborhood, Saudi Arabia
2016 |
Nayer Aida |
How to become a Sustainable Smart City: the case of Al Quassim Eco-Neighborhood, Saudi Arabia
2016 |
Stoffels Sara |
How to Co-Create Collective Awareness on the Benefits of Trees
2023 |
Strosse Veerle |
How to Co-Create Collective Awareness on the Benefits of Trees
2023 |
Vallet Nathalie |
How to Co-Create Collective Awareness on the Benefits of Trees
2023 |
Hennig Sabine |
How to Improve Accessibility of Natural Areas: About the Relevance of Providing Information on Accessible Services and Facilities in Natural Areas
2015 |
Sattler Thomas |
How to Improve Accessibility of Natural Areas: About the Relevance of Providing Information on Accessible Services and Facilities in Natural Areas
2015 |
Wasserburger Maria |
How to Improve Accessibility of Natural Areas: About the Relevance of Providing Information on Accessible Services and Facilities in Natural Areas
2015 |
Wasserburger Wolfgang |
How to Improve Accessibility of Natural Areas: About the Relevance of Providing Information on Accessible Services and Facilities in Natural Areas
2015 |
Formanek Susanne |
How to Make Existing Urban Structures Climate-Resilient?
2021 |
Hagen Katrin |
How to Make Existing Urban Structures Climate-Resilient?
2021 |
Meinharter Erik |
How to Make Existing Urban Structures Climate-Resilient?
2021 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Millinger Dietmar |
How to Make Existing Urban Structures Climate-Resilient?
2021 |
Ratheiser Matthias |
How to Make Existing Urban Structures Climate-Resilient?
2021 |
Tötzer Tanja |
How to Make Existing Urban Structures Climate-Resilient?
2021 |
Baldauf Tobias |
How to Meet the City – Urban Spaces for Friendly Encounters
2019 |
Halbartschlager Rupert |
How to Meet the City – Urban Spaces for Friendly Encounters
2019 |
Okresek Marie-Theres |
How to Meet the City – Urban Spaces for Friendly Encounters
2019 |
Okresek-Oshima Tatjana |
How to Meet the City – Urban Spaces for Friendly Encounters
2019 |
Pisman Ann |
How to stay a Smart City? Inspiration from a Place-Based Spatial Policy in Ghent — Working Together with Local, Smart Citizens
2016 |
Vervoort Peter |
How to stay a Smart City? Inspiration from a Place-Based Spatial Policy in Ghent — Working Together with Local, Smart Citizens
2016 |
Richard Joachim |
HUB 53/12 – das Logistiknetz Güstrow – Prignitz – Ruppin
2009 |
Richter-Richard Hildegard |
HUB 53/12 – das Logistiknetz Güstrow – Prignitz – Ruppin
2009 |
Boualy Abderrahim |
Human Behaviour in Africa: a Real Challenge Factor towards Building Smart Cities
2024 |
Bergner Benjamin |
Human Sensory Assessment Methods in Urban Planning – a Case Study in Alexandria
2013 |
Exner Jan-Philipp |
Human Sensory Assessment Methods in Urban Planning – a Case Study in Alexandria
2013 |
Memmel Martin |
Human Sensory Assessment Methods in Urban Planning – a Case Study in Alexandria
2013 |
Raslan Rania |
Human Sensory Assessment Methods in Urban Planning – a Case Study in Alexandria
2013 |
Taha Dina |
Human Sensory Assessment Methods in Urban Planning – a Case Study in Alexandria
2013 |
Talal Manar |
Human Sensory Assessment Methods in Urban Planning – a Case Study in Alexandria
2013 |
Zeile Peter |
Human Sensory Assessment Methods in Urban Planning – a Case Study in Alexandria
2013 |
Popovich Vasily |
Human's Digital Space – What about the Metrics?
2017 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Schrenk Manfred |
Human's Digital Space – What about the Metrics?
2017 |
Borodkin Leonid |
Human's Digital Space in a Digital City
2016 |
Popovich Vasily |
Human's Digital Space in a Digital City
2016 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Human's Digital Space in a Digital City
2016 |
Albert Lena |
Human-biometeorologisch angepasste Routenführungen durch mathematische Optimierung
2022 |
Fröhlich Nicolas |
Human-biometeorologisch angepasste Routenführungen durch mathematische Optimierung
2022 |
Hausbrandt Nils |
Human-biometeorologisch angepasste Routenführungen durch mathematische Optimierung
2022 |
Henninger Sascha |
Human-biometeorologisch angepasste Routenführungen durch mathematische Optimierung
2022 |
Ruzika Stefan |
Human-biometeorologisch angepasste Routenführungen durch mathematische Optimierung
2022 |
Bergner Benjamin |
Humans as Sensors to Enhance the Built Environment: a Case Study of the Eastern Harbor, Alexandria, Egypt
2012 |
Raslan Rania |
Humans as Sensors to Enhance the Built Environment: a Case Study of the Eastern Harbor, Alexandria, Egypt
2012 |
Taha Dina |
Humans as Sensors to Enhance the Built Environment: a Case Study of the Eastern Harbor, Alexandria, Egypt
2012 |
Eisenberg Bernd |
Hydro Urban Units – a Meso Scale Approach for Integrated Planning
2013 |
Nemcova Eva |
Hydro Urban Units – a Meso Scale Approach for Integrated Planning
2013 |
Poblet Rossana |
Hydro Urban Units – a Meso Scale Approach for Integrated Planning
2013 |
Stokman Antje |
Hydro Urban Units – a Meso Scale Approach for Integrated Planning
2013 |
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Hyperdemocracy - Einschätzung und Perspektive digitaler Politikgestaltung auf die demokratische Kultur in Österreich
1998 |
Safey Eldeen Heba |
I Am My City: Rethinking Cairo As A Contented City
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Echanove Matias |
I-City: information and communication technologies for urban planners
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Conti Giuseppe |
I-Scope – Interoperable Smart City Services through an Open Platform for Urban Ecosystems
2012 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
de Amicis Raffaele |
I-Scope – Interoperable Smart City Services through an Open Platform for Urban Ecosystems
2012 |
Elisei Pietro |
I-Scope – Interoperable Smart City Services through an Open Platform for Urban Ecosystems
2012 |
Ford Martin |
I-Scope – Interoperable Smart City Services through an Open Platform for Urban Ecosystems
2012 |
Patti Daniela |
I-Scope – Interoperable Smart City Services through an Open Platform for Urban Ecosystems
2012 |
D'Hont Ellie |
I-SCOPE: Smart Cities and Citizens
2013 |
de Amicis Raffaele |
I-SCOPE: Smart Cities and Citizens
2013 |
Elisei Pietro |
I-SCOPE: Smart Cities and Citizens
2013 |
Krejci Patrick |
I-SCOPE: Smart Cities and Citizens
2013 |
Patti Daniela |
I-SCOPE: Smart Cities and Citizens
2013 |
Prandi Federico |
I-SCOPE: Smart Cities and Citizens
2013 |
Rudolf Heino |
I-SCOPE: Smart Cities and Citizens
2013 |
Saghin Irina |
I-SCOPE: Smart Cities and Citizens
2013 |
Schrenk Manfred |
I-SCOPE: Smart Cities and Citizens
2013 |
Wasserburger Wolfgang W. |
I-SCOPE: Smart Cities and Citizens
2013 |
Drewe Paul |
ICT and urban design, a paradigm challenge
2001 |
Gumbo Trynos |
ICT Usage to Improve Efficiency in the City of Johannesburg Public Transportation System
2021 |
Mbatha Siphiwe |
ICT Usage to Improve Efficiency in the City of Johannesburg Public Transportation System
2021 |
Moyo Thembani |
ICT Usage to Improve Efficiency in the City of Johannesburg Public Transportation System
2021 |
Oniya Ouwayeni |
ICT Usage to Improve Efficiency in the City of Johannesburg Public Transportation System
2021 |
Sikiaridi Elizabeth |
Idensity – planning paradigms for the information/communication Age
2002 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Wogelaar Frans |
Idensity – planning paradigms for the information/communication Age
2002 |
Eder Martin |
Identification of Innovative Solutions to Decarbonise Transportation of People and Goods in Smart Cities
2012 |
Roiser Susanne |
Identification of Innovative Solutions to Decarbonise Transportation of People and Goods in Smart Cities
2012 |
Schober Clemens |
Identification of Innovative Solutions to Decarbonise Transportation of People and Goods in Smart Cities
2012 |
Horn Daniel |
Identifikation geschlechterspezifischer Mobilitätsbarrieren anhand einer drittvariablengestützten Mobilitätsverhaltensanalyse
2016 |
Lindner Christine |
Identifikation geschlechterspezifischer Mobilitätsbarrieren anhand einer drittvariablengestützten Mobilitätsverhaltensanalyse
2016 |
Louen Conny |
Identifikation geschlechterspezifischer Mobilitätsbarrieren anhand einer drittvariablengestützten Mobilitätsverhaltensanalyse
2016 |
Louen Conny |
Identifikation von Kriterien für den smarten Einsatz von Elektrobussen in den Netzen des ÖPNV
2014 |
May Carina |
Identifikation von Kriterien für den smarten Einsatz von Elektrobussen in den Netzen des ÖPNV
2014 |
Beyel Sven |
Identifizierung von Steigungen als Barrieren für mobilitätseingeschränkte Personen
2017 |
Kelm Thorsten |
Identifizierung von Steigungen als Barrieren für mobilitätseingeschränkte Personen
2017 |
Klein Ulrike |
Identifizierung von Steigungen als Barrieren für mobilitätseingeschränkte Personen
2017 |
Müller Christian |
Identifizierung von Steigungen als Barrieren für mobilitätseingeschränkte Personen
2017 |
Cassidy Tim |
Identifying Cultural Ecosystem Services of Urban Green Infrastructure - Report about a Pilot Project undertaken in Lower Austria
2014 |
Rottenbacher Christine |
Identifying Cultural Ecosystem Services of Urban Green Infrastructure - Report about a Pilot Project undertaken in Lower Austria
2014 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Identifying Locations Suitable for Innovative Urban Public Transport Integration in Gauteng Province
2020 |
Mbatha Siphiwe Given |
Identifying Locations Suitable for Innovative Urban Public Transport Integration in Gauteng Province
2020 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Identifying Policies and Legislative Frameworks to Create Integrated Innovative Public Transport in Gauteng Province
2020 |
Mbatha Siphiwe Given |
Identifying Policies and Legislative Frameworks to Create Integrated Innovative Public Transport in Gauteng Province
2020 |
Achatschitz Claudia |
Identifying the neccesary information for a spatial decision: Camping for beginners
2005 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Gumbo Trynos |
Identifying the Possibilities of Integrating Speed Train and the Bus Rapid Transit System through Mobile Payment and Information Dissemination
2019 |
Mbatha Siphiwe |
Identifying the Possibilities of Integrating Speed Train and the Bus Rapid Transit System through Mobile Payment and Information Dissemination
2019 |
Galanda Martin |
Ihre Immobilien und Standorte fest im Griff
2006 |
Strobl Jürgen |
Ihre Immobilien und Standorte fest im Griff
2006 |
Hagen Hans |
IKONE - Computergestützte Auswertung von Konversionsflächen mit Hilfe von Voronoi-Diagrammen
2006 |
Ruby Maja |
IKONE - Computergestützte Auswertung von Konversionsflächen mit Hilfe von Voronoi-Diagrammen
2006 |
Scheler Inga |
IKONE - Computergestützte Auswertung von Konversionsflächen mit Hilfe von Voronoi-Diagrammen
2006 |
Steinebach Gerhard |
IKONE - Computergestützte Auswertung von Konversionsflächen mit Hilfe von Voronoi-Diagrammen
2006 |
Dini Amir |
Immersive Imagination in Urban Oases of Mindfulness: The VR-SenseCity Toolbox for Sensible, Emotional and Measurable Experiences in Future Smart Cities
2019 |
Grabher Andrea |
Immersive Imagination in Urban Oases of Mindfulness: The VR-SenseCity Toolbox for Sensible, Emotional and Measurable Experiences in Future Smart Cities
2019 |
Gunzer Wolfgang |
Immersive Imagination in Urban Oases of Mindfulness: The VR-SenseCity Toolbox for Sensible, Emotional and Measurable Experiences in Future Smart Cities
2019 |
Mayr Marlene |
Immersive Imagination in Urban Oases of Mindfulness: The VR-SenseCity Toolbox for Sensible, Emotional and Measurable Experiences in Future Smart Cities
2019 |
Paletta Lucas |
Immersive Imagination in Urban Oases of Mindfulness: The VR-SenseCity Toolbox for Sensible, Emotional and Measurable Experiences in Future Smart Cities
2019 |
Pilz Rene |
Immersive Imagination in Urban Oases of Mindfulness: The VR-SenseCity Toolbox for Sensible, Emotional and Measurable Experiences in Future Smart Cities
2019 |
Pokvic Edina |
Immersive Imagination in Urban Oases of Mindfulness: The VR-SenseCity Toolbox for Sensible, Emotional and Measurable Experiences in Future Smart Cities
2019 |
Taberhofer Anna |
Immersive Imagination in Urban Oases of Mindfulness: The VR-SenseCity Toolbox for Sensible, Emotional and Measurable Experiences in Future Smart Cities
2019 |
Leitner Dieter |
Immobilienvergleichspreise steiermarkweit
2006 |
Auvray Bertille |
Impact Assessment of Disruptive Technologies on Electronic Identities (eID) for the Improvement of Digital Public Services for Citizens
2022 |
Lindner René |
Impact Assessment of Disruptive Technologies on Electronic Identities (eID) for the Improvement of Digital Public Services for Citizens
2022 |
Schmudde Madlen |
Impact Assessment of Disruptive Technologies on Electronic Identities (eID) for the Improvement of Digital Public Services for Citizens
2022 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Silvestru Diana |
Impact Assessment of Disruptive Technologies on Electronic Identities (eID) for the Improvement of Digital Public Services for Citizens
2022 |
Azizi Hamid |
Impact Assessment of Sustainable Public Transportation System on Quality of Life in Tehran
2011 |
Joodi Gol Lar Pooya |
Impact Assessment of Sustainable Public Transportation System on Quality of Life in Tehran
2011 |
Momeni Mostafa |
Impact Assessment of Sustainable Public Transportation System on Quality of Life in Tehran
2011 |
Shams Kooshki Hanieh |
Impact Assessment of Sustainable Public Transportation System on Quality of Life in Tehran
2011 |
Hasan Asmaa |
Impact of Educational Building Design on Usersâ Psychological and Physical Well-Being â Case Study High School in Egypt
2023 |
Taha Dina |
Impact of Educational Building Design on Usersâ Psychological and Physical Well-Being â Case Study High School in Egypt
2023 |
Wahba Khloud |
Impact of Educational Building Design on Usersâ Psychological and Physical Well-Being â Case Study High School in Egypt
2023 |
Abd-Rabo Lamiaa |
Impact of Urban Attributes on Human Happiness and Health in Alexandria as an Egyptian City
2023 |
Abdelall Mohamed |
Impact of Urban Attributes on Human Happiness and Health in Alexandria as an Egyptian City
2023 |
El Sayad Zeyad |
Impact of Urban Attributes on Human Happiness and Health in Alexandria as an Egyptian City
2023 |
Frey Harald |
Impacts of Sustainable Transportation on City Tourism: a case of Chatuchak Market in Thailand
2017 |
Knoflacher Hermann |
Impacts of Sustainable Transportation on City Tourism: a case of Chatuchak Market in Thailand
2017 |
Wejwithan Amphai |
Impacts of Sustainable Transportation on City Tourism: a case of Chatuchak Market in Thailand
2017 |
Roider Oliver |
Implementation of Sustainable Urban Transport Measures and their Political Dimension
2009 |
Uhlmann Tina |
Implementation of Sustainable Urban Transport Measures and their Political Dimension
2009 |
Geiger Andreas |
Implementierung eines Werkzeuges zur Interpretation von Versorgungsnetzen aus dem Programmsystem STANET
2019 |
Riester Melanie |
Implementierung eines Werkzeuges zur Interpretation von Versorgungsnetzen aus dem Programmsystem STANET
2019 |
Kubin Petra |
Implementierung von Waldinseln im Bereich der gründerzeitlichen Innenhöfe von Graz
2023 |
Musakwa Walter |
Implications of Land Use Mix on the Sustainability of African Urban Centres: A Case Study of Stellenbosch, South Africa
2012 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
van Niekerk Adriaan |
Implications of Land Use Mix on the Sustainability of African Urban Centres: A Case Study of Stellenbosch, South Africa
2012 |
Fischer Florian |
Implications of the usage of mobile collaborative mapping systems for the sense of place
2008 |
Bogdahn Jürgen |
Improve public participation in planning processes by using web-based 3D-models for communication platforms
2007 |
Coors Volker |
Improve public participation in planning processes by using web-based 3D-models for communication platforms
2007 |
Knapp Sonja |
Improve public participation in planning processes by using web-based 3D-models for communication platforms
2007 |
Hesina Gerd |
Improved reconstruction and rendering of cities and terrains based on multispectral digital aerial images
2006 |
Karner Konrad |
Improved reconstruction and rendering of cities and terrains based on multispectral digital aerial images
2006 |
Maierhofer Stefan |
Improved reconstruction and rendering of cities and terrains based on multispectral digital aerial images
2006 |
Tobler Robert F. |
Improved reconstruction and rendering of cities and terrains based on multispectral digital aerial images
2006 |
Furundzic Danilo |
Improvement of City Competitiveness by Re-Mixing of Inner Strengths
2012 |
Mitrovic Biserka |
Improvement of City Competitiveness by Re-Mixing of Inner Strengths
2012 |
Simeuncevic Radulovic Sanja |
Improvement of City Competitiveness by Re-Mixing of Inner Strengths
2012 |
Kassab Omnia |
Improvement of Human Thermal Comfort in Built Environment using BIM Simulation Methods, Case Study in Alexandria, Egypt
2021 |
Hoenninger Patrick |
Improving Intermodal Transport with a Long Distance Focus – Findings from the European LINK Forum on Passenger Intermodality
2010 |
Wesener Andreas |
Improving Quality of Place: Strategic Approaches in Germany and the UK
2011 |
Chang Tina |
Improving Slum Conditions with Public-Private Partnerships
2009 |
Hauger Georg |
Improving the traffic system - A tricky balance between upgrading and destroying of remote regions
2001 |
Elsayed Yousef |
Improving Urban Regulations to Raise the Cityâs Green Area Rates to Achieve Quality of Life Standards
2020 |
Hassanien Said |
Improving Urban Regulations to Raise the Cityâs Green Area Rates to Achieve Quality of Life Standards
2020 |
Tillner Silja |
Impulsgeber für andere Regionen, Sachsen-Anhalt – ein Modell?
2011 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Jones Ana |
In Greensight: Healthier Futures for Urban Cores in Transition
2020 |
Wilenius Markku |
In Greensight: Healthier Futures for Urban Cores in Transition
2020 |
Drewe Paul |
2000 |
Djukic Aleksandra |
In the Public Eye: Toward the Electronic Transparency of Planning Process
2014 |
Stupar Aleksandra |
In the Public Eye: Toward the Electronic Transparency of Planning Process
2014 |
Sharma Ananya |
Incongruities of a Socialistic Smart City: a Case of Area Based Development in T. T. Nagar, Bhopal
2019 |
Singh Shisodia Akhilesh |
Incongruities of a Socialistic Smart City: a Case of Area Based Development in T. T. Nagar, Bhopal
2019 |
Artacker Fabian |
Increase Occupancy Rate in Passenger Cars â Potentials of Awareness Raising for Carpooling
2023 |
Berger Martin |
Increase Occupancy Rate in Passenger Cars â Potentials of Awareness Raising for Carpooling
2023 |
Dörrzapf Linda |
Increase Occupancy Rate in Passenger Cars â Potentials of Awareness Raising for Carpooling
2023 |
Kammerhofer Arthur |
Increase Occupancy Rate in Passenger Cars â Potentials of Awareness Raising for Carpooling
2023 |
PreiÃler Richard |
Increase Occupancy Rate in Passenger Cars â Potentials of Awareness Raising for Carpooling
2023 |
Tanzer Lukas |
Increase Occupancy Rate in Passenger Cars â Potentials of Awareness Raising for Carpooling
2023 |
Tillner Silja |
Incremental Planning – Cooperative Scenario and/or Masterplan?
2013 |
Decewicz Pawel |
Indicator-Based Assessment of Land Use Planning in Wrocław Region with CommunityViz
2013 |
Kazak Jan |
Indicator-Based Assessment of Land Use Planning in Wrocław Region with CommunityViz
2013 |
Szewranski Szymon |
Indicator-Based Assessment of Land Use Planning in Wrocław Region with CommunityViz
2013 |
Ostermann Frank |
Indicators of Socially Sustainable Park Use - Results from a Case Study
2009 |
Lang Stefan |
Indikatoren zur Landschaftszerschneidung ? Untersuchungen zur Einsetzbarkeit in der strategischen Verkehrsplanung
2007 |
Pernkopf Lena |
Indikatoren zur Landschaftszerschneidung ? Untersuchungen zur Einsetzbarkeit in der strategischen Verkehrsplanung
2007 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Barac Mirjana |
Industrial Brownfields as Restorative Environments: the Possibility of Transformation and Reactivation of the Abandoned Industrial Heritage
2020 |
Maric Jelena |
Industrial Brownfields as Restorative Environments: the Possibility of Transformation and Reactivation of the Abandoned Industrial Heritage
2020 |
Vanista Lazarevic Eva |
Industrial Brownfields as Restorative Environments: the Possibility of Transformation and Reactivation of the Abandoned Industrial Heritage
2020 |
Desogus Giulia |
Industrial Landscapes Between Environmental Sustainability and Landscape Constraints: The Case Study of Euralluminia in the Sulcis Area of Sardinia (Italy)
2020 |
Garau Chiara |
Industrial Landscapes Between Environmental Sustainability and Landscape Constraints: The Case Study of Euralluminia in the Sulcis Area of Sardinia (Italy)
2020 |
Mistretta Pasquale |
Industrial Landscapes Between Environmental Sustainability and Landscape Constraints: The Case Study of Euralluminia in the Sulcis Area of Sardinia (Italy)
2020 |
Drkosova Marcela |
Industrial Zone in the Context of Transport Links and Urban Development of the City of Brno
2008 |
Leopoldova Katerina |
Industrial Zone in the Context of Transport Links and Urban Development of the City of Brno
2008 |
Zaloudkova Marie |
Industrial Zone in the Context of Transport Links and Urban Development of the City of Brno
2008 |
van der Toorn Vrijthoff Wout |
Inflation in space consumption
2002 |
Nurkovic Rahman |
Influence of Air Traffic on Economic Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Business Environment of the European Air Traffic
2017 |
Wei Dong |
Influence of Road Connectivity and Public Transport Accessibility on Subjective Wellbeing during Travel: An Explanation from Travel Mode: Evidence from five Communities around Subway Stations in Harbin
2019 |
Yu Dong |
Influence of Road Connectivity and Public Transport Accessibility on Subjective Wellbeing during Travel: An Explanation from Travel Mode: Evidence from five Communities around Subway Stations in Harbin
2019 |
Yujie Chen |
Influence of Road Connectivity and Public Transport Accessibility on Subjective Wellbeing during Travel: An Explanation from Travel Mode: Evidence from five Communities around Subway Stations in Harbin
2019 |
Zhen Li |
Influence of Road Connectivity and Public Transport Accessibility on Subjective Wellbeing during Travel: An Explanation from Travel Mode: Evidence from five Communities around Subway Stations in Harbin
2019 |
Drešković Nusret |
Influence of Transport on Urban and Rural Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina
2014 |
Nurkovic Rahman |
Influence of Transport on Urban and Rural Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina
2014 |
Nabielek Kersten |
Infographics for Smart People in Smart Cities
2014 |
Cerba Otakar |
Information Around Us: Questions Connected to Information and Data Heterogeneities in Planning Activities
2013 |
Rajabi-Kouchi Behnam |
Information city: Is it a sustainable one?
2001 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Fuchs Christian |
Information Society - Sustainable or Not?
2006 |
Koskenniemi Outi |
Information systems for Monitoring Land Use Planning in the Finnish Environmental Administration. GISALU, Land Use GIS, and KATSE, the Information System for Monitoring Land Use Planning.
2003 |
Wilforth Stephan |
Information und Kommunikation in Kommunalverwaltungen Zusammenfassung einer empirischen Untersuchung in 50 Städten Nordrhein-Westfalens
2000 |
Franck Georg |
Information und Raumplanung
1996 |
Maksimova Svetlana |
Information-Analytical System for Managing Cities of Perm Region Spatial Development
2014 |
Mezenina Kseniia O. |
Information-Analytical System for Managing Cities of Perm Region Spatial Development
2014 |
Mikushin Petr S. |
Information-Analytical System for Managing Cities of Perm Region Spatial Development
2014 |
Vancutsem Didier |
Information-Analytical System for Managing Cities of Perm Region Spatial Development
2014 |
Zavialov Alexey Y. |
Information-Analytical System for Managing Cities of Perm Region Spatial Development
2014 |
Koch Andreas |
Informationsinfrastrukturen und raumbezogene Identität als Ansatzpunkt nachhaltiger Lebensqualität. Empirische Untersuchungenin der Messestadt Riem (München)
2006 |
Dapp Klaus |
Informationsmanagement als Grundlage der Vernetzung lokaler, regionaler und übergeordneter Aktivitäten für den vorsorgenden Hochwasserschutz
2003 |
Dapp Klaus |
Informationsmanagement als Grundlage des raumplanerischen Umgangs mit Naturgefahren - Strategien für den Hochwasserschutz am Rhein
2002 |
Brunzel Marco |
Informationsmanagement im öffentlichen Sektor - Perspektiven aus Sicht der Planungsdisziplinen
2000 |
Jobst Markus |
Informationssysteme kultureller Objekte im virtuellen Umfeld - eine kartographische BetrachtungB
2005 |
Schaller Kurt |
Informationssysteme kultureller Objekte im virtuellen Umfeld - eine kartographische BetrachtungB
2005 |
Halmer Andreas |
Informationstechnische Integration von räumlicher Dimension und gesetzl. Bestimmungen bei der Festlegung neuer Widmungs- und Bebauungsbestimmungen.
2003 |
Wilmersdorf Erich |
Informationstechnische Integration von räumlicher Dimension und gesetzl. Bestimmungen bei der Festlegung neuer Widmungs- und Bebauungsbestimmungen.
2003 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Informationstechnologie als Instrument und als Gegenstand der Raumplanung
1996 |
Streich Bernd |
Informationstechnologie und Planungsethik
1999 |
Ulusay Alpay Bilge |
Informationstechnologie unter Erreichbarkeit — intelligentes Transportsystem: eine Studie für den Stadtverkehr in Istanbul
2016 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Jaskolla Franz |
InfoTerra - Novel Geo-Information Services
2001 |
Kaptein Alexander |
InfoTerra - Novel Geo-Information Services
2001 |
Brimmer Friedrich |
Infrastructure Acquisition and 3D Virtual Integration
2009 |
Hesina Gerd |
Infrastructure Acquisition and 3D Virtual Integration
2009 |
Leitner Bernd |
Infrastructure Acquisition and 3D Virtual Integration
2009 |
Mantler Stephan |
Infrastructure Acquisition and 3D Virtual Integration
2009 |
Camerata Flavio |
Infrastructures and Landscape
2008 |
Elisei Pietro |
Infrastructures and Landscape
2008 |
Magaudda Stefano |
Infrastructures and Landscape
2008 |
Allbach Andreas |
Infrastructures of Smart Platforms – Mobile Tools to Control Intelligent Networks in Dynamic Urban Space
2013 |
Allbach Benjamin |
Infrastructures of Smart Platforms – Mobile Tools to Control Intelligent Networks in Dynamic Urban Space
2013 |
Germann Julia |
Infrastructures of Smart Platforms – Mobile Tools to Control Intelligent Networks in Dynamic Urban Space
2013 |
Al Deweik Manal |
Initiating a Smart Transportation System: Jeddah City
2016 |
Nayer Aida |
Initiating a Smart Transportation System: Jeddah City
2016 |
Siegler Arne |
Innenstädte für alle: Visualisierung und Simulation zur Qualifizierung des innerstädtischen Entwurfs
2010 |
Stepper Henning |
Innenstädte für alle: Visualisierung und Simulation zur Qualifizierung des innerstädtischen Entwurfs
2010 |
Wietzel Ingo |
Innenstädte für alle: Visualisierung und Simulation zur Qualifizierung des innerstädtischen Entwurfs
2010 |
Jóna László |
Inner Courtyards as Public Open Spaces
2018 |
Floeting Holger |
Innere Sicherheit, Sicherheitstechnologien und Urbanität
2006 |
Megerle Heidi |
Innerstädtische Brachflächen als Chance sowie Herausforderung der Stadtentwicklung – das Innenstadtentwicklungsprojekt Sextius Mirabeau in Aix-en-Provence
2011 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Stepper Henning |
Innerstädtisches Entwerfen in der City3.0
2009 |
Wietzel Ingo |
Innerstädtisches Entwerfen in der City3.0
2009 |
Behal David |
Innovating Multidimensional Urban Visions
2010 |
Borovsky Peter |
Innovating Multidimensional Urban Visions
2010 |
Cernekova Zuzana |
Innovating Multidimensional Urban Visions
2010 |
Ferko Andrej |
Innovating Multidimensional Urban Visions
2010 |
Florek Martin |
Innovating Multidimensional Urban Visions
2010 |
Lacko Jan |
Innovating Multidimensional Urban Visions
2010 |
Novotny Matej |
Innovating Multidimensional Urban Visions
2010 |
Samuelcik Martin |
Innovating Multidimensional Urban Visions
2010 |
Sikudova Ela |
Innovating Multidimensional Urban Visions
2010 |
Stanek Stanislav |
Innovating Multidimensional Urban Visions
2010 |
Berger Martin |
Innovation im Mobilitätssharing – Einsatz von partizipativen Methoden
2019 |
Dörrzapf Linda |
Innovation im Mobilitätssharing – Einsatz von partizipativen Methoden
2019 |
Habiger Michael |
Innovation im Mobilitätssharing – Einsatz von partizipativen Methoden
2019 |
Sodl Vanessa |
Innovation im Mobilitätssharing – Einsatz von partizipativen Methoden
2019 |
Tellioglu Hilda |
Innovation im Mobilitätssharing – Einsatz von partizipativen Methoden
2019 |
Wagner Marlene |
Innovation im Mobilitätssharing – Einsatz von partizipativen Methoden
2019 |
Gigler Ute |
Innovative Approaches to Integrative Energy Planning – Experiences and Results from the EU Project Urban Learning
2018 |
Hemis Herbert |
Innovative Approaches to Integrative Energy Planning – Experiences and Results from the EU Project Urban Learning
2018 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Dambruch Jens |
Innovative Approaches to Urban Data Management using Emerging Technologies
2016 |
Ivanova Veneta |
Innovative Approaches to Urban Data Management using Emerging Technologies
2016 |
Stein Andreas |
Innovative Approaches to Urban Data Management using Emerging Technologies
2016 |
Eder Martin |
Innovative Fördermechanismen für den Fahrradverkehr
2010 |
Dießenbacher Claus |
Innovative Informationstechnologien als Bausteine einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklungspolitik
2012 |
Heins Marcel |
Innovative Informationstechnologien als Bausteine einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklungspolitik
2012 |
Kretzler Einar |
Innovative Informationstechnologien als Bausteine einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklungspolitik
2012 |
Krug René |
Innovative Informationstechnologien als Bausteine einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklungspolitik
2012 |
Chakwizira James |
Innovative Initiatives Usage to Improve Efficiency in the City of Johannesburg Public Transportation
2021 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Innovative Initiatives Usage to Improve Efficiency in the City of Johannesburg Public Transportation
2021 |
Risimati Brightnes |
Innovative Initiatives Usage to Improve Efficiency in the City of Johannesburg Public Transportation
2021 |
Sanusi Yekeen |
Innovative Spatial Planning in Mitigating Climate Change-Related Vulnerability in Nigerian Urban Centres
2011 |
Gretner Sabine |
Innovative Stadtplanung als Prozessgestaltung – am Beispiel Musterprojekt "Generationen_wohnen am Mühlgrund"
2009 |
Oskina Alla |
Innovative Sustainable Energy Solutions in Smart Cities
2020 |
Jilka Brigitte |
Innovative Urban Development Projects in Vienna
2011 |
Camerata Flavio |
Innovative web-based tools for participatory planning
2009 |
Magaudda Stefano |
Innovative web-based tools for participatory planning
2009 |
Macias-Carrillo Claudia |
Insane Cities and the Creation of Stereotypes for Cultural Identity
2019 |
Mangels Kirsten |
Inside Babyboomer â Gesundheits- und Wohnstandortverhalten deutscher Babyboomer und deren planerische Herausforderungen für die Gesundheitsversorgung in ländlich-suburbanen Räumen
2023 |
Stiewing Marvin |
Inside Babyboomer â Gesundheits- und Wohnstandortverhalten deutscher Babyboomer und deren planerische Herausforderungen für die Gesundheitsversorgung in ländlich-suburbanen Räumen
2023 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Abu-Orf Hazem |
Institutional flexibility as a key element for urban renewal and development: The case of Palestinian towns.
2001 |
Furundzic Danilo |
Institutional Framework of Brownfield Regeneration in Serbia
2014 |
Peric Ana |
Institutional Framework of Brownfield Regeneration in Serbia
2014 |
Gessmann Robin |
Instrumente für die partizipative, nachhaltige Siedlungsentwicklung – Unterstützung von Zielanforderungen nachhaltiger Siedlungsplanung und Erfahrungen aus der Anwendung im europäischen Kontext
2006 |
Peter Markus |
Instrumente für die partizipative, nachhaltige Siedlungsentwicklung – Unterstützung von Zielanforderungen nachhaltiger Siedlungsplanung und Erfahrungen aus der Anwendung im europäischen Kontext
2006 |
Ehrlich Kornelia |
Instruments for Sustainable Urban Development in Eastern Germany – the Example of the "Wächterhäuser" (Warden Houses) in Leipzig
2010 |
Rexroth Karsten |
Integrale Planung: Merkmale zur Identifizierung und Initialisierung in der kommunalen Praxis
2017 |
von Both Petra |
Integrale Planung: Merkmale zur Identifizierung und Initialisierung in der kommunalen Praxis
2017 |
Chen Tzu-Ling |
Integrate Traditional Ecological Knowledge into Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies in High Risk Settlements – a Case Study of Taiwan
2020 |
Tsai Chia-En |
Integrate Traditional Ecological Knowledge into Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies in High Risk Settlements – a Case Study of Taiwan
2020 |
Bergatt Jackson Jiřina |
Integrated Action Plans and Training Course for Circular Land Management
2012 |
Ferber Uwe |
Integrated Action Plans and Training Course for Circular Land Management
2012 |
Petrikowa Dagmar |
Integrated Action Plans and Training Course for Circular Land Management
2012 |
Preuss Thomas |
Integrated Action Plans and Training Course for Circular Land Management
2012 |
Starzewska-Sikorska Anna |
Integrated Action Plans and Training Course for Circular Land Management
2012 |
Verbücheln Maic |
Integrated Action Plans and Training Course for Circular Land Management
2012 |
Angelova Irina |
Integrated Information System for Sustainable Urban Regeneration
2015 |
Kim Sung-Ah |
Integrated Information System for Sustainable Urban Regeneration
2015 |
Song Yu Mi |
Integrated Information System for Sustainable Urban Regeneration
2015 |
Gebetsroither-Geringer Ernst |
Integrated Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Causal Urban Food-Water-Energy Relations towards more Climate-Resilient Cities
2020 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Magerl Ulrike |
Integrated Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Causal Urban Food-Water-Energy Relations towards more Climate-Resilient Cities
2020 |
Stollnberger Romana |
Integrated Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Causal Urban Food-Water-Energy Relations towards more Climate-Resilient Cities
2020 |
Fink Theresa |
Integrated Simulation-based Framework for Parametric Open Space Design with Focus on Sustainable Mobility and Climate Resilience
2022 |
Jung Martin |
Integrated Simulation-based Framework for Parametric Open Space Design with Focus on Sustainable Mobility and Climate Resilience
2022 |
Matyus Thomas |
Integrated Simulation-based Framework for Parametric Open Space Design with Focus on Sustainable Mobility and Climate Resilience
2022 |
Tophof Thomas |
Integrated Simulation-based Framework for Parametric Open Space Design with Focus on Sustainable Mobility and Climate Resilience
2022 |
Braun Cecilia |
Integrated Spatial and Transport Development along European Corridors: A Look through the Lens of Stakeholder Cooperation
2017 |
Peric Ana |
Integrated Spatial and Transport Development along European Corridors: A Look through the Lens of Stakeholder Cooperation
2017 |
dell' Erba Massimo |
Integrated System for Innovation: a new strategy for South Italy local development
2002 |
Farzin Iman |
Integrated TOD and Urban Land Use Planning: Evidence from Iran, Kashan
2017 |
Gholi Hadi |
Integrated TOD and Urban Land Use Planning: Evidence from Iran, Kashan
2017 |
Mamdoohi Amirreza |
Integrated TOD and Urban Land Use Planning: Evidence from Iran, Kashan
2017 |
Friderich Thomas |
Integrated Transportation Planning and Information with PTV Vision Technology
2006 |
A. Daneshpour Zohreh |
Integrating Disaster Management and Metropolitan Planning in Tehran
2012 |
Ebrahimnia Vahideh |
Integrating Disaster Management and Metropolitan Planning in Tehran
2012 |
Fallahi Alireza |
Integrating Disaster Management and Metropolitan Planning in Tehran
2012 |
Moosmann Cornelia |
Integrating Human Satisfaction into the Design Phase – Generating Motivation and Knowledge in Architectural Education
2019 |
Schweiker Marcel |
Integrating Human Satisfaction into the Design Phase – Generating Motivation and Knowledge in Architectural Education
2019 |
Wagner Andreas |
Integrating Human Satisfaction into the Design Phase – Generating Motivation and Knowledge in Architectural Education
2019 |
Defee Buren B. |
Integrating IT Tools to Assist Local Stakeholders in Open Space Decisions
2001 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Wunneburger Douglas F. |
Integrating IT Tools to Assist Local Stakeholders in Open Space Decisions
2001 |
Read Stephen |
Integrating Mobility Environments in the City
2008 |
Rooij Remon |
Integrating Mobility Environments in the City
2008 |
Abd El Fattah Dalia |
Integrating Multi-Scalar Attributes in Assessing Urban Sustainability for the Built Environment in Heritage Sites: the SHAI Model
2023 |
Nayer Aida |
Integrating Multi-Scalar Attributes in Assessing Urban Sustainability for the Built Environment in Heritage Sites: the SHAI Model
2023 |
Birkmann Joern |
Integrating Socio-Economic Data in Spatial Analysis: An Exposure Assessment Method for Planning Urban Risk Mitigation
2010 |
Raupp Sonja |
Integrating Socio-Economic Data in Spatial Analysis: An Exposure Assessment Method for Planning Urban Risk Mitigation
2010 |
Setiadi Neysa Jacqueline |
Integrating Socio-Economic Data in Spatial Analysis: An Exposure Assessment Method for Planning Urban Risk Mitigation
2010 |
Taubenböck Hannes |
Integrating Socio-Economic Data in Spatial Analysis: An Exposure Assessment Method for Planning Urban Risk Mitigation
2010 |
Baer Daniela |
Integrating User Needs in Sustainable Neighbourhood Transition of the Smart City â Expanding Knowledge and Insight among Professional Stakeholders
2021 |
Ekambaram Anandasivakumar |
Integrating User Needs in Sustainable Neighbourhood Transition of the Smart City â Expanding Knowledge and Insight among Professional Stakeholders
2021 |
Adebayo Ambrose |
Integration and Transformation of Post-Apartheid South African City Fabric
2010 |
Al-Hagla Khaled |
Integration of Emotional Behavioural Layer "EmoBeL" in City Planning
2014 |
Bakr Ali |
Integration of Emotional Behavioural Layer "EmoBeL" in City Planning
2014 |
Raslan Rania |
Integration of Emotional Behavioural Layer "EmoBeL" in City Planning
2014 |
Daneshpour Zohreh |
Integration of incomplete and scattered information to help urban planning and decision-making –With special reference to Tehran
2007 |
Zając Małgorzata |
Integration of Inhabitants in Contemporary City
2011 |
Bandyopadhyay Piyali |
Integration of Multi-dimensional Rural and Urban Planning Efforts for Achieving SDG 13 â Indian Context
2021 |
Bandyopadhyay Piyali |
Integration of PRA with GIS for Planning of PERI Urban Areas
2018 |
Berbenev Dmitry |
Integration of Vessel Traffic Control Systems and Geographical Information Systems
2009 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Claramunt Christophe |
Integration of Vessel Traffic Control Systems and Geographical Information Systems
2009 |
Osipov Vasily |
Integration of Vessel Traffic Control Systems and Geographical Information Systems
2009 |
Popovich Vasily |
Integration of Vessel Traffic Control Systems and Geographical Information Systems
2009 |
Ray Cyril |
Integration of Vessel Traffic Control Systems and Geographical Information Systems
2009 |
Wang Tianzhen |
Integration of Vessel Traffic Control Systems and Geographical Information Systems
2009 |
Bröthaler Johann |
Integration von EDV in die Raumplanerausbildung in Wien
1998 |
Riedl Leopold |
Integration von EDV in die Raumplanerausbildung in Wien
1998 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Integration von EDV in die Raumplanerausbildung in Wien
1998 |
Voigt Andreas |
Integration von EDV in die Raumplanerausbildung in Wien
1998 |
Bröthaler Johann |
Integration von Fuzzy-Methoden in Bewertungsverfahren
1997 |
Reinberg Sebastian |
Integration von Fuzzy-Methoden in Bewertungsverfahren
1997 |
Bauer Olaf |
Integration von Geo- und Content-orientierten Web-Diensten: Eine OGC-konforme Lösung auf Basis der Open-Soure-Software des GIS-Projekts DEEGREE und der Coremedia Smart Content Technology
2004 |
Hoffmann Niels |
Integration von Geo- und Content-orientierten Web-Diensten: Eine OGC-konforme Lösung auf Basis der Open-Soure-Software des GIS-Projekts DEEGREE und der Coremedia Smart Content Technology
2004 |
Krause Kai-Uwe |
Integration von Geo- und Content-orientierten Web-Diensten: Eine OGC-konforme Lösung auf Basis der Open-Soure-Software des GIS-Projekts DEEGREE und der Coremedia Smart Content Technology
2004 |
Marrone Rainer |
Integration von Geo- und Content-orientierten Web-Diensten: Eine OGC-konforme Lösung auf Basis der Open-Soure-Software des GIS-Projekts DEEGREE und der Coremedia Smart Content Technology
2004 |
Schmidt Joachim W. |
Integration von Geo- und Content-orientierten Web-Diensten: Eine OGC-konforme Lösung auf Basis der Open-Soure-Software des GIS-Projekts DEEGREE und der Coremedia Smart Content Technology
2004 |
Burger Helmut |
Integration von GIS in das Informationsmangement der IHK für München und Oberbayern
2003 |
Fritzsche Andreas |
Integration von GIS in das Informationsmangement der IHK für München und Oberbayern
2003 |
Wilmersdorf Erich |
Integration von Grundlagendaten und Bereitstellung von aktuellen Stadtmodellen im Netzwerk
1997 |
Jung Stefan |
Integration von Planerarbeitung und Planinterpretation in die GIS-Software
2001 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Peithmann Ortwin |
Integration von Planerarbeitung und Planinterpretation in die GIS-Software
2001 |
Schaal Peter |
Integration von Planerarbeitung und Planinterpretation in die GIS-Software
2001 |
Czeranka Marion |
Integrative Datenerhebung und –verarbeitung mit GPS, digitaler Kamera und GIS: "AGIS - PhotoMapper"
2000 |
Kaiser Konrad |
Integrative Datenerhebung und –verarbeitung mit GPS, digitaler Kamera und GIS: "AGIS - PhotoMapper"
2000 |
Grimm Karl |
Integrative Design Solutions for Connecting Street Trees to the Urban Water Cycle
2023 |
Grimm-Pretner Dagmar |
Integrative Design Solutions for Connecting Street Trees to the Urban Water Cycle
2023 |
Bululukova Darya |
Integrative Secondary Education Programmes and Research in Smart Cities Context
2016 |
Tabakovic Momir |
Integrative Secondary Education Programmes and Research in Smart Cities Context
2016 |
Wahl Harald |
Integrative Secondary Education Programmes and Research in Smart Cities Context
2016 |
Evers Mariele |
Integrative tools for land use and flood risk management
2007 |
Krause Kai-Uwe |
Integrative tools for land use and flood risk management
2007 |
Mrđenovic Tatjana |
Integrative Urban Design Game as a Method for Creating Liveable Urban Ambients
2012 |
Kordina Hans |
Integrativer Infrastrukturausbau im städtischen Raum – Entwicklungschancen durch moderne Mobilität
2018 |
Riedmann Bettina |
Integrativer Infrastrukturausbau im städtischen Raum – Entwicklungschancen durch moderne Mobilität
2018 |
Egger Karin |
Integrierte 3D-Visualisierungs-Systeme für die Landschaftsplanung: Konzepte und Marktrealität
2001 |
Geier Bettina |
Integrierte 3D-Visualisierungs-Systeme für die Landschaftsplanung: Konzepte und Marktrealität
2001 |
Muhar Andreas |
Integrierte 3D-Visualisierungs-Systeme für die Landschaftsplanung: Konzepte und Marktrealität
2001 |
Kurth Detlef |
Integrierte Betrachtung einer nachhaltigen Wärme- und Kältebewirtschaftung von Stadtquartieren
2021 |
Schittenhelm Corinna |
Integrierte Betrachtung einer nachhaltigen Wärme- und Kältebewirtschaftung von Stadtquartieren
2021 |
Wilmersdorf Erich |
Integrierte Kommunale Informationssysteme als Dienstleister für Planung, Projektierung sowie für den Bürger
1998 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Altenburg Sven |
Integrierte Simulation von Raumentwicklung und Verkehr bei stark steigenden Energiepreisen
2012 |
Bohnet Max |
Integrierte Simulation von Raumentwicklung und Verkehr bei stark steigenden Energiepreisen
2012 |
Gertz Carsten |
Integrierte Simulation von Raumentwicklung und Verkehr bei stark steigenden Energiepreisen
2012 |
Maaß Jacqueline |
Integrierte Simulation von Raumentwicklung und Verkehr bei stark steigenden Energiepreisen
2012 |
Dannowski-Buhren Christian |
Integriertes Monitoring als Werkzeug einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung
2019 |
Guth Marvin |
Integriertes Monitoring als Werkzeug einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung
2019 |
Klein Ulrike |
Integriertes Monitoring als Werkzeug einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung
2019 |
Lindner Alexandra |
Integriertes Monitoring als Werkzeug einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung
2019 |
Schonlau Marcel |
Integriertes Monitoring als Werkzeug einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung
2019 |
Floeting Holger |
Intellectual capital reporting for regional cluster initiatives and networks – A tool to support innovation and regional development?
2008 |
Abbasov Ali M. |
Intellectual system of the complex analysis of economic dynamics on time series
2004 |
Gulmammadov R. H. |
Intellectual system of the complex analysis of economic dynamics on time series
2004 |
Wang Sicheng |
Intelligent Development Research on Job-Housing Space in Chinese Metropolitan Area under the Background of Rapid Urbanization
2016 |
Yun Yingxia |
Intelligent Development Research on Job-Housing Space in Chinese Metropolitan Area under the Background of Rapid Urbanization
2016 |
Pankin Andrei |
Intelligent GIS for monitoring systems development
2005 |
Popovich Vasily |
Intelligent GIS for monitoring systems development
2005 |
Potapichev Sergei |
Intelligent GIS for monitoring systems development
2005 |
Sorokin Ruslan |
Intelligent GIS for monitoring systems development
2005 |
Elisei Pietro |
Intelligent Social Networks
2023 |
Golubovic-Matic Darinka |
Intelligent Social Networks
2023 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Laconte Pierre |
Intelligent Social Networks
2023 |
Popovich Tatiana |
Intelligent Social Networks
2023 |
Popovich Vasily V. |
Intelligent Social Networks
2023 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Intelligent Social Networks
2023 |
Shutkov Vladimir |
Intelligent Social Networks
2023 |
Zagvozdkin Artem |
Intelligent Social Networks
2023 |
Beosiere Francis |
Inter-Governmental Partnership, Assemble Together
2015 |
Coelmont Inge |
Inter-Governmental Partnership, Assemble Together
2015 |
Maes Kathleen |
Inter-Governmental Partnership, Assemble Together
2015 |
Toebak Kathelijne |
Inter-Governmental Partnership, Assemble Together
2015 |
Van Butsele Sylvianne |
Inter-Governmental Partnership, Assemble Together
2015 |
Van de Water Ellen |
Inter-Governmental Partnership, Assemble Together
2015 |
Bade Korinna |
Interaction with Interconnected Data in Participatory Processes
2016 |
Helbig Dirk |
Interaction with Interconnected Data in Participatory Processes
2016 |
Nürnberger Andreas |
Interaction with Interconnected Data in Participatory Processes
2016 |
Pietsch Matthias |
Interaction with Interconnected Data in Participatory Processes
2016 |
Richter Andreas |
Interaction with Interconnected Data in Participatory Processes
2016 |
Schütz Lars |
Interaction with Interconnected Data in Participatory Processes
2016 |
Meiforth Jutta |
Interactive landscape planning - results of a pilot study in Koenigslutter am Elm, Germany
2005 |
Neumann Arne |
Interactive landscape planning - results of a pilot study in Koenigslutter am Elm, Germany
2005 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Warren-Kretzschmar Bartlett |
Interactive landscape planning - results of a pilot study in Koenigslutter am Elm, Germany
2005 |
Beyer Clemens |
Interactive Visualisation of Statistical Data with the CentropeSTATISTICS Cross-Border Geoportal
2016 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Interactive Visualisation of Statistical Data with the CentropeSTATISTICS Cross-Border Geoportal
2016 |
Abramovic Ilja |
Interaktion im virtuellen Raum durch Echtzeitkopplung mit 2D-GIS
2005 |
Brauner Johannes |
Interaktion im virtuellen Raum durch Echtzeitkopplung mit 2D-GIS
2005 |
May Martin |
Interaktion im virtuellen Raum durch Echtzeitkopplung mit 2D-GIS
2005 |
Hennig Sabine |
Interaktive Bildschirmkarten: Instrument des Wissensmanagements als Grundlage für Planungsprozesse (am Beispiel des Nationalparks Berchtesgaden)
2004 |
Jörg Wolfgang |
Interaktive GIS-Applikation: Flächenwidmungs- und Bebauungsplan der Stadt Wien im Intra- und Internet
2000 |
Hachmann Roland |
Interaktive Landschaftsplanung in Königslutter am Elm
2004 |
Tiedtke Simone |
Interaktiver Landschaftsplan: Internet und Multimedia in der Landschaftsplanung - Ziele und Zwischenergebnisse
2003 |
Warren-Kretzschmar Bartlett |
Interaktiver Landschaftsplan: Internet und Multimedia in der Landschaftsplanung - Ziele und Zwischenergebnisse
2003 |
Almer Alexander |
Interaktives 3D Informationssystem für Planung und Tourismus
2000 |
Nischelwitzer Alexander Kurt |
Interaktives 3D Informationssystem für Planung und Tourismus
2000 |
Beyer Clemens |
Interaktives Erzeugen von thematischen Karten mit CentropeMAP und CentropeSTATISTICS
2021 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Interaktives Erzeugen von thematischen Karten mit CentropeMAP und CentropeSTATISTICS
2021 |
Stockinger Johann |
Interaktives Portal für Kultur & Informatik: Das Forum der OCG
2002 |
Möltgen Jörn |
Interdisziplinäre Methoden- und Werkzeuge für das Flusseinzugsgebietsmanagement - FLUMAGIS
2003 |
Chloupek Alexander |
Intermodale und -operable Projekte in den Korridoren
2003 |
Steinhauer Christina |
International Knowledge Transfer – Analysis of Planning Cultures
2011 |
Hagspiel Edgar |
Internationale Datenbanken: Suburbanisierung und Fragmentierung im Tertiärsektor in ausgewählten europäischen Metropolen
2003 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Pöckl Anita |
Internationale Datenbanken: Suburbanisierung und Fragmentierung im Tertiärsektor in ausgewählten europäischen Metropolen
2003 |
Elgendy Hany |
2000 |
Lindner Christian |
Internet based tool fpr assessing regional location factors
2004 |
Perian Thomas |
Internet im Stadtplanungsamt Solingen Mehr Information? Mehr Partizipation?
1997 |
Hagedorn Hans |
Internet-basierte Bürgerbeteiligung Esslingen. Relevanz - Moderation - Software
2002 |
Märker Oliver |
Internet-basierte Bürgerbeteiligung Esslingen. Relevanz - Moderation - Software
2002 |
Trenel Matthias |
Internet-basierte Bürgerbeteiligung Esslingen. Relevanz - Moderation - Software
2002 |
Gehlhaar Arne |
Internetgestützte Bürgerbeteiligung in der Stadtplanung: Aktuelle Entwicklungen und das Beispiel des Informations- und Diskussionsforums
2000 |
Zerweck Daniel |
Internetgestützte Bürgerbeteiligung in der Stadtplanung: Aktuelle Entwicklungen und das Beispiel des Informations- und Diskussionsforums
2000 |
Schulze-Wolf Tilmann |
Internetgestützte Beteiligungsverfahren in der Raumplanung - Ressourceneinsparung und zentraler Baustein einer E-Democracy-Strategie
2005 |
Hollenbach Jörn |
Internetgestützte Beteiligungsverfahren in der Regional- und Landesplanung Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns
2008 |
Richter Andreas |
Internetgestützte Beteiligungsverfahren in der Regional- und Landesplanung Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns
2008 |
Köhler Stephan |
Internetgestützte Partizipation in der Verkehrsplanung: Beteiligung und Planungsoptimierung
2007 |
Schulze-Wolf Tilmann |
Internetgestützte Partizipation in der Verkehrsplanung: Beteiligung und Planungsoptimierung
2007 |
Kuhlmann Christian |
Internetnutzung in einem Stadtplanungsamt. am Beispiel der Stadt Biberach/Riss
2001 |
Dumfarth Erich |
Interpolation von Bodenpreisoberflächen für die Stadt Salzburg
1996 |
Bitzis Ioannis |
Interreg IIIB CADSES 5C105 RARE, A Project on Railway Stations Revitalisation using the PPP approach
2007 |
Kanakoudis Vassilis |
Interreg IIIB CADSES 5C105 RARE, A Project on Railway Stations Revitalisation using the PPP approach
2007 |
Sanopoulos Angelos |
Interreg IIIB CADSES 5C105 RARE, A Project on Railway Stations Revitalisation using the PPP approach
2007 |
Mbayahe Tresor |
Interrogating Community Participation in Sustainable Water and Sanitation Management in South Africa: Policy Implications
2015 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Musakwa Walter |
Interrogating Community Participation in Sustainable Water and Sanitation Management in South Africa: Policy Implications
2015 |
Astuti Zulaikha B. |
Intertwining Big Events and Urban Strategy within Life Cycle Analysis: the Case of Solo, Central Java, Indonesia
2011 |
Lourenco Julia M. |
Intertwining Big Events and Urban Strategy within Life Cycle Analysis: the Case of Solo, Central Java, Indonesia
2011 |
Achatz Paul |
Interventionen für eine nachhaltige Mobilitätskultur?
2020 |
Berger Martin |
Interventionen für eine nachhaltige Mobilitätskultur?
2020 |
Dörrzapf Linda |
Interventionen für eine nachhaltige Mobilitätskultur?
2020 |
Iaconesi Salvatore |
Interweaving the Digital and Analog Lives of Cities: Urban Sensing and User-Generated Cities
2013 |
Persico Oriana |
Interweaving the Digital and Analog Lives of Cities: Urban Sensing and User-Generated Cities
2013 |
Aranya Rolee |
Intra-metropolitan location for global production: Case of the IT industry in Bangalore City
2005 |
Lawanson Taibat |
Intra-Urban Differentials in Poverty and Livelihoods in Selected Residential Neighbourhoods of Lagos Metropolis
2012 |
Haupt Thomas |
INTREST + EUROMAP: Intermodal digital network models for Europe
2004 |
McFarland Karsten |
INTREST + EUROMAP: Intermodal digital network models for Europe
2004 |
Ortgiese Michael |
INTREST + EUROMAP: Intermodal digital network models for Europe
2004 |
Markvica Karin |
Introducing Additional Low Emission Mobility Offers in a Well Connected Area: Challenges and Opportunities
2017 |
Markvica Karin |
Introducing Additional Low Emission Mobility Offers in a Well Connected Area: Challenges and Opportunities
2017 |
Millonig Alexandra |
Introducing Additional Low Emission Mobility Offers in a Well Connected Area: Challenges and Opportunities
2017 |
Millonig Alexandra |
Introducing Additional Low Emission Mobility Offers in a Well Connected Area: Challenges and Opportunities
2017 |
Rudloff Christian |
Introducing Additional Low Emission Mobility Offers in a Well Connected Area: Challenges and Opportunities
2017 |
Rudloff Christian |
Introducing Additional Low Emission Mobility Offers in a Well Connected Area: Challenges and Opportunities
2017 |
Chen Hang Yi |
Introducing Integrated Eco-Mobility to the New Asian Urban Model – Filling Systemic Transit Convenience Gaps. A Case in Chongqing's High-Density Jiangbei Centre
2012 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Rau Stefan |
Introducing Integrated Eco-Mobility to the New Asian Urban Model – Filling Systemic Transit Convenience Gaps. A Case in Chongqing's High-Density Jiangbei Centre
2012 |
Xu Jianfeng |
Introducing Integrated Eco-Mobility to the New Asian Urban Model – Filling Systemic Transit Convenience Gaps. A Case in Chongqing's High-Density Jiangbei Centre
2012 |
Zhang Yi Hua |
Introducing Integrated Eco-Mobility to the New Asian Urban Model – Filling Systemic Transit Convenience Gaps. A Case in Chongqing's High-Density Jiangbei Centre
2012 |
Hainoun Ali |
Introduction of Key Nexus Indicators to Assess the Urban Food-Water-Energy Nexus within the SUNEX Project
2021 |
Hainoun Ali |
Introduction of Key Nexus Indicators to Assess the Urban Food-Water-Energy Nexus within the SUNEX Project
2021 |
Loibl Wolfgang |
Introduction of Key Nexus Indicators to Assess the Urban Food-Water-Energy Nexus within the SUNEX Project
2021 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Investigating the Environmental and Economic Benefit of Waste to Energy Project: a Case Study of Methane Gas at the Thohoyandou Landfill Site
2023 |
Kone Mukona |
Investigating the Environmental and Economic Benefit of Waste to Energy Project: a Case Study of Methane Gas at the Thohoyandou Landfill Site
2023 |
Tinaro David |
Investigating the Environmental and Economic Benefit of Waste to Energy Project: a Case Study of Methane Gas at the Thohoyandou Landfill Site
2023 |
Al-Hagla Khalid |
Investigating the Main Factors of Neighbourhood Morphology Affecting Social Cohesion: SEM-PLS Analysis Approach
2023 |
Fikry Mohamed |
Investigating the Main Factors of Neighbourhood Morphology Affecting Social Cohesion: SEM-PLS Analysis Approach
2023 |
Morsy Doaa |
Investigating the Main Factors of Neighbourhood Morphology Affecting Social Cohesion: SEM-PLS Analysis Approach
2023 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Investigating the Research Landscape of Virtual Reality in Built Environment Education on the African Continent: a Bibliometric Review
2024 |
Lawrence Kiara |
Investigating the Research Landscape of Virtual Reality in Built Environment Education on the African Continent: a Bibliometric Review
2024 |
Pillay Nischolan |
Investigating the Research Landscape of Virtual Reality in Built Environment Education on the African Continent: a Bibliometric Review
2024 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Investigating Urban Regeneration and Sustainable Cities Development Nexus in the City of Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
2023 |
Makoni Eric |
Investigating Urban Regeneration and Sustainable Cities Development Nexus in the City of Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
2023 |
Ndlazi Sphamandla |
Investigating Urban Regeneration and Sustainable Cities Development Nexus in the City of Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
2023 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Investigation of the State of Spatial Transformation Policy and Practice: Lessons from the City of Johannesburg
2021 |
Makoni Eric |
Investigation of the State of Spatial Transformation Policy and Practice: Lessons from the City of Johannesburg
2021 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Moyo Thembani |
Investigation of the State of Spatial Transformation Policy and Practice: Lessons from the City of Johannesburg
2021 |
Phosho Mueletshedzi Helen |
Investigation of the State of Spatial Transformation Policy and Practice: Lessons from the City of Johannesburg
2021 |
Birett Christina |
Is Bike Sharing Competitor, Relief or Supplement to Public Transport?
2017 |
Brezina Tadej |
Is Bike Sharing Competitor, Relief or Supplement to Public Transport?
2017 |
Leth Ulrich |
Is Bike Sharing Competitor, Relief or Supplement to Public Transport?
2017 |
Ludwig Bertram |
Is Bike Sharing Competitor, Relief or Supplement to Public Transport?
2017 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
Is disinformation easier than in the past?
2008 |
Jenssen Till |
Is Green Infrastructure a Game Changer for Sustainable Regional Development? A Scenario Approach for Stuttgart Region
2020 |
Bakija Dukagjin |
Is Junik Unique? Devising Planning Policy Documents "in-house"
2010 |
Gashi Lumnije |
Is Junik Unique? Devising Planning Policy Documents "in-house"
2010 |
Tofaj Ferdone |
Is Junik Unique? Devising Planning Policy Documents "in-house"
2010 |
Yaha Teuta |
Is Junik Unique? Devising Planning Policy Documents "in-house"
2010 |
Debray Henri |
Is the New Silk Road Enhancing Urban Expansion? Spatio-Temporal Analysis with Remote Sensing Data
2021 |
Soltani Salim |
Is the New Silk Road Enhancing Urban Expansion? Spatio-Temporal Analysis with Remote Sensing Data
2021 |
Taubenböck Hannes |
Is the New Silk Road Enhancing Urban Expansion? Spatio-Temporal Analysis with Remote Sensing Data
2021 |
Zhu Xiao Xiang |
Is the New Silk Road Enhancing Urban Expansion? Spatio-Temporal Analysis with Remote Sensing Data
2021 |
Aufhauser Martin |
ISEK â A Regional Approach to Inner City Development
2024 |
Brandstetter Tom |
ISEK â A Regional Approach to Inner City Development
2024 |
Buchenberger Malene |
ISEK â A Regional Approach to Inner City Development
2024 |
Hirschler Petra |
ISEK â A Regional Approach to Inner City Development
2024 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Janesch Theresa |
ISEK â A Regional Approach to Inner City Development
2024 |
Mauri Annalisa |
ISEK â A Regional Approach to Inner City Development
2024 |
Pescatore Elio |
ISEK â A Regional Approach to Inner City Development
2024 |
Pühringer Florian |
ISEK â A Regional Approach to Inner City Development
2024 |
Sattlegger Sebastian |
ISEK â A Regional Approach to Inner City Development
2024 |
Tomaselli Markus |
ISEK â A Regional Approach to Inner City Development
2024 |
Zech Sibylla |
ISEK â A Regional Approach to Inner City Development
2024 |
Papastefanou Georgios |
Isovist and Psycho-Physiological Stress at the Pedestrian Level: A Real-Time Measurement Case Study in a High-Density City
2019 |
Xiang Luyao |
Isovist and Psycho-Physiological Stress at the Pedestrian Level: A Real-Time Measurement Case Study in a High-Density City
2019 |
Bates-Brkljac Nada |
Issues in use of computer generated representations of large-scale urban developments as planning support tools
2007 |
Counsell John |
Issues in use of computer generated representations of large-scale urban developments as planning support tools
2007 |
Wieland Thomas |
Ist der Onlinehandel Wettbewerbstreiber oder gar "Rettungsanker" für unsere Städte? Eine modellgestützte Analyse der Determinanten des Einkaufsverhaltens im Multi- und Cross-Channel-Kontext
2021 |
Franck Georg |
Ist die Raumplanung ein Motorrad? Zur Frage einer zeitgemäßen Implementierung des Ziels nachhaltiger Raumentwicklung
2000 |
Barboric Blaz |
ISTER: Connecting Historical Danube Regions Roman Routes with a GIS-based Territorial Atlas and an Online Interactive Tool
2022 |
Beyer Clemens |
ISTER: Connecting Historical Danube Regions Roman Routes with a GIS-based Territorial Atlas and an Online Interactive Tool
2022 |
Neugebauer Georg |
ISTER: Connecting Historical Danube Regions Roman Routes with a GIS-based Territorial Atlas and an Online Interactive Tool
2022 |
Schrenk Manfred |
ISTER: Connecting Historical Danube Regions Roman Routes with a GIS-based Territorial Atlas and an Online Interactive Tool
2022 |
Brunner Stefan |
ISTmobil: Customer Needs Orientated, Individual Mobility Services in Suburban Areas (Individual Mobility as a Service)
2018 |
Fürdös Alexander |
ISTmobil: Customer Needs Orientated, Individual Mobility Services in Suburban Areas (Individual Mobility as a Service)
2018 |
Sager Thomas |
ISTmobil: Customer Needs Orientated, Individual Mobility Services in Suburban Areas (Individual Mobility as a Service)
2018 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Stiasny Alexander M. |
ISTmobil: Customer Needs Orientated, Individual Mobility Services in Suburban Areas (Individual Mobility as a Service)
2018 |
Maruna Marija |
IT modeling experience in urban and regional development
2004 |
Maruna Vladimir |
IT modeling experience in urban and regional development
2004 |
Taubenböck Hannes |
It's Not Big, It's Large: Mapping and Characterizing Urban Landscapes of a Different Magnitude based on EO Data
2014 |
Wiesner Michael |
It's Not Big, It's Large: Mapping and Characterizing Urban Landscapes of a Different Magnitude based on EO Data
2014 |
Ossberger Markus |
It's the Footprint, Stupid! Urban Assessment by Footprinting Public Transit
2012 |
Fiby Hans |
ITS Vienna Region - Verkehrsmanagement in der Ost-Region
2007 |
Eiraji Javad |
Ivan: Creator of Sustainability in Iranian Old Houses
2012 |
Joudi Gollar Pouya |
Ivan: Creator of Sustainability in Iranian Old Houses
2012 |
Ramiz Amin |
Ivan: Creator of Sustainability in Iranian Old Houses
2012 |
Tutunchi Sayed Saeed |
Ivan: Creator of Sustainability in Iranian Old Houses
2012 |
Schwarz Hans-Günther |
Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe – a new Approach to Funding Research on Urban Issues and Technologies in Europe
2011 |
Kubeczko Klaus |
JPI Urban Europe – Urban Megatrends Study
2013 |
Loibl Wolfgang |
JPI Urban Europe – Urban Megatrends Study
2013 |
Riegler Johannes |
JPI Urban Europe – Urban Megatrends Study
2013 |
Zepf Elmar |
Können lokal Verwurzelte die globale Gesellschaft bereichern?
2003 |
Petersen Ulrike |
2000 |
Pamer Volkmar |
KABELWERK, Genese eines neuen Stadtteils
2007 |
Seethaler Christian |
KABELWERK, Genese eines neuen Stadtteils
2007 |
Judmayr Susanne |
Kalibrierungsprozeduren von Verkehrsmodellen am Beispiel einer durchgeführten Verkehrsprognose für den Personen- und Güterverkehr in Europa
1998 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Niedertscheider Hannes |
Kann die Raumordnung online ein Schritt zur besseren Raumordnung in Tirol sein?
2002 |
Bauer-Wolf Stefan |
Karten gegen "Grenzen im Kopf"
2000 |
Gartner Georg |
Kartographie und Internet - Auswirkungen für die moderne Kartographie
1998 |
Lechthaler Mirjanka |
Kartographisches Datenqualitätskonzept in einem komplexen Rauminformationssystem
1999 |
Scoppetta Cecilia |
Keeping the Public Sphere Anchored to Social Changes
2013 |
Junussova Madina |
Key Impacts of Economic Integration of Kazakhstan on Spatial Development of its Settlements
2012 |
Laconte Pierre |
Keynote: Urban planning and transport in the global economy: What can be done?
2006 |
Böhmer Hans Jürgen |
KGIS, ein katasterbasiertes Kulturlandschaftsinformationssystem als Grundlage für die Landschaftsplanung.
2003 |
Bender Oliver |
KGIS, ein katasterbasiertes Kulturlandschaftsinformationssystem als Grundlage für die Landschaftsplanung.
2003 |
Jens Doreen |
KGIS, ein katasterbasiertes Kulturlandschaftsinformationssystem als Grundlage für die Landschaftsplanung.
2003 |
Häusler Axel |
KI-gestützter Wordcloud-Generator für Beteiligungsprozesse
2021 |
Oldenburg Carsten |
KI-gestützter Wordcloud-Generator für Beteiligungsprozesse
2021 |
Fabisch Martin |
Klimabelange in der Bauleitplanung
2020 |
Henninger Sascha |
Klimabelange in der Bauleitplanung
2020 |
Langer Thomas |
Klimabelange in der Bauleitplanung
2020 |
Rumberg Martin |
Klimabelange in der Bauleitplanung
2020 |
Bäumer Doris |
Klimaverträglich mobil in Zeiten des demographischen Wandels – wie Wohnen Mobilität bestimmt
2013 |
Stiewe Mechtild |
Klimaverträglich mobil in Zeiten des demographischen Wandels – wie Wohnen Mobilität bestimmt
2013 |
Fink Theresa |
KLIMUR: Methodik für ein klimaresilientes urbanes Ressourcenmanagement zur Umsetzung einer lokalen Ressourcenkreislaufwirtschaft
2022 |
Gebetsroither-Geringer Ernst |
KLIMUR: Methodik für ein klimaresilientes urbanes Ressourcenmanagement zur Umsetzung einer lokalen Ressourcenkreislaufwirtschaft
2022 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Geier Stefan |
KLIMUR: Methodik für ein klimaresilientes urbanes Ressourcenmanagement zur Umsetzung einer lokalen Ressourcenkreislaufwirtschaft
2022 |
Gugumuck Andreas |
KLIMUR: Methodik für ein klimaresilientes urbanes Ressourcenmanagement zur Umsetzung einer lokalen Ressourcenkreislaufwirtschaft
2022 |
Jung Martin |
KLIMUR: Methodik für ein klimaresilientes urbanes Ressourcenmanagement zur Umsetzung einer lokalen Ressourcenkreislaufwirtschaft
2022 |
Löffler Roman |
KLIMUR: Methodik für ein klimaresilientes urbanes Ressourcenmanagement zur Umsetzung einer lokalen Ressourcenkreislaufwirtschaft
2022 |
Podmirsek Daniel |
KLIMUR: Methodik für ein klimaresilientes urbanes Ressourcenmanagement zur Umsetzung einer lokalen Ressourcenkreislaufwirtschaft
2022 |
Vobruba Tamara |
KLIMUR: Methodik für ein klimaresilientes urbanes Ressourcenmanagement zur Umsetzung einer lokalen Ressourcenkreislaufwirtschaft
2022 |
Wirth Maria |
KLIMUR: Methodik für ein klimaresilientes urbanes Ressourcenmanagement zur Umsetzung einer lokalen Ressourcenkreislaufwirtschaft
2022 |
Drewe Paul |
Knowledge-based urban and regional development in the ICT age - the rich and the latecomers
2004 |
Schreiner Sarah C. |
Ko-produktive Stadtentwicklung? Steuerungsansätze und Steuerungsprobleme mit kreativen Wertschöpfungsprozessen
2020 |
Braito Michael |
Kollektive Strategien für zukunftsfähige Stadtentwicklung – Erfahrungen aus einem partizipativen Szenarienprozess in Niederösterreich
2013 |
Penker Marianne |
Kollektive Strategien für zukunftsfähige Stadtentwicklung – Erfahrungen aus einem partizipativen Szenarienprozess in Niederösterreich
2013 |
Schauppenlehner-Kloyber Elisabeth |
Kollektive Strategien für zukunftsfähige Stadtentwicklung – Erfahrungen aus einem partizipativen Szenarienprozess in Niederösterreich
2013 |
Berger Martin |
Kombiniertes Carsharing und Ridesharing: eine gemeinschaftsbasierte Mobilitätslösung für den ländlichen Raum?
2017 |
Dorner Fabian |
Kombiniertes Carsharing und Ridesharing: eine gemeinschaftsbasierte Mobilitätslösung für den ländlichen Raum?
2017 |
Kalasek Robert |
Kommunale Informationssysteme in Österreich
1997 |
Graf Katharina |
Kommunale Profile zur Prüfung möglicher Ãbertragbarkeiten von lokalen Entwicklungskonzepten
2020 |
Graf Katharina |
Kommunale Profile zur Prüfung möglicher Ãbertragbarkeiten von lokalen Entwicklungskonzepten
2020 |
von Both Petra |
Kommunale Profile zur Prüfung möglicher Ãbertragbarkeiten von lokalen Entwicklungskonzepten
2020 |
Prinz Thomas |
Kommunale Raumanalyse mit Nachhaltigkeits-Indikatoren
2005 |
Reithofer Josef |
Kommunale Raumanalyse mit Nachhaltigkeits-Indikatoren
2005 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Jooss Rüdiger |
Kommunale Schutzverantwortung für Zielarten der Fauna in Baden-Württemberg: ein planungsorientierter Einsatz von Habitatmodellen
2005 |
Brandl Anja |
Kommunales Handeln beim Flächenmanagement
2009 |
Drewitz Silke |
Kommunales Informationsmanagement: Partielle Umsetzung eines umfassenden Kommunalen Informationssystems auf Grundlage der Stadtverwaltung Pirmasens
2001 |
Stark Carmen |
Kommunales Informationsmanagement: Partielle Umsetzung eines umfassenden Kommunalen Informationssystems auf Grundlage der Stadtverwaltung Pirmasens
2001 |
Paumgartner Gabriela |
Kommunikationsstrategien für erfolgreiche Stadtviertelentwicklung am Praxisbeispiel "Andräviertel"
2011 |
Czeranka Marion |
Kompensation in der Raumplanung mit GIS-Unterstützung
1997 |
Peithmann Ortwin |
Kompensation in der Raumplanung mit GIS-Unterstützung
1997 |
Brandenburg Christiane |
Konfliktbewältigung und Konfliktprävention beim Management landschaftsbezogener Freizeit- und Erholungsaktivitäten
2007 |
Ziener Karen |
Konfliktbewältigung und Konfliktprävention beim Management landschaftsbezogener Freizeit- und Erholungsaktivitäten
2007 |
Gertz Carsten |
Konfliktfelder von wachsenden Logistikknoten
2008 |
Wagner Tina |
Konfliktfelder von wachsenden Logistikknoten
2008 |
Kordina Hans |
Konfliktsituationen in der (offenen) Planung. Lösungen und Anforderungen an die Städte
2010 |
Riedmann Bettina |
Konfliktsituationen in der (offenen) Planung. Lösungen und Anforderungen an die Städte
2010 |
Taghian Christiana |
Konsens durch Kommunikation. Chancen und Strategien für nachhaltige Lösungen bei Veränderungsprozessen in der Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung
2004 |
Wiklund Michael |
Konsens durch Kommunikation. Chancen und Strategien für nachhaltige Lösungen bei Veränderungsprozessen in der Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung
2004 |
Buchmüller Lydia |
Kontextualisierte und integrale Planungspattformen in der physischen und virtuellen Welt - Europas Zukunft
2002 |
Frey Annett |
Kontextualisierte und integrale Planungspattformen in der physischen und virtuellen Welt - Europas Zukunft
2002 |
Hasner Rolf |
Kontextualisierte und integrale Planungspattformen in der physischen und virtuellen Welt - Europas Zukunft
2002 |
Schäfer Sonja |
Kontextualisierte und integrale Planungspattformen in der physischen und virtuellen Welt - Europas Zukunft
2002 |
Weidner Uli |
Kontextualisierte und integrale Planungspattformen in der physischen und virtuellen Welt - Europas Zukunft
2002 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Kissel Harald |
Konversion in Darmstadt
2011 |
Riedl Manfred |
Konzept für eine Österreichische Geodatenpolitik
2003 |
Schwarz-v. Raumer Hans-Georg |
Konzept und Anwendung einer GIS-gestützten Modell- und Methodenbank für die raumbezogene Planung
1996 |
Finger Ralf |
Konzept und Entwicklung einer digitalen Arbeitskarte zum Regenwassermanagement für das Stadtgebiet Dortmund Vorname Name
1999 |
Glende Annelies |
Konzept und Entwicklung einer digitalen Arbeitskarte zum Regenwassermanagement für das Stadtgebiet Dortmund Vorname Name
1999 |
Benner Joachim |
Konzepte länderspezifischer Erweiterungen standardiserter Objektmodelle am Beispiel des Standards XPlanung in der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
2010 |
Eichhorn Thomas |
Konzepte länderspezifischer Erweiterungen standardiserter Objektmodelle am Beispiel des Standards XPlanung in der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
2010 |
Krause Kai-Uwe |
Konzepte länderspezifischer Erweiterungen standardiserter Objektmodelle am Beispiel des Standards XPlanung in der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
2010 |
Zepf Elmar |
Konzeption für die Stadt in der Informationsgesellschaft - Wie wird aus der konventionellen Stadt ein Ort der Interaktion und des Lernens?
2000 |
Jetter Eric |
Konzeption und Realisierung der Präsentation komplexer Planinhalte auf CD-ROM - der PLANALYST
2002 |
Jung Stefan |
Konzeption und Realisierung der Präsentation komplexer Planinhalte auf CD-ROM - der PLANALYST
2002 |
Schaal Peter |
Konzeption und Realisierung der Präsentation komplexer Planinhalte auf CD-ROM - der PLANALYST
2002 |
Slaby Nico |
Konzeption und Realisierung der Präsentation komplexer Planinhalte auf CD-ROM - der PLANALYST
2002 |
Trillitzsch Uwe |
Konzeption, Aufbau und Einsatz des digitalen Flächennutzungsplans der Stadt Herne
1999 |
Wegner Harald |
Konzeption, Aufbau und Einsatz des digitalen Flächennutzungsplans der Stadt Herne
1999 |
Küpferle Christoph |
Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zur Implementierung eines DSS-Planer-Client im Interreg-IIIB-Projekt FLOWS (Flood Plain Land Use Optimizing Workable Sustainability)
2006 |
Krause Kai-Uwe |
Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zur Implementierung eines DSS-Planer-Client im Interreg-IIIB-Projekt FLOWS (Flood Plain Land Use Optimizing Workable Sustainability)
2006 |
Simon Olaf |
Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zur Implementierung eines DSS-Planer-Client im Interreg-IIIB-Projekt FLOWS (Flood Plain Land Use Optimizing Workable Sustainability)
2006 |
Tressl Stephan |
Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zur Implementierung eines DSS-Planer-Client im Interreg-IIIB-Projekt FLOWS (Flood Plain Land Use Optimizing Workable Sustainability)
2006 |
Schildwächter Ralph |
Kooperative Planungs- und Kommunikationsplattform
2003 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Wettels Pierre |
Kooperative Planungs- und Kommunikationsplattform
2003 |
Zeile Peter |
Kooperative Planungs- und Kommunikationsplattform
2003 |
Deutsch Michael |
Kooperativer Planungsprozess zur Transformation der Zinzendorfgasse in Graz in eine Begegnungszone
2022 |
Gürtl Karlheinz |
Kooperativer Planungsprozess zur Transformation der Zinzendorfgasse in Graz in eine Begegnungszone
2022 |
Hammerl Barbara |
Kooperativer Planungsprozess zur Transformation der Zinzendorfgasse in Graz in eine Begegnungszone
2022 |
Herzog Gabriele |
Kooperativer Planungsprozess zur Transformation der Zinzendorfgasse in Graz in eine Begegnungszone
2022 |
Stawecka Gosia |
Kooperativer Planungsprozess zur Transformation der Zinzendorfgasse in Graz in eine Begegnungszone
2022 |
Lenhart Michael |
Kooperatives Planen und Entwerfen über Netzportale
2001 |
Zeile Peter |
Kooperatives Planen und Entwerfen über Netzportale
2001 |
Kropf Heimo |
Koordination und Kooperation von nationalen Verkehrsforschungsprogrammen in Europa im Rahmen von ERA-NET-Transport - ein Zwischenbericht
2006 |
Dimitrijevic Maja |
KornetCity: An Operational Model for Belgrade, Serbia
2010 |
Prosperi David |
KornetCity: An Operational Model for Belgrade, Serbia
2010 |
Huemer Johannes |
Korneuburg 2036 — eine Stadt plant sich selbst. Die Frage nach Langfristigkeit und Verlässlichkeit in der kooperativen Stadtentwicklung
2016 |
Schauppenlehner-Kloyber Elisabeth |
Korneuburg 2036 — eine Stadt plant sich selbst. Die Frage nach Langfristigkeit und Verlässlichkeit in der kooperativen Stadtentwicklung
2016 |
Figl Hildegrund |
Korneuburg's way2smart – Mobility Concept, Energy Platform and Social Interaction
2017 |
Kerschbaum Elisabeth |
Korneuburg's way2smart – Mobility Concept, Energy Platform and Social Interaction
2017 |
Laurent Pierre |
Korneuburg's way2smart – Mobility Concept, Energy Platform and Social Interaction
2017 |
Schneider Simon |
Korneuburg's way2smart – Mobility Concept, Energy Platform and Social Interaction
2017 |
Tabakovic Momir |
Korneuburg's way2smart – Mobility Concept, Energy Platform and Social Interaction
2017 |
Zelger Thomas |
Korneuburg's way2smart – Mobility Concept, Energy Platform and Social Interaction
2017 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Friedwagner Andreas |
KORS - Verkehrsreduktion durch kompakte Raumstrukturen
2007 |
Langthaler Thomas |
KORS - Verkehrsreduktion durch kompakte Raumstrukturen
2007 |
Falch Reinhard |
Kosten-Entwicklung des EDV-Einsatzes in der Raumplanung
1997 |
Röck Hartwig |
Kosten-Entwicklung des EDV-Einsatzes in der Raumplanung
1997 |
Spielmann Klaus |
Kosten-Entwicklung des EDV-Einsatzes in der Raumplanung
1997 |
Farthofer Martin |
Kostenreduktion im Bereich der Infrastruktur durch LifeCycle-Management
2012 |
Fritz Roman |
Kostenreduktion im Bereich der Infrastruktur durch LifeCycle-Management
2012 |
Emberger Günter |
Kritische Betrachtung rechnergestützter Verkehrsplanung
1999 |
Pfaffenbichler Paul |
Kritische Betrachtung rechnergestützter Verkehrsplanung
1999 |
Stein Robert |
KSIUNDERGROUND – kommunale Serviceplattform für Abwasser-Infrastrukturen
2004 |
Jusoh Hamzah |
Kuala Lumpur towards a sustainable and competitive globalizing city region: Can multimedia super corridor (MSC) be a driving force?
2004 |
Pietsch Jürgen |
Kultivierung von Kultur- und WIssensräumen - nachhaltige Prozesse kultivieren statt vergeblich Ideal-Zustände planen
2005 |
Floris Roberta |
L'altra faccia dell'economia: gli street vendors e l'uso dello spazio urbano nell'area metropolitana di Cagliari
2013 |
Mereu Anania |
L'altra faccia dell'economia: gli street vendors e l'uso dello spazio urbano nell'area metropolitana di Cagliari
2013 |
Sidel Regina |
L(i)ebenswerte Quartiere - Methode der Wohnportraits als Beitrag zur smarteren Planung?!
2014 |
Stiewe Mechtild |
L(i)ebenswerte Quartiere - Methode der Wohnportraits als Beitrag zur smarteren Planung?!
2014 |
Dietrich Carolin |
Lampertheim effizient - Herausforderungen für Mittelstädte im Rahmen der Smart-City-Debatte
2014 |
Trum Anika |
Lampertheim effizient - Herausforderungen für Mittelstädte im Rahmen der Smart-City-Debatte
2014 |
Witte Andreas |
Lampertheim effizient - Herausforderungen für Mittelstädte im Rahmen der Smart-City-Debatte
2014 |
Dutta Bikram Kumar |
Land Acquisition Policy in India: An effictive Inclusive Planning or Exclusive Planning Policy?
2014 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Mansberger Reinfried |
Land Administration to Decrease the Poverty?
2017 |
Navratil Gerhard |
Land Administration to Decrease the Poverty?
2017 |
Borra Bernardina |
Land as a Scarce Resource, Work and Workspaces as a Common. The Case of the Metropolitan Region Amsterdam
2020 |
Urhahn Gert |
Land as a Scarce Resource, Work and Workspaces as a Common. The Case of the Metropolitan Region Amsterdam
2020 |
Handayani Wiwandari |
Land Demand and Land Potential of Central Java in 2030: a Forecast to Promote a More Balanced Development Policy
2011 |
Mangels Kirsten |
Land l(i)eben â künftig alles smart? Chancen und Herausforderungen der digitalen Transformation für regionale Entwicklung am Beispiel des Landkreises Kusel
2023 |
Weber Tobias |
Land l(i)eben â künftig alles smart? Chancen und Herausforderungen der digitalen Transformation für regionale Entwicklung am Beispiel des Landkreises Kusel
2023 |
Niemann Karl |
Land oder Stadt, das ist die Entscheidung einer persönlichen Raumplanung
2018 |
Ingwani Emaculate |
Land Transactions and Planning Interventions in Domboshava Peri-Urban Communal Area, Zimbabwe: Challenges and Pitfalls
2015 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Land Use and Physical Structure Changes: An Expo of Maboneng Precinct
2019 |
Letlape Bonolo |
Land Use and Physical Structure Changes: An Expo of Maboneng Precinct
2019 |
Adekunle Salami |
Land Use and Traffic Pattern along Lagos – Badagry Corridor, Lagos, Nigeria
2011 |
Alade Wale |
Land Use and Traffic Pattern along Lagos – Badagry Corridor, Lagos, Nigeria
2011 |
Oduwaye Leke |
Land Use and Traffic Pattern along Lagos – Badagry Corridor, Lagos, Nigeria
2011 |
Claeys Marjolijn |
Land Use Plans: Long Live the Crocodiles
2015 |
Leinfelder Hans |
Land Use Plans: Long Live the Crocodiles
2015 |
Dimelli Despina |
Land uses allocation as key to city's environmental improvement
2009 |
Tsouderos Ioannis |
Land uses allocation as key to city's environmental improvement
2009 |
Mitoula Roido |
Land uses in Greek cities
2006 |
Stefanou Joseph |
Land uses in Greek cities
2006 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Tsouderos Ioannis |
Land Uses: Anything Anywhere & Anytime? Yes, but How Thematically and Where Areally?
2012 |
Kulawik Robert |
Landesweite 3D-Stadtmodelle im Internet auf Basis offener Standards des Open Geospatial Consortiums (OGC) - das Beispiel Nordrhein-Westfalen-3D
2009 |
Schilling Arne |
Landesweite 3D-Stadtmodelle im Internet auf Basis offener Standards des Open Geospatial Consortiums (OGC) - das Beispiel Nordrhein-Westfalen-3D
2009 |
Zipf Alexander |
Landesweite 3D-Stadtmodelle im Internet auf Basis offener Standards des Open Geospatial Consortiums (OGC) - das Beispiel Nordrhein-Westfalen-3D
2009 |
Abart-Heriszt Lore |
Landesweite, GIS-unterstützte Standortbeurteilung als Grundlage für die überörtliche Raumplanung
1999 |
Redik Michael |
Landesweite, GIS-unterstützte Standortbeurteilung als Grundlage für die überörtliche Raumplanung
1999 |
Seger Martin |
LANDINFORMATIONSSYSTEM Österreich - ein neuer Datensatz für regionale Raumordnungsfragen
1999 |
Prins Marielle |
Landing an airport? Airport development and strategic land use planning in the EU
2008 |
Bojanic Obad Scitaroci Bojana |
Landscape as a Connection – Beyond Boundaries
2013 |
Maric Tamara |
Landscape as a Connection – Beyond Boundaries
2013 |
Zaninovic Josip |
Landscape as a Connection – Beyond Boundaries
2013 |
Lehmkühler Stefan |
Landscape planning and visualisation -World Construction @ Frankfurt
2001 |
Erny Gudrun |
Landschaftsplanung im Internet
1998 |
Dörr Heinz |
Landside-Airside-Schnittstelle für die Energie- und Verkehrswende?
2022 |
Körnig-Pich Rebecca |
Landwirtschaftliche Konversion – Chancen der Umnutzung ehemaliger Landwirtschaftsbetriebe an den Siedlungsrändern
2017 |
Greif Franz |
Landwirtschaftliche Raumplanung
2001 |
Pfusterschmid Sophie |
Landwirtschaftliche Raumplanung
2001 |
Wagner Klaus |
Landwirtschaftliche Raumplanung
2001 |
Brunner Franz |
Langfristige Bürger/-innen-Beteiligung - ein Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung
2009 |
Murawski Manuel |
Large Housing Estates – Analysing the Morphologic Similarities and Differences of a Specific Town Planning Concept
2018 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Taubenböck Hannes |
Large Housing Estates – Analysing the Morphologic Similarities and Differences of a Specific Town Planning Concept
2018 |
Wurm Michael |
Large Housing Estates – Analysing the Morphologic Similarities and Differences of a Specific Town Planning Concept
2018 |
Busch Heinz |
Laserscanning in der Raumplanung
2004 |
Lüthy Jürg |
Laserscanning in der Raumplanung
2004 |
Erlbeck Lars |
Latent Heat Storage to Improve the Urban Microclimate
2024 |
Kaufmann Hans Rüdiger |
Latent Heat Storage to Improve the Urban Microclimate
2024 |
Rädle Matthias |
Latent Heat Storage to Improve the Urban Microclimate
2024 |
Walch Thomas |
Latent Heat Storage to Improve the Urban Microclimate
2024 |
Ãnsal-Peter Gamze |
Latent Heat Storage to Improve the Urban Microclimate
2024 |
Cardinale Tiziana |
Le Politiche Temporali Urbane tra Pianificazione e Inclusivita Sociale: il Caso dei Piani Territoriali dei Tempi e degli Spazi della Regione Puglia in Italia
2013 |
Pavia Laura |
Le Politiche Temporali Urbane tra Pianificazione e Inclusivita Sociale: il Caso dei Piani Territoriali dei Tempi e degli Spazi della Regione Puglia in Italia
2013 |
Fava Nadia |
Learning from Barcelona: Towards Urban Sustainability
2010 |
Marsal Maria Luisa |
Learning from Barcelona: Towards Urban Sustainability
2010 |
Maier Karel |
Learning the public preferences for living environment characteristics: the experimental approach
2007 |
Vorel Jakub |
Learning the public preferences for living environment characteristics: the experimental approach
2007 |
Capari Leo |
Leben2050 - Bürgerbeteiligung in einer vorausschauenden Studie zu selbstbestimmtem Leben im Alter in Wien
2014 |
Gudowsky Niklas |
Leben2050 - Bürgerbeteiligung in einer vorausschauenden Studie zu selbstbestimmtem Leben im Alter in Wien
2014 |
Sotoudeh Mahshid |
Leben2050 - Bürgerbeteiligung in einer vorausschauenden Studie zu selbstbestimmtem Leben im Alter in Wien
2014 |
Mattanovich Ernst |
Lebensrauminventare Flächenhafte Erfassung von Naturwerten für die Raumplanung
1997 |
Megerle Heidi |
Lebenszyklen und Transformationsprozesse eines städtischen Boulevards – die Rue de la République in Marseille
2011 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Braun Steffen |
Leichtbau im urbanen System: Potenzialanalyse für die Entwicklung performativer Planungsansätze bei innovativen Bauvorhaben
2022 |
Schwimmer Edith |
Leichtbau im urbanen System: Potenzialanalyse für die Entwicklung performativer Planungsansätze bei innovativen Bauvorhaben
2022 |
Bormes Yvonne |
Leitprojekt ECR Energy City Graz-Reininghaus
2014 |
Hofbauer Kersten |
Leitprojekt ECR Energy City Graz-Reininghaus
2014 |
Kreiner Helmuth |
Leitprojekt ECR Energy City Graz-Reininghaus
2014 |
Mach Thomas |
Leitprojekt ECR Energy City Graz-Reininghaus
2014 |
Maier Stephan |
Leitprojekt ECR Energy City Graz-Reininghaus
2014 |
Passer Alexander |
Leitprojekt ECR Energy City Graz-Reininghaus
2014 |
Rainer Ernst |
Leitprojekt ECR Energy City Graz-Reininghaus
2014 |
Schnitzer Hans |
Leitprojekt ECR Energy City Graz-Reininghaus
2014 |
Wieland Thomas |
Leitprojekt ECR Energy City Graz-Reininghaus
2014 |
Dane Gamze Z. |
Leveraging Newly Available Big Data for Urban Architectural Heritage: Designing a Recommendation System for Heritage Sites through the Lens of Social Media
2020 |
de Vries Bauke |
Leveraging Newly Available Big Data for Urban Architectural Heritage: Designing a Recommendation System for Heritage Sites through the Lens of Social Media
2020 |
Karayazi Sevim Sezi |
Leveraging Newly Available Big Data for Urban Architectural Heritage: Designing a Recommendation System for Heritage Sites through the Lens of Social Media
2020 |
Zupan Vesna |
Libraries of Serbia on their way to the City 3.0
2009 |
Koch Thomas |
Lifestyle Center – a new approach for designing better cities
2007 |
Borgers Aloys |
Lifestyles, New Uses, and the Redevelopment of Industrial Heritage Sites: A Case Study of Strijp-S, Eindhoven
2019 |
Dane Gamze |
Lifestyles, New Uses, and the Redevelopment of Industrial Heritage Sites: A Case Study of Strijp-S, Eindhoven
2019 |
Tilma Femke |
Lifestyles, New Uses, and the Redevelopment of Industrial Heritage Sites: A Case Study of Strijp-S, Eindhoven
2019 |
Zeimentz Rainer |
LIMES – From Beacons to Facebook
2013 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Althoff Sebastian |
LIMES – Large Scale Mobile European Services for Culture Tourism
2012 |
Kratz Norman |
LIMES – Large Scale Mobile European Services for Culture Tourism
2012 |
Landwehr Gregor |
LIMES – Large Scale Mobile European Services for Culture Tourism
2012 |
Schafranski Franz |
LIMES – Older than the Way of St. James
2013 |
Hamann Daniel |
LIMES – Turning on the Light Switch
2013 |
Wunderlich Katrin |
LIMES – Turning on the Light Switch
2013 |
Alberts Maris |
Linked Open Data for Environmental Protection in Smart Regions - the New Challenge for the Use of Environmental Data and Information
2014 |
Barvika Sarmite |
Linked Open Data for Environmental Protection in Smart Regions - the New Challenge for the Use of Environmental Data and Information
2014 |
Charvat Karel |
Linked Open Data for Environmental Protection in Smart Regions - the New Challenge for the Use of Environmental Data and Information
2014 |
Harnoncourt Max |
Linking facts - Web 2.0 für Bauprojekte
2008 |
Abdel-Salam Hassan |
Linking Urban Regeneration to Sustainable Urban Development of Smart Cities
2019 |
Abdo Mai |
Linking Urban Regeneration to Sustainable Urban Development of Smart Cities
2019 |
Ayad Hany |
Linking Urban Regeneration to Sustainable Urban Development of Smart Cities
2019 |
Taha Dina |
Linking Urban Regeneration to Sustainable Urban Development of Smart Cities
2019 |
Androsch Peter |
Linz Charter - Guideline for Urban Development: Architecture, Traffic and Urban Planning have become "Deaf" Disciplines in which Acoustic Consequences are Treated Without Concern
2010 |
Morgado Sofia |
Lisbon: Towards a supra-metropolitan configuration?
2007 |
Mitrovic Biserka |
Livability and Social Integration vs. Economic Crisis and Trends of Transition: Case Study of Local Planning in Belgrade
2012 |
Simeuncevic-Radulovic Sanja |
Livability and Social Integration vs. Economic Crisis and Trends of Transition: Case Study of Local Planning in Belgrade
2012 |
Downes Nigel |
Liveable and Resilient Ho Chi Minh City: Tackling the Challenges of Climate Change, Energy Security and Sustainable Urban Development
2010 |
Storch Harry |
Liveable and Resilient Ho Chi Minh City: Tackling the Challenges of Climate Change, Energy Security and Sustainable Urban Development
2010 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Eckert Ronald |
Liveable City TP. Ho Chi Minh - Adaptation as response to impacts of climate change
2009 |
Schinkel Ulrike |
Liveable City TP. Ho Chi Minh - Adaptation as response to impacts of climate change
2009 |
De Kempeneer Niels |
Living and Working in a Healthy Environment: How Sensor Research in Flanders can Help Measure and Monitor Exposure to Certain Environmental Factors
2023 |
De Mulder Sophie |
Living and Working in a Healthy Environment: How Sensor Research in Flanders can Help Measure and Monitor Exposure to Certain Environmental Factors
2023 |
Goethals Michel |
Living and Working in a Healthy Environment: How Sensor Research in Flanders can Help Measure and Monitor Exposure to Certain Environmental Factors
2023 |
Gomme Liesbeth |
Living and Working in a Healthy Environment: How Sensor Research in Flanders can Help Measure and Monitor Exposure to Certain Environmental Factors
2023 |
Mampaey Maja |
Living and Working in a Healthy Environment: How Sensor Research in Flanders can Help Measure and Monitor Exposure to Certain Environmental Factors
2023 |
Teughels Caroline |
Living and Working in a Healthy Environment: How Sensor Research in Flanders can Help Measure and Monitor Exposure to Certain Environmental Factors
2023 |
Van Campenhout Karen |
Living and Working in a Healthy Environment: How Sensor Research in Flanders can Help Measure and Monitor Exposure to Certain Environmental Factors
2023 |
Van Haute Geert |
Living and Working in a Healthy Environment: How Sensor Research in Flanders can Help Measure and Monitor Exposure to Certain Environmental Factors
2023 |
Van Haver Philippe |
Living and Working in a Healthy Environment: How Sensor Research in Flanders can Help Measure and Monitor Exposure to Certain Environmental Factors
2023 |
Van Hoof Tine |
Living and Working in a Healthy Environment: How Sensor Research in Flanders can Help Measure and Monitor Exposure to Certain Environmental Factors
2023 |
Verlaek Mart |
Living and Working in a Healthy Environment: How Sensor Research in Flanders can Help Measure and Monitor Exposure to Certain Environmental Factors
2023 |
Nieminen Niina |
Living Environment Information Services – Enhancing the Collaboration between Authorities and the Citizens
2013 |
Tanskanen Tiia |
Living Environment Information Services – Enhancing the Collaboration between Authorities and the Citizens
2013 |
Vartiainen Kaarina |
Living Environment Information Services – Enhancing the Collaboration between Authorities and the Citizens
2013 |
Jiang Ying |
Living Heritage Protection in China Urban Renewal Planning: A Case Study of Quanzhou West Street
2015 |
Wen Luo |
Living Heritage Protection in China Urban Renewal Planning: A Case Study of Quanzhou West Street
2015 |
Ye Cheng Liu |
Living Heritage Protection in China Urban Renewal Planning: A Case Study of Quanzhou West Street
2015 |
Hirschler Petra |
Local Agenda 21 Plus Josefstadt: Smart Projects to Share Space, Talents, Knowledge, Objects and much more
2016 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Zech Sibylla |
Local Agenda 21 Plus Josefstadt: Smart Projects to Share Space, Talents, Knowledge, Objects and much more
2016 |
Schroeder Carolin |
Local Climate Adaptation Governance: Challenges to Transformation
2023 |
Lan I-Chih |
Local Developmental State? State-led Entrepreneurial City? Deconstructing Shenzhen's Pathway of Local Growth Political Economy Pressed by Pearl River Delta Intercity Competiiton
2009 |
Ciupa Szymon |
Local land use plan on web site or information about land use? Examples from Poland.
2007 |
Fogel Piotr |
Local land use plan on web site or information about land use? Examples from Poland.
2007 |
Alade Wale |
Locational Analysis of Telecommunications Infrastructure in Residential Neigbourhoods of Lagos Metropolis
2011 |
Bishi Hakeem |
Locational Analysis of Telecommunications Infrastructure in Residential Neigbourhoods of Lagos Metropolis
2011 |
Olajide Oluwafemi |
Locational Analysis of Telecommunications Infrastructure in Residential Neigbourhoods of Lagos Metropolis
2011 |
Wagner Tina |
Logistics land use - A buffer between harbour areas and urban neighborhoods?
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Wächter Joachim |
Lokale Geodateninfrastrukturen: Potenziale und Auswirkungen am Beispiel Brandenburgs
2004 |
Wächter Joachim |
Lokale Geodateninfrastrukturen: Potenziale und Auswirkungen am Beispiel Brandenburgs
2004 |
Habbel Franz-Reinhard |
Lokalität als neuer Hype im Internet - Europas Weg in der Informationsgesellschaft
2002 |
Ryser Judith |
London After the Spectacle Year, Who Claims Which Space and Who Gets it?
2013 |
Alvarez Alan |
Long Waves, Lifecycles, and Urban Development: Context for Short-Term Purposeful Action
2011 |
Enlil Zeynep |
Long Waves, Lifecycles, and Urban Development: Context for Short-Term Purposeful Action
2011 |
Prosperi David |
Long Waves, Lifecycles, and Urban Development: Context for Short-Term Purposeful Action
2011 |
Root Justin |
Long Waves, Lifecycles, and Urban Development: Context for Short-Term Purposeful Action
2011 |
Calbris Gaëtan |
Long-range, Seamless Traffic Density Monitoring using Fibre Optic Acoustic Sensing
2022 |
Coronel Carmina |
Long-range, Seamless Traffic Density Monitoring using Fibre Optic Acoustic Sensing
2022 |
Döller Herbert |
Long-range, Seamless Traffic Density Monitoring using Fibre Optic Acoustic Sensing
2022 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Litzenberger Martin |
Long-range, Seamless Traffic Density Monitoring using Fibre Optic Acoustic Sensing
2022 |
Schweiger Bernhard |
Long-range, Seamless Traffic Density Monitoring using Fibre Optic Acoustic Sensing
2022 |
Wohlleben Kilian |
Long-range, Seamless Traffic Density Monitoring using Fibre Optic Acoustic Sensing
2022 |
Beijer Jorick |
Longing for the Ordinary – the Meaning of Authentic Places in the North-American Metropolis
2013 |
Rembeza Magdalena |
Looking for New Ideas of Public Space – Public Space Projects in Gdansk Reinforced by Art Activities
2012 |
Keseru Imre |
LOOPER: Towards a Methodology of Co-Design Approaches
2018 |
Macharis Cathy |
LOOPER: Towards a Methodology of Co-Design Approaches
2018 |
Wiegmann Mareile |
LOOPER: Towards a Methodology of Co-Design Approaches
2018 |
Pinson Ebon Armon |
Lovable City: Maintaining our Beliefs While Living in a Changing World and Building Towards a Better Society
2011 |
Yu Bochun |
Lovable City: Maintaining our Beliefs While Living in a Changing World and Building Towards a Better Society
2011 |
Zhang Hao |
Lovable City: Maintaining our Beliefs While Living in a Changing World and Building Towards a Better Society
2011 |
Borovský Peter |
Low cost high quality 3D virtual city models
2004 |
Ftacnik Milan |
Low cost high quality 3D virtual city models
2004 |
Samuelcik Martin |
Low cost high quality 3D virtual city models
2004 |
Battisti Kurt |
Low Tech Solution for Smart Cities — Optimization Tool CityCalc for Solar Urban Design
2016 |
Gratzl-Michlmair Markus |
Low Tech Solution for Smart Cities — Optimization Tool CityCalc for Solar Urban Design
2016 |
Oesterreicher Doris |
Low Tech Solution for Smart Cities — Optimization Tool CityCalc for Solar Urban Design
2016 |
Rainer Ernst |
Low Tech Solution for Smart Cities — Optimization Tool CityCalc for Solar Urban Design
2016 |
Sattler Stefan |
Low Tech Solution for Smart Cities — Optimization Tool CityCalc for Solar Urban Design
2016 |
Smutny Roman |
Low Tech Solution for Smart Cities — Optimization Tool CityCalc for Solar Urban Design
2016 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Staller Heimo |
Low Tech Solution for Smart Cities — Optimization Tool CityCalc for Solar Urban Design
2016 |
Treberspurg Martin |
Low Tech Solution for Smart Cities — Optimization Tool CityCalc for Solar Urban Design
2016 |
Schroth Olaf |
Low-Cost-Workflow zum Laserscanning mit Smartphone und Tablet zur Effizienzsteigerung im Garten- und Landschaftsbau
2022 |
Straub Jonas |
Low-Cost-Workflow zum Laserscanning mit Smartphone und Tablet zur Effizienzsteigerung im Garten- und Landschaftsbau
2022 |
Kopal Kerstin |
Läuft mit GIS?! Erhebung von FuÃgängerfreundlichkeit mittels mobiler GIS
2020 |
Hänsch Robert |
Möglichkeiten der ökonomischen Bewertung des Verlusts der Nacht
2012 |
Könecke Benjamin |
Möglichkeiten der ökonomischen Bewertung des Verlusts der Nacht
2012 |
Pottharst Merle |
Möglichkeiten der ökonomischen Bewertung des Verlusts der Nacht
2012 |
Wukovitsch Florian |
Möglichkeiten der ökonomischen Bewertung des Verlusts der Nacht
2012 |
Wegner Harald |
Möglichkeiten dreidimensionaler Darstellung durch die kombinierte Anwendung von GIS und CAD sowie VRML und MPEG am Beispiel eines städtebaulichen Entwurfes
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Gau Christian |
Möglichkeiten und Nutzen von objektivierten Untergrundmodellen und deren Integration in raumbezogene Informationssysteme
2004 |
Tiedemann Joachim |
Möglichkeiten und Nutzen von objektivierten Untergrundmodellen und deren Integration in raumbezogene Informationssysteme
2004 |
Heins Marcel |
Möglichkeiten zum Einsatz von Augmented-Reality-Technologien in Verbindung mit WebGIS-Services in der urbanen Pflanzenverwendung
2012 |
Kircher Wolfram |
Möglichkeiten zum Einsatz von Augmented-Reality-Technologien in Verbindung mit WebGIS-Services in der urbanen Pflanzenverwendung
2012 |
Kretzler Einar |
Möglichkeiten zum Einsatz von Augmented-Reality-Technologien in Verbindung mit WebGIS-Services in der urbanen Pflanzenverwendung
2012 |
Krug René |
Möglichkeiten zum Einsatz von Augmented-Reality-Technologien in Verbindung mit WebGIS-Services in der urbanen Pflanzenverwendung
2012 |
Puchinger Kurt |
Möglichst wenig vergeuden, möglichst viel erreichen
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Emrich Hans |
Machen neue Medien bessere (Raum)planer?
1999 |
Neppl Markus |
Machine Learning for Land Use Scenarios and Urban Design
2021 |
Podrasa Daniel |
Machine Learning for Land Use Scenarios and Urban Design
2021 |
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Zeile Peter |
Machine Learning for Land Use Scenarios and Urban Design
2021 |
Fernandez-Maldonado Ana Maria |
Macro-spatial aspects of the digital backbones network in Latin America
2005 |
Bulbul Rizwan |
Maintainable 3D Models of Cities
2010 |
Frank Andrew U. |
Maintainable 3D Models of Cities
2010 |
Navratil Gerhard |
Maintainable 3D Models of Cities
2010 |
Faboye Samson |
Maintaining Water and Sanitation Service Delivery in Rural and Peri-Urban North West Province of South Africa: Governance as Social or Entrepreneurial Responsibility?
2024 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Maintaining Water and Sanitation Service Delivery in Rural and Peri-Urban North West Province of South Africa: Governance as Social or Entrepreneurial Responsibility?
2024 |
Mestiert Luciana |
MAKE.IT Multimodales alternatives Konzept für verbesserte Erreichbarkeit durch Informations-Technologie
2005 |
Vanicek Tobias |
MAKE.IT Multimodales alternatives Konzept für verbesserte Erreichbarkeit durch Informations-Technologie
2005 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
Making decision on innovation: the example of UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System ) in Europe
2002 |
Bozic Bosko |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Bukor Raoul |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Bukor Raoul |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Bukor Raoul |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Bukor Raoul |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Enzersdorfer Doris |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Formanek Susanne |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Gebhardt Valentin |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Jung Martin |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Lichtblau Andreas |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Schneider Martin |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Sellinger Werner |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Tötzer Tanja |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Raut Papiya Bandyopadhyay |
Making Indian Cities Resilient during and after Covid-19 Pandemic through Flexible Planning Approach
2022 |
Raut Sandeep Kumar |
Making Indian Cities Resilient during and after Covid-19 Pandemic through Flexible Planning Approach
2022 |
Ovink Henk WJ |
Making Politics [Keynote]
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Barboric Blaz |
Making Tourism Accessible: Capturing Barriers for Persons with Disabilities with Mobile Devices
2023 |
Sasanpour Farzaneh |
Manage and planning sustainable city case study Tehran metropolitan
2009 |
Bandyopadhyay Sanhita |
Management of Delhi's Urban Growth and Shrinkage
2011 |
Dutta Bikram |
Management of Delhi's Urban Growth and Shrinkage
2011 |
Klišmanić Tanja |
Management of Rapid Growth in the Rift between the Principles of Sustainability, Market Requirements and Strategic Planning – the possible Approaches to Local Planning of National Park Kopaonik Area
2011 |
Mitrović Biserka |
Management of Rapid Growth in the Rift between the Principles of Sustainability, Market Requirements and Strategic Planning – the possible Approaches to Local Planning of National Park Kopaonik Area
2011 |
Ralević Miodrag |
Management of Rapid Growth in the Rift between the Principles of Sustainability, Market Requirements and Strategic Planning – the possible Approaches to Local Planning of National Park Kopaonik Area
2011 |
Simeunčević Sanja |
Management of Rapid Growth in the Rift between the Principles of Sustainability, Market Requirements and Strategic Planning – the possible Approaches to Local Planning of National Park Kopaonik Area
2011 |
Gigler Ute |
Managing change: Lessons learned in case studies on revitalising old industrial sites in European cities
2005 |
Tötzer Tanja |
Managing change: Lessons learned in case studies on revitalising old industrial sites in European cities
2005 |
Handley John |
Mapping Biotope and Sociotope for Green Infrastructure Planning in Urban Areas
2009 |
Shih Wanyu |
Mapping Biotope and Sociotope for Green Infrastructure Planning in Urban Areas
2009 |
White Iain |
Mapping Biotope and Sociotope for Green Infrastructure Planning in Urban Areas
2009 |
Kim Joon Sik |
Mapping Conflicts in the Development of Smart Cities: the Experience of Using Q Methodology for Smart Gusu Project, Suzhou, China
2016 |
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Paper Title |
Year |
Höffken Stefan |
Mapping People? The meeasurement of physiological data in city areas and the potential benefit for urban planning
2009 |
Papastefanou Georgios |
Mapping People? The meeasurement of physiological data in city areas and the potential benefit for urban planning
2009 |
Zeile Peter |
Mapping People? The meeasurement of physiological data in city areas and the potential benefit for urban planning
2009 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Mapping the Spatial Integration of Motorised and Non-Motorised Transport Infrastructures: a Case Study of the City of Johannesburg
2019 |
Risimati Brightnes |
Mapping the Spatial Integration of Motorised and Non-Motorised Transport Infrastructures: a Case Study of the City of Johannesburg
2019 |
Bradecki Tomasz |
Mapping urban open space and the compact city - research methodology
2009 |
Almer Alexander |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Amlacher Katrin |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Hammani-Birnstingl Marianne |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Luley Patrick |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Manninger Jutta |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Moser Burkhard |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Ortner Joachim |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Paletta Lucas |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Radoczky Verena |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Rath Otto |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Scheitz Walter |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Sefelin Reinhard |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Tschelegi Manfred |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Wallner Regina |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
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Paper Title |
Year |
Kshirsagar Jay |
Mark Changes for Sustainable Development through National Urban Information System (NUIS)
2009 |
Raut Sandeep |
Mark Changes for Sustainable Development through National Urban Information System (NUIS)
2009 |
Emberger Günter |
MARS in Asia - How a model can help and influence decision makers
2006 |
Ibesich Nikolaus |
MARS in Asia - How a model can help and influence decision makers
2006 |
Emberger Günter |
MARS meets ANIMAP - die Koppelung der Modelsuite MARS mit dynamischer Internet-Kartographie
2007 |
Riedl Leopold |
MARS meets ANIMAP - die Koppelung der Modelsuite MARS mit dynamischer Internet-Kartographie
2007 |
Friesenecker Michael |
Measuring Political Commitment in Statistical Models for Evidence-based Agenda Setting in Non-motorized Traffic
2017 |
Hackl Roland |
Measuring Political Commitment in Statistical Models for Evidence-based Agenda Setting in Non-motorized Traffic
2017 |
Kalasek Robert |
Measuring Political Commitment in Statistical Models for Evidence-based Agenda Setting in Non-motorized Traffic
2017 |
Kramar Hans |
Measuring Political Commitment in Statistical Models for Evidence-based Agenda Setting in Non-motorized Traffic
2017 |
Posch Patrick |
Measuring Political Commitment in Statistical Models for Evidence-based Agenda Setting in Non-motorized Traffic
2017 |
Raffler Clemens |
Measuring Political Commitment in Statistical Models for Evidence-based Agenda Setting in Non-motorized Traffic
2017 |
Soteropoulos Aggelos |
Measuring Political Commitment in Statistical Models for Evidence-based Agenda Setting in Non-motorized Traffic
2017 |
Tomschy Rupert |
Measuring Political Commitment in Statistical Models for Evidence-based Agenda Setting in Non-motorized Traffic
2017 |
Wolf-Eberl Susanne |
Measuring Political Commitment in Statistical Models for Evidence-based Agenda Setting in Non-motorized Traffic
2017 |
Bender Oliver |
Measuring seasonality in Central Europe's tourism - how and for what?
2005 |
Schumacher Kim Philip |
Measuring seasonality in Central Europe's tourism - how and for what?
2005 |
Stein David |
Measuring seasonality in Central Europe's tourism - how and for what?
2005 |
Kaup Stefan |
Measuring Small-Scale At-Risk-of-Poverty in Germany – a Methodical Overview
2015 |
Aalto Pasi |
Measuring the Impact of Walking Environments on Brain Activation: Results from an fNIRS Pilot Study
2023 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Brunner Lisa Marie |
Measuring the Impact of Walking Environments on Brain Activation: Results from an fNIRS Pilot Study
2023 |
Brunner Lisa Marie |
Measuring the Impact of Walking Environments on Brain Activation: Results from an fNIRS Pilot Study
2023 |
Dybvik Henrikke |
Measuring the Impact of Walking Environments on Brain Activation: Results from an fNIRS Pilot Study
2023 |
Hillnhütter Helge |
Measuring the Impact of Walking Environments on Brain Activation: Results from an fNIRS Pilot Study
2023 |
Hillnhütter Helge |
Measuring the Impact of Walking Environments on Brain Activation: Results from an fNIRS Pilot Study
2023 |
Steinert Martin |
Measuring the Impact of Walking Environments on Brain Activation: Results from an fNIRS Pilot Study
2023 |
Uhlmann Tina |
Meeting the Needs of Different User Groups in Mobility as Key to Ensure Social Inclusion
2013 |
Unbehaun Wiebke |
Meeting the Needs of Different User Groups in Mobility as Key to Ensure Social Inclusion
2013 |
Ehrlich Daniele |
Megacities Spatiotemporal Dynamics Monitored with the Global Human Settlement Layer
2018 |
Florczyk Aneta |
Megacities Spatiotemporal Dynamics Monitored with the Global Human Settlement Layer
2018 |
Freire Sergio |
Megacities Spatiotemporal Dynamics Monitored with the Global Human Settlement Layer
2018 |
Kemper Thomas |
Megacities Spatiotemporal Dynamics Monitored with the Global Human Settlement Layer
2018 |
Melchiorri Michele |
Megacities Spatiotemporal Dynamics Monitored with the Global Human Settlement Layer
2018 |
Pesaresi Martino |
Megacities Spatiotemporal Dynamics Monitored with the Global Human Settlement Layer
2018 |
Schiavina Marcello |
Megacities Spatiotemporal Dynamics Monitored with the Global Human Settlement Layer
2018 |
Everding Dagmar |
Mehrwert Region für Wärme und Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien
2009 |
Kaufmann Hans Rüdiger |
MELT Plates: The Abolition of Overheating in Lightweight Buildings through an Optimised form of Latent Heat Storage
2024 |
Rädle Matthias |
MELT Plates: The Abolition of Overheating in Lightweight Buildings through an Optimised form of Latent Heat Storage
2024 |
Sonnick Sebastian |
MELT Plates: The Abolition of Overheating in Lightweight Buildings through an Optimised form of Latent Heat Storage
2024 |
Walch Thomas |
MELT Plates: The Abolition of Overheating in Lightweight Buildings through an Optimised form of Latent Heat Storage
2024 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Wunder Frederik |
MELT Plates: The Abolition of Overheating in Lightweight Buildings through an Optimised form of Latent Heat Storage
2024 |
Widiyastuti Dyah |
Memorable Square: Identities, Meanings and the Production of Urban Space in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
2012 |
Exner Jan-Philipp |
Menschen als Messfühler – die Kombination von Geowebmethoden und Sensorik
2010 |
Höffken Stefan |
Menschen als Messfühler – die Kombination von Geowebmethoden und Sensorik
2010 |
Zeile Peter |
Menschen als Messfühler – die Kombination von Geowebmethoden und Sensorik
2010 |
Egger Barbara |
Menschen mit Demenz – unterwegs im öffentlichen Raum. Situationen und Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten
2018 |
Hofleitner Birgit |
Menschen mit Demenz – unterwegs im öffentlichen Raum. Situationen und Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten
2018 |
Knoll Bente |
Menschen mit Demenz – unterwegs im öffentlichen Raum. Situationen und Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten
2018 |
Pichler Barbara |
Menschen mit Demenz – unterwegs im öffentlichen Raum. Situationen und Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten
2018 |
Reitinger Elisabeth |
Menschen mit Demenz – unterwegs im öffentlichen Raum. Situationen und Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten
2018 |
Koca Sitki |
Menschengerechte Siedlungen - Neuordnung Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik. Human Settlements - Reorganizing Society, Economy, Politics
2008 |
Nonn Ulrike |
Metadaten für 3D-Stadtmodelle - Untersuchung der Eignung von ISO 19115 und Möglichkeiten der Erweiterung
2007 |
Zipf Alexander |
Metadaten für 3D-Stadtmodelle - Untersuchung der Eignung von ISO 19115 und Möglichkeiten der Erweiterung
2007 |
Höllriegl Helge Paul |
Metadatenverwaltung beim NÖ Geografischen Informationssystem
2001 |
Kamper Siegfried |
Metadatenverwaltung beim NÖ Geografischen Informationssystem
2001 |
Prosperi David |
Metaphors from the Resilience Literature: Guidance for Planners
2011 |
Scotti Adriana |
Metaphors from the Resilience Literature: Guidance for Planners
2011 |
Marcoci Adela |
Meter-ON: Smart Metering for Europe's Smart(er) Households
2013 |
Mauri Giuseppe |
Meter-ON: Smart Metering for Europe's Smart(er) Households
2013 |
Raffaelli Sara |
Meter-ON: Smart Metering for Europe's Smart(er) Households
2013 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Schrenk Manfred |
Meter-ON: Smart Metering for Europe's Smart(er) Households
2013 |
Wasserburger Wolfgang W. |
Meter-ON: Smart Metering for Europe's Smart(er) Households
2013 |
Hagspiel Edgar |
Methoden räumlicher Agglomerationsraumabgrenzung in Europa. Ansätze und praktische Erfahrungen aus dem EU-Forschungsprojekt COMET
2004 |
Pöckl Anita |
Methoden räumlicher Agglomerationsraumabgrenzung in Europa. Ansätze und praktische Erfahrungen aus dem EU-Forschungsprojekt COMET
2004 |
Kickner Susanne |
Methodisch-technische Aspekte bei der GIS-gestützten Infrastrukturplanung am Beispiel "Erschließungsqualität der Wohnbauflächen durch ÖPNV-Haltestellen in Karlsruhe"
1997 |
Kuhk Annette |
Methodologies for Collective Future Explorations in Actor and Action-Oriented Territorial Development
2015 |
Schreurs Jan |
Methodologies for Collective Future Explorations in Actor and Action-Oriented Territorial Development
2015 |
Brüggemann Thilo |
Methodology of target and requirements management for complex systems concerning the application field of an energy-efficient city
2009 |
Rexroth Karsten |
Methodology of target and requirements management for complex systems concerning the application field of an energy-efficient city
2009 |
von Both Petra |
Methodology of target and requirements management for complex systems concerning the application field of an energy-efficient city
2009 |
De Mulder Sophie |
Methods for Regrouping Economic Activities into Meaningful Clusters
2021 |
Pennincx Inge |
Methods for Regrouping Economic Activities into Meaningful Clusters
2021 |
Van Haute Geert |
Methods for Regrouping Economic Activities into Meaningful Clusters
2021 |
Zaman Jan |
Methods for Regrouping Economic Activities into Meaningful Clusters
2021 |
Cui Mingji |
Metrical Analyses on Population and Economic Growth and Urban "Quality Of Life" of Metropolitan Cities in China during the 00s
2014 |
Jin Renbao |
Metrical Analyses on Population and Economic Growth and Urban "Quality Of Life" of Metropolitan Cities in China during the 00s
2014 |
Kaneda Toshiyuki |
Metrical Analyses on Population and Economic Growth and Urban "Quality Of Life" of Metropolitan Cities in China during the 00s
2014 |
Tian Meiying |
Metrical Analyses on Population and Economic Growth and Urban "Quality Of Life" of Metropolitan Cities in China during the 00s
2014 |
Wang Yang |
Metrical Analyses on Population and Economic Growth and Urban "Quality Of Life" of Metropolitan Cities in China during the 00s
2014 |
Karakiewicz Justyna |
Metrics of Assessing Affordable Living
2013 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Furundzic Danilo |
Metro or Light Rail: Belgrade Transport Proposals
2011 |
Korica Raiko Lj. |
Metro or Light Rail: Belgrade Transport Proposals
2011 |
Bauer Joachim |
MetropoGIS: A City Modeling System
2003 |
Karner Konrad |
MetropoGIS: A City Modeling System
2003 |
Klaus Andreas |
MetropoGIS: A City Modeling System
2003 |
Zach Christopher |
MetropoGIS: A City Modeling System
2003 |
Haindl Gudrun |
Metropolitan development and strategic positioning_Planning Efforts in selected cities on different levels
2008 |
Hirschler Petra |
Metropolitan development and strategic positioning_Planning Efforts in selected cities on different levels
2008 |
Contin Antonella |
Metropolitan Integrated Planning Co-Construction of the Meta-Logistics District
2022 |
Fessler Flora |
Metropolitan Peripheries as New Urban Landscapes. Designing a Co-Creative Toolbox for the Integrated Development of the Vienna City Region
2021 |
Haas Mara |
Metropolitan Peripheries as New Urban Landscapes. Designing a Co-Creative Toolbox for the Integrated Development of the Vienna City Region
2021 |
Krebs Roland |
Metropolitan Peripheries as New Urban Landscapes. Designing a Co-Creative Toolbox for the Integrated Development of the Vienna City Region
2021 |
Mayr Stefan |
Metropolitan Peripheries as New Urban Landscapes. Designing a Co-Creative Toolbox for the Integrated Development of the Vienna City Region
2021 |
Ramière Cédric |
Metropolitan Peripheries as New Urban Landscapes. Designing a Co-Creative Toolbox for the Integrated Development of the Vienna City Region
2021 |
Staubmann Claudia |
Metropolitan Peripheries as New Urban Landscapes. Designing a Co-Creative Toolbox for the Integrated Development of the Vienna City Region
2021 |
Borovský Peter |
METROPOVIS: Time-dependent real-time rendering of large and photorealistic virtual cities
2005 |
Hesina Gerd |
Metropovis: time-dependent real-time rendering of large and photorealistic virtual cities
2005 |
Tobler Robert F. |
Metropovis: time-dependent real-time rendering of large and photorealistic virtual cities
2005 |
Prosperi David |
MIA: Miami International Airport or Miami Innovation Area
2008 |
Anderluh Lisa |
Miami International Airport Area: Location, Transshipment, Location
2008 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Anes Delvis D. |
Miami International Airport Area: Location, Transshipment, Location
2008 |
Prosperi David |
Miami International Airport Area: Location, Transshipment, Location
2008 |
Sens Benjamin |
Miami International Airport Area: Location, Transshipment, Location
2008 |
Hein Simon |
Micro Housing: No Contribution to Affordable Housing – a Berlin Case Study
2020 |
NieÃen Johannes |
Micro Housing: No Contribution to Affordable Housing – a Berlin Case Study
2020 |
Bahillo Martinez Alfonso |
Microclimate-Related Human Comfort as Aspect in Urban Planning: Indication of Nature-Based Solution Interventions to Increase Quality of Cycling Networks
2023 |
Golicnik Marusic Barbara |
Microclimate-Related Human Comfort as Aspect in Urban Planning: Indication of Nature-Based Solution Interventions to Increase Quality of Cycling Networks
2023 |
Ravnikar Ziva |
Microclimate-Related Human Comfort as Aspect in Urban Planning: Indication of Nature-Based Solution Interventions to Increase Quality of Cycling Networks
2023 |
Schönauer Robert |
Mikrosimulation von Mischverkehr – Konzept MiMiSim und Ausblick auf MixME
2010 |
Schrom-Feiertag Helmut |
Mikrosimulation von Mischverkehr – Konzept MiMiSim und Ausblick auf MixME
2010 |
Bokor Balász |
MILP Model for Energy Supply Design to overcome the Cannibalization of Solar Thermal Plants and large-scale Heat Pumps in Urban District Heating Systems
2020 |
Heinzel Angelika |
MILP Model for Energy Supply Design to overcome the Cannibalization of Solar Thermal Plants and large-scale Heat Pumps in Urban District Heating Systems
2020 |
Miglani Somil |
MILP Model for Energy Supply Design to overcome the Cannibalization of Solar Thermal Plants and large-scale Heat Pumps in Urban District Heating Systems
2020 |
Roes Jürgen |
MILP Model for Energy Supply Design to overcome the Cannibalization of Solar Thermal Plants and large-scale Heat Pumps in Urban District Heating Systems
2020 |
Scheipers Jan |
MILP Model for Energy Supply Design to overcome the Cannibalization of Solar Thermal Plants and large-scale Heat Pumps in Urban District Heating Systems
2020 |
Thommessen Christian |
MILP Model for Energy Supply Design to overcome the Cannibalization of Solar Thermal Plants and large-scale Heat Pumps in Urban District Heating Systems
2020 |
Forlati Silvia |
Mischung: Possible! Impulsszenarien für eine zeitgemäße Nutzungsmischung im verdichteten Stadtraum
2016 |
Peer Christian |
Mischung: Possible! Impulsszenarien für eine zeitgemäße Nutzungsmischung im verdichteten Stadtraum
2016 |
Schubert Hanns H. |
Mit Überblick Ressourcen optimieren – Digitale Geografie als Chance für den Planungsprozess
2001 |
Nahrada Franz J. |
Mit der virtuellen Stadt reale Dörfer bauen
2001 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Lehmkühler Stefan |
Mit JAVA GIS-Anwendungen im WWW realisieren
2000 |
May Martin |
Mit JAVA GIS-Anwendungen im WWW realisieren
2000 |
Al-Anbari Fais |
Mit Potenzialanalysen die richtigen Verwaltungsdienstleistungen digitalisieren
2016 |
Hauenstein Sven |
Mit Potenzialanalysen die richtigen Verwaltungsdienstleistungen digitalisieren
2016 |
Kim Jongkon |
Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Urban Environmental Infrastructures
2018 |
Kyung Daeseung |
Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Urban Environmental Infrastructures
2018 |
Lee Sunghee |
Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Urban Environmental Infrastructures
2018 |
Schmitt Volker |
Mitnahmesysteme als Ergänzung des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs (ÖPNV) in ländlichen Räumen – das Beispiel "Mobilfalt"
2012 |
Sommer Carsten |
Mitnahmesysteme als Ergänzung des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs (ÖPNV) in ländlichen Räumen – das Beispiel "Mobilfalt"
2012 |
Ries Elke |
Mittelstädte als Stabilisatoren ländlich-peripherer Räume
2018 |
Leber Nils |
Mittendrin und doch am Rand – Raumentwicklung in NRW einmal von der Peripherie her gedacht
2011 |
Psenner Angelika |
Mixed Building Use Promotes Mixed Urbanity: Insights from Historical Use-neutral Architecture
2012 |
Bartik Herbert |
Mixed Use in Practice: Ãber- und Einblick in gemischt genutzte Immobilienprojekte
2022 |
Dorau Uschi |
Mixed Use in Practice: Ãber- und Einblick in gemischt genutzte Immobilienprojekte
2022 |
Rosenberger Michael |
Mixed Use in Practice: Ãber- und Einblick in gemischt genutzte Immobilienprojekte
2022 |
Berger Martin |
Mo.Hub â Co-Developing Cooperative Mobility Hubs in Vienna
2022 |
Kammerhofer Aurelia |
Mo.Hub â Co-Developing Cooperative Mobility Hubs in Vienna
2022 |
Leeb Katharina |
Mo.Hub â Co-Developing Cooperative Mobility Hubs in Vienna
2022 |
Singelmann Christoph |
Mo.Hub â Co-Developing Cooperative Mobility Hubs in Vienna
2022 |
Vith Thomas |
Mo.Hub â Co-Developing Cooperative Mobility Hubs in Vienna
2022 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Chloupek Alexander |
Mobi-Kid - Child-friendly information for the safe and sustainable use of public transport
2010 |
Morawetz Kathrin |
Mobi-Kid - Child-friendly information for the safe and sustainable use of public transport
2010 |
Axhausen Kay W. |
Mobidrive – Längsschnitterhebungen zum individuellen Verkehrsverhalten: Perspektiven für raum-zeitliche Analysen
2001 |
Schönfelder Stefan |
Mobidrive – Längsschnitterhebungen zum individuellen Verkehrsverhalten: Perspektiven für raum-zeitliche Analysen
2001 |
Fiby Johann |
MobiDyn - Modellierung von Mobilität und Raumstruktur
1996 |
Allbach Benjamin |
Mobile Augmented City – New Methods for Urban Analysis and Urban Design Processes by using Mobile Augmented Reality Services
2011 |
Memmel Martin |
Mobile Augmented City – New Methods for Urban Analysis and Urban Design Processes by using Mobile Augmented Reality Services
2011 |
Streich Bernd |
Mobile Augmented City – New Methods for Urban Analysis and Urban Design Processes by using Mobile Augmented Reality Services
2011 |
Zeile Peter |
Mobile Augmented City – New Methods for Urban Analysis and Urban Design Processes by using Mobile Augmented Reality Services
2011 |
Biwer Julia |
Mobile Digitalisierung von Baulücken – Baulückenerfassung mit iPad, GeoWeb und GIS
2012 |
Broschart Daniel |
Mobile Digitalisierung von Baulücken – Baulückenerfassung mit iPad, GeoWeb und GIS
2012 |
Höffken Stefan |
Mobile Digitalisierung von Baulücken – Baulückenerfassung mit iPad, GeoWeb und GIS
2012 |
Popovich Vassily |
Mobile Information System Supporting Decision-Making at Local Government Level
2007 |
Popovich Tatiana |
Mobile Intelligent GIS Service for Vibrant Cities
2015 |
Smirnova Oksana |
Mobile Intelligent GIS Service for Vibrant Cities
2015 |
Althoff Sebastian |
Mobile Stadtinformationssysteme und Location Based Services – Neue Potenziale für die Touristen- und Bürgerinformation
2010 |
Kratz Norman |
Mobile Stadtinformationssysteme und Location Based Services – Neue Potenziale für die Touristen- und Bürgerinformation
2010 |
Landwehr Gregor |
Mobile Stadtinformationssysteme und Location Based Services – Neue Potenziale für die Touristen- und Bürgerinformation
2010 |
Zeile Peter |
Mobile Stadtinformationssysteme und Location Based Services – Neue Potenziale für die Touristen- und Bürgerinformation
2010 |
Ekizoglu Esin |
Mobile Territories as a New Unexplored Layer towards Sustainable Mobility: the Case of Istanbul 1850-2022
2022 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Allbach Benjamin |
Mobile Tools for Urban Sensing and Climate Monitoring in Smart Cities
2014 |
Griebel Oliver |
Mobile Tools for Urban Sensing and Climate Monitoring in Smart Cities
2014 |
Henninger Sascha |
Mobile Tools for Urban Sensing and Climate Monitoring in Smart Cities
2014 |
Dax Thomas |
Mobilisierung des endogenen Potenzials in peripheren ländlichen Regionen
2011 |
Oedl-Wieser Theresia |
Mobilisierung des endogenen Potenzials in peripheren ländlichen Regionen
2011 |
Strahl Wibke |
Mobilisierung des endogenen Potenzials in peripheren ländlichen Regionen
2011 |
Dörrzapf Linda |
Mobilität prägt Städte und Regionen – MAI, der "Mobilitätsausweis für Immobilien", als Promotor nachhaltiger Mobilität
2011 |
Egger Tanja |
Mobilität prägt Städte und Regionen – MAI, der "Mobilitätsausweis für Immobilien", als Promotor nachhaltiger Mobilität
2011 |
Eizinger Christian |
Mobilität prägt Städte und Regionen – MAI, der "Mobilitätsausweis für Immobilien", als Promotor nachhaltiger Mobilität
2011 |
Franz Susanne |
Mobilität prägt Städte und Regionen – MAI, der "Mobilitätsausweis für Immobilien", als Promotor nachhaltiger Mobilität
2011 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Mobilität prägt Städte und Regionen – MAI, der "Mobilitätsausweis für Immobilien", als Promotor nachhaltiger Mobilität
2011 |
Alpay Bilge |
Mobilität und U-Bahn-Umsteigeknoten der Stadt: Transferzentrum Yenikap? in Istanbul
2017 |
Gökgür Pelin |
Mobilität und U-Bahn-Umsteigeknoten der Stadt: Transferzentrum Yenikap? in Istanbul
2017 |
Herry Max |
Mobilität von Personen und Gütern
1998 |
Russo Ida Lia |
Mobility and landscape
2008 |
Fürst Elmar |
Mobility Barriers in Urban Transport for the Sight or Hearing Impaired: Solutions Help All Passengers
2010 |
Miralles Josep Lluis |
Mobility for Valencia City Centre – a Case Study
2017 |
Orellana Saraguro Jovy Zulay |
Mobility for Valencia City Centre – a Case Study
2017 |
Hartwig Lukas |
Mobility in Metropolitan and Peripheral Regions â an Educational Simulation Game
2021 |
Pfaffenbichler Paul |
Mobility in Metropolitan and Peripheral Regions â an Educational Simulation Game
2021 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Stark Juliane |
Mobility in Metropolitan and Peripheral Regions â an Educational Simulation Game
2021 |
Olczak Bartlomiej |
Mobility Inequality in a Small Town in Central Poland. The Case Study of Zgierz
2021 |
Gerike Regine |
Mobility Measures for Residential Buildings in Urban Areas â a Promising Investment?
2021 |
Koszowski Caroline |
Mobility Measures for Residential Buildings in Urban Areas â a Promising Investment?
2021 |
Krombach Jonas |
Mobility Measures for Residential Buildings in Urban Areas â a Promising Investment?
2021 |
Weninger Andrea |
Mobility Measures for Residential Buildings in Urban Areas â a Promising Investment?
2021 |
Dörrzapf Linda |
Mobility Pass for Residential Real Estate – An Online Tool for the Calculation of Mobility Costs and the Awareness on Housing Decisions
2012 |
Eizinger Christian |
Mobility Pass for Residential Real Estate – An Online Tool for the Calculation of Mobility Costs and the Awareness on Housing Decisions
2012 |
Krejci Patrick |
Mobility Pass for Residential Real Estate – An Online Tool for the Calculation of Mobility Costs and the Awareness on Housing Decisions
2012 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Mobility Pass for Residential Real Estate – An Online Tool for the Calculation of Mobility Costs and the Awareness on Housing Decisions
2012 |
Wasserburger Wolfgang W. |
Mobility Pass for Residential Real Estate – An Online Tool for the Calculation of Mobility Costs and the Awareness on Housing Decisions
2012 |
Kaucic Jiannis |
Mobility Patterns and Lifestyles in Vienna – Case Study Liesing
2016 |
Kirchmayr-Novak Stephanie |
Mobility Patterns and Lifestyles in Vienna – Case Study Liesing
2016 |
Neugebauer Wolfgang |
Mobility Patterns and Lifestyles in Vienna – Case Study Liesing
2016 |
Schremmer Christof |
Mobility Patterns and Lifestyles in Vienna – Case Study Liesing
2016 |
Tordy Joanne |
Mobility Patterns and Lifestyles in Vienna – Case Study Liesing
2016 |
Herry Max |
Mobility survey based on intelligent technologies (MOBIFIT)
2010 |
Meschik Michael |
Mobility survey based on intelligent technologies (MOBIFIT)
2010 |
Sammer Gerd |
Mobility survey based on intelligent technologies (MOBIFIT)
2010 |
Tomschy Rupert |
Mobility survey based on intelligent technologies (MOBIFIT)
2010 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Biegelbauer Peter |
Mobilitätswende in den Köpfen â interdisziplinäre Analyse zur Einleitung von Transformationsprozessen im Verkehrssystem
2021 |
Danzer Lisa |
Mobilitätswende in den Köpfen â interdisziplinäre Analyse zur Einleitung von Transformationsprozessen im Verkehrssystem
2021 |
Frey Harald |
Mobilitätswende in den Köpfen â interdisziplinäre Analyse zur Einleitung von Transformationsprozessen im Verkehrssystem
2021 |
Friessnegg Thomas |
Mobilitätswende in den Köpfen â interdisziplinäre Analyse zur Einleitung von Transformationsprozessen im Verkehrssystem
2021 |
Haselsteiner Edeltraud |
Mobilitätswende in den Köpfen â interdisziplinäre Analyse zur Einleitung von Transformationsprozessen im Verkehrssystem
2021 |
Laa Barbara |
Mobilitätswende in den Köpfen â interdisziplinäre Analyse zur Einleitung von Transformationsprozessen im Verkehrssystem
2021 |
Bläser Daniel |
Mobilstationen - Bausteine für eine zukunftsfähige Mobilität in der Stadt
2014 |
Garde Jan |
Mobilstationen - Bausteine für eine zukunftsfähige Mobilität in der Stadt
2014 |
Jansen Hendrik |
Mobilstationen - Bausteine für eine zukunftsfähige Mobilität in der Stadt
2014 |
Birk Maximilian |
Mobilstationen als Stadtbaustein der Energie- und Verkehrswende
2022 |
Hermens Sarah |
Mobilstationen als Stadtbaustein der Energie- und Verkehrswende
2022 |
Larisch Christian |
Mobilstationen als Stadtbaustein der Energie- und Verkehrswende
2022 |
Wendorff Jannik |
Mobilstationen als Stadtbaustein der Energie- und Verkehrswende
2022 |
Ebertshäuser Sebastian |
Model-based Planning for a Sustainable Urban Development
2016 |
von Both Petra |
Model-based Planning for a Sustainable Urban Development
2016 |
Sobreira Fabiano |
Modeling favelas. Heuristic agent based models for squatter settlements growth and consolidation
2005 |
Bartl Karin |
Modell zur Prognose der Ausbreitung von Siedlungen im Bereich urbaner Zentren
2001 |
Bogner Daniel |
Modell zur Prognose der Ausbreitung von Siedlungen im Bereich urbaner Zentren
2001 |
Aubrecht Christoph |
Modellierung raum-zeitlicher Bevölkerungsverteilungsmuster im Katastrophenmanagementkontext
2014 |
Huber Hermann |
Modellierung raum-zeitlicher Bevölkerungsverteilungsmuster im Katastrophenmanagementkontext
2014 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Humer Heinrich |
Modellierung raum-zeitlicher Bevölkerungsverteilungsmuster im Katastrophenmanagementkontext
2014 |
Steinnocher Klaus |
Modellierung raum-zeitlicher Bevölkerungsverteilungsmuster im Katastrophenmanagementkontext
2014 |
Forkert Gerald |
Modellierung und Verwaltung von U-Bahn-Anlagen im Rahmen des digitalen 3D-Stadtmodells
2006 |
Ferschin Peter |
Modellierung verteilter räumlicher Strukturen mit VRML
1997 |
Müller-Seelich Heimo |
Modellierung verteilter räumlicher Strukturen mit VRML
1997 |
Overkämping Beate |
Modellierung von Erreichbarkeit in GIS - Optimierung der Haltestellenplanung im ÖPNV
2001 |
Rüther Christoph |
Modellierung von Erreichbarkeit in GIS - Optimierung der Haltestellenplanung im ÖPNV
2001 |
Gmeinhart Gernot |
Modellierung von Erreichbarkeiten im Öffentlichen Verkehr mittels GIS -Gesamtlösung zur Bewertung und Analyse der Angebotsqualität im Öffentlichen Verkehr
2003 |
Platzer Gerhard |
Modellierung von Erreichbarkeiten im Öffentlichen Verkehr mittels GIS -Gesamtlösung zur Bewertung und Analyse der Angebotsqualität im Öffentlichen Verkehr
2003 |
Gartner Georg |
Modelling Affective Responses to Space
2012 |
Klettner Silvia |
Modelling Affective Responses to Space
2012 |
Muir Helen |
Modelling automated technologies within a strategic transport model
2008 |
Pfaffenbichler Paul |
Modelling automated technologies within a strategic transport model
2008 |
Shepherd Simon |
Modelling automated technologies within a strategic transport model
2008 |
Kuffer Monika |
Modelling Day and Night Time Population using a 3D Urban Model
2014 |
Sliuzas Richard |
Modelling Day and Night Time Population using a 3D Urban Model
2014 |
Ju Quan |
Modelling Microclimates in the Smart City: a Campus Case Study on Natural Ventilation
2016 |
Schroth Olaf |
Modelling Microclimates in the Smart City: a Campus Case Study on Natural Ventilation
2016 |
Joosten Han |
Modelling Milieu-specific Housing Demands for Augsburg Oberhausen using BPD-MOSAIC
2020 |
Sabelfeld Robert |
Modelling Milieu-specific Housing Demands for Augsburg Oberhausen using BPD-MOSAIC
2020 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
von Malottki Christian |
Modelling Milieu-specific Housing Demands for Augsburg Oberhausen using BPD-MOSAIC
2020 |
Dürauer Martina |
Modelling the Coverage of Public Utility Providers
2012 |
Grillmayer Roland |
Modelling the Coverage of Public Utility Providers
2012 |
Rudel Brigitte |
Modelling the Coverage of Public Utility Providers
2012 |
Vojtech Nicole |
Modelling the Coverage of Public Utility Providers
2012 |
Weissenbeck Manuela |
Modelling the Coverage of Public Utility Providers
2012 |
Wunsch Mario |
Modelling the Coverage of Public Utility Providers
2012 |
Bügelmayer-Blaschek Marianne |
Modelling the Efficiency of Nature-Based Solutions to Decrease Extreme Summer-time Heat in Dense Urban Environment on Example of Vienna, Austria
2023 |
Hahn Claudia |
Modelling the Efficiency of Nature-Based Solutions to Decrease Extreme Summer-time Heat in Dense Urban Environment on Example of Vienna, Austria
2023 |
Hahn Claudia |
Modelling the Efficiency of Nature-Based Solutions to Decrease Extreme Summer-time Heat in Dense Urban Environment on Example of Vienna, Austria
2023 |
Schneider Martin |
Modelling the Efficiency of Nature-Based Solutions to Decrease Extreme Summer-time Heat in Dense Urban Environment on Example of Vienna, Austria
2023 |
Zuvela-Aloise Maja |
Modelling the Efficiency of Nature-Based Solutions to Decrease Extreme Summer-time Heat in Dense Urban Environment on Example of Vienna, Austria
2023 |
Märker Oliver |
Moderation internetbasierter Planungs- und Beteiligungsprozesse
2004 |
Michaelis Susanne |
Moderation internetbasierter Planungs- und Beteiligungsprozesse
2004 |
Popenborg Annika |
Moderation internetbasierter Planungs- und Beteiligungsprozesse
2004 |
Roeder Stefanie |
Moderation internetbasierter Planungs- und Beteiligungsprozesse
2004 |
Salz Stefan René |
Moderation internetbasierter Planungs- und Beteiligungsprozesse
2004 |
Zierath Nils |
Moderation internetbasierter Planungs- und Beteiligungsprozesse
2004 |
de Rham Casimir J. |
Moderne Verkehrsmodelle und Raumplanung: Einsatz, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
1996 |
Favry Eva |
Modernisierung im sozialen Wohnbau — wie dabei Smart Mobility unterstützt wird
2016 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Chen Xin |
Modernity and Collage of City Non-Core Area: the Case of Suzhou River Area in Shanghai
2013 |
Tong Ming |
Modernity and Collage of City Non-Core Area: the Case of Suzhou River Area in Shanghai
2013 |
Wu Shuiqin |
Modernity and Collage of City Non-Core Area: the Case of Suzhou River Area in Shanghai
2013 |
Yao Lingyan |
Modernity and Collage of City Non-Core Area: the Case of Suzhou River Area in Shanghai
2013 |
Hagen Hans |
Mofist – Mobile field survey tool for conversion areas
2009 |
Scheler Inga |
Mofist – Mobile field survey tool for conversion areas
2009 |
Magaudda Stefano |
Monitoring human mobility in urban systems
2008 |
Pulselli Riccardo M. |
Monitoring human mobility in urban systems
2008 |
Romano Pietro |
Monitoring human mobility in urban systems
2008 |
Tiezzi Enzo |
Monitoring human mobility in urban systems
2008 |
Amira Abbes |
Monitoring Nature-Based Engineering Projects in Mountainous Region Incorporating Spatial Imaging: Case Study of a Hydroelectric Project in Nepal
2021 |
Rimal Bhagawat |
Monitoring Nature-Based Engineering Projects in Mountainous Region Incorporating Spatial Imaging: Case Study of a Hydroelectric Project in Nepal
2021 |
Tiwary Abhishek |
Monitoring Nature-Based Engineering Projects in Mountainous Region Incorporating Spatial Imaging: Case Study of a Hydroelectric Project in Nepal
2021 |
Galiano Filipp |
Monitoring of Terrorist's Treats: a Theoretical Approach
2008 |
Popovich Vasily |
Monitoring of Terrorist's Treats: a Theoretical Approach
2008 |
Prokaev Alexander |
Monitoring of Terrorist's Treats: a Theoretical Approach
2008 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Monitoring of Terrorist's Treats: a Theoretical Approach
2008 |
Smirnova Angelina |
Monitoring of Terrorist's Treats: a Theoretical Approach
2008 |
Voronin Mareng |
Monitoring of Terrorist's Treats: a Theoretical Approach
2008 |
Exner Jan-Philipp |
Monitoring Street Infrastrucutres with Artificial Intelligence
2020 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Nalbach Oliver |
Monitoring Street Infrastrucutres with Artificial Intelligence
2020 |
Werth Dirk |
Monitoring Street Infrastrucutres with Artificial Intelligence
2020 |
Hennig Sabine |
Monitoring System Recreational Use: Das Beispiel Nationalpark Berchtesgaden
2005 |
Hofstee Paul |
Monitoring the development of informal settlements in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2004 |
Kuffer Monika |
Monitoring the development of informal settlements in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2004 |
Radnaabazar Gankhuyag |
Monitoring the development of informal settlements in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2004 |
Kuffer Monika |
Monitoring the dynamics of informal settlements in Dar es Salaam by remote sensing: Exploring the use of SPOT, ERS and small format aerial photography
2003 |
Guhathakurta Subhrajit |
Monitoring und Visualisierung von Carbon Footprints im urbanen Raum
2009 |
Hagen Hans |
Monitoring und Visualisierung von Carbon Footprints im urbanen Raum
2009 |
Heischbourg Luc |
Monitoring und Visualisierung von Carbon Footprints im urbanen Raum
2009 |
Müller Kerstin |
Monitoring und Visualisierung von Carbon Footprints im urbanen Raum
2009 |
Petsch Sebastian |
Monitoring und Visualisierung von Carbon Footprints im urbanen Raum
2009 |
Homeier Ina |
Monitoring von Smart-City-Strategien — Wiens Smart-City-Monitoring-Prozess
2016 |
Rainer Clemens |
Monitoring von Smart-City-Strategien — Wiens Smart-City-Monitoring-Prozess
2016 |
Barredo J. |
Monitoring, planning and forecasting dynamics in European areas - The territorial approach as key to implement European policies
2002 |
Demicheli Luca |
Monitoring, planning and forecasting dynamics in European areas - The territorial approach as key to implement European policies
2002 |
Kasanko Marjo |
Monitoring, planning and forecasting dynamics in European areas - The territorial approach as key to implement European policies
2002 |
Lavalle Carlo |
Monitoring, planning and forecasting dynamics in European areas - The territorial approach as key to implement European policies
2002 |
McCormick Niall |
Monitoring, planning and forecasting dynamics in European areas - The territorial approach as key to implement European policies
2002 |
Turchini M. |
Monitoring, planning and forecasting dynamics in European areas - The territorial approach as key to implement European policies
2002 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Benner Joachim |
MonPlanGML - GML-based Data Model for Muncipal Land Management in Montenegro
2008 |
Eichhorn Thomas |
MonPlanGML - GML-based Data Model for Muncipal Land Management in Montenegro
2008 |
Krause Kai-Uwe |
MonPlanGML - GML-based Data Model for Muncipal Land Management in Montenegro
2008 |
Müller Yvonne |
MonPlanGML - GML-based Data Model for Muncipal Land Management in Montenegro
2008 |
Büttner Benjamin |
MOR€CO – Mobility and Residential Costs: Improving the Settlement Development in the Transnational Alpine Space Region
2012 |
Franz Susanne |
MOR€CO – Mobility and Residential Costs: Improving the Settlement Development in the Transnational Alpine Space Region
2012 |
Tillner Silja |
More Open Space in a Densified City
2014 |
Braun Steffen |
Morgenstadt: CityInsights. A Research Approach for Systems Research in Urban Development
2013 |
Kalisch Dominik |
Morgenstadt: CityInsights. A Research Approach for Systems Research in Urban Development
2013 |
Schatzinger Susanne |
Morgenstadt: CityInsights. A Research Approach for Systems Research in Urban Development
2013 |
v. Radecki Alanus |
Morgenstadt: CityInsights. A Research Approach for Systems Research in Urban Development
2013 |
Steiner Thomas |
Motorways in Agglomerations – Changing Concepts for Changing Needs
2013 |
Ermolaev Victor |
Moving Objects Tracking in Distributed Maritime Observation Systems
2014 |
Makshanov Andrei |
Moving Objects Tracking in Distributed Maritime Observation Systems
2014 |
Popovich Vasily |
Moving Objects Tracking in Distributed Maritime Observation Systems
2014 |
Vlasov Stanislav |
Moving Objects Tracking in Distributed Maritime Observation Systems
2014 |
Hengst Martina |
Multi-Channel-Konzepte als Chance für eine nachhaltige und zukunftsfähige Entwicklung der Innenstädte?
2012 |
Steinebach Gerhard |
Multi-Channel-Konzepte als Chance für eine nachhaltige und zukunftsfähige Entwicklung der Innenstädte?
2012 |
Ferhatbegovic Elvir |
Multi-Criteria Classification of Land in GIS for Planning of Building Construction
2010 |
Ponjavic Subhija |
Multi-Criteria Classification of Land in GIS for Planning of Building Construction
2010 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Etminan Ghazal |
Multicriteria Assessment of Urban Development Projects – from Objectives to a Project Priority List
2020 |
Loibl Wolfgang |
Multicriteria Assessment of Urban Development Projects – from Objectives to a Project Priority List
2020 |
Neumann Hans-Martin |
Multicriteria Assessment of Urban Development Projects – from Objectives to a Project Priority List
2020 |
Floris Roberta |
Multidimensional Analyses of Social Media Related Geographic Information: a Study Concerning the Urban Area of Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy)
2015 |
Aubrecht Peter |
Multidirektionale Kommunikation im Bereich standortbezogene geographische Informationssysteme
2003 |
Wurzer Gernot |
Multidirektionale Kommunikation im Bereich standortbezogene geographische Informationssysteme
2003 |
Arregui Harbil |
Multilayer Information Management System for Personalized Urban Pedestrian Routing
2014 |
Krejci Patrick |
Multilayer Information Management System for Personalized Urban Pedestrian Routing
2014 |
Loyo Estibaliz |
Multilayer Information Management System for Personalized Urban Pedestrian Routing
2014 |
Otaegui Oihana |
Multilayer Information Management System for Personalized Urban Pedestrian Routing
2014 |
Knoch Peter |
Multimedia-Telekommunikation, Stadtkonzepte und Stadtentwicklung Verändert die Nutzung des internet unsere Städte?
2001 |
Haid Elisabeth |
Multimediale Beschreibung georeferenzierter touristischer Objects of Interest
2005 |
Kiechle Günter |
Multimediale Beschreibung georeferenzierter touristischer Objects of Interest
2005 |
Leitinger Sven |
Multimediale Beschreibung georeferenzierter touristischer Objects of Interest
2005 |
Almer Alexander |
Multimediale Echtzeit-3D-Visualisierung von Geo-Daten
2003 |
Nischelwitzer Alexander Kurt |
Multimediale Echtzeit-3D-Visualisierung von Geo-Daten
2003 |
Schnabel Thomas |
Multimediale Echtzeit-3D-Visualisierung von Geo-Daten
2003 |
Stelzl Harald |
Multimediale Echtzeit-3D-Visualisierung von Geo-Daten
2003 |
Bauchinger Lisa |
Multimodale Verkehrslösungen als Chance für nachhaltige städtisch-ländliche Beziehungen
2020 |
Dax Thomas |
Multimodale Verkehrslösungen als Chance für nachhaltige städtisch-ländliche Beziehungen
2020 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Oedl-Wieser Theresia |
Multimodale Verkehrslösungen als Chance für nachhaltige städtisch-ländliche Beziehungen
2020 |
Reichenberger Anna |
Multimodale Verkehrslösungen als Chance für nachhaltige städtisch-ländliche Beziehungen
2020 |
Chondrogianni Dimitra |
Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis of Urban Planning Methods towards Resilient Open Urban Spaces
2022 |
Saranti Panagiota-Georgia |
Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis of Urban Planning Methods towards Resilient Open Urban Spaces
2022 |
Stephanedes Yorgos |
Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis of Urban Planning Methods towards Resilient Open Urban Spaces
2022 |
Eichmann Hubert |
MUNICIPIA - eine europäische Plattform für die Kommunikation zwischen Planern und Beplanten
1997 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
Music on line or music in the city? A stake for the future city
2005 |
Griepentrog Anne |
MUSS: Ein MUltimediales StadtplanungsSystem
1997 |
Sieck Jürgen |
MUSS: Ein MUltimediales StadtplanungsSystem
1997 |
Hesik Martin |
NÖ Dorf- und Stadterneuerung. Bürgerbeteiligung und Innovation im ländlichen Raum - Anspruch und Wirklichkeit
2002 |
Suske Wolfgang |
NÖ Naturschutzkonzept online
2000 |
Paar Philip |
Nachhaltige Aufklärungsmethoden für die Informationsgesellschaft. Diplomatische Trittsteine zwischen landschaftlicher Realität und Vision
2006 |
Rekittke Jörg |
Nachhaltige Aufklärungsmethoden für die Informationsgesellschaft. Diplomatische Trittsteine zwischen landschaftlicher Realität und Vision
2006 |
Baltes Hannah |
Nachhaltige Entwicklung von Magacities: Energieeffiziente Strukturen für die Region Shanghai am Beispiel des Distrikts Fengxian
2009 |
Drobek Sabine |
Nachhaltige Entwicklung von Magacities: Energieeffiziente Strukturen für die Region Shanghai am Beispiel des Distrikts Fengxian
2009 |
Schönharting Jörg |
Nachhaltige Entwicklung von Magacities: Energieeffiziente Strukturen für die Region Shanghai am Beispiel des Distrikts Fengxian
2009 |
Schmidt Alexander |
Nachhaltige Entwicklung von Magacities: Energieeffiziente Strukturen für die Region Shanghai am Beispiel des Distrikts Fengxian
2009 |
Schuhmann Marco |
Nachhaltige Entwicklung von Magacities: Energieeffiziente Strukturen für die Region Shanghai am Beispiel des Distrikts Fengxian
2009 |
Neumann Alexander |
Nachhaltige Lösungen bei umwelt- und öffentlichkeitsrelevanten Konflikten: Was kann Mediation im öffentlichen Bereich leisten?
2007 |
Lindner Alexandra |
Nachhaltige Transformation urbaner Räume: Eine produktive Stadt – eine lebenswerte Stadt?
2019 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Westhoff Sarah |
Nachhaltige Transformation urbaner Räume: Eine produktive Stadt – eine lebenswerte Stadt?
2019 |
Schreiner Sarah C. |
Nachhaltige urbane Gewerbeflächen â ein internationaler Vergleich
2021 |
Seidemann Dirk |
Nachhaltiges grenzüberschreitendes Siedlungsflächenmanagement
2007 |
Hesina Wolfgang |
Nachhaltigkeit und Flughafenregionen - Wunschdenken oder Chance?
2008 |
Kötter Theo |
Nachhaltigkeitsindikatoren für die stadtregionale Entwicklung
2019 |
Rehorst Frauke |
Nachhaltigkeitsindikatoren für die stadtregionale Entwicklung
2019 |
Weiß Dominik |
Nachhaltigkeitsindikatoren für die stadtregionale Entwicklung
2019 |
Gugerell Katharina |
Nanjing Golou Campus as Interface of Public Space and Learning Environment
2020 |
Netsch Stefan |
Nanjing Golou Campus as Interface of Public Space and Learning Environment
2020 |